Temporal Rift RPG

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Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:32 am


In the year 2170, scientists noticed an odd energy spectrum coming from Old Faithful that wasn't there before. Readings of the energy match nothing else known in science. When a probe was sent down into the geyser, it revealed that the energy source was actually a rift in time and space that led to a dark cavern in another world, a world confirmed to have an atmosphere and gravity density much like ours. However, a few seconds after receiving this information, the link with the ROV vanished. A second ROV was sent in to retrieve the first, but that one, too, was lost. Arguments ran across the board wherever to try and send a third ROV in, to assemble a team to retrieve both ROVs, or to just leave the matter alone. The second idea won out, and a team was assembled and trained. Their objective was only to retrieve both probes and then head back. However, not everything is as it seems both on the other side, and on the home front...


1.) The Rift is unforgiving. A sufficient number of mistakes made on the part of the characters present WILL be crippling or fatal to them should they be severe enough.

2.) No single sentence posts will be allowed unless they are useful to another player [ex: Conversations that need the player being talked to to respond]

3.) When Writing in OOC, you HAVE to include some writing about your character. We do not want discussions about characters cluttering RPGs

4.) Powerplaying will not be tolerated [No completely unbeatable, invincible characters that constantly charge after things without the possibility of stopping it]. The RPG is relaxed in what it allows but if given reason, limits will be put in place because we can’t have nice things :<

5.) No personalities like "Kills everything in his/her path" will be tolerated. Characters must do something else as well as that.

6.) Detail and quality are the most important factors to an RPG post on this site. Without them, the post does not qualify to be on the forums, and is soon deleted.

7.) Titles, should you give your characters them, are purely cosmetic. So no rulers of the universe or what have you.

8.) No long range teleportation. Short range (pertaining to a few feet at a time) is fine however. Just don't be a cheap *** with it.

9.) Due to the nature of the Rift, time across the RPG means **** all. So go ahead, have fun with day and night cycles and what is visible in the sky. Just don't switch back and forth willy nilly every few posts.

10.) Try to limit things from outside media. Inspiration from movies, video games and what have you is all well and fine, but direct copy-pasting things, especially from a wiki centered around the thing in question, is not so well. Remember: personal creativity is preferred above reinterpreting someone else's work.
Last edited by C S on Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:45 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:41 am

"You'd expect the reaction to shutting down an entire national park would be bad. What we've been dealing with though? Worse. Unexpectedly so" A light skinned man with a thick mustache and beard commented as his fingers clattered away on computer keys. "Between the reporters camped at the outskirts and those trying to get in the Black Out zone by impersonating team staff...its crazy"

"Can you blame them? We've been camped out here trying to pick apart this mystery while everyone else is trying to keep it under wraps. It's human nature to investigate the unknown and when you try to hide it from the outside world, the more the world wants to know about it" Another man said from across the field lab, looking out of the clear plastic screen that took up half the height of one side of the research tent's walls. It was pointed right at the vortex that had developed so abruptly, the dark swirling cloud occasionally flashing with electrical outbursts. It was if a hurricane had been draped all over the geyser and it just...sat there. Swirling, flashing but doing little else. "It's also human nature to fear the unknown. People are saying all sorts of things about this...black holes, aliens...all sorts of nonsense," the man at the computer replied. "The argument out of ignorance as they say..."

After a chuckle, the other man replied "Well don't we deal with that enough already? Third party organization set up in the midst of heavy military presences and the leading scientific foundations; I've heard rumors that O.W.L is some government offshoot putting its stakes in the ground to expand its influence"

The scientist at the computer stopped typing. "What rumors? No one from the general public knows O.W.L is involved in this...unless there are a few moles left to be caught..."

"Not the public" the man at the screen replied. "Our colleagues. We aren't trusted here as you can probably tell by the odd looks that come our way. We are a threat to the more established of our...esteemed company"

"Figures" the scientist said with a sigh, looking down from his dimly lit screen to the keyboard his finger tips rested on. "Then that means our suspicions have been confirmed...all of our lives are in danger"

"Of course. The Relativity Coil is ground breaking science. Einstein and Tesla...their names are practically ancient and yet they are like gods to us still. From their work we have made so much progress and now we will suffer for it...we can only hope Kane will pull through for us..."

"Assuming we live long enough, sir. All we can focus on right now is keeping the Flux Stabilizer working and the connection to the 'other side' open. We might be wizards and witches to everyone else here because we know how that damn portal functions, but it's all nothing but science in the end"

"You know Jacob, one might mistake you for a pessimist with that attitude of yours. Hard not to be...the world encourages you to hope and then kicks you in the gut for it" the man at the window said.

"Just doing my job, sir" Jacob replied before typing as he had before, checking the readouts from all the instruments around the portal. The Flux Stabilizer in particular was honed in on the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the rift and from there created an infinite loop, creating an oxymoron in which order was imposed on chaotic forces. The portal would not close as long as it remained active, maintained and monitored...
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby InfernalAngel » Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:54 am

Seargent Andrew Hutcherson patrolled the guard tower with a Turret Drone, on of Sarah's latest creations for the United States NATIK OPS.
"Sh**!" He said accidently over his field-mic, as he looked at the mini-town made up of reporters.

"Hey sarge, I know you've got a really exciting job walking back and forth for 4 hours, but try not to get too excited." Spoke up the Field Commander, Lt. Marshall Brown.

"Yeah sure thing bossman, doin' real important work here..." replied the Seargent as he took the Drone in back to the command Hub.

"Hutcherson," growled Brown, "This stuff is serious, I don't wan't your sarcastic comments and half a-!"

"Oh, whoops, lost connection." muttered Hutcherson as he switched of his field communictions set, only about 100 yards from the HUB.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:44 am

"Just so you know, my mission briefing said I'd be flying alone in unknown turf for weeks on end in completely new world... or universe. Which ever the case may be, I could have flown myself to the launch site!" Kane said over his aircraft headset, the mic curving around his right cheek to hover inches from his lips.

"So eager to have the controls in your hands, Hendrix? Simmer down. You'll get your shot. Besides, Felicity is nowhere near a Vertibird; you wouldn't be able to handle it!" The pilot replied, separated from Kane by the cockpit door. The drone of beating propellers echoed through the chilled nightly air. "Oh yeah, of course. How silly of me, to think I could fly this relic of an aircraft when I will be piloting the cutting edge not too long from now! Boy Maverick, I'm glad they decided to have you be my transport, you always know best-"
"Oh, can it you smartass" Maverick retorted preemptively just before swinging the VTOL craft around, Kane feeling himself forced into his seat from the maneuver.

They had passed over the borderline erected by officials to isolate the anomaly. From the Vertibird window, Kane had seen the droves of people who were gathered around it, people illuminated by bright white spotlights and their own lamps, camping outside and looking on as history was made. Others were more vocal about the exclusion zone, protesting the Black Out but making no headway in their cause. This was non-negotiable. Funny then, how he; an outsider that just happened to be part of this outlying group was given the chance of a million life times. It was comparable to if Neil Armstrong was chosen to go on the Apollo missions because NASA had taken note of his spiffy experiments he did in his garage.

The dual propeller craft eased its way into a grassy field near the anomaly which had become a makeshift landing zone. With so many people converging on Yellowstone, the roads were being congested. The only way in for officials was through air travel. Spotlights illuminated the field and personnel stood at attention to receive the Vertibird. As it neared, six landing gear deployed along its long fuselage, the engine nacelles pointed vertical and the black and green vehicle touched down softly. All at once, keepers rushed to the Vertibird, attaching a fuel line as the rotors powered down and tending to all sorts of the craft's needs. At the aft, the exit ramp was lowered, Kane walking down it soon after. Awaiting him was a pair of finely dressed individuals. "Mister Henderson? Your designations have arrived an hour ago and have been prepped for your task. Shall we escort you to your station?" a dark skinned man said in a deep, neutral tone. Without waiting for a response, the two officers were off, walking briskly towards one of several complexes. It had a huge flatbed out front with something lying on it, a tarp still laid over it. Kane knew that was Felicity, waiting for its maiden voyage...
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:25 am

Inside of the exclusion zone, a makeshift-building had been prepared for the debriefing of the planned team. Inside the small structure, in a rather cozy office, was a lady, blonde-haired, purple eyes, and a pair of glasses resting on the ridge of her nose. She was sorta tall, about 6 ft., and wore a plain black and white suit. On the opposite side of the desk she was at, was a young man in his twenties. He was atad taller than her, and muscular in stature, with a green shirt and brown shorts on. "So, you seem pretty excited about this..." The woman yawned, as she looked out the sole window at the anomaly over the geyser.

"Well of course I am." The man replied, chuckling. "For hundreds of years, mankind has wondered if we were alone amongst the stars, and now, we finally get to see if that is true or not. Just imagine, we head over and we find intelligent life!"

"Um, the objective is only to go and retrieve the probes, Rebin, nothing more and nothing less. Taking some samples and whatnot is good and all, but remember the main objective. Those probes shouldn't be too far from the enterance to... whatever that is." The lady whispered, jotting down notes on the paper infront of her. Her eyes drifted back to a painting she had put on the wall. It showed angels being cast down from heaven. At the front was none ofther than the Devil himself, and right behind him was a diffrent angel, one with 6 purple wings, long white hair, and robed in red...

"Earth to Yukari, quit gazing at that picture and focus back on me." Rebin's voice brought her attention back. "We have everything we need. All we have to do is wait for the others to arrive, then we'll be set to go."

"How nice to know. Thank the government for allowing us to be part of this group." Yukari sighed. It had indeed been a hectic process. Whatever miracle had occured to allow them to participate, she was certain to thank. It had been both her and Rebin's dream to encounter sapient life that wasn't human... and the vortex above old Faithful was an open door, waiting to accept them in...

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:58 pm

Jacob stood with his front to the concealed construct, a super flat hand held computer in hand. Like before, he tirelessly monitored the energy readouts in the area and viewed his logs and schedules with speedy taps of the screen. "Ah Kane. So glad that you are here. After hearing about your personal history with Maverick, I was beginning to wonder if he had ejected you mid flight" Jacob said suddenly, turning around and putting the hand held away as he did. The men in suits nodded to the man of science and departed. They were not with O.W.L. Stereotypical government agents? No...something was different about them. Kane couldn't put a finger on it. Not spending too long on the thought, he replied "We had an interesting talk on the way here actually. He sends his regards to your wife"
"...What?" Jacob said, raising a brow. "Kidding" Kane answered wryly. "Though I wish I kept the headset. Would've been funny as hell if he heard this"
"Usually I'd go on saying your mind isn't in the right place, but even your jokes a welcome change. Things have been looking a bit..." Jacob trailed off, glancing around to make sure he wasn't being watched or listened to. He knew full well he most definitely was under surveillance and that he would have to choose his words carefully. "...Tense..." he finished saying after a short pause.

"I could see that happening, O.W.L guys being the leading experts on this thing right now. Must be a lot of pressure on you all" Kane replied pleasantly but Jacob only smiled nervously. "You have no idea..." he thought
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:22 pm

As the two spoke, the signature wail of an RTT-12 Hummingbird VTOL sounded out overhead, the craft flying low above the base, gone by the time it was heard, as behind the two, a thump punctuated the arrival of the security force; Jacob Spencer, aka The Cutlass. Straightening, the man, clad in black APC/R armoured stealth suit, a black full length coat worn over it, his face revealing him to be a gaunt faced man, a short moustache and goatee framing his mouth, cleanly trimmed, intense, vaguely shimmering silver eyes staring back at the two as he dusted himself off. "I assume I'm not late to the party?" said the man as he crossed his arms...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:32 pm

"Right on schedule mister Spencer" Jacob replied, tapping the screen of his handheld. One more thing checked off his long list of things to do to get the mission underway. "Mister Spencer?" Kane asked, eying the man with a raised brow. He makes a joke about Jacob's marriage so Jacob calls in spec ops to get back at him? Nah, of course not. But why else would this newcomer be here if he was nonessential? Surely he wasn't going to be-

"He'll be your partner over the course of your exploration. We don't know what's waiting for you over there and you aren't aren't certified for combat. Jacob Spencer on the other hand, is" the scientist said. He mentally anticipated Kane's response. "His name is Jacob too?" he asked.
"Incidentally, though I was expecting you to protest about getting a partner" Jacob replied.
"I'll get to to that, the name thing threw me off a bit..." Kane responded.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:53 pm

"Well, I'd be a really shoddy businessman if I weren't" responded Jacob as he nodded to the man, before turning to his associate. "Let's get a simple thing out of the way here. You are a scientist. I'm a soldier. The most reliable option your organisation can afford, short of sending in a small army. Something has put everything you sent in there 6 feet into the bloody ground. Clearly you need something to counteract that problem without crippling your ability to work. Thus, you get me" explained Jacob calmly, though to-the-point....
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:02 am

"Yeah but-" Kane began, to which Jacob spoke up and cut him off before he could make a rebuttal. "We gave you your training and instructions, put too much time in you only to have you fly off and get yourself killed. I don't know where you got the idea you'd be going on this quest alone, but there is no more argument to be made. Besides, obviously O.W.L sees value in you if we got Jacob here to be your escort"

Kane sighed but nodded in compliance. No adventure was worth going on if you couldn't come back to tell the tale of it. With that, he extended a hand and said "Well I suppose this means we're in this together. Kane Henderson is my name, though everyone calls me Hendrix"
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:58 am

Near the makeshift structure within the exclusion zone, a lone, massive form sat and waited. The armor he wore was heavy, and looked more at home in outer space than it did where he was at the moment; the suit itself probably wieghed in excess of 100 pounds. Upon his back, many devices were strapped, ranging from a futuristic power saw, to a sledgehammer, to a bag full of god knows what. Damian had lived a harsh lifestyle, but now, he had been given the chance of a lifetime.

He could barely believe it himself. He had been poor for so many years, and acted as a simple laborer. He had destroyed many buildings, constructed towering skyscrapers, and cleared land in the most remote parts of the world. Even the fact he managed past the dregs of society amazed him sometimes. Somehow, somewhere, he had joined the armed forces. From there, things seemed to just get better for him. After being inducted in, he was brought into an elite force, made for demolition. Yet, from there, things seemed to get better for him. Apparently, something was watching out for him, as now, he had been selected to join this team to go into the unknown. He did not know why they selected him, or what they needed him for; all he remembered was that one day, his commander told him to head to Yellowstone and ask for clearance, as he had been called up.

He could barely fathom just how lucky he was. And Damian could not wait to see what lied in wait for this 'mission'...
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby InfernalAngel » Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:16 am

Major Sarah Hall strode out of the U.S. NATIK OPS Command tent alongside Corporal Jurgen "Doc" Ilshstein. Upon catching site of Hutcherson, they jogged up beside him, carrying their rifles till they stood with him.

Andrew turned and nodded to the two and they headed out to the gaurd the scientist's tent, all three of them jogging in unison, rifles across their chests.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:10 pm

"Jacob Spencer. Alias 'Cutlass'. Don't feel too bad about me tagging along. I'm sure what you end up seeing when we get there will change your mind" responded Jacob simply, shifting his gaze to Calhoun. "Anyway, when do we set off?" he inquired...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:48 pm

"Within the hour" Jacob said, rapid taps on the handheld screen kicking off the process. The whine of hydraulics then swept through the crisp air, metal clamps gripping the sheet and swiftly pulling it off. There was a "fwump" as the covers fluttered with the motion, the orange and black hull of the Felicity was revealed, the silver light of the moon reflected in its yellow tinted windshield and its paneling. The craft was a strange blend of a chopper and Harrier jet. The front portion was rounded, tapering off towards the tail. There was some kind of container mounted right under the tail, accessible straight from the main part of the vehicle.

Its landing gear were a three point system, two wheels at the front and one pointed back, resulting in the crafting angled backwards on its landing, to make departure from the housing module a breeze. Other entry points were reached by orange rungs leading up the sides of the transport. Its thrust and lift came from a similar configuration, two side mounted engine nacelles that could be tilted at any angle along with one more mounted on the tail which could be held at any angle between 90 and 180 degrees.

"You know, this is only the second time I've seen his thing. The first time was just some design you guys showed me in the simulators!" Kane said, his excitement evident in his voice. He was going to be the one to fly this. "The owl eyes are a nice touch, though I wonder if there's anything on the other side that could read the name..."
"Well I suppose you'll find out in due time, hmm?" Jacob responded. "And us at home will be following along through the IDT feed. I can barely wait for the first images to get back"
"And I can't wait to send them. Lets get a move on, Jacob. Lets not keep progress waiting" Kane said, looking to the soldier and then walking up to the flatbed, climbing a short set of gray metal stairs up to the platform itself. Mr.Calhoun nodded typed in another update in his handheld, alerting the rest of the team to prepare the Harmonic Equalizers...
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:35 pm

"...Please tell me he's been given flight training for this thing" said Jacob as he glanced at Calhoun. The man's excitement and the fact he said he had only seen it twice, counting now, had unnerved him. Surely he was given training courses in a simulator first....but then, with such a rushed operation, he couldn't help but suspect that perhaps they had bypassed that detail...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:44 pm

"Pfft; of course. We spent too much to hand this thing off to an idiot. He has had training with the simulators and the prototype which-surprisingly- survived the testing phases. He took to it like a fish to water. Kane might be a bit of a goof, but the man has skill. Him keeping Felicity from nose diving doesn't worry me... its the more...technical aspects I'm worried about but the science and mathematics are well founded...still, you can never be sure until you see it work...." Mr.Calhoun replied, tapping his fingers on the handrail of the stairs.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:36 pm

The door to the building opened up, and both Rebin and Yukari came out. "So all we have to do now is wait for the others to show up, and for the debriefing of the entire group to begin." Rebin reminded his friend, who yawned once more. "I hear we have quite the expedition group assembled, people with expertise in various areas..."

"Really then? That's nice to know... You seem confident that it'll turn out alright, so I'll just stay here and watch..." Yukari began, but Rebin cut her short.

"What, and miss out on encountering the unknown? You know you want to-" Here, Rebin finally noticed Damian a slight ways off. Well, atleast one member had arrived. Turnnig his attention from his friend from college, the man walked over to the tall figure. "You must be one of the expedition members. Name's Rebin..." He announced, holding his hand out...

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:45 pm

The big man glanced over his shoulder, before the massive bear of a man turned to look down at Rebin. Damian glanced down at Rebin's hand, before he shook it heartily, his massive paw of a hand nearly engulfing the other man's hand entirely.

"Good to meet you, Rebin," Damian replied with a smile. "The name's Damian. I'm your demolition expert. Call me a demoman, if you will."
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:02 pm

"...This isn't helping, mate" said Jacob, his face blank of any expression as he heard the man's lamentations on the potential problems. He took note of a group a distance away, enhanced hearing picking up the names as he took note. "No sense wasting time, I suppose" he added as he walked towards the craft, intending to board...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:22 pm

Rebin couldn't help but feeling abit small next to such a mammoth of a man. Never had he been so close to such a large person. "great to have you on board then. Who knows what will need to be blown up on the other side." Here, he chuckled abit...

But Yukari didn't find it all that funny, if that had meant to be a joke. "I think you've gone abit rusty on your humor." She said to Rebin, before shifting her attention to Damian. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Damian. Name's Yukari. Both me and Rebin here are here to see if there' sany sort of sapient life on the other side. You know how crazy our species has been in searching for others like ourselves..." she said, having to crane her neck abit to look up into his eyes...

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