The Curse of The Tails Doll

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

The Curse of The Tails Doll

Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:27 am

Before you die you see...TAILS DOLL....
Mabye now you'll believe!
All Hail Tails Doll...

The Tails Doll....
A rather popular being of today.
But have you heard The Curse of The Tails Doll?
Some believe it to be true. Some not.
Some have even claimed to have personal experiences.
Some are believable, some blow the mind.

Nobody knows what or who started this this rumor of the Tails Doll.

Is it real? Or not?

Chaper 1
Story 1

Parents slaughtered. Orphanage. Bullying. All the things Annah had to deal with in her life. When her parents were slaughtered, she had a weird smirk on her face. She held a plush fox close to her chest. After a few days, she was put into an Orphanage. Every second, everywhere, she carried that plush fox of hers. The kids wondered....

Annah finally got into school. Even before lunch, the other kids began picking on her. They laughed at the Plush fox she carried, her clothes, her looks. It was torture. She though she could never get away.
Until the prom...

Annah walked into the gym. Everyone else was dancing with their dates. She didn't come with a date. Her date was already here. Waiting. As the others were occupied, Annah snuck over to the DJ table. She snuck a CD in the stereo.

Can you feel the sunshine...?

Eerie music began filling the gym.

Does it brighten up your day...

Annah giggled and hurried out of the gym. Her "date" would take care of the rest.

Don't you feel that just need to run away... Music mixed with screams were heard through the gym doors.

Annah waited until the noise and music stopped. She stepped into the gym.

The smell of wet blood, smoke, and sweat filled the air. Bloody bodies of the students lay on the gym floor. Nothing was alive, except Annah and her "date".

In the middle of the destruction and death, there floated the plush fox. The Tails Doll. Its blank eyes staring ahead at Annah. Its head tilted to the side "cutely".

Annah smiled.

Chapter 1
Story 2
A Friend of mine did this, and I got her permission to post it.

"Who are you...?" Asked the young boy, his eyes staring at the floating figure in question residing in his inky black bedroom. The only light illuminated from a small red light, atop the creature.
Joey Conrad had been minding his own little life, playing his "harmless" video games.. A happy young child was he, always the good boy.. But did he ever expect beating the game of Sonic R could determine his death bed?....
Now here he stood, cowering in utter fear of the strange creature. The young boy was alone in his home, for his parents had gone out to dinner earlier for their anniversery. Joey's delicate heart throbbed in his frail chest, nearly about to explode.
At first, the boy had attempted to switch the lights on, to reveal the indentity of this intruder, but nothing had happened. In fact, all the electricity in the house had flickered off, dead. Now, paralyzed as if he were a mere bird trapped in a cobra's glare, he trembled with wide eyes, debating wether to run or stay.
Suddenly, the familiar tune of Sonic R's Resort Island music. Only now, the song seemed corrupt, demented, and demonic... "Can you feel the sunshine..? Does it brighten up your day..? Dont you feel that sometimes you just need to run away...?"
"What are you..?" Joey stuttered, replacing the who with what now understanding the intruder was in-human...
"Maybe'll believe.."
A demonic voice, raspy and mangy shuddered these words. "Wha-....what..?!" The boy cried, shaking still. "Ansrew me! What are you..?!" With moronic courage, he stepped foward, hearing a squish noise as his sock suddenly became damp and cold... "Huh?..." He looked down, not even being able to see what the liquid was....and he wished he never did.
Bright flouresent lights shined back on, and blood, fresh and dark red, coated the ground where he now stood. A trail of the eerie liquid, much to Joey's dismay, lead up to a ragged round object in the hands orange plush... An emotionless expression clouded it;s face but it's eyes-oh lord- it's eyes..!
They seemed to hold the very fires of hell in them. The boy now realized the Tails Doll which he'd cast aside as myth....became reality... Joey looked to the object, covered in hair....though he could see was a head.. A human head...
An eardrum shattering scream erupted from Joey's throat as he turned on his heels and ran for dear life. As he shot down the hall, the lights once again fizzled out, leaving him to stumble in the dark... "Can you feel the sunshine...?" The eerie voice rang out once again.
Joey sprang into a wall, a groan escaping him. His knees now drenched damp, and became cold... The whole room now seemed colder then ice...Again the lights erupted back to life, this time dimmer then before....and reveled to Joey he was no longer in his home... but a large school auditorium. The whole room seemed ancient, and beat up as if a fire had torn through it very long ago and left it to rot in the ashes... Joey looked down, seeing what he was kneeling in was...blood.
He glanced up, to the stage, to see a girl paler then winter standing with an impish grin. "Maybe now you'll believe..." She taunted, cackling as well. The girlo suddenly fell to the ground, dead... Now the eerie doll which resembled Sega's cute little fox character floated above the corpse with a mad look in it's fake eyes.
"Little Martha was a good girl...but did she listen to her friends when they told her of the Tails Doll..? No..! " A howl escaped the forsaken doll. "No, no, the Tails Doll is fake! But what did she have to say when I killed her..? Nothing.."
Joey whimpered as the Tails Doll disapeared with a cackle. Where did it go? Joey wondered frantically as he stood up and ran, trying to escape the auditorium, and from the demonic creature. "Now you're here...Joey Conrad.." The eerie voice was clear, but no Doll in sight. The boy kept running, the same song from before ringing behind him. "Can you feel it...?" "Can you feel....the sunshine...?!!?"

Joey Conrad was declared dead at the hour of midnight, found in the living room painted with blood. On one wall, "Can You Feel The Sunshine" was written....Joey, whom lie on the floor, had his copy of Sonic R shoved down his throat.

Chapter 1
Story 3

Cody Smith and Jake Colin, two best friends. They've never fought. Until this very night....

Cody was playing the new game he got, Sonic R. The graphics weren't the best in the world, but the gameplay made up for it. He had finally made 100% on the game. All Chaos Emeralds, All Coins, All Stages, All Characters. But little did he know, at exactly dark, The Cure of The Tails Doll would commense.
Cody, excited, called Jake over and they set up a tournament. Winner gets $20.
Not that they'll need it....

Cody and Jake were playing, Jake handing his *** to him.
"Ah come on!" Cody complained.
"Looks like you arn't good enough to beat me, yet." Jake laughed.
Suddenly, they heard a door open and close.
"Huh?" They both said together.
"I'll go check it out." Jake hurried out of the room...

5 minutes later

"Jake?!" Cody walked out of the room. "JAKE!" He called again. He heard something in the kitchen. He walked in, and nearly fainted at the sight.

Jake was a doll.

(Eh, just something I'm doing for fun)
Last edited by Stallordasaurus Rex on Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
Stallordasaurus Rex
Posts: 1432
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:02 am

Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:52 am

First story is up.
Stallordasaurus Rex
Posts: 1432
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:02 am

Postby Doc 42 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:41 pm

Whoa... That was really good...
Not too detailed but really chilling, It felt like the room had goten colder here :P
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:33 pm

Yea, I've been told that I'm good with scary stories. Although I don't really agree that much.
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Postby ryan » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:33 pm

is that the sonic tails?

Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:09 am

ryan wrote:is that the sonic tails?

Tails Doll is a scratched character that only appeared in the game Sonic R.
Stallordasaurus Rex
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:01 pm

Story 2...
is up.
Stallordasaurus Rex
Posts: 1432
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:15 pm

2nd one was really good, chilling
Are future ones going to link into the other ones aswell?
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

Trophy art by CompyScavanger
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:18 pm

I plan on doing that in Chapter 2 or Early Chapter 3.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:11 am

Story 3 is up.
Stallordasaurus Rex
Posts: 1432
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