Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:44 am

"My judgement..." snarled the Giganotosaur as he glared at the smaller predator, "...Is sounder than your own, to associate yourself with them. There is nothing but pain, danger, violence and death to be had among their ranks. None of which I find interest in. Don't assume to know what is superior judgement and what is inferior when you are ignorant of who it is said judgement belongs to" clarified Rook calmly, reigning in his annoyance as he turned away, heading off in the direction of one side of the small clearing. "I tire of this pointless conversation. Leave me be" growled the giant...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:35 am

"Those who do not stand with us will kneel before us," the Gravedigger snarled from behind the giga, "Do not turn your back on me. You will not survive long enough to realize how big a mistake it is."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:48 am

"Look at these scars, young blood. Study them well. They are the scars of a creature who has seen much death and destruction in his life. If I wanted violence, I would have slain Thrasher and this upstart of a Rex and reclaimed my title. But I grow old, and am tired of it all. No movement on this island, no group, if you could call any of them such, is selfless enough to be worth my time. No goal on this island deserves my attention. I serve no master, and bow to no beast. It is not arrogance nor pride, but a wish to be left alone, to live out the rest of my life without the hassles and pains that defined my youth. I have achieved it thus far, and I will continue to enjoy it until my life is at its end. Perhaps if you live through your current...distractions, you may get to be my age. Perhaps then, you will understand" growled the giant, his gaze no longer harsh or threatening, but tired.

"I will contribute nothing to your....Displacement, you called it? Even were I to side with you, I am past my time. You would be wiser to seek those who wish to contribute, rather than force those who do not. It is not my mistake to leave, but it will be entirely yours should you try and force me to take a side in a conflict in which I have no interest" he added, a finality in his tone that made it clear he would not waver, the predator continuing towards the treeline...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:03 pm

Eurn dragged his talons through the dirt, body held low to the ground as he made a sound to voice his intense irritation. It was not quite a hiss, it was too deep, but it had the scratchy quality of a hiss, a vocalization only made possible through the damage done to what made up the megaraptor's very being. He did not pursue the giant, however. He stood up and cocked his head, as if struck with a realization. The Gravedigger growled as scatters of heavy droplets came to earth around him, "Very well, altered-kin. May you last long enough to see our vision made real. May you then know how wrong you were this day."

As the megaraptor went off on his own way, a satisfied smirk crept onto his saurian face. The future was the Displacement's to make. The day the old timer woke up to the new face of the island, a haven for the altered-kin, would be the day that all he disagreed with became all that was. That was more gratifying than fighting the tired warrior, who all but welcomed his eventual demise. He would suffer a new pain at the twilight of his life; the Gravedigger would make it so.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:18 pm

Sczarn closed in on the young Camarasaur, staying in the bushes and trees to try to keep himself hidden. He got to is rear, so it wouldn't easily spot him. The wind was doing a good job of keeping him hidden, until now. There was a small gust. The wrong way. No longer hidden, the Camarasaur began honking, turning around and trying to alert its lost herd of the Tarbosaur that was near. It was too late for the young Camarasaur, as Sczarn charged out of his previously hidden spot, and barreled down on the still turning creature. Sczarn rammed into the beast, knocking himself back without injury other than maybe a bruise, but propelling the Camarasaur backwards, and putting it off balance. The Tarbosaur pushed up against flank, attempting to push it down to the ground. The dinosaur, though young, was still very large, and, tough to push to the ground. The Camarasaur regained its balance as Sczarn stepped back a bit for another ram, turning to face him completely. Now, he would just have to kill it quickly, standing or laying down, he thought, roaring as he charged again, only to turn at the last moment and avoid its huge tail that was swinging around, and turn to clamp his jaws down on the dinosaurs long, skinny neck, an audible crack heard as its neck was severed...
Last edited by 134Wolf on Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:54 pm

"Wrong or right matters little, young blood. I am old and tired. I have no wish to fight for or against your goal. Peace is all I seek, and I will have it regardless of your plans" growled the goliath as he pushed the trees apart, the giant's figure swallowed up in the foliage as he left the Megaraptor behind him...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:16 pm

"Your peace will be made possible only through the Displacement, you old fool," Eurn rumbled to himself lowly, barely able to keep himself from chuckling at the thought. Gone will be the time of titles and and territory... there would only be the mutants who were once forced to live in hiding once the grand fruition of the plan came to pass. The only conflict would be that of competition, to reward the strong and expunge the weak. The Gravedigger flexed his hands, anticipating this great age that his actions would usher in. His name, and the names of those like him, would be remembered forever, he was sure of it.

The rain pattered against the canopy above, slowly growing in intensity. Streams of water ran down the sides of tree trunks, muddying the forest floor that the megaraptor trundled across, his footprints filling with water. Ripples ran across the clawed puddles with every heavy thud, both his own footsteps and those of the giganotosaurus.
Last edited by C S on Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:55 pm

Though the tiny gray and green saurian was already in a crouch, she lost what balance she had and tipped forward onto her belly as the clawed finger pulled away. With a chirp of surprise at suddenly finding herself half-exposed, she scrabbled at the dirt with her slender forelimbs, clumsily trying to push herself fully back into the relative safety of her hovel, still terrified of the scary one despite its apparent retreat...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:12 am

Xypher stalked out of the cave, running slightly towards the tree where the dead Dryosaur had been left. As it was only a short walk away, he was here almost immediately, jumping up into the tree and tearing off part of the soft underbelly of the dinosaur for the small Liliensternus to eat. He jumped back down and ran back to the cave, holding the fist sized piece of meat in his clawed, now somewhat bloody hand. He entered through the grown over hole as it started to drizzle, only barely getting wet. He slowly walked over the the crack, crouching down then pushing the meat nearer and nearer to the crevice, backing away slowly one it was placed in front of the small animals hiding place...

The Tarbosaurus tore into the side of the Camarasaur, gulping down the meal quickly, as he had been ravenous. As he ate, he smelled more of the beasts heading his way, clearly responding to the young ones trumpting in distress. Scaring growled, the low rumbling coming to the bull Camarasaurs ears, as it slowed down a bit. I think my time is up here... Sczarn thought to himself, as more of the 70 foot long beasts arrived, himself beginning to back off quickly into the jungle, not wanting one of those tails or even bodies colliding with himself, as they could cause serious damage...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:12 pm

The rain went from a small trickle to a drove in no time at all as the large Ceratosaurus made his way down the many game trails snaking their way through his territory. Growling Clovus shook his body trying desperately to relieve himself of the rain settling on his back. Sadly with the rain growing in strength he knew it was a useless venture. Clovus didn't mind rain usually, especially when he was hunting. Many herbivores shrill cries and roars were silenced during a storm such as this one. However Clovus wasn't hunting, he had filled his stomach with Dryosaurus a few hours earlier and wouldn't be looking for anything to feast on for quite sometime. Continuing down the game trail Clovus is greeted by a fork in the paths he has seen many times before. One trail veering off to the right would lead him to the small river in his territory. Its banks would be slippery in the now apparent mud and he didn't want to risk the waters for fear of the large amphibious predators that lurked Isla Sorna's water ways. Turning his large frame towards the trail veering left Clovus became nervous. This game trail lead out of his territory and into the grassy plains of Isla Sorna. With his weakened sense of smell Clovus knew making his rounds that way could be risky. He has seen many super predators pass by this game trail following hadrosaurs and ceratopsians. The only reason they didn't follow the herbivores had been the large trees and lack of space which would had made mobility hard for the large carnivores. Growling involuntarily Clovus heads down the muddy path keeping his eyes out for any possible threats as the rain continued to fall down in droves...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:21 pm

The spines of the suchomimus broke the surface of the river, now pelted by rain. Her snout followed shortly after, the creature drifting into the shallows like her crocodilian counterparts that inhabited other parts of the island. Keen eyes surveyed the banks on either side of her, overgrown with thick foliage, the jungle trees farther away from the banks than they were down its length. This left a wide gap in the canopy where the rain fell without any leaf to catch it, the dark clouds hanging overhead. The flash of lightning lit up the sky over the northwestern facility.

The waste pool sat near the waterline in the same way as the facility in the swamp, its exposed top barred by hanging vines of metal held up by rusty pylons, the old warning signs blowing in the gusts of wind sweeping across the rainforests. The enormous building adjacent to it had slanted walls that towered into the trees, consumed by the plant life. Leafy vines snaked down its height and wrapped around any metallic extension, dangling from old steps and the seams in doorways. The transparent entrances, stained with the colors of the forest at one point, now were bare and open, their remains lying on the ground, cracked and trampled.

The rest of the compound was barely identifiable. What did not crumble in the years of weathering was integrated into the surrounding wildlife. Strange pillars of vegetation protruded from dark, broken ground that was riddled with weeds, but that was all to be seen of the buildings that made up the facility on this end of Isla Sorna.

Tresh emerged from the water caked in mud that stopped abruptly at around thigh-level. The torrent of rain made quick work of it from her hide as she stepped over the plants rimming the riverbank and made her way through the deserted compound. Seemingly deserted compound.

Walking in between the pillars of green, the messenger swung around the compound until she was approaching the other side of the massive building. The insurmountable walls of steel that stood in the swamp were lowered here, sunken into the two large slits in the gray ground, with small plants and root-like growths reaching across the gaps like some kind of a sinew. The area ahead inside the enclosure was wild with rampant plant growth. Tresh carefully weaved through the branches and vines until she came to the wall at the other end.

"The Gravedigger has been informed," she growled to what appeared to be no one at all. The rain was loud against the hard surfaces on the top and on the sides of the building choked by the trees. It filled the silence, water splashing around the suchomimus' feet where the ground flooded.

"But... has he acted upon it?" The voice was just audible over the sounds of the storm. A raspy echo from within the confines of the old temple.

"For all of his... talent..." Tresh's voice wavered, as if she was about to scoff a the word, "he is as insecure as he is headstrong. Telling him about the tyrannosaur was a dangerous task, he became enraged as expected, but it was a reminder for him to not be complacent. He will do what we need of him. It will take time, however."

"Hmm?" the voice inquired simply, expecting the messenger to deliver without having to ask.

"I will not be put in harm's way doing my duty to the Displacement. In his rage, he denied me the opportunity to point him in the right way. For now, he is blundering around the island, probably threatening anything that crosses his path to join our cause. Or killing them. He is always eager for the killing." Tresh shrugged. It couldn't be helped as far as she was concerned.

"That... will not do. Go back and make sure that the Gravedigger has all of the information."

Tresh raised a scaly brow. "But--"

"Our enemies have good favor to their advantage, messenger. In the time it takes the Gravedigger to happen across that disaster, they will be long gone, their scent trails aged and weak after this storm, if not gone completely from that place. Find him. Redirect him. Swallow your pride and spare yourself from his wrath if you must, or else you will face mine."

Tresh clenched her clawed hands, resisting the urge to snarl at the indignation. "I will relay the message to our scouts and have them find him, wherever he is."

"Tread lightly, river-dweller. Your usefulness as a messenger wanes by the day, it seems. Maybe this will be a test to find your replacement?"

It was a threat, the suchomimus knew. Her anger subsided in a panicked heartbeat, replaced by humility and the urge to prove her worth to her leader. She turned around without saying anything, moving with dejection through the overgrown enclosure.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:45 pm

A bone chilling snarl came from the Tyrannosaur as he walked out from amidst the trees on the river's edge, revealing himself to the abomination ahead. The Acrocanthosaur stopped eating, but seemed not to acknowledge the Rex for several moments. A low gurgling growl came from the mutated predator as it turned to face him. Its muzzle was completely soaked in blood, as if it had driven its entire head into the ribcage of the marine reptile. Its teeth jutted out in unexpected directions, making its entire muzzle an amalgam of jagged edges, many of the uneven teeth having grown since the mutation, the animal's original set of teeth still growing normally. Its eyes were a pale green-grey shade, pupils barely visible, giving the creature a sightless look that was unnerving to stare at. Its blackened hide twitched and quivered randomly, and a rasping breath came from it as it roared at the Rex in challenge. Crusher's response rang free of his jaws, resonating in the forest around him, reaching out for miles and dwarfing even the bellow of the abomination standing before him. A flash of lightning cast light upon the forest below, the Tyrannosaur's hide lit up for a moment, his scarred form revealed as thunder rumbled on the wind at the back of the Rex's roar. The Acrocanthosaur charged, bloody saliva swinging in viscous strings from the beast's maw.

The two predators clashed violently, the thump of their collision almost unnatural, the Acrocanthosaur lunging for a bite, only to be countered with the Tyrannosaur's massive skull, swinging into its jaw like a monstrous hammer, knocking it sideways, a threatening snarl coming from the Rex, the Acrocanthosaur's muscular tail knocking Crusher's head sideways as it spun round to face him once more. A low, angered growl rumbled in the Tyrannosaur's throat as he straightened his head to face the beast, a reddish hue spilling into the golden eyes of the Tyrannosaur as the Acrocanthosaur lunged. Lightning cast the Tyrannosaur in its light, revealing a drastically different creature to the one that had confronted the Acrocanthosaur a moment ago. In that brief moment of illumination, there stood a creature with much starker colours, the dark grey running along his back closer to black, the grey-brown turning a deeper, richer hue, the tan rings outlining his stripes and spots seeming as though they were golden, and his beige underside looking closer to white. Above all the changes were his eyes, reddish pools of pure fury, his narrowed pupils outlined by a ring of golden yellow. In that instance, the intruding Rex had become the Monster of Sorna; The Scarred Rex that had beaten Thrasher himself into submission.

Darkness had shrouded the Tyrannosaur a moment later however, the combined darkness of the storm overhead coupling with the shade of the trees to create a choking darkness. And in that darkness, the Scarred Rex struck. His foe diving in for a blow, Crusher reared and craned his neck, the Acrocanthosaur's bloody jaws snapping shut short of the behemoth, Crusher lunging as his jaws slammed shut on its back, missing his intended target, though it mattered little. The Tyrannosaur stepped to the side as he heaved sideways, dragging the Acrocanthosaur off its feet and slamming it into a tree, the tower of wood trembling with the force, splintering from the impact as the mutant slumped at the foot of the plant. Crusher wasted no time, a foot pressing onto its hip and pressing down, talons tearing massive gashes in it as the Rex lunged forward, jaws digging into its flanks and tearing a brutal hole in its side, a sickening roar coming from the monstrosity as it lunged to bite the Rex, only to be muzzled with the slab of flesh the Rex had ripped from its side, knocking its head back to the ground.

The beast kicked and scrambled as it tried to get to its feet, each attempt responded to with a violent blow from the irritated Rex, a misaimed kick responded to with the Rex's own, a sickening crack sounding out as Crusher broke its leg, a writhing tail answered with a powerful bite, smashing the vertebrae and ripping another horrified screech from the Acrocanthosaur's throat. It was then, after he had utterly destroyed the animal, that Crusher chose to end it. "Your time is at an end, filth" snarled the Tyrannosaur, the Acrocanthosaur swinging its head upwards with a snarl in one last attempt to leave a mark on the Tyrannosaur, only to be silenced immediately by the Rex's massive jaws, knocking its skull back to the ground and lunging for its throat. As massive, blade-like fangs plunged into supple, poisoned flesh, a screech came from the Acrocanthosaur, immediately scrambling to get free before more damage was done. It was too late, however. A chilling snarl rumbled in the Rex's throat as he dragged it up onto its one functional leg, the full force of his bite coming down on his victim as a series of cracking crunches rang out over the roar of the rain, the Tyrannosaur dragging his paralysed victim and thrashing, killing it with one final, fatal break and throwing it into the river, the resulting splash drenching the Rex even further as puffs of vapour spilled from the predator's nostrils...

As the mangled body of the mutant was dragged away by the river, the Tyrannosaur had time to reflect. The island was under siege from within. These...abominations, were spreading. They were growing more common, growing bolder, stronger, more volatile. He had been warned that they would only get worse. That they had to be stopped. That soon none would be safe. As far as the island was concerned, he was now the most formidable creature alive. His reputation would spread. First fear, then envy, then hatred. Sooner or later, they would come. And when that happened, the question would arise; what did he do to stop them? Where was he, when these monsters amassed the strength to butcher whatever crossed their path? A deep, gut-wrenching snarl spilled from the jaws of the Scarred Tyrant...It was time to resume the patrol...And to seek out Ripper...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:31 am

The Ceratosaur froze mid step. His body rigid with a primal fear that could only be brought on by another even more powerful carnivore. The roar around him was not thunder... It was the bellowing roar of a creature he has no intention of ever facing. by the sound of it the roar came from a very large Tyrannosaur. Snorting, Clovus realized he was relatively safe since by the sound of the roar there was some distance between him and the super predator. Relaxing a little he trudged on, his clawed feet covered in the mud of the forest. To his dismay the rain didn't look like it was going to quit anytime soon, which meant his strongest asset his snout would be near useless for the foreseeable future. Letting out another irritated growl the large Ceratosaur pushes past a low lying branch continuing down the game trail. unaware of the glowing yellow eyes following his every move only a few feet away from him...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:58 am

The Wanderer winced, baring his teeth and digging his claw tips into the branch he was lying on. He was developing quite the headache as of late, wracking his brain as to how to fight these freaks of nature. Booming thunder and unrelenting rain did not help things along much at all. Hearing Crusher's voice definitely did nothing for him, which was something that Aircrest found somewhat amusing. Only somewhat. Of course the tyrannosaur's usefulness was limited.

Darkness' unpredictability had reared its ugly head, the ebony raptor having muttered something about Nocturne before he tore off into the foliage. That was hours ago. Not even a full day had passed. The green raptor shook his head and directed his thoughts back to the mutants. How he wished he could wave a hand and have these vile beasts erased. Not even that, one step further, him waving a hand and waking up without Ripper ever showing up in Death Valley. The raptor snorted. There was nothing to be gained from wishful thinking. Ripper dropped this problem in front of him, and he was going to solve it. Then he was going to live out the rest of his life alone, no Hellfire and certainly no Fatalis.

They weren't too far away below him. He didn't know what they were doing in his absence. He didn't care too much. This was his time to get his plan together. It was just that, everything seemed to be stacked against him, from general distractions to the blasted weather.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:46 am

Hellfire watched from his perch in the branches of a nearby tree, acting as a sentry. Since recruiting Darkness, the Deinonychus had begun to question the wisdom of the raptor that at some point became the leader of this rag-tag pack of misfits. The Raptor's mental stability, or lack thereof, swiftly made itself apparent and, coupled with the Raptor's consideration to kill Fatalis simply on the grounds the Daredevil shared what seemed to be only a hint of the taint, brought Aircrest's leadership into question, at least in the eyes of Hellfire. The Deinonychus had grown into the habit of watching the surroundings more carefully since Darkness joined their ranks, even so soon after the black-scaled Raptor's 'enlistment'. As it stood now, they had a rogue Raptor who, thankfully, only knew a small amount of what it was the trio were doing. He hoped they would not regret letting him hear even that much...

Fatalis had no such concerns. His worries were simple ones. Food. Water. His next source of entertainment. As a creature who lived in the moment, he could not find it in himself to worry over such matters. Now, while the other two were busy thinking, plotting or otherwise lazing around, he was down on the forest floor, stalking a potential prey item, the Half-mutant hungry in the aftermath of their recent escapades...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Sat Nov 29, 2014 2:24 am

After a long stretch of time, Aircrest pulled his claws free of the branch and stood up. He was dripping wet, his head pounded, lingering concerns about Darkness found home somewhere at the peripheries of his mind, but above all else, he had an idea. All it took was silence. Or rather, the closest thing to silence he could find on this horrible island. Near-silence and a lot of time. Aircrest peered down from his vantage point into the shadows beneath him. There were many trails that ran through the underbrush. He couldn't see Fatalis on any of them.

"Now he's wandered off," Aircrest hissed to himself. Well, he wasn't surprised. At least he was mostly convinced the half-breed would return. He wasn't so sure that Darkness would, though. A shame, all that vengeful vigor and rage would have been a good tool to unleash on the Displacement.

A missed opportunity, that was all it was, he told himself as he pounced from branch to branch, expertly maneuvering across the slick timbers, eventually landing in Hellfire's tree. Hellfire, despite his many underwhelming qualities, was at least reliable. He would sit in a tree for hours if he was left to his own devices, like some kind of a rock. A rock that could be told to go gut something, and then go off to gut something.

"I've got a plan," Aircrest growled from his perch.


Haze hung over the island four days later. The storm came and went, felling trees in the jungle and littering the forest floor with stripped leaves. Rivers burst their banks, swelling up to many times their size and rushing along with currents that many were not used to. The plains were almost marshes, blades of grass poking up above the flood waters. The lagoons and swamps reached out farther than they would in the dry weather. The underground caves were mostly flooded. Even the driest stretch of the island contended with the deluge that came with the rainy season. The worst had passed, though. The angry sky was now an overcast gray, the persisting rain falling lightly upon the isle. It would be this way for a long time coming, before the next surge of nature's wrath plotted its course across Isla Sorna.

For now, there was only the rain and haze. The mist rolled across the landscape as clouds broke around the island's peaks, the low, distant vocalizations of various creatures sounding on the air.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:18 pm

Chomper stood over the remains of his meal, the Camarasaur had lasted him awhile, but now there was little left to interest a large carnivore such as himself. Rumbling deep in his throat the Giganotosaur moved into the treeline and crouched in wait, for carrion attracted scavengers and scavengers were easy prey.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:05 pm

The storm had caused a living hell for the carnivore stalking his way through the flooded jungle that was his home. He was accustomed to the water due to living so close to a river, but this was ridiculously different to what he was used to. The water around him was at ankle high and it made Clovus nervous. Many things had happened since the storm passed four days ago. And he wasn't at all pleased with it. The day of his patrol the Ceratosaur was confronted by a bad feeling. Since the rain muddled his senses he couldn't tell if he was just overthinking things or he was actually right. But not even a day after the beginning of the storm his feeling was made real. He started finding carcasses. First their were few, but as the days went on he found more and more of the varying species of herbivores that lived on Isla Sorna varying in size. There was no sign of predation only the wounds inflicted to kill the prey items. At first Clovus rationalized them as offerings from roving packs of raptors or maybe a possible mate but the sinister and gruesome way the prey animals were dispatched unnerved the large Ceratosaur. They were a message that something was watching him and wanted his territory.

Continuing to stalk through the ever increasing depth of flood waters Clovus searches for something to satiate his hunger. Most of the smaller herbivores he hunted either drowned or escaped to the now flooded plains to feast on the low lying ferns and grasses, leaving the predator to search for more dangerous prey. Continuing past another downed tree Clovus scents the air, smelling an unfamiliar creature lurking not too far away...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:35 am

Four days later, the tiny Liliensternus was crouched contentedly beside the severed forelimb of her new guardian's most recent food offering. It was a decently sized Homalocephale, though the hatchling neither knew nor cared what it was. All that mattered was it held enough flesh to feed the both of them for the moment. The Lili had gained back some of her strength over the past days - as well as a certain amount of trust for the big-clawed one, as she now thought of him - and had been gingerly testing her slender legs earlier that morning, all the while remaining deep inside the cave, which had thus far weathered the storm surprisingly well. But as the hatchling gnawed away at her piece of the kill, something... shifted. Strange vibrations rumbled through the cave floor...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:49 am

As Xypher dug in to his most recent kill, a Homocephale, the ground beneath him shook. Not much, but it did. And again. And again. Growing more powerful each time, and, by the feel of it, closer. He walked briskly out of the cave to see what was happening. He had never experienced anything like this before. He looked outside the cave. Nothing. He stepped out and looked up the hill.

He was petrified by what he saw. Earth, water, stones, grass. Moving. It was as if the ground was chasing him down. And it was headed straight towards them. He sprinted inside, grabbed the arm that the Lili was gnawing at, scooped it up in the other, and sprinted. He had never run so fast in his life. He got out of the cave as soon as the earth came collapsing in on it. He didn't dare look behind him. He took a sharp left, reaching the tree almost immediately at that speed. He leaped up, latching his jaws on the branch, and laying the small Lili over it. He scrambled up, on the branch with it in an instant. He saw it coming toward him. He knew they had to get higher...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
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