Space E-war Reloaded

Combat oriented RPGs. Less story, more action.

Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:35 pm

"Stand. Down," The Turian sergeant growled, his weapon still raised. Even if it could absorb the electricity, enough of it would overload any machine, no matter how advanced, and the rest of the C-sec officers had their own tasers drawn, ready to overload the Seeker at a moment's notice...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:51 pm

"As that one wishes," Ecliptor said, the distortion in his voice persisting, drops and sudden rising in pitch like microphone feedback marring his speech patterns. It was clear he had taken some damage from the blast. Ecliptor dropped into a kneeling stance, slamming his hand into the floor and unleashing a wall of force and electricity that rushed forth at the officers, tearing up everything as it went, charging the air with the electrifying energy...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:05 am

A month later saw Khuurava's mission concluded. The hunt had pulled the Mercenary all the way across the Terminus systems, but in the end, he had caught up to the Turian and fought him into submission, culminating in Saren's incapacitation. Both his legs had been smashed, one arm hacked off at the elbow, and the other blown off just past the shoulder. It had taken the Ezdelera's life support systems to keep him from dying on the way back to the Citadel. Handing him over to the council had netted the Khurakra and his Turian team mate a hefty reward each, after which they split up. Khuurava felt Arrak simply wasn't tough enough for his team, though considering the Khurakra's often unreasonable standards, it was little surprise. Arrak, for his credit, did well enough to leave with enough wealth to his name to make it on his own, leaving Khuurava to continue his business as he always had; big guns, a lot of bullets, and the physical skill and strength to tear his opponents apart even when robbed of both of them.

The Khurakra now had a new ship under his command. The Khurakriidi frigate was the highest tech starship available to 'civilians', armed with highly advanced stealth systems, top of the line armour, enough firepower to outgun anything in its size range, and an engine powerful enough that he could outrun anything his guns couldn't bring down. It had cost him almost the entire bounty, but it was well worth it. Christened the Marauder, the warship had all the best of the Ezdelera's features, and more...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:42 am

"You will tell me what I want to know, chump"

The voice was hard, gruff and disjointed, even for a synthetic. Though, it wasn't his voice. Ecliptor paced around the medical table the Batarian had been fastened to with metal clamps securing his limbs to the cold, silvery surface. The cobbling together of audio input made rough cut sentences, but ones that were grammatically correct for the most part. Ones that did not have himself referred to as "this one". It did not hurt to have a repertoire of insults to use as designations for Khuurava's end of the bargain struck with the Seeker.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about!" the Batarian shouted. He was in the robot's personal workstation: a maintenance alcove that the mercenary was willing to convert into Ecliptor's living space. As much as of a living space a robot could require. The Batarian was street trash, part of a gang causing problems at a stop the Marauder had docked with once.

After Khuurava's intervention, the problem had been rectified and a few nondescript spoils were reaped. Most of which were dead now and jettisoned into space.

Without any reply or warning, Ecliptor brandished a very large needle, the tip glistening in the light of the sole lamp that shone directly down on the gray-skinned alien. With a swift movement, Ecliptor had jabbed it into their arm.

"What the **** did you just put in me!?" the Batarian exclaimed and wriggled fruitlessly against the restraints.

"Highly potent neurotoxin-hemotoxin blend. Death assured in less than five minutes without antidote administered" Ecliptor replied with his own gravelly voice. It was still somewhat distorted, the damage sustained a month earlier still not fully repaired. With his other clawed hand, he slammed down a vial filled with a clear liquid. "Antidote. Tell this one what this one wishes to know"

The Batarian stared wide eyed -all four eyes bulging- at the needle he was stabbed with and the vial that was on the slab, just out of reach of his right hand. The bruised alien had endured much suffering at the claws of the Seeker, arguably undue torture for whatever petty crimes he had ever committed.

"Please...I...I don- I DON'T KNOW!" the Batarian blubbered hysterically. "I don't know I don't know I don't know!"

A backhand from the Seeker did not make him cease.

"I don't ******* know anything! I'm just a low-life piece of space-slag you robotic fuckhead!"

Ecliptor took the vial and held it over the Batarian's face, his shadow looming over the horrified alien. It crunched in his grip, Ecliptor crushing it and letting its contents drip onto his victim's face.

"NO!" the Batarian screamed. "NO! NO! NO! I don't want to die like this! I don-...water? Is that ******* water?"

"Experiment results: organic becomes irrational after falsely threatened with death. Ignores the untreated puncture in vein" Ecliptor reported. An even more terrified expression was etched onto the four-eyed alien's face, watching as his blood pumped from the needle wound.

"Oh ****! Oh ****!" he said in a panicky tone.

"Subject termination imminent"

"You can't do this! You can't!" the beaten Batarian pleaded, but Ecliptor simply reached for something he could not exactly see. It was only when the Seeker attached it did the Batarian know what was happening. It was a siphon. His blood was going to be sampled -all of it

His final cries were stifled behind the metal walls, tucked far, far away in the guts of the Marauder...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:49 am

Off in the outskirts of Imperial space...

A Mon Calamari warship hopelessly sped through space as it exchanged fire with its pursuer. Despite the Mon Calamri vessel being a large warship by itself, it was tiny compared to the ship that chased it and after a minute long exchange the rebel warship exploded violently. It was a suicidal enough to even engage against the Star Dreadnought but fleeing was it's only chance and even then, it was not enough.

"How... unfortunate. So much for trying to disable the ship... I suppose these things happen when you use vessels larger then Star Destroyers" Admiral Piett declared, rather boastful almost chuckling at his own comment. He had every reason to however, Revan's flagship held firepower and size unmatched throughout the Empire. One would think the Emperor himself would fancy such a ship but even he had no time to waste chasing rebels in Star Dreadnoughts. Piett turned back towards the workers pits within the bridge.
"Anything from the wreckage?" Piett questioned.
"Still searching Admiral but from the looks of it, there's no point in even sending a probe in. The firepower from the ship was too much" An officer responded, looking up from the scanner. Piett stared downward from his elevated position before sighing.
"It seems our vessel works.. too well, what are your orders now Lord Revan?" Piett then turned towards the dark armored man who stood, arms folded staring off into space.
"There." The man suddenly declared and just like that a small vessel appeared seemingly out of the darkness of space.
Piett turned suddenly to spot the vessel but it was a mere transport vessel, one that would be eradicated instantly should the Imperial flagship fire.
"Do not fire! Activate the tractor beam!" The Imperial crews worked swiftly as the gigantic vessel moved into position.
"Faster!" Piett ordered but just as the tractor beam deployed, the rebel vessel shot off into space.
"Damn." Piett uttered. "I want all possible destinations tracked judging from their last known trajectory" Piett commanded, failure was something he could not afford.
"Admiral. Prepare a Tartan, Tell Fordo and Commando Squad 4 to meet me in the hanger. We're pursing the ship" The man responded as he watched the situation unfold.
"Lord Revan..?" Piett questioned, unsure.
"Their moves were at random. It was a blind jump. Keep the fleet stationed here. I'll be back with our rebels." Revan stated before turning and walking off the bridge as Piett simply nodded and bowed as the Dark Lord walked by. While the move somewhat puzzled the Imperials, it did make some sense. After all chasing tiny rebel vessels with Imperial warships designed for heavy engagements was pointless. They needed speed and stealth to match the transport that had escaped.

Arriving at the hanger, a small squad of about twenty men appeared assembled before the lambda Class Shuttle. An Alpha Class ARC Trooper along with 19 Imperial Commando Units stood before the transport, checking their weapons as they turned at attention at Revan's arrival.
"A Rebel transport hid and jumped to hyperspace after we destroyed the Mon Calamari vessel. While we can applaud the Mon Calamari's sacrifice, we have a mission to accomplish. The rebels preformed a blind jump they won't get far. We're going in, outside of Imperial territory.. and we're bringing them back" Revan stated as the gathered group of soldiers nodded as Revan motioned them to enter the vessel, the soldiers did not question any order, they knew what they had to do.

The small Imperial transport placed its hyperspace coordinates, following what was estimated to be the most likely location of where their rebel enemies had fled to. Within moments they accelerated off... unsure of where they were heading..all that mattered was getting the rebel scum that had luckily escaped.
Last edited by Anaclagon on Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:10 am

Helies rested on his throne, his three eyes closed as he slumbered. It had been a month since the girl had been captured, and even after provoking her and torturing her, she hadn't spilt any beans yet. They had originally started off with treating her nicely, hoping that a fair and mannered treatment would get her to reveal her power. However, when that failed, Helies had simply shifted over the handling of the matter to Weri, who was in charge of getting the homosepte to squeal. Helies had contemplated killing her and just find more of her species, yet they had remained rather elusive. He was getting irritated. The power to bring back the dead... Yes, he could use that to his advantage, both on the battlefield... and in the political heirachy of the Spacepirates. In his attempts to try and get the girl to reveal her power, he had needed to dispose of several officers and soldiers that had failed to follow the rules instated. He was still trying to keep up the image of a benevolent wise ruler to the lower ranks, but those closest to him knew of his true nature...

" Lord Helies!" THe voice of Weri announced to him. All three of the Goriot's eyes snapped open and he looked down at the head Pirate Commander kneeled before him, It was obvious he seemed afraid, for he was trembling eveyr so slightly.

"What is it, commander? If it is bad news or the obvious, then don't bother telling me if you value your life." Helies spat. There were a few moments of silence. "Nevermind, go ahead and state the obvious bad news!" He hissed in ill temper.

"The Homosepte still refuses to cooperate with us." Weri reported. "Even after extended torture and a week of starvation, she refuses to tell us anything. Also, Rutivre's fleet haven't arrived from their raid. We fear they may have gotten lost or-"

"Just what we need. More brainless idiots following Borie's example! if they come back later than a week, have their family's executed and made examples of." Helies rumbled...

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:23 pm

The Marauder drifted through space slowly, skirting the Terminus systems, it's sleek form gliding across the dark expanse on the brims of the star systems, stealth systems cloaking it from the sensors of all ships not actively searching for them. And those that were...well, Khuurava would know about them long before they knew about him...

His new 'crewmate', if Ecliptor could be called that, had turned out to be an able companion, if perhaps a bit dangerous. Ultimately, he decided the best way to ensure he got the most out of the machine's frighteningly efficient combat skills and avoided potential damage to him, his gear and his ship, was to make a deal with the synthetic; it's services, in exchange for an ample supply of test subjects, on the condition that said test subjects were collected from the thugs and other hostiles they encountered on their various jobs, and that Ecliptor avoided drawing too much attention when they were working somewhere it would be undesirable; the incident at the Citadel acting as an ideal example. The latter point seemed to be touch-and-go with the robot, which seemed to either not understand the concept or lack an understanding of how to do so. Additionally, it tended to be a bit trying at times to provide the supply of test subjects for the synthetic, though with the fair portion of the ship's holds converted into an impenetrable prison cell, it wasn't difficult to stockpile the test subjects. Khuurava's investment into a number of cryostasis pods made it even easier, as with them [and the electronic locks placed on them to prevent unplanned escape], he didn't even need to worry about providing the natural amount of food necessary for survival, saving him money in the long run. When his next job was going to be light on potential combatants, he gave the synthetic ample warning that they would not be gathering any new test subjects for it's experiments. It was a brutal deal, but one that served his purposes well. He had a brutally efficient assassin, tech specialist, hacker, saboteur, and mechanic on his side; practically an entire crew rolled into one efficient frame, and in return, he only had to provide it with the scum so foolish as to get on the wrong side of his gun...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:10 pm

The Batarian was limp but not dead. There was still a little life left in his battered body, head turned off to the side, color draining away from his flesh and his mouth hung agape. His eyes were wide open, though staring blankly off at one of the room's walls.

A short time later, Ecliptor held up a tube tinged dark red to the lamp, tapping one metal claw to it. He had a full case of Batarian blood for future experimentation from this one sample, but he was still not finished with him. The blue plated Seeker walked over to the table where the many surgical tools lay. The many blood stained blades told a story of much use for less than admirable ends.

After making his selection, Ecliptor made his way back to the incapacitated Batarian. In one hand he held a small circular saw with a white rectangular handle. Tightening his hold slightly on the grip revved it up, the servos high pitched and whining when the blade starting spinning. Almost gingerly, Ecliptor used his free hand to right the alien's head so that his eyes were staring right towards the lamp shining down on him.

Then Ecliptor put the saw to the Batarian's temple, slowly and methodically slicing his head open longitudinally, mechanical precision ensuring that the vital tissues of the brain would be undamaged while the skull itself was sheared open.

There was little blood to stain Ecliptor's work station. There rarely was a mess left when his testing was done.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:14 pm

Several thousand miles away from the Marauder, several ships appeared out of slipspace, each vessel spaced apart by 30 or so miles. 7 of these were Pirate Carriers, slightly larger than the ones destroyed a month ago, but the 8th ships was something diffrent. It was far more streamlined and narrow in shape, but it was far larger as well, over 5 miles long in comparison to the mile long Carriers. This was a Hogethian Destroyer, the most powerful kind of ship in the Space Pirate fleet, and one of the most rare. On the bridge of the massive vessel was Captain Rutivre. He was a tall, lanky pirate with a scar running down the left side of his face. Rutivre was an ambitious pirate like Borie before him, but the main diffrence between the two was that while Borie had been one of the lowests ship captains in the Pirate forces, and thus only had one ship under his control, Rutivre was among the more higher ranks. Several other ship captains were under his contol, and what he told them, they obeyed. With them having left hyperspace, Rutivre looked amongst his crew with pleasure. They had just finished a raid earlier, but the horde they had gotten just wasn't enough for him to enjoy... no, he wanted more to loot and bring back to Helies... and he was dead set on getting what he wanted...

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:16 pm

Sensors on the Marauder allowed Khuurava to see the ships clearly. The Mercenary's ship itself had dropped its energy signature to nearly nothing. Engines were inactive, moving purely on momentum, and while its shields were activated, they were kept low enough that they would not leave a significant blip on any ship's sensors. Stealth systems were engaged, redirecting all ventilated heat towards heat sinks within the ship...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:08 pm

In time, the dark harvest had been completed. Major organs had been removed from the Batarian, whose corpse was flayed at the front and then halved from the throat downwards, revealing muscle and skeletal structure. The top of his head was completely missing, laid off to the edge of the work table. The eyes were removed, leaving four gaping holes in the face region that led to empty space where the brain should be.

Ecliptor's collection of tissue and blood were all put in cases and categorized then stored away inside a large steel fridge at the far side of the room, near the table of tools. He would not need a Batarian subject again for some time...assuming the content taken from the alien survived additional testing. And there was a high chance that it probably wouldn't.

As per the norm, the only blood Ecliptor had to deal with was what had flowed from the alien's arm after he was stabbed with the needle. Cleaning it was simple enough. The rest of the body however, was to be disposed of.

Undoing the clamps and hauling the butchered body from the slab, Ecliptor dragged the Batarian to a short cylinder ringed in black metal. Pressing a large red button made the aperture cover slide apart. Ecliptor hauled the Batarian up and over the edge, dropping him into the transport chute. The aperture closed then, the body being sucked through the tube, where it would have passed through a compactor. Crushed into a fleshy cube, the Batarian was left aft of the Marauder as it coasted through space.

"Testing procedure complete" Ecliptor noted. Turning his attention to the terminal above the chute, he redirected the transport destination from the ejector unit to the cockpit depositor. While the chutes were meant to transport small items and parcels through the ship quickly, Ecliptor took to them as means of traveling around the ship. He was, after all, used to navigating tight passages interspersed throughout a craft's internal workings.

The robot crawled into the chute, the apparatus closing behind him. Seconds later he was whisked away through the relatively large pipes, vacuum pulled to the bridge.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Giratina93 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:34 am

Back on the Euripedes station, Helies glared amongst the numerous moniters around them. Suddenly, one of the grayed ou tmoniters flicked to life, and the scarred form on Rutivre was shown on it. The eyes of the giant reptile gleamed as he quickly adopted a calm, pleasant look to him. About time he showed up... though the image was atad blurry and scratchy, meaning he was near the maximum range for communication. "Captain Rutivre, me and Weri were wondering where you were. WHy haven't you come back to base yet?" Helies asked while turning off all the other moniters so only he and Rutivre were speaking.

The Space Pirate Captain bowed. "My apologies, Lord Helies, but the ship's containment bays are barely half full with loot, and we intended to fill them completely before we head back. We were simply on our way to another raid. Infact we should be arriving at our destination within an hour, so you can sit back and watch."

"Very well then, but try not to do anything rash. Keep your guard up at all time, and don't take any risks." Helies hissed in a false set of genuine care, which Rutivre took at face value.

"As you command, Lord Helies." The Pirate Captain responded before turning around and barking to his subordinates, "Keep our shields online. All ships stick together and don't open fire unless we are attacked!"

The 8 ship fleet cruised through space, as if ignoring the Marauder. Sure enough, they didn't sense it... and simply kept on, going in the direction of their choice...

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:43 am

The Imperial Tartan Cruiser Battler emerged from hyperspace in unfamiliar territory. It was around 250 meters long and armed with 20 laser cannons spread out all throughout the warship. Compared to the rest of the Empire vessels. it was an ant. Revan stood at the cockpit staring out into space as he thought to himself. Any ships larger then this probably would have been too noticeable and their rebel quarry would have gotten even further away. This ship was perfect for the assignment of hunting a small fleeing rebel force as Tartan cruisers were used as patrol vessels.

"Pilot what system is this?" Revan questioned.
"It's unmarked sir. We are clearly out of Imperial Territory"
"Activate the cloaking device and end out probe droids at once and send a code out back to the fleet. They will need to know this location should we require more then just a Tartan" Revan commanded.
"Yes sir, right away" The pilot replied as he looked back at the console and with several pushes of a button two medium sized capsules at the sides of the ship broke off from the ship as a rocket activated in each, sending them flying off into space at random directions. Once the probes were sent flying off the ship activated its cloaking device and just like that disappeared.
"They didn't get far and the probes will find a trail..soon" Revan responded as he turned from the cockpit and back at where the various soldiers were sitting.
Fordo, an Alpha Class ARC Trooper with two other ARC Troopers and 16 Commandos. On board the vessel were two Phase 2 Dark Troopers and One Phase 3 Dark Trooper. The small group of men on board was suitable enough for a planetary engagement if that turned out to be the case.

Fordo stepped forward away from the rest of the troops."Sir with all due respect, I would have preferred that we at least arrived in a Star Destroyer. I know you were looking for speed and stealth but is our target that of a priority that we have to take precautions such as this?"
"There's a Jedi among the fugitives. And if anything a Star Destroyer would have gathered too much attention. I don't need random alien species assaulting the outskirts of the Empire" Revan responded.
"Understood sir however when those Aliens attacked it wasn't your fault." Fordo replied.
"I'm aware but it seems our Emperor has a way of testing us. Even I know little of the games he plays...whoever started that conflict, I'm sure the Emperor knows." Revan said as Fordo simply nodded.

A period of time passed until a one of the pilots made an announcement. "Sir.. I think we got something.."
"I don't want guesses trooper" Revan replied as he remained seated.
"Our ship is barely picking it up. It must be military grade..I can't really confirm, it could be interference but it's the best lead we got"
"Get the closest probe and have it follow the lead. Move the ship into position.. if they start running I want to be in position to chase" Revan commanded as the pilots worked to follow orders.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:31 pm

Another blip appeared on the Marauder's sensors, this one smaller than the ones that appeared before it, but still significantly large. It swiftly went dark however, fading to nearly nothing on the sensors. Oh, you have got to be kidding thought Khuurava as he monitored the near non-existant traces on the sensors. Making a quick guess, he decided that, judging by how efficient the stealth equipment was on the more recent arrival, it was probably a military ship. The others were large, but evidently lacked a support craft that could scramble their energy signature. That would mean they probably weren't military. The spacing between them meant they were likely combing the area for other activity, but the fact they were so large meant that they probably weren't professional patrol ships. That implied that they were likely raiders......pirates.

"Ecliptor. I need you to do a sweep of our surroundings. Identify who it is that's entered the system. I'm picking up two separate entities, probably of differing factions" came Khuurava's voice through concealed speakers in the 'lab' Ecliptor used...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:48 pm

At that moment however, the aperture in the cockpit wall opened and Ecliptor's metal claws appeared at the side of the cylinder. He held himself in place while he rotated the rest of his body out of the chute by the shoulder joint, turning full circle and maneuvering his slender body out of the transport system. With his legs out, he dropped himself the foot or so to the floor.

"Khuurava-Commander?" the synthetic spoke, picking up the last part of his order while in transit.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:35 pm

Khuurava very nearly drew a gun on the synthetic. Almost. But not quite. He stopped with his hand an inch from the grip of his handgun. Sighing, he relaxed as he repeated the request. "I said: I need you to take your ship and do a sweep of the surroundings. A series of ships have appeared in the system. I want to know who they are. The difference in their behaviour and location imply two separate factions. But who they are, eludes me. That's your job to find out" he said...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:51 pm

"It will be done" Ecliptor replied. He turned to the terminal above the delivery system, redirected the path of the flow to the ship's holding bay and then reentered the tube.

He exited the tube there the same way he had done at the cockpit and then walked across the expansive chamber where all of the ship's cargo was held. The scout ship was suspended overhead via magnetic clamps. Ecliptor's pulse pack rose into place on his upper back and he began to channel kinetic blasts in his hands. He directed the white energies into the bay's floor and was sent flying up to the ship as a result. His magnetic grips activated when he landed on its purple hull and he crawled his way over to the nearest sidelong hatch, entering it.

Not long after that, the ship was prepped for release.

"This one is ready to embark" Ecliptor messaged Khuurava.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:06 pm

"Halt the ship" Revan commanded as the cloaked Tartan Crusier halted completely. Off in the distance 8 ships were in the distance. The Tartan Cruisers were designed for dealing with star fighters and civilian vessels, they were no much for larger ships.
"Rebels?" Fordo asked as he got up from the passenger bay as he took a peak inside the cockpit. Revan stared ahead, analyzing the vessels. "No, I doubt it. I haven't seen those type of ships anywhere in the Empire. But they don't look like military ships. What off the previous lead?"
"Sir, I'm uploading all the data into the tactical map" The pilot responded. "There" The pilot said upon completion of the data upload.
Revan and Fordo turned around and walked towards the middle of the passenger pay into a large black table as a hologram popped up immediately showing the entire situation.
"So.. we are here..those ships are there.. and we think there's a third one over here" Revan stated mostly to himself, pointing in the various directions.
"Should we call in the fleet? We're outnumbered and out gunned." Fordo said as he turned to Revan, awaiting orders.
"Not yet.. the moment we call in the Invincible and the rest of the fleet. Our presence in this system will be known to practically everyone." Revan responded as he kept analyzing the map as shook his head. "For all we know we've walked into a trap. Pilot keep us here, the moment we're fired upon direct all power to the engines and call in the fleet. Do so on my order only"
"Yes sir" the pilot responded.
"With all due respect sir.. the lone vessel, it's too advanced to be our rebels. The ship we were chasing only evaded us because we were occupied with the Calamri vessel. We got reckless, thought we had the ship we were looking for." Fordo said, displaying his advanced clone intelligence.
Revan nodded taking in what Fordo said. The Sith Lord folded his arms as he always usually did as he stared at the map. A tense situation against unknown factions.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:16 pm

"Understood" responded the Khurakra mercenary, as the magnetic clamps released the vehicle, the cargo bay door beneath the ship opening with a hiss, sliding down slightly before moving back along the ship's hull, allowing the small scout ship the room it needed to depart...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:34 pm

The miniscule craft dropped out from the Marauder, utterly dwarfed by the black and gold ship. Ecliptor's vessel tore away with an initial thrust and then cut the engines, its honed sensory equipment picking up on the eight pirate vessels. Further data checking showed that they were of the same band of pirates that he came across a month prior. From the information retrieved from the ship he sent to its doom, he knew everything there was to know about each of their construction. Access ports, vital system locations and the likes. Should they become a problem, he was more than able to hijack one of them and turn its guns against the others.

The Imperial vessel, in spite of its cloaking was discovered by the tiny scout very quickly thanks to its automated pilot. Scanning for a proverbial 'dead' zone where all emissions disappeared in a telltale manner revealed where the ship was ghosting.

The scout ship on the other hand, relying on its small size to stay discrete, would have registered as nothing more than a lowly comet or some other space rock...
Last edited by C S on Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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