RPG Requests

RPGs of varying sizes and genres. Enjoy!

Re: RPG Requests

Postby Hopeflower » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:04 pm

Two things.

The words "Monster Hunter inspired" worry me slightly because it calls up the idea that one would need to be familiar with the universe.

And what limitations would be put on the SSRPG to prevent it from exploding into people being ridiculous with their characters? There are literally endless possibilities with the supernatural based on different takes on urban legends, works of fiction, monster movies...yadda, yadda, yadda.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby C S » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:31 pm

Second point seems like technicalities KP needs to smash his forehead against. I will let him do that when he gets the time.

The first point, on the other hand, is something I would be happy to explain. In Monster Hunter, people have managed to secure a foothold in a world populated by hundreds of different creatures, from the mighty and mysterious elder dragons to the diverse and spectacular wyverns.

I won't bother going into the categories in between. I'd be here for weeks on end and even then I couldn't account for the many theories pertaining to the branching evolutions between species. That, and so much more.

For a game series with such rich content, Monster Hunter hardly uses it. Its setting spans all kinds of landscapes, from tundras to volcanic wastes, but exploration of these places is limited to resource gathering and (as the name would suggest) hunting monsters. The game has many mysteries which have not been addressed at all over the years, such as a massive spire that pierces the sky yet no one knows who built it or why. Its in-game lore is determined by the science of the people who inhabit this world, and despite being exceptionally advanced for the implied time period, it is severely lacking.

So what does this mean for an RPG? The basis of a world ripe with stories to be told, that's what. You would not need the games to understand it; if anything the RPG's story could blow the games out of the water.

But what, exactly, is this world I keep blathering on about? Like I said earlier, it is a world that is vast and untamed. Jungles, swamps and forests; tundras and deserts, volcanoes and many other features make up its various terrains. Across the world, human settlements have developed, resulting in towns, towering castles and fortresses that stand against even the most ferocious of monsters.

Cannons and ballistae are powerful ranged weapons employed to fight monsters. The massive and devastating Dragonator deploys gigantic spikes which impale titanic assailants that approach the walls of any stronghold. Ships sail the seas equipped with weapons to contend with the dangers of the dark abyss. Vessels skim across the desert sands, arid wind in their sails, armed to contend with the dangers that live beneath the hot sand. And last, but certainly not least, are the hunters, the brave souls who lay their lives on the line to do battle with the fantastic beasts, armed with all kinds of weaponry to do their harrowing jobs.

Because, as huge and varied as the world of Monster Hunter is, there will always be a monster somewhere causing havoc. And so long as these threats remain, there will always be hunters willing to confront them.

But battling monsters is far from all this world offers. There are the adventurers who quest across sea and continent, discovering ancient secrets from years long past. Stories that the games do not tell, now given an outlet to take form. No matter how grand an RPG's premise is, its true strength comes from the creativity of those who participate.

Footnote: You just read 524 words. Have a cookie.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Turbo Tyrannophonic » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:37 pm

I think its expected for people to give a description of the stuff rather than just say "ITS AN X" when it comes to the MH RPG. I don't think the general, uninformed public will be kept out of the loop for very long.

Needless to say, I think an MH RPG (with some stipulations) could be cool. SSRPG, I'm not too inclined to repeat.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby C S » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:48 pm

I was thinking that we give the RPG the same treatment as FRPG. A setting, tech level and the ability for the players to make their own stories without being tied down by any pre-existing backstory. That applies to the monsters too, be it monsters taken directly from the games or made up by the players.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:50 am

I will happily munch this cookie as I ask further.

It sounds interesting and like it could have promise, but d'you plan on including the descriptions and abilities of the monsters from the games in the first post of the topic if this becomes a thing? It'd be a bit tedious for someone unfamiliar with them to have to keep looking such things up.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby C S » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:59 am


Mm. (These are not even all of the monsters Jesus Shiva Jehova)

Don't really think abilities are an issue. It would fall into the realms of descriptive writing, I'd figure, as most monsters are pretty intuitive in their abilities.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby slashmaster101 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:10 pm

I could go for a MH-like RP, could get very interesting
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:16 pm

It already exists. Ootlunds RPG.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby slashmaster101 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:56 pm

oooh, ok thanks KP
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby C S » Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:43 am


Imagine a single star out of the trillions that wrap around their common galactic center to create the bands of light visible far past the borders of noisy cities. Imagine this star having an intricate heavenly dance going on around it: planets, moons, asteroids, dwarf planets. Imagine that the numbers of these things are more than we are familiar with, but not so much that writing these things becomes unwieldy and cumbersome.

Do this and you have the basic idea for something new for the site. A science fiction story that shies away from the contemporary works of fast and huge hunks of metal doing battle with others of their kind. A science fiction story that, while fantastic in its own right, strives to utilize the reality of space travel in its writing. Sure, ships can travel at light speed or faster, but they cannot instantly warp to their destinations, resulting in vessels needing to chart their courses and account for the movement of the bodies they might encounter along the way.

These ships would not be carrying guns and blasting at each other within this solar system. It would be in an age all but incomprehensible to us, were it not for our imaginations and ability to speculate. It would be an age where all the planets and bodies beyond them are reachable within the span of a few hours. There would be a variety of races on each habitable world within the inner sphere, populations large enough to constitute police forces in the void of millions of miles in between planets.

Of course conflict would remain. In our realm and the realm of the fantastic, conflict drives interesting stories. In this case, there wouldn't be all out wars and alien invasions. The struggles would be far more human in this otherwise amazing age, with characters that aren't necessarily human, and science that does not necessarily match our own.

Gravity assists and ships that need maneuvering thrusters to have full range of movement in 3D space aside; the process that allows ships to move as fast as they do to stations over gas giants or the habitable moons of said gas giants could be full on magic as far as I'm concerned. There can be characters that use this magic in their day-to-day lives. As long as there's something cool to be made of it and it doesn't harm the quality of writing in the form of balance issues and questionable abilities.

In summary, I'm proposing a completely unique sci-fi setting that can draw inspiration from other things, but cannot blatantly insert popular franchises into itself. It would be a single solar system with numerous planets and other bodies that can all be visited, with their own levels of infrastructure surrounding them. Overt space battles wouldn't be common things, but there would be plenty of action to be had with character driven narratives. There would be a more realistic approach to space travel -- as realistic as a sci-fi/fantasy story would allow -- but of course, lasers still pew pew in space.

Specifics and lore to be added after discussion. We already tried the dartboard method of storytelling with FRPG, so maybe settling on something more concrete before making this bulky ******* of an RPG might be wise.
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