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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:11 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
Its a great idea we need money but only if you share the money i'm in

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:16 pm
by The Kingpin
"i'm going to need to charge the governor a fortune. but i'll only try it if you 2 are definately with me. i can't capture the British warship alone..." said James, looking at the other 2 waiting for a response. after a while, Adeline nodded and said "i'm in. but only if you share the gold.". James nodded and waited for Yuke's final response before bothering to ask the governor.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:19 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
Its a great idea i'm in ..........WHAT YOU WANT TO CAPTURE IT ?? YOURE CRAZY that ship doubles youre crew you won't survive :s

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:11 pm
by The Kingpin
James looked at him and said "that's why i need you two. we will rake it until it's firing rate reduces, then i'll board with my men. i'll wear a red shirt, and will go slashing through the enemy. soon, they'll either all be dead, or all surrendered. after that, i'll sail the wrecked ship into the Spanish dry dock, and pay for repairs out of my share of money from the governor."

Yuke and Adeline both looked at him in shock, surprised at how he thought it out. they both agreed and James said "arm your ships with whatever ammunition works best, and wait for me to return from the governor. he walked away, and stopped when he reached the entrance of the governor's mansion, because he was stopped by the guards. one of them asked "who are you? what business do you have with his most catholic majesty's governor of Isla Muella?"
James replied by saying "i am here with an offer for the governor, to solve a trade problem that Isla Muella has.". the guard said "and what makes you think we have a trade problem? and what makes you think that you would be able to solve it?". James replied by saying "well, firstly, it's very difficult to hide a trade problem when a 100 gun british warship is floating out of the harbour, blocking any french ship from passing. secondly, my business is with your governor, not you. so if you will kindly allow me to pass, your luck might improve with the governor.". the guard nodded and let him through.

the governor was a man in lilac clothing, which almost made him look comical. James decided to save his laughs for the ship, and came to the governor and said "i am here to offer a service to you. i have noticed you have a trade problem with the french, and i....". the governor interrupted and said "thank you thank you! finally a man who is offering to help me with this british warship!". James continued "i am willing to attack and sink it, but there is a price.". privately, James was thinking that he could be looking at a good chance, since the governor was obviously desperate for help.the governor said "name your price! anything to get rid of these British wolves!". James calculated the cost of the battleship in the shipyard times 3, and it came to 16,500,000 gold. He said " well, due to the fact that i have a massive number of crew members and friendly captains at my side, i am afraid the price is no less than 16,500,000 gold.". the governor's face went purple, and his eyes looked like they were going to fall out of his head [ :shock: like this!], and he yelled "what!? 16 mill...million, h..hun...hundred th..thou..thousand g...g.g.g.g.g.GOLD!? are you crazy?! never! it's too high a price!". James said "well then my dear governor, i have nothing left to offer you. just keep this in mind...who else has even dared to offer to capture or sink the british battleship? i will be waiting in the tavern for your response.". as he walked to the governor's mansion's front door, The governor yelled "wait! ok ok, you can have the money! just rid us of the british warship! i'll even give you half of it now, and the other half when you get back!". James stopped and turned around, then said "ok your highness, i accept your offer. i will have 4 of my men come and collect the money. consider the british gone!", and walked out the door, finding Rainbow in a tree waiting. he smiled and Rainbow flew over and landed on his shoulder.

James wrote a letter asking Nathaniel to come, along with Yuke and Adeline, to collect some of the money. he sent Rainbow off and waited. 5 minutes later, everyone was there and massive bags of gold coins were being lifted out of the mansion.Yuke, Nathaniel, Adeline and Allen, Adeline's first mate were carrying the bags, with him ready in case thieves tried to ambush them. only one thief attempted it and was scared away when James shot at him with his pistol. the shot hit his hat and blew it to pieces and knocked it off his head. he immediately ran. after a few hours, all the money was loaded up and split neatly in thirds, a third on board each ship. they prepared themselves for the attack, which would happen at night...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:29 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
It finally came night
just when then went for the ship Yuke stopped:James look there aren't any laterns lighted it looks like the crew went for a cup o rum to the tavern :) we shall we prepare an ambush onboard the battleship for if they come back?? it would be allot safer and cheaper so we won't need any repairs
Adeline nodded:yes james we get all the crew aboard in ambush positions taking them by suprise we won't have any casualties
Yuke:"and i will go into the crowsnest to test out my musket with its my dads special scope...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:42 pm
by The Kingpin
James nodded, agreeing to the idea. he sailed forward, making sure his ship's crew was absolutely silent. he raised british colours, as did everyone else, and came up behind the covered stern galleries of what turned out being "HMS Dauntless". James had the guns rolled out. Yuke, who was at the other side of the ship, had his guns rolled out, pointing at the bow. Yuke himself was sitting in the crow's nest, Musket in hand. Adeline's ship was on the other side of the pearl, with temporary boarding decks set up between them, to help board the enemy ship quickly. Adeline was loading her pistol.

James raised a white flag to the top of his Main mast, above the british flag; a sign to commence fire. Yuke's ship fired it's entire 34 gun broadside into the bow of the Dauntless. James fired his 19 gun broadside full of grapeshot into the stern, killing the captain and officers inside. the enemy crew scurried onto the deck and armed their guns but they couldn't angle themselves to hit the attackers. after 3 more broadsides from each of the 2 ships, the boarding began. James signalled to the Red Dawn to begin boarding. He climbed up and smiled as he would use his new sword for the first time. he started with a large muscular man, most likely the boatswain of the ship. he stabbed him in the heart with his sword, then swung it into the man's ribs. he saw another man charging at him, who had his brains blown out, thanks to Yuke, who was sitting in the crow's nest of the Barbarian. James saw yet another crewmember charging at him, but that one ended up with a pistol bullet in the eye, thanks to Adeline and her pistol. James swung his blade down onto another man's shoulder, and shot yet another in the face, meanwhile, Yuke was....

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:50 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
...sniping down alot of the crew saving precious crew members of both ships

after the upperd deck was cleared yuke went to the daunless with longboats with his crew togheter then went for the lower decks killing the half sleeping crew and canoniers yuke was fighting a crewmember when suddenly he felt a
enourmous pain in his left hand when he looked he saw his hand was gone so he collapsed unconsious James saw yuke lying on the ground and ordered a few members to get him to a surgeon...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:04 pm
by The Kingpin
After seeing his friend collapse to the ground, James yelled "Nathaniel, you and Bill take Yuke to the surgeon!" and continued slashing through the decks, a rage building up for his friend.

James swung his sword down onto a man's head, actually cracking his skull and making him fall. a very large crew member came at him with an axe. James used his last shot to kill the man, hitting him square between the eyes. he saw that one of the officers had survived, and he started crossing swords with him, swinging his sword down sideways and underneath, trying to find an opening. finally out of pure anger, he swung the sword into the officer's, and broke through his block, hitting the man in the stomach. he bent over, holding his stomach with his hand, and james finally swung the blade down on the man's neck. he died.

Meanwhile, Adeline and Allen were making an excellent team. Adeline lunged at a man with her rapier, impaling his heart with it, and saw another man coming at her with a highlander, only to have his head chopped off by Allen's Broad Sword. after that, while Allen was fighting a faily large man, Adeline came up behind the enemy and thrust the Rapier into his back. the pair were fighting together, with James occasionally getting close enough to slash an enemy's face or another part of his body, to distract the enemy from Adeline and Allen.

After the second deck was completely cleared, they decended to the 3rd deck, and found it was empty. James saw a trail of burning gunpowder heading for the gunpowder storage. he immediately ran over and rubbed his boot against it, putting it out. James reloaded his pistol, then they all returned to the 2nd deck and went to the Captain's Cabin, to find everyone dead, with only the survivor, the Captain, pulling himself towards a pistol. James said "gentlemen, the ship is ours" and shot the pistol, blowing it to splinters and sending the steel barrel flying against the wall. James aimed the gun at the captain and said "now, my dear captain. you wanted to kill me, but failed. now, i'll kill you. the difference is, i am a much better shot than you and am armed with a VERY powerful pistol. this, is for all my friends and father's friends that you have killed, injured, sunk and hung.". with that, James fired his final shot, hitting the dieing Captain in the head. he died instantly.

James yelled "is the ship intact enough to make it to shore?!". Nathaniel soon responded, yelling back "yes captain! we need to raise spanish sails though!". James replied "get to it then!"

after about half an hour, the 4 ship fleet sailed back to port. the sun was rising behind them. the Dauntless was battered, holes in the stern and bow. if the spanish were to open fire, the ship would soon be a pile of splinters.

Later that day, after arriving in port and waiting for the lazy governor to wake up, James walked into the mansion, and said "your highness, you no longer need to worry about the british. i have taken care of them. now, the other half of the payment, please."
The governor nodded and said "that money is well earned. i thank you on behalf of his most catholic majesty of Spain."
half an hour later, all the money was on board the ships, and the Dauntless was being repaired.

James looked at his injured friend and asked him "what will you do now?"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:17 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
Yuke waked up and said be my self a hook
so did ya capture the cap'n for me?
james shaked his head
"DAMN" Yuke went with James to the blacksmith to get his hook fixed
"i would like a hook,A fine hook made of Gold something similar,
Sir if you allow me" said the blacksmith "we have a new material called Mithril its acient but its strong and lighter then steel gold would be verry heavy if this is your first hook"wen he said that he was watching to the stomp where his hand used to be ."aye smithy do me that ,How much will it costed" the smith sayed that it would be free cause he lost his hand at the battle on board the dauntless
with his brand new hook he left with James for crew
after they got crew they went to the drydock seeing how the ships repairs where going,"She is a beauty isn't she yuke?""yes she is"answerred Yuke
"you gonna buy you 1 of these with your money? asked james"no i'm sparing it for a MoW or an escalated battleship but comon let us go to tavern with adeline drinks are on me"...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:54 pm
by HorseGal
Adeline nodded. "Sounds good." She went to the tavern along with the two men. There was music, talking, and the smell of smoke and alcohol in the air. She took no heed to the smell and walked right on, following the men. It was a really joyful setting here.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:10 pm
by The Kingpin
James nodded and said "OK, but, if you put saltwater or a fish or both in my drink this time, i'll pull that hook off your arm and kill you with it. i feal like a fish lately, thanks to all the saltwater i've ended up drinking.".
Yuke smiled and agreed. [FLASHBACK]

In the pub, James saw several faces looking at him. he knew they must've met his father, since they looked like they had seen a ghost. James paid no attention to the faces and reached the barkeep, a cheery, fat, grey haired old man who greeted them like family. they thanked him and asked for 3 mugs of his best rum. the man asked them to follow him, and walked into a door behind the bar.

James found that the man had a large rum celler behind the door at the bar, and asked if he had any VERY good quality drink. the man said "well, i have got something not many people have the money to drink. Chocolate milk.". James said "what!? chocolate milk? how can there be chocolate milk when there arent any chocolate cows? or am i missing something?". Yuke and Adeline nearly choked on their rum when he asked that ridiculous question. the barkeep laughed a hearty laugh and said "NO! you don't need choclate cows to have chocolate milk! it's simply cocoa beans ground to powder, mixed with crystalized sugar and some water or milk! this here are a load of bags. buying 4 would cost 800 gold. James was nearly knocked back, though each bag was as large as he was and twice as heavy. he asked "what's inside them exactly. i know very well milk and water cant be put in bags.". the barkeep said "well, you know what can't be put in it. now, what's left?!". James smiled and said "ground cocoa and crystalized sugar?". the barkeep said "exactly! now, as long as you have cows or a clean water source, you can have it. a bit more time taking than rum, but definately worth it's weight in gold. it tastes like nothing else on earth can.".

James asked for a taste of it, and the barkeep left them for a moment, and returned with a rum mug full of milk. he said "as long a you have something to steer it with, and a solid bottom on your mug, you'll get your money's worth. he untied an already open bag and put a teaspoon in it. he put 2 piled spoonfuls of chocolate into the mug of warm milk, and gave it to James. he watched the brown liquid for a moment then said "bottoms up!" and had a mouthful. he was surprised of it's taste. it was delicious, but expensive. he bought 4 bags for himself then moved onto the rum.

The best rum the barkeep had was also bought. James took 4 of the original 100 barrels of good rum the man had, and had them loaded onto the pearl. he had the chocolate taken to his cabin, to avoid a crew member diving into it...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:22 pm
by HorseGal
"This must be a good thing," thought Adeline as she watched James' reaction after drinking the chocolate milk. She drunk some more rum and told the two ment that she was going to join the people in the tavern. Adeline went out of the secret barkeep and sat in a chair, watching people and their actions. Some were getting up, dancing to the merry music. People were shouting and clapping along, some of them anyway. All this merriment. All this joy.

A smile was lit on her beautiful face as she watched all of this happening. She soon joined in, clapping along. Her foot was tapping to the beat of the music. "These musicians are quite talented."

Adeline didn't know wether it was the rum taking into effect or the cheerful atmosphere around here, but she soon got up and joined with the others, dancing away. She danced with other people. There was still that smile lighting her face. She laughed joyfully and continued along with the dancing.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:28 am
by Cpt.Yuke
Yuke and James where watching adeline dancing and talking togheter
"So James what you gonna do when this is al over and we saved ya father??
Shall we take over a colony togheter and sail the whole carribean or start or own colony or just stay like freebooters???"

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:24 pm
by The Kingpin
James looked at Yuke then said "not a colony. it's expensive to take care of and we'd be attacked by the country that owned it soon after. i suggest that we haunt the caribbean after rescuing my father. we wouldn't have to worry about gold, since we'll plunder tons of it at sea, and we can't be attacked by anyone powerful to stop us since major fleets move slowly. you would have a fleet of powerful ships by then, and i would have the Pearl and Dauntless as my fleet and maybe a Man-of-War or 2 as well.".

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:15 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
"i think i'll change the barberian to an escalated battleship. you know i'm dreaming of that ship, but shouldn't we go after Will? he GOT maybe over a week headstart :s we goin ta lose 'is trail .. even with your will seeking magical compass..." said Captain Yuke

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:54 pm
by HorseGal
Adeline soon grew tired of the dancing. She was about to leave, but a man grabbed her wrist, obviously not wanting her to leave. Adeline turned around and smiled at the guy. She tried to keep herself from taking out her sword to be rid of him. "I don't think that's a very good idea, mate." Her other hand went for the hilt of her rapier, in case the guy did not release her.

He only laughed at her remark. "What could a young lady like yourself possibly do?"

She was pretty offended by this comment. Immediantly, Adeline took out her sword and put it to the man's throat. "Release me at once," she whispered in his ear. "Or you will be loosing what you pride most." A smirk appeared on her lips. The man let go of her after she threatened him. She put her sword back in its place and walked toward James and Yuke, seeing the reaction on their faces. "Shall we be heading for Will now?"

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:56 pm
by The Kingpin
James looked on in surprise as Adeline made a man, that looked like a horse, let go of her. He thought she may have needed help from him or Yuke, until he remembered the previous night, on board the Dauntless. when she asked "Shall we be heading for Will now?", James nodded and said "I think that it'd be best to move as soon as possible, before any brits show up and attempt to stop us. i expect all the repairs'll be finished by now. Time to go.".

James came up to the door of the tavern and pushed the door open and said "Ladies first", with a smile. Adeline smiled back and said "what happened to "Pirates have no manners!"?". James smiled as he was retold what he had said to a very respectful cabin boy that had joined the crew earlier that week. he responded by saying "well, they do, on some "special occasions", like when talking to a woman, no matter how cruel she may be.". Adeline didn't know whether to laugh or to stab James in the chest, since he was practically telling her she was cruel, but then thought of how her threat sounded. she had to laugh. of all the threats to choose, that was the cruelest threat you could give to a man. James said "what you said to that man, now THAT, was cruel.". Yuke laughed along with Adeline and James smiled. they continued the conversation all the way to the dock.

They reached the dock, organised a formation for their ships, to help "put off" any possible attackers, and got onto they're sepperate longboats and returned to the ships. James set sail at the front in the Black Pearl, with the Dauntless sailing behind. Yuke was sailing on the right, with only the Barbarian, and Adeline was on the left, in the Red Dawn. the "Pirate Squadron" continued after Will for 3 days, until they had a meeting...

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:09 pm
by HorseGal
In Captain James cabin, Adeline was pacing around. She had a mug full of rum in her hand. It seemed that she was in a thinking state at this point. At last, she stopped and glanced at the captains who had stern looks on their faces. "Look, the crew's starting to get sour toward the trip." She sighed heavily and sat down, taking a sip of rum from her mug before continuing. "We have to lift up their spirits..." She shifted her look from one captain to the other, watching them carefully.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:19 pm
by The Kingpin
James said " I can think of 3 ways, but 1 is out of the question. The other 2 are : A) increase the rum rations, which would cost us more and shorten our time at sea, or B) increase their pay to 100 gold per month, instead of 50. but, that would let them know we're afraid of mutiny and would make them use it against us. we could also try and find an enemy squadron and capture them, loot them and sink them, but i'm not sure where an enemy squadron can be found...". he went to his mug, which was still clean and empty, poured a couple of teaspoons worth of choclate powder into it, went down to the Galley to pour some hot milk, which was bubbling on a small fire, into the mug and returned. He took a sip from his chocolate milk and looked at the 2 captains sternly waiting for a response...

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:27 pm
by HorseGal
Adeline raised an eyebrow. "What was your first choice?" She leaned back in her chair and took another sip from her mug. Rum was a good thing. She wouldn't give it up for the world.

"How about we have a night of merriment?", suggested Yuke. "Music, rum, dancing, and more!"