The Dark Knight Trilogy

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The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby Evil Eye » Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:25 pm

I figure it deserves a topic of its own.
So what dyou guys think, now that we have all three movies? For me, it's now cemented as one of the best movie trilogies I've seen.
In regards to Rises, while I thought it wasn't quite as well made as TDK, or perhaps even Begins, due to one or two pretty severe plotholes, on a level of just raw entertainment, I enjoyed it most out of the 3. I think it may have been better if they had split it into two, Harry Potter style, to allow more time for character development, which was one of the downfalls of the movie IMO. All in all though, I really loved it, a great way to end a phenomenal series. I may have even liked Bane better than The Joker, which is saying something. Hell, he may be my favorite villain in any movie right now. Fanboy status initiated. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Evil Eye on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby Hopeflower » Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:42 pm

I've only seen two of the trilogy, so I can't compare them to the first - though I'm going to fix that soon, with a bit of luck. The Dark Knight and Rises. Of them...I enjoyed the former more. The Joker was a fantastic villain, Heath Ledger played the part brilliantly; over all, it was a movie that started fast and only got faster, while keeping the story clear. Being someone who's tried to write action scenes in my own stories, I know that's hard to do, and I applaud everyone involved for pulling it off.

I heard that the Joker was actually supposed to play a role in Rises; but when Heath died, they erased his character from the film. I can kinda actually see where that would be true; some scenes I could tell had something missing. So could the people I was with.

But moving on to Bane....he was an interesting villain, though I admit half the time he was speaking, I had to think about his lines before what he was saying actually clicked with me. All in all, Rises was a good movie, and it was nice to see Catwoman get some attention. But I thought it wasn't quite as well-made as The Dark Knight - and I can't give an opinion on Batman Begins because I haven't seen it yet. :P
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:15 pm

I can't remember much of the first movie. I remember seeing it, but it wasn't until the Dark Knight Rises was announced that I realized it was related to The Dark Knight in any way :P

The Dark Knight is an amazing movie, easily my favorite super hero themed movie. The Dark Knight Rises was just as great, though I still like the original Dark Knight more. Joker was just a really interesting villain in it.

Bane was cool, even if his voice was a bit off-putting, but I don't think he rose quite as high as the Joker in terms of being a great villain.

Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby LV-426 » Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:42 am

To me the Dark Knight will always be the best out of the trilogy. Bane sounded like Sean Connery doing a Darth Vader impersonation, I did like the movie though, it was cool seeing Bane break Batman's back
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:17 am

I only saw The Dark Knight and TDKR, so I can't judge Batman Begins.

The Dark Knight was pretty damn amazing. Heath Ledger did a good job with the Joker, and the story was quite entertaining.

However, I gotta say, I enjoyed the Dark Knight Rises more. Bane was quite a bit more menacing to me, mostly due to the not-so-subtle communist theme to him, and his voice, while incongruent to him at first, grew on me and actually made him even more terrifying (a cultured man with a brillaint mind? AND immense strength? Yikes!).
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby Evil Eye » Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:28 pm

I liked that his voice had a slight inflection of not only knowledge, but wisdom behind it. The whole character was a pretty nice surprise after seeing him butchered in Batman & Robin though.

And damn does he have some awesome one-liners throughout (I feel like I've said this already, but what the heck o.o).

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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:11 pm

My fav is when he finishes off Batman the first time.

Batman: *gets back up*

Bane:Ah. I was wondering what would break first: your spirit, or your body.
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby RollTheBones » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:58 pm

I especially think the Dark Night had the best plot. Christopher Nolan is a Guinness!
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:07 pm

A Guinness? As in he's a beer?

Genius* :P
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Re: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Postby RollTheBones » Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:00 am

:facepalm3: Sorry..... i should use spell check more often.....
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