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The love of Glaucus

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:00 am
by TyrantTR
I have read up on my Greek myths recently, one was the tale of Scylla, and I thought it was a cruel story, so I decided to continue it. Here is Chapter one, enjoy.

The world’s great oceans, powerful and mysterious, like the very forces that crafted them. There majesty unrivaled by any form or creature on earth, its untamed forces, its great waves. Yet none of its features could match the exciting stories of witch emerged from the sailors and slaves who traveled it. For it has inspired tales, older than time itself. But today we shall explore one, the story of love, and a horrid betrayal, but no betrayal is complete without revenge.

Along the shore line of Messina, the beach between Sicily, and Italy, there was a wonderful water nymph, named Scylla, every one she passed fell in love with her. She was the beauty, and the beast, for none was worthy for her love. The Sea God Glaucus, watched over her, with loving eyes, making sure no harm came to the nymph. And she continued unaware, singing her song, of love, and romance, and sure enough, her admirers came to her, only to be sent away, but Glaucus, unlike the other men, wasn’t brave enough, to face the nymph.

Time passed, and finally the sea god was ready to approach her. He appeared in a chariot made of water, racing triumphantly for her. He came to a halt, asking for her hand in marriage, but she refused, she didn’t feel ready. Glaucus was surprised, and concerned, was he not worthy of her heart? It couldn’t be, and he wouldn’t give up, Glaucus rode to the warlock, Circe, asking for a way to make the nymph fall in love with him, he told his story, and Circe herself, fell in love with the sea god, for the story had touched her so. But Glaucus said no, for his love belonged to Scylla.

Circe became angered, so vastly angered that she cast a spell upon Scylla, a spell, ripping her in half, her legs becoming a maelstrom, named Charybdis, and taking her upper half, the beautiful half, and forming it into an ugly six headed monster, so when Glaucus returned to her, surly he wouldn’t love such an ugly beast, and he would fall in love with Circe, but it didn’t go exactly as planned, Glaucus, baffled as to Scylla’s image, sent her off, into the strait of Messina, the only way to this land, to guard this place from any more ships that may come. He still, made sure that she was not hurt, and he still loved her, and so, she loved him as well. But forever they were apart, and forever it would stay, but Scylla, wasn’t gone, and Circe feared of ever having to face the nymph again.

The day of reckoning drew near.

“Tell us another story!” The children around the campfire said, gathering around Polytheus. “Come again tomorrow, and I’ll give you another don’t worry.”
“I have a question!” said a child, raising her hand. “And what would that be?” he asked her, leaning his head forward to hear her small voice. “Did Scylla ever find her true love?” Polytheus laughed, leaning back, Scylla was turned into a giant six headed monster, do you think she could love any one again?” he asked. The children looked at each other. Wondering if she could find a love. “Scylla is a tragic figure, transformed by something that was as ugly as her new form, the story is open ended, you decide the end. Some say she found a way to turn back to normal, some say Heracles killed her, and some say she is still out there protecting our oceans…”

Polytheus looked out into the ocean, seeing a ship coming from the crevice that had protected there waters for so long, easily they could tell it was Norse, a Viking ship. “Children, please, go to your houses now.” He said getting off his chair as he up to a cliff face, were a watch tower was, he was about to climb up when a man came out. “The Norse sire, they found us!” he yelled to the general behind Polytheus. “They are coming!” he yelled. “Sound the alarm, bring out the army!” He commanded. But when he noticed an arrow stabbed through the watch man. Polytheus knew something was happening he backed away, running to check on the temple, but he was too late, he watched in horror as men with torches lit the temple, throwing the torches through the window, the worst part was, there was a service going on at the time, a priest was out begging them to stop but was brutally beaten. Polytheus fell to his knees grasping a tree as if for stability, his eyes red with tears. He could only watch as the temple fell, it’s last support collapsing to the ground as the walls tumbled over. He cried, still hidden, each tear dropped release the reality to him, he failed to do anything and if they had gotten to the temple, they had already- Polytheus looked out to the city, hearing screams and cries, as the burning wood and ash could be smelled from a far distance. No house was left untouched, each was alive in flames. The Norse by this time had left, gathering there forces into the boat as they left the burning city. Polytheus watched, sadness inside of him, he had a son, a family, and all of them were in that village, being burned alive, slowly, and painfully dieing. His eyes turned from sadness to rage, looking out at the ship as it left the port, the last few soldiers tat were left throwing spears at it, and crying abuse. Polytheus watched, hoping the boat had gotten what it deserved.

More to come.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:15 am
by Doc 42
Cool! I love greek myths aswell. Did you write that yourself or take it out of a book. Come to think of it, when Oddessyes was coming home from troy, Scylla ate nine of his men :shock:

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:17 am
by TyrantTR
You are incorrect, it ate six, taking one in each head. No I did not take this out of a book, gosh, what do you take me for a plaugerist? XD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:20 am
by Doc 42
Well for a seocond I didnt know what to think. It was sortve "no way he wrote this on his own" So in this new light, Its even better! :D
and yes I was incorect :? Been ages since i read those books or heard those stories

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:30 am
by TyrantTR
I read at least two every day, there reall good.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:14 am
by Stallordasaurus Rex
I love Greek Mythology. I mostly read about Sirens, Which are my favorite Greek creatures.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:52 am
by TyrantTR
I'm starting to get into Norse Mythology.

Anyways, back on topic, Ch. 2 is almost done.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:38 pm
by TyrantTR
Sorry forgot to update. Chapter two is up.