Something Happy

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Something Happy

Postby Tediz » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:36 am

When I get upset, I like to make depressing things though... But I think I'm going to have happy thoughts now...

Think of something happy baby
Think of something for you and me
Think of flowers, puppies and roses
Think of babies smiling in the breeze

I've had one shitty day baby
Hell I've had a shitty week
These past couple of years of mine
Have been far from easy

But I'm getting tired of being depressed
Getting tired of being such a sad muck
Getting tired of Suicidal thoughts
Getting tired of depending on my friends

So I think I'll think of something happy now
Think of something quick and easy
Something to sure to put a smile
Even if for a little while
On this miserable old heart of mine

Do you remember bro, the day we met
Tried to trap me behind a wall
Sorta made me giggle, sorta made me laugh
Ended up being friends
When most would kill to get the last laugh

And do you remember girl
Our first date, by the cool crystal lake
Or was it the beach, I don't know
But I was so happy my soul felt white as snow

I still remember the day I got my first dog
I remember that little puppy
Pouncing on me like I was some sorta God
I remember him licking me with wet, canine tongue
I remember the way his fur shone in the sun

I remember the day I went to the movie with some friends
Got in a fight with some drug dealing bangers
Lost in the end
And you know what the irony of all that crap was?
We still considered it a day we would love

And oh do I remember, all the fishing trips I've had
Fishing for them buggers with my brothers, cousins, friends and my Dad

Oh I remember the good times with my Father
Teaching me how to shoot stuff
Throw a rock farther

I remember my mother giving me the good food
Watching us happily
As she ate some kind of nasty stuff

I remember the sleep overs that I still have
Over at my friends house by the Park and the Fab
Man those were some good times...

Oh I remember a lot of good things now a days
It's all I can do to keep being brave
If I don't think of all the friends and family I got
I'll probably break down doing some sad little trot

So from here on out, instead of feeling such suck
I'm gonna sit down and think, think long, hard and good

It shouldn't take that long before I find something man
Something Happy to keep me shining, cheerful, and wholesome again
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares - Hebrews 13:2
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:52 am

nice. put a smile to my face. personally, i could never get poetry that didn't rhyme. but that's more due to the kind of poetry we have here, and the social background, than to the actual poetry itself...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Evil Eye » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:16 pm

good job my friend makes others happy too :D
Clarity of thought before rashness of action...
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