Rate the Last Movie You Watched

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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:57 pm

American Beauty: 7.5/10

There's a reason why, when this movie came out, the tagline was "Look closer". By the end of the film you'll kind of be left going "wait....what the hell just happened?" if you're not paying attention to details. This movie is very well made, has a good story with a couple of great twists. The only reason I haven't rated it higher than I did....is some points in the movie will DEFINITELY make you feel awkward and uncomfortable. (Believe me, I barely sat through them. XP) One of the characters, Ricky, intrigued me to no end; if you watch the movie, maybe you'll see why.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Ceratosaurus21 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:58 pm

Paranormal Activity #1: 8/10

I rated this so highly because how they created this movie. They made this horror movie with a relatively low budget getting decent actors. The movie its self was made to scare you out of your mind with little things like banging on the wall or the door opening or closing, it thrilled you without actually showing the ghost/ demon. For a horror movie it is worth watching and will leave you satisfied...
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Hopeflower » Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:57 pm

The Cabin In The Woods: 9.5/10

Loved this movie, from beginning to end. It has the right blend of horror and comedy, just the right amount of gore, and plot twists that could make your head spin. The only reason I didn't give it a ten, is one of the characters really annoyed me. If you watch the film you should be able to guess which one.

Which is exactly what you should do. Drop whatever you're doing and go watch this movie if you haven't seen it yet. And if you have, watch it again. :P

Like right now. >w>


Chernobyl Diaries: 3/10

Okay, okay, okay. Let me start off by saying I was supposed to go watch this movie with my mom, aunt and uncle, and my boyfriend. The trailers made it look like a really interesting movie with a well-thought-out plot, so all of us thought it'd be nice to go and see it. Well, my aunt and uncle bailed when their son saw it and told them it was a crapheap. So my mom, boyfriend and I ended up going to a tiiiiiny theater in the the middle of nowhere, which at that point was the only place the movie was still playing.

We were the only ones there to see it.

I mean literally. The only ones.

Now I told you that story, so I could tell you this - bottom line, the movie sucked.

Acting was sub-par at best. Camerawork - don't even get me started. During scenes where sh*t was actually happening, the camera got shaken around so much that not only did none of us know what was going on, but I actually got a bit dizzy. Some plot points make no sense whatsoever. An example of something that made no f*cking sense - because it was clear they were probably gearing for a sequel - was the ending. Another is the fact that they had a gun that would only hold maybe eight to ten bullets at most was shot at least eleven, maybe twelve times before the characters finally went, "IT'S EMPTY FGHFDGFHJH DDD8".

And of the characters themselves, there's no real development at all. They're still ultimately two-dimensional by the time they start getting picked off, so you can't even bring yourself to do more than go, "Oh. He/she's dead now. Okay then." They do every little thing common sense would tell a smart person NOT to do. Like follow the trail of red food coloring to the dead body. And go back into the building where a radioactive bear that somehow got inside without breaking the door down had attacked them earlier. Arguably, the only character I kinda liked was the Russian tour guide, for his sense of humor, but I barely recall his name.

You know those movies where things get so bad, you have to start making your own commentary with your friends so you can sit through the whole f*cking thing? This movie was one of them. By the end of it all, we were glad we were the only people in there, because we were heckling every little thing about the film.

In conclusion, predictable as all hell. None of the scenes that were supposed to be jump scares got me (but to be fair for a moment before I go on, jump scares rarely do). Yeah, it was a great concept for a movie. It could've been executed in a much better way though. The characters may as well have been cardboard cutouts for all the empathy I felt for them. The ending sucked and made about as much sense as a camel riding a dolphin up a river. Imagine that for a minute. Our own running commentary on the whole thing made for a better movie, and the three of us were just being complete a**holes.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Murloc Tyrannus » Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:45 am

I haven't seen any new movies lately, but I guess I can do this too. (PLEASE DON'T KILL ME OH DEAR GOD)

Gremlins 2: The New Batch: 9/10

I love the Gremlins franchise, and this is probably the reason why. This movie has just the right amount of comedy and slight horror combined. If you guys haven't seen this, then watch it as soon as you can. Anyway, the many kinds of humor revealed in this film is amazingly funny to watch, whether it be fourth wall jokes to plain comedy. The several mutated gremlins were also pretty awesome ideas, and they were fun yet chilling to see. The puppets are also just plain wonderful. This movie is great, end of story.

This is also one of the best parts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybxJ6g5oVgY
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby RollTheBones » Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:11 am

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