Monster Hunter E-war Profile Topic

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Monster Hunter E-war Profile Topic

Postby Iceking » Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:24 am

post your hunter and monster profiles here just in case.

species:crimson fatalis
wingspan:40 feet
powers:claws, tail, teeth, cna launch fireballs from mouth and can fly
personality:calm and never over confident, he won't underestimate the power of any opponent he fights.

Wingspan:the same as that of any other Rathian
Powers:Claws on feet, tail, teeth, tail spikes contain poison, fireballs from mouth, a chin spike that can be dangerous to a lightly armored human or a creature with weaker skin such as a velociprey and flight
Personality:Calm and intelligent, she puts the saftey of her current brood of hatchlings before her own. She is also more willing to fight from the air like a Rathalos, unlike most other Rathians.
Last edited by Iceking on Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:55 am

Name: Rajorn
Age: 24
Class: Gunner
height: 6'0"
personality: Nice, but can lose his temper when pushed too far.
description: Rajorn's armor is based on the Tigrex. He also has a Heavy Bowgun, to take down any difficult monsters.

name: Raptor
age: 37
species: Black Rythorn
wingspan: 28 feet
abilities: Blue Flame Breath, his Claws, Tail, and Dark based abilities.
personality: Raptor is a merciless creature. He's smart when fighting, and uses great strategy. His species can inhabit any habitat, except for snowy and cold regions, where they cannot fly as easy.
description: Raptor is a bulky upper body, longer arms in the front and shorter in the back. He has a long flexible tail that ends with a sharp point. His wings were partially ripped due to past fights with other creatures. His wings are see-through, which gives him the ability to fly faster. He can rise up onto his hind legs and walk like a normal dragon. He has five clawed hands and four clawed feet. He teeth are located right at the rim of his mouth, another layer is located inside his mouth.
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Postby C S » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:48 am

Name: Azthrax
Species: Prime Raisgaur (Sub species of wyveryn, Original monster)
Powers: Can burrow, launch a sonic roar and excrete a venom from glands on his skin.
Personality: Rutheless and calculating. He's unforgiving and easily enraged.
Description: An eel like creature with silver scales with light blue spines petruding from his back and sides. Has unusable mandibles on his muscular jaws. He has short limbs similar to a salamander's. His eyes are black with no visable pupil.
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Postby Anaclagon » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:39 pm

Name: Arathorn Strife
Age: 18 is the yougest age you can start with: 23
Class: (blademaster, gunner) Blademaster
height: 6'3
personality: Dark cold and ruthless in combat to all enemies. When working with others, he is often quiet, arrogant and confident. Still he is loyal to his men and will attempt to help them and at the same time he'll take the leadership poistion if he must. A highly elite and famous hunter skilled in all aspects of absoulte master of the Great Sword.
Description:Dark, cold brown eyes with medium length hair. Wears Black Dragon Armor and uses The GMR Chrome Heart Great Sword, his armor making him look like a feared Dark Knight which is comparable to his reputation

Name: Siegfried Strife
Age: 18 is the yougest age you can start with 19
Class: (blademaster, gunner) Blademaster
height: 6'0
personality: Young but confident, desires to be a great hunter like his brother. While at times envious, he will follow orders from him and usually goes hunting with his brother, starting to make a name for himself as a master of the giant hammer.
Description: Has slightly longer hair then his brother with a lighter tint of brown with lighter brown eyes. His main weapon the Graviton Hammer and wears Black Gravios Armor

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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:57 pm

Name: Drake Pendragon
Age: 20
Class: Blademaster-Katana specialist
Height: 6'8
Personality: somtimes a bit too cool an attitude, it takes alot to get him worried, or excited, or chearful. he's usually quiet, focused and very precise in his movements. he's very careful with his actions, his strikes always hitting their target.

Description: he wears a combination of armours, made of various creatures. he usually wears a helmet made of Silver Ratholos scales, a chest blade, made of Black Diablos and specially designed to minimise resistence wherever he goes. it fits smoothly on his body, as if it were his own skin, but the insides of the scales have provided an astounding strength in the armour. he usually wears Silver Ratholos tasset, gauntlets and leggings of a white Fatalis. his Divine Slasher is his usual weapon, though he has a Smolder Dragonsword and numerous other blades at the ready for maximum effect on a target...

name: Hades
age: possibly over 200
species: Silver Ratholos
wingspan: 25 feet
abilities: flame based attacks such as fireballs and jets of flames, as well as using his body as a weapon
personality: a cold, cruel predator. dubbed The Hellbinder by Hunters, this particular Los, though not quite as large as normal, is far from easy to fight. his fury is something to behold. unlike most Silver Ratholos, this one doesn't restrict himself to the area around the ancient ruins deep in the jungle. instead, he tends to roam, having been spotted in numerous landscapes and territories...

description: his scales are a very dark metallic silver colour, some places in his armour such as over the top of his head plated with metallic black scales. his fiery blue eyes have orange iris, a thin black slit going down the middle, showing a doorway to a hell that very few hunters have ever survived. looking into them, one would swear they could feel the pain of the souls of those who fought and lost to this Wyvern. his tail has nomerous spikes all along it, but, unlike normal Los, this one's tail spikes are all razor sharp, and curved, the end spike having a poison gland at the base of it, which is the reason the tail tip is somewhat bloated. the poison's stream goes through the middle of the spike, coming out at the needle sharp tip. a fiery yellow or orange glow seems to eminate beneath and between his scales, and, when enraged, manifest in flames that seem to spill out of the cracks between the scales, and seem to glow beneath the scales themselves. the flesh of his jaws seems to glow whitish yellow, and flames actively billow over the top of his 'crown'. it is rumoured that long ago, when he was young and reckless, a hunter managed to strike the top of his head with a powerful warhammer, cracking several scales there. though they healed over and eventually even strengthened themselves, they also retained grooves down to the flesh below. whether this story is true or not is unknown, as the village it was said to originate from was obliterated nearly 100 years ago, with some eyewitnesses saying it was the Hellbinder himself flying away from the fiery wreckage clad in smoke. the wyvern's 'crown' has grown with age, forming three relatively long spikes, two being his main horns, and the third being the central horn forming the middle of the crown. it is behind these horns that the flames seem to originate from. as a result of the flames and fiery energy threatening to burst from beneath his scales, he radiates a field of heat that can be felt for several feet. this field acts against him on the ground however. the dead plants left in his wake from extremely close proximity can be used to track the wyvern...
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Postby dinoman666 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:22 am

Name: Bullhorn
Age: 25
Species: Black Diablos
Wingspan: Same as a usual Black Diablos
Abilities: Extremely good digger, horns, claws, teeth, tail, hard shell that can reduce the durability of weapons that hit it, and limited flight.
Personality: Very aggressive, territorial, and proud, Bullhorn won't hesitate to attack anything that gets in his way, even other Diablos. He will go to great lengths to drive out or kill enemies in his territory, and may resort to dirty tricks to get rid of them.
Description: That of a usual Black Diablos, except his hide is laced with scars from fights.
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Postby Zephyr » Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:50 pm

Name: Reaver Flamberge
Age: 21
Height: 6'8"
Class: Blademaster
personality: Aggresive and skilled hunter who pushes himself to the limit when hunting rarely using supporting items and traps and is a full brawler who risks his life far more then most hunters because of this.
Description: black spiked hair with tribal warrior braid on a lock of his hair hanging down off to the side of his face. He has Silver ratholos armor which was actually made from the black scales lining the center of the rathalos shell plates. His weapon is Obelion.
Last edited by Zephyr on Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:19 am

I'll give this a try:

Name: Saphire
Age: 30
Species: Azure Rathalos
Wingspan: About 30 feet
Abilities: Poisonous claws, fireballs, tail, bite
Personality: Agressive, will not hesitate to attack something his way.
Description: A large Azure Rathalos with bright red eyes. One of his wing tips is missing from a hunter who tried to kill him. However, Saphire defeated the hunter without much difficulty.

Name: Threshold
Age: 15
species: Giaprey
abilities: freezing liquid, lunge, bite
Personality; submissive, always follows ice fang
description: a young Giaprey who lives in Ice fang's pack. He always follows his pack leader's every whim, and shows no fear while hunting. However, he is a generally peaceful Giaprey.

Name: Grond
Age: 40
Species: Tigrex
Wingspan: about 30 feet
abilities: pure brute strength
Personality: Hateful and agressive; has a deep seeded hatred for bird wyverns.
Description: Grond is a Tigrex that has a serious anger issue. He goes completely berserk when in battle, killing everything in his path. Grond once got into a fight with a giaprey pack, slaughtering all of them but one..... the survivor was Threshold. Never forgiving the giapreys for what they did to his eye, he is constantly on the hunt for Giaprey to exact his vengeance upon.......
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby C S » Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:01 am

Name: Abith
Age: 19
Class: Blademaster
height: 6,4
personality: A light hearted and fun loving soul, contrasts heavilly with the nitty gritty of hunting the monstrosities of the land.
Background: As a boy, Abith has vowed to become a great monster hunter. He seeks the nobillity and the fame that comes with the name- but has no idea how hard his journey will be, nor have any idea of what he'd face...
description: As a beginning hunter and a resident of Pokke village, Abith wears the classic mafumofu ensamble with an iron katana sheathe slung over his back, and a black leather, multi-pocketed belt around his waist, used to store micellaneous hunting gear, like paint balls and such
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Postby slashmaster101 » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:01 pm

name: Leviathan
age: 100
species: Lagiacrus
Abilities: Lightning Ball. He is most at home in the water, but also more than capable of fighting on land.
personality:is very protective of his territory and other wise is very easygoing but not afraid to fight.
description: When Leviathan is fully sunbathed, he turns a dry grayish-blue color and his dermal spikes turn a pale red. When he returns to the water, Leviathan regains a striking deep blue coloration and his spikes return to their original color of a very light beige.

Name: Jacob scythe
Age: 18 is the yougest age you can start with : 20
Class: blademaster
height: 6ft 5in
personality: easygoing and very good with others he loves the hunt

description: A tall boy with full body Barroth armor and armed with a Iron Impact hammer he only hunts large creatures

Abilities:Due to the incredibly potent poison she is known to exude in both globules and as a gas, behaves very much like a stalker. Against monsters such as the Popo, that group together in herds for protection, the poisenmaw will poison her prey and then follow it if threatened, waiting for the toxins to sap the beast of enough strength to overwhelm it. When hunting Baggi, poisenmaw attacks from the ceiling, also eating while on the ceiling. This means the poisenmaw is safe from attacks by Baggies and the Great Baggi while eating. However, she also appears to scavenge, predominantly feeding from bone piles and other such detritus found littered throughout the caves. Her muscles contain large amounts of elastic tissue, enabling her to stretch her body, lengthening the maw or neck in order to reach her target. Like many pseudowyverns, her wings are not capable of extended flight; without the rigid bone structure in her forelimbs, the skin of the wings flaps wildly when flying, inhibiting her ability to fly long distances. For travel, she mainly relies on her ability to traverse numerous terrains, thanks to the adhesive substance it secretes on its padded feet. Due to it predominantly residing in dark caves she use's heat sensors instead of eye's.
Personality:caring.devoted to her young and will kill anything that that threatens her babies.

Name: jaggedtooth
Species: jaggi
Age: 5 years
Abilities: jagged tooth can easily spot weakness in prey and enemy's making him a formidable fighter despite only being three feet tall. currently resides in galaxia's pack
Personality: jaggedtooth is a caring member of the path but can suddenly turn almost evil when it comes to hunting and fighting
Last edited by slashmaster101 on Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:04 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Giratina93 » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:54 pm

Name: Midori
Age: 19
Class: Blademaster (Specializes in the Hammer)
Height: 6ft 2
personality: Fun-loving, out going, and energetic, she takes her work as a Monster Hunter quite seriously. Though she perfers to do her work alone, if the task at hand requires help from other hunters, then she'll gladly accept it. She is a very skilled, and fearsome hunter...

description: Quite tall for her age, most people tend to think she's older than she is, both for her height, and for how "Developed" her appearance is. She tends to wear full Lagiacrus armor, and she loves to use the Ludroth Splashhammer. Her skin is rather pale, and her hair is long and dark-blue in color, reaching to her waist when she doesn't have her helmet on...

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Re: Monster Hunter E-war Profile Topic

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:10 am

Name: Mortrouge (Meaning "Red Death")
Age: Unknown
Species: Alatreon
Wingspan: 40 feet
Abilities: Complete mastery of the elements. A front limb made of pure dragon energy, horns made of lava-like fire, a thick sheet of ice covering his entire body, an axe-head made of thick, extremely sharp ice on the end of his tail (can be shattered, but can reform), skeletal wings with webbing replaced with arching bolts of lightening. Normal Alatreon abilities enhanced by age.
Personality: Intelligent and elusive, Mortrouge does not quite live up to his name. Untold years on this earth has made him far less aggressive then other Alatreons, which, in their youth, are very territorial. Instead, Mortrouge tries his best to avoid human society, but is more then eager to defend his home: An active volcano deep within the volcanic wastes. Isolation and time have given him the chance to completely master the elements that rage inside him, like every Alatreon. Rather then having little control over the chaotic mix of energies, he has practically mastered them; but at a price.
Description: Again, Mortrouge defies his name. The Alatreon's body is actually a pale white, caused by the (relatively) thin sheet of ice that covers his body. The "Red" in his name comes from the aura he exudes: Despite being pale, his body always casts a red glow on the area around him, because of the sheer amount of heat being produced. The ice sheet is vital: Without it, and his body would rip itself apart within a few days. His front right limb is completely gone, instead replaced with twisting mass of dragon energy, which is shaped into a leg. The end of his tail is also gone, and has been replaced by an axe blade made of incredibly sharp ice. Only the skeletal frame of his wings remain: Where the webbing would be is now arching bolts of lightening. Despite the lack of webbing, however, Mortrouge can still somehow fly. Between his scales, one can see the red glow that gives him his name, even through the ice, giving it a chaotic, barely-holding-together look.

Name: Terrestra
Age: 20
Species: Gear REX
Length: 30 feet
Abilities: Can launch spikes from back, which can burst, spewing acidic fluid on anything nearby. The third "arm" can fire a dragon-element beam that can burn through the toughest materials.
Personality: Territorial and somewhat thick-skulled, Terrestra is, like most of his kind, very easy to anger.

Re: Monster Hunter E-war Profile Topic

Postby Galaxia » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:27 pm

Species:Great Jaggi
Abilities:Aside from physical strength able to call jaggi to his aid with a loud roar
Personality:As well as sharing the same ruthless,predatory personality of his subordinates he also has quite a sharp mind,a thing any great jaggi must have if he hopes to successfully rule over his pack and ensure it's survival
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Re: Monster Hunter E-war Profile Topic

Postby Ceratosaurus21 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:34 pm

name: Gruda
age: 20 years
species:Great Baggi
size: 15ft tall 38ft long
abilities: Powerful arms and can call smaller Baggi to the battle. Also has a venomous bite that causes his enemies to fall asleep.
personality: He is highly aggressive has been seen tackling creatures larger than himself. Many hunters have fallen from his might!
description: Image
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