A Tale Of A Legend

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

A Tale Of A Legend

Postby C S » Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:40 am

Chapter 1: Captured

The massive creature laid suspended in the clutches of metalic supports. It's red, compound eyes saw everything in the strange holding cell. It was all blurry, only gray entered the massive creature's sights. It wasn't always like this....

BBBZZZ!!! The buzz of the flapping wings, the creature moved fast in his home terrtiory. He belonged to a massive hive, a lare golden mound that was the size of a small town. In his 4 hind legs held an enemy, beaten a bloodied. It was to be executed as it lead an army to destroy the hive. The creature holding the enemy was yellow, black stripes lining his entire body. His wings were transparent, his manibles wide and curved. He had a display horn on his head. This creature was named Spinnerax. This average Distrax, who loved his forest home, the green, sunny plains of his planet would have a turn for the worst. Fate would be cruel. The Massive wasp like creature flew into the hive opening and cruelly dropped the prisoner of war, it rolled to a stop in front of the hive commander. He wasn't much taller than Spinnerax. He was however, quite old, and becoming weak. This execution would not only show that this Distrax hive was an idle threat, deadly when writhed, but choose the hive new leader, commander, the light of wisdom that will continue the tradition of keeping the hive healthy and strong. Spinnerax looked foward to his duty, for he was the next commander. "Spinnerax, my son" The cheif buzzed, lifting the enemy Zintract, a bee like creature in his fore arms. "Do the duty that will show you will be merciless to your enemies, and be as compasionate to your hive like our home's been to us" He finished. Spinnerax nodded. He reared up, his long body completely dwarfing the cheif. His thorax mounted stinger bent inwards so that it faced the enemy's back and slammed it in, envenomating it. It promptly died, cannot handling the poison in it's current state. Spinnerax then nodded to his elder, stabbing him too, killing him, saving him from the hardship of his greater age, of slowly dying with each breath. Spinnerax turned to his watching hive members are proclaimed "I am your new guardian! Leader! Redemption!"

Chapter 2: Memories

How long...how long was he held captive? He had a hive suffering. He shook, trying to move, but the supports bound him. He was too weak now. Too weak. It was almost yestrday when the creature was slaughtering the enemies of his rule, raising a family. His family. His mate would surely go mad with out him. Spinnerax's mate was blue green, had dark yellow stripes lining her body with soft blue eyes. She had recently laid eggs, and both Spinnerax and his mate Gastrim worked hard to incubate them. Spinnerax roared. His wrath had been peaked. His body was becomming black, his stripes red but suddenly, the colors faded to black. The tortured shell of a Distrax. If he got out of his prison, he couldn't dare go back to his family. They would banish him, and maybe even kill his children. He didnt want that to happen to them, even though they wouldnt know him. This all wouldn't have happened if that thing, one minor event in one's eyes, shattered the life of Spinnerax. The massive dark gray and brown disk entered the atmosphere, blocking out the red hue of the sun. Spinnerax was hastey to send an army to combat the threat. He and his army flew up to the object, but as quickly as they came, the army was obliterated. The massive amount of Distrax warriors laid on the feild, bleeding, dying. Only one survived, in the same state as the prisoner he had to kill. He was certain the cycle would be finished, earlier than the wasp creature would expect. Instead, massive metal objects moved over his bleeding body, wrapped around him and suspended him. "Why dont they kill me?" The wasp wondered.

Chapter 3: Escape, Or die trying

The sky was red. Buildings were burning. Roads were cracked. Cars were over turned and destroyed. The streets of New York bare and lifeless. Fires, once out of control infernos died down to flickering embers. The earth shook as the insectoid leg of Spinnerax came down on the road, cracks spreading out from the spot. "Objectives Destroyed" Appeared in the red glaring visor, below the text, a white, circular object with 2 intercecting lines and a dot in the middle. The cross hairs of the monster. Then, the roar of jets was heard. Spinnerax turned around, Kiryu floating slowly to the ground. Upon landng, the Earth shook and parts of buildings near the site fell to the ground. Spinnerax, or A.I.W, as he was known to the Vortaak, Automaton Insecoid Weapon, was converted from a biological being to a cyborg. His arms, that housed 3 claw like appendages were replaced with drills with treads spiralling around them. His eyes now a visor that wrapped around his face. His mandibles were now coated in space titanium and strengthened to be war ready. His transparrent wings were now light blue, almost white and designed to channel solar energy from his target's yellow sun. His stinger was also replaced with a drill. His entire biology was changed with DNA tampering... making him a giant... a freak of nature. The cross hair flashed blue for 3 seconds before the words "Eliminate" appeared under the cross hair. Fighting to survive. Spinnerax had fought many monsters, and, in the short while he saw them in the Vortaak war simulator, he memorised them. If he was to ever escape the Vortaak, these monsters would be possible allies of his. The Vortaak..they had under estimated his intelligance. During the operaton to make him a cyborg, they allowed him his free will. A big mistake. A memory of one battle, Spinnerax treasured dearly. The time his was pitted against the king of the monsters. Spinnerax barely survived the fight, and he didnt even kill the monster, just blinded him temporarilly, to give him enough time to escape and fire a crippling heat ray. It was madness. Why DID he have to fight to survive? He would give his life for his hive, did these smal pests belive that because he would do that, he would do the same for them?

Mean while, scientists monitered the creature's brain waves, Vortica sitting in her throne and watching the cyborg, asleep and suspended by cables. A scienist noticed a massive spike in Spinnerax's brain waves, when Spinnerax decided he had enough....

"My queen" The Vortakian said, he in a white suit and a pair of goggles over his red eyes. Vortica looked down at him, then to Spinnerax and bared her teeth. Spinnerax's visor, which was black at the time began glowing bright red. He felt the cables on him and swung his drills over head, severing some of them. Spinnerax then held his drills back and spun them, the turbine drills sending a torrent of energy out and propelling the wasp, cables stretching to with hold him. The Vortakian scientists ran down into Spinnerax's holding area, tranqulizer guns in hand. Then, the cables snapped and writhed, electricity crackling from them. The wasp sped down a tunnel large enough for him self, little did he know, he was heading to the Testing Chamber...

Chapter 4: Freedom

The creature's feet slammed down on the metal ground. Where was he? He didnt know. There was a lot he didnt know. Wht he did know, was that the ship he was on was bigger than he anticipated. He was in a dark chamber... big enough for him to exist comfortabley. There was a humming that seemed to resonate in every nook and cranny in his head. Then... symbols. Lines and lines of alien symbols that appeared on the corners of Spinnerax's pane of view. The text contiued to stream in for several minutes before finally stopping. In that time, the cyborg was still trying to find his bearings. It was then did he realize that, not only did the Vortaak change him on the outside... they further modified him on the inside. "I am no living creature..." The wasp lowed to himself, solemnly. "I am not even a creature...Im...Im a machine..." He snarled. "These damn...beings...they stripped me of my life..." Something happened then. The wasp tapped into something- memories. Memories that werent of life. Manufactured memories. Texts and several images depicting Vortaak society streamed into the wasp's mind. The Vortaak race, war bent and technologically advanced, the only race that had been able to put back its attempts at universal rule was Earth. Because of the many monsters that would combat the aliens, coupled with humanity's efforts to push back the invaders, the Vortaak had met defeat at Earth before. Spinnerax was designed to be a preliminary strike against the planet, to draw the attention of monsters and humans away from the impending invasion that was to occur a short month from Spinnerax's completion. The information... the knowledge that the Vortaak enstilled in him. The wasp would spend much of his time sifting through this in the future. For now, he was just getting used to his new abillities. He unwittingly accessed the Mothership controls through his comlink. The silence of the chamber was broken as the ship's hull began to rumble. Giant sheets of metal rose up around the chamber and light from the stars illuminated the dark. There seemed to be a thick glass like barrier between the wasp...and freedom. The cyborg charged the barrier, arms outstretched, drills spinning. Impact. The drills ate through the glass, quickly sending shards of it flying. Cracks formed quickly, and it wasnt long until it failed in its entirety. The barrier exploded into the vaccum of space, the wasp being propelled into zero gravity. Just a moment ago, it was breathing fine. Now... he didnt feel the need to breathe, or the effects of space on his body. The immense cold? Radiation? It must be because of his many enhancements. The wasp twisted his body about, righting himself in the weightless enviroment. He continued drifting, the feeling of being in the blackness surreal. A green pulse of light slammed into his side, a searing pain shooting through the wasp's body, only to be dulled down seconds later by chemicals administered by his cybernetics. Several more pulses flew at the creature. As if by instinct, the creature twisted its self towards the ship, its horn glowing red. A searing red beam flew out of it, slamming into the hull and cutting across several turrets intergrated into it. Several explosions dotted the saucer like craft as the wasp turned away from it again, golden beams bursting out of his spinning drills, shooting through the cosmos, a blur... he had escaped. But all it meant for him was a slow death drifting amongst the stars...

Chapter 5: Wandering

How long has it been since his escape? It seemed like an eternity. It might as well have been. Living without a purpose. Nothing to turn back to and a twisted blend of creature and machine. What could fate possibly hold for anything like him? Anything other than liberating death? The hulking creature hurdled through space towards an orb surrounded in a blue aura that floated around a bright blue star in the far off distance. The wasp hit an invisable barrier, what felt like a strong wind suddenly rushing against his underside. The wind was replaced by heat, flames licking his carapace. The cyborg acted on programmed instinct, entering an atmosphere being hard wired into his mechanical mind. He arced his body down, the flames burning at his metalic face. His hide simply resisted the fire, and the wasp felt no pain. Within minutes the creature was in the lower atmosphere. His wings were at his side at the time, and as he fell, they shot out to the side. They became blurs miliseconds later as they flapped, the creature's descent slowing to a hover. Spinnerax was over some sort of jungle, which looked completely different than the forests that he knew. Yet it felt oddly similar. The beast flew over the trees, the winds left in his wake stripping some of their leaves. After a while of flying over the green expanse, the wasp found a peculiar sight. Mountain like mounds of rock that jutted out from the jungle. Several of them, brownish and grown over slightly by plants. He moved over to the closest one and slowly descended onto the face of it. After cementing his grip on the ground, he found his wings acting just as strange as the mountain he stood on. They were angling themselves to face the sun, doing so in such a way that both of them were getting equal levels of sunlight. Even stranger was the rise in energy the wasp felt when they did this. It was this distant planet, where he would learn about his new body and what it can do, long before he arrived on the planet in Sol...

Chapter 6: Learning

The yellow and black blur shot through the sky, a golden trail following his massive form. With his wings pressed to his sides and legs holded neatly under him, Spinnerax learned how to navigate an entire planet in minutes, using the vector beams his drills could shoot out. His arms were enhanced with strong space titanium beams and mechanical muscles, increasing their over all strength and making sure they can stay connected to the metalic skeleton underneath the carapace. The buldging silver cables that ran through the wasp's arms connected to a generator housed at the base of the drills, which allowed the weapons to fire high energy. It was a super effective way to cross the extreme vastness of space- and a way to shoot across planets; making travel from one pole to the next like taking a few steps. Every last abillity the wasp had was programmed. The time he spent in the combat simulator taught him how to use them. Even then he had to learn how they would work in the real world. The golden streaks stopped firing from the drills, momentum carrying the creature. His wings shot out and fluttered, bringing his speed down until he was hovering over the emerald seas of the planet. He felt awful. Just before his flight, Spinnerax had tried to assess his new abillity...to fire a concentrated beam of heat and plasma energy from an ornate horn on his head. He had no trouble firing the weapon. But he couldnt control it, and soon enough he had the jungle in flames. It was here the creature learned that if he couldnt come to terms with his other half... he'd be the equivilent of a child with a gun. Pretty soon his ignorance would bring about pain and suffering. The planet he was on was fairly young with one continent and simple life forms. The jungle covered most of the landmass, with small plains of tall grass where giant trees didnt grow. The wasp like creature knew he possibly brought about the end of life on this planet- killing it in its infancy. It was because of this he shot towards space again, leaving the smoke and fires behind. Atleast in space he couldnt hurt anything. The cyborg had gotten on the path to planet Earth...
Last edited by C S on Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:40 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Bae Fish
Bae Fish
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:55 am

Awesome. Interesting beginning, keep it up.

Postby C S » Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:59 pm

Its been reeeeaaaaaallllly long, but a new chppie is up
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Bae Fish
Bae Fish
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Postby C S » Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:33 pm

After....ages... I have updated the story of how Every One's Favorite Space Wasp came to be

I changed the first three chapters slightly, fixing mistakes in continuity and such...so it would be wise to read them again people who read this story! (TT <.>)
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