My Decent Drawings

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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:51 pm

To be honest, it kinda feels like it's going to jump off the page, through the screen and eat me.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:16 pm

I done good then. :3 Thank you. XD
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:12 pm


I bugged KP into letting me take a crack at coloring one of his characters digitally when he was ready to give up on her. :P Started it last night, finished it a little while ago.

The lineart is his, I just went over it with thick lines so I could see what I was doing and put in the color. 8U


Aaand joining her now is Crusher. Almost the same deal, except KP asked me to color him after I finished the last one. So I did. Yay! The only things I really changed were his upper lip, to give him more of a snarl, and by request, the line at the front of his thigh.
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:11 am

Hookay. Got a few going up in this one.


Did this one a little bit ago. 'S a younger Vix, freshly escaped from the slavers that made her life hell.


A wild Scourge has appeared in my sketchbook!


This one needs a liiiittle explanation. I'm sure at least some of you are familiar with the terribadly written Harry Potter fanfiction My Immortal. (For those that aren't, suffice to say it's so bad it's hilarious.) Anyway, a few days ago, the author of that fanfic, Tara Gilesbie, was discovered lurking on deviantart. (Not a fake troll account, the real deal.) Much fun is being had, and a love connection was discovered. A friend of mine requested I draw the lovechildren of her and Tara. The reasoning being that Tara would be able to find a way to explain their existence. XD

So this is Daniel and Squirt! (She's named Squirt because I couldn't come up with a better one.) XD Squirt's about twelve or thirteen, and Daniel somewhere around 16 or 17.


A random creepy I doodled today. Practicing expressions, go me! 8U


And last but not least, a birthday gift for a late friend of mine. I still miss him like crazy. He was much too young to leave us - and a hell of a sweet kid. I just hope that, whatever his reasons, however great his pain was, he's not hurting anymore. I hope he's happier, wherever he may be....And I hope I'll see him again, one day.
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:10 pm


Ventventvent. I still suck at water, yay.

''I'm sinking to the bottom of my
Everything that freaks me out
The lighthouse beam has just run out
I'm cold as cold as cold can

I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up, take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion, yeah
Let the rain of how I feel right now come down
Let the rain come down

Where is the coastguard?
I keep looking each direction
For a spotlight, give me something
I need something for protection
Maybe flotsam junk would do just fine
The jetsam sunk, I'm left behind
I'm treading for my life, believe me
(How can I keep up this breathing?)

Not knowing how to think,
I scream aloud, begin to sink
My legs and arms are broken down
With envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life within me
How can one man stop his ending?

I thought of just your face...
Relaxed, and floated into space..."
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:10 pm


So last night my dearly beloved (and sometimes crazy) boyfriend threw an idea at my head while we were out for a walk. I've been teasing him about his glitched (or as I call them, broken) Magikarp.

Somewhere in the middle of it all (between me joking about making an account to represent his Pokemon and him saying he's going to edit "Attack of the Sues" [a joke fanfic I wrote recently] and replace the Sues with Magikarp), he goes, "Know what, I have a challenge for you. Draw one."

Some of you may remember it was this same boyfriend who begged me for a drawing of Sephiroth, and that his suggestions usually end with me in considerable pain.

So naturally, after asking if I could make it as crazy as I like, I did it. :3

Yeah, the body's probably a little off and the shading's all wonky because PFFFFF WHAT ARE LIGHT SOURCES. This isn't really a fully serious drawing though, so I'm not gonna spend hours nitpicking. :B
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:43 pm


Bam, another one of KP's characters. 8U

I have yet another character coming, but due to a screwup on my end, he may not be ready for his reveal for a few more days. Possibly longer, depending on how much I get done on him a day.
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Pyronychus » Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:16 am

I leave for a while, then check back and there's suddenly so much good art. I absolutely love your renditions of KP's dinos. His lineart and your coloring make an amazing combo.

I'm a little curious as to how Ripper ended up with feathers. They suit him well though. :P

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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:50 pm

If you want the answer to that question, you'll have to go into the RPG and watch for it :P
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:35 am

I usually don't like feathered raptors, but holy **** that is great.

Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Pyronychus » Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:38 am

I now have a good excuse to start reading ISS again. I can't miss this. XP

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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:00 pm

Pyro: sghdfh thank you so much. ;w; Good to hear from you again, btw. Missed ya. :3

TT: Thank you very much. :3 You'll be happy to know this is probably the only fuzzbutt raptor that'll show up here, then. :P
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Pyronychus » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:13 pm

Heh. You're quite welcome. X3 I've missed all you awesome fun peoples too. Being away gave me a new appreciation for this site. Planning on hanging around more... and maybe soon uploading an old pic that I'm finally close to finishing after a year or so. XP

On another note, looking forward to seeing who this other character you speak of might be...

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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:09 am

Check KP's art topic. I pushed him to post the other character there instead of me posting it here. :>
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:20 pm


I forget who I made the comment to, but I made an observation that Jeff the Killer's design was probably - at least in some ways - inspired by the Joker. This was followed up by the joke that a conversation between them would probably go something like this:

Jeff: Wanna know how I got my scars?
Joker: Nice costume, kid, but it ain't Halloween.

reference used for the Joker.


Practicing human faces and hands, the differences between male and female features, and shading people.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed May 01, 2013 2:35 am

The 2nd pic's kinda cute. :3

And the Joker/ Jeff pic is quite awesome!
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Sun May 05, 2013 1:52 pm

Thank you. :3 I had fun with both of them.
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Sun May 05, 2013 6:51 pm


Was playing around in Paint last night and came up with this girl. She doesn't have a name, story, or use yet, but I like her design a lot. She's pretty. :> If I can come up with something, then I might start using her.

Because I made her using a de-fuzzified version of Ripper, the credit for the lineart still goes to KP.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Mon May 06, 2013 9:47 pm


Why Fatalis, you're sporting a shiny new design, I see!

Same deal as the last one. Lineart's still KP's, I just did the coloring. :>
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: My Decent Drawings

Postby Hopeflower » Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:27 am

So I've been neglecting this topic lately. Thought I might show you what I've been up to, which, sadly, amounts to not very much art-wise. I've done zero digital art, some photography, and a handful of hand-drawn I figure I'll dump everything I've got here and hope someone likes it. XD

An interesting point is that most of these were taken with my cell phone's camera. For such a small lens, it can take some pretty breathtaking shots, as I'll get to. :3



I took these in the spring, obviously. I adore magnolias, and when I photographed these, the trees were already heavily shedding their petals, so it was pretty much my only chance to get some good photos. (These are two different trees. One by the library near my home and one discovered by pure chance on the way back from my walk.)


Taken on the fourth of July, while waiting for it to get dark. This was when I started exploring what I could do by playing with my phone's camera settings.


Wild dolphins, photographed from a speedboat in New Jersey. The girl in front of me is one of my sisters.


Went deep-sea fishing with my dad. This was what we got to keep of our catch. Everything else we caught were sand shark pups, about a foot long each; sea spot, which was what we were using for bait; and small sea bass, which were too small to keep.

What you see here are two kingfish and a bluefish. The bluefish is in the middle, and was my catch. Dad and I caught a kingfish each.

In short: Good eatin'. :3


Now here, we start getting into the beauty of what my phone can capture. This incredible sunset was caught in all of its glory because I was messing around with the brightness settings.


I did these four drawings because I was on a bit of a Shark Week kick and wanted to challenge myself; however, I didn't go through with my original plan to do seven sharks, due to the fact that the emphasis Discovery put on shark attacks despite how rare attacks actually are put me off, and I received the news that my aunt's condition was rapidly worsening.

References used: Sand tiger shark
Lemon shark
Shortfin mako
Tiger shark

And finally, my most recent photo, taken just...*checks time* yesterday, technically. About six hours ago.


It stormed today, and set the scene for one of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen.
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