Alien vs Predator:Conflict

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

Alien vs Predator:Conflict

Postby Galaxia » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:39 pm

This Fan fiction is a prequel to an upcoming RPG that TyrannosaurusRules! will be making,with me consulting. Criticism is welcome so just tell me what you think,it'll take a while to make due to both my laziness and me posting the chapters a while apart but it won't be a big fanfic either,enjoy!

Alien vs Predator:Conflict

Chapter 1

In deep space not much happened,save for the faint twinkling of some far off star space was a blank canvas of black.And it was this canvas that the mining ship The Menoetius hung over,endlessly drifting through the vacuum and collecting asteroids and and the minerals they contained to feed the factories and industry back on Earth

But all the peace was about to be disrupted

A bright flash streaked space,almost ramming straight into The Menoetius and nearly setting it off course,in that brief moment it passed it caused a temporal power surge across the ship,scanners indicated a mostly metallic object,but one moving far too fast to be man made.It was dismissed as a meteor nothing more,but it was oh so much more than that.

It was in fact,a ship but unlike any ship the crew of The Menoetius or,for that matter any human would be familiar with,and it was manned by no human crew either.
Deep inside the ship important things were going on,an immense production line was at work,and moving down the conveyor belt were large unpleasant looking eggs.
Lights and machinery guided the eggs to slots,in which they were placed with a robotic claw with the utmost care,less the precious cargo be damaged before being put to use,the eggs were then placed in a small craft,the entrance of which became tightly shut with a locking mechanism.

The ship slowly came to a halt on it's long journey,stopping in orbit around an ideal planet,one with lots of animal life.The crafts were then brought to launch point via machine,as the whole process was done by,and launched into the planet's atmosphere.
The crafts made their way to the planet like meteorites,a spectacle of fire as they landed at their destination.The crafts were built to withstand this however,and landed without harm.Another craft also landed,larger than the rest and instead of crashing into the planet was flown,for the cargo it held was the most important of all.
Last edited by Galaxia on Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alien vs Predator:Conflict

Postby Galaxia » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:40 pm

Chapter 1 is up,I'll get to chapter 2 at some point soon and continue the story,feel free to comment and tell me what you think of the story so far
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Re: Alien vs Predator:Conflict

Postby InfernalAngel » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:04 am

It's got a large amount of errors, but I still like it. Any idea on when this RPG would be created?
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Alien vs Predator:Conflict

Postby Galaxia » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:15 am

It was made for a user that's no longer active so I wouldn't even consider continuing it unless he returns.And besides my writing skills were much worse at the time so it's not exactly something I'm proud of either
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