Just read it. It's cool.

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

Just read it. It's cool.

Postby Warlock93 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:03 am

Hey all! I think I have an insanely good idea for a world, and a story. But, before I start, I'll give you what you need to know. BTW, I know that there's already a fantasy RPG, but the setting in this makes characters seem more...mortal. I really think this has some potential. Heck, even if it's in the random fun category, I don't care.)

There are six main races. They are:

Humans. Of course. They have decent technology, but it really can't be compared to anything. It's all pretty self explanatory. Anyways, humans are the dominant race, and inhabit all 3 continents of this world. They have the highest capacity for magical ability, one in a million can "use the power."They are, for the most part, accepted by all races.

Dwarves. These aren't your typical greasy bearded, axe flingling, mead chugging dwarves. They're completely different. On average, they stand about 3 1/2 feet tall. They are correctly proportioned(not stocky little kegs.), and have large eyes and ears. They are subterranean, but have many towns and outposts throughout the continent of Astaria(don't know if this is from something, if it is, please let me know.) They have very good relations with the humans and are second in numbers only to the humans.They have odd technology. They are adept stoneworkers, and equally good with alchemy. Some of the brightest minds are Dwarvish.

Gnomes The gnomes are a tiny, reclusive race. They are only about 8 inches tall, and live in the great forests on Astaria. Their villages are in the trees, and they have their own world inside everything else. They are constantly at war with the Gith, foot-tall warriors who enslave, rape, and eat the Gnomes. (They DO wear red hats, although they're floppy, not pointy.)

Giants Their name says it all. These 16-foot-tall humanoids are scarce wanderers who never stay in one place. They are kind by nature. Kind, not passive. They have very large, pointy ears. The giants have the same magical capacity as humans, although their is only one known Giant mage, Janunto the Mad.

Elves Forget everything you knew about elves. These elves are not pansies. They are the epitome of physical perfection, being better, faster, and stronger than humans. They stand seven feet tall on average, and are...well...tough hombres. The elves, however, are nigh extinct, and it is considered a good omen if you meet one in your life.

Savage-Men Also known as lizard people, these savage slave-drivers are a menace to all who do not belong to them. Their hearts are cold, and so are they. They are ruthless, honorless, and without mercy. They have been pressing their way out of the jungles for hundreds of years, and the humans have, for the mpst part, been keeping them back.

There's the races. Now, I want to go more in-depth about magic, Mages, and the Gods.

Magic is young, like the world it exists in. Magic is always there. It is in the air, and in all living things. It is unseen when not disturbed. When one gains the power to control this magic, they open a door to inifinite possibilities. They can draw the magic into themselves, and release it, having it do whatever they desire. The pure act of drawing in this magic, or Embracing, is amazing. The senses are greatly increased. You are stronger, and move faster than anyhing has a right to be. However, holding this power is straining, and can only be maintained for a short time. When a person learns they possess the "Power", an animal is created of their own mind. This animal is fiercely loyal to its master, and can comunicate telepathically to anyone through the Dreamweave, which I will explain later. A someone who starts to use the Power will eventually grown horns, tumors, if you will, of magical waste. They grow on the head becuase the use of magic stems from the mind. When the Power is embraced, a person's eyes glow the color of their magic, which is different for every person. There are two types of Mages: Adepts and Wizards. The only difference is that Wizards must use focus objects, such as staves or crystals to channel magic, where Adepts can do it alone.

(OK, I haven't really thought about names for the demigods yet, so bear with me.)
There is a pantheon of Gods. They represent the basic aspects of the world. These, however, are not TRUE gods. They are Demigods, beings created through a common belief in them. The magic in the air recognizes this, and creates a being to represent the clooetive beliefs in a particular deity. So, they may be false, but they are VERY real. The original God, the Creator is Omnos. He breathed forth the Earth, and is the TRUE God.(I based him off of the Christian God, so you should see similarities.) it was said that long ago, Onmos became a man to teach the world of himself in a very dark time. Then, lastly, there are the Archons. These beings are pure manifestations of rage and fury. They are war-spirits, and are also created by "loose" magic. It is said their hair burns like the flames that forged them, and their great wings can carry any load.

Now, I want to tell you about the Dreamworld. Eveyone is a part of it, but it is different in everyone's mind. It is connected by streams of energy called Dreamweave, and all beings are part of it. When you enter it, it is usually a paradise, the ideal world for you. However, entering others' dreams is very dangerous, and can lead to anything. In your Dreamrealm, there is a Mind-Throne. A Mind-King, an entity that represents you, sits there. If they are EVEr de-throned, you losecontrol of yourself until they are once again seated on the Mind Throne.(That means possession= demon sits on Mind Throne.) When two Mages(the collective term for spellcasters) duel, the piece of Dreamweave they are connected by becomes a battleground for their repective Mind-Kings.

Feedback is appreciated. I WILL make a list of major characters and a list of current events in this world soon.
Thanks[and I hope you're welcome :) ],
The three will spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God.
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Postby Warlock93 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:33 am

OK...only replying because that was an intro...now I'll start stuffing the story into this post.

Chapter One

The boy awoke, and stretched out. He got up, threw on some clothes, and headed outside.
"Good, you're up! Go check the fence, Gideon!" a man plowing the field yelled to him.
"Right away, father!" Gideon shouted back. He grabbed a staff, and headed out through the field. He checked the fence like his father asked him. Good. No wolves got through last night, he thought. He counted the sheep, and a lamb was missing. He heard a faint bleat behind him, and some growling. He ran towards the noise. No wolf would take a lamb today! As he drew closer, the wolf saw him. It leaped in the air. Gideon felt a strange tingling rise in his arm, and then darkness. When he came back to, he couldn't belive what he saw. A thn, wide burn mark had scorched the wolf, the grass, the trees, everything. When he looked down at his arm, he noticed that his flesh was singed. Then he realized, with dread in the deep of his heart, what had just happened. He had wielded the power. But, he couldn't have. He just couldn't have. Not him. Not now. He knew that magic was outlawed in the kingdom. He knew sooner or later, he'd have to run. So, he decided he'd do something about it. He'd practice in secret everyday, until he could leave. He was unsure of what the future had in store for him, but he knew what he'd have for the future.
The three will spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God.
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