Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Cpt.Yuke » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:46 am

Yuke shot the monkey out of the sky
"Ok you scum get to work ladies i want this ship clean and sailing NOw"
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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:40 pm

Adeline shook her head when Yuke shot the monkey right out of the sky. The monkey landed on her ship this time. She went over to the little primate and kneeled next to it. "Hey there, little guy." But the monkey ran away. "Ignore the monkey, crew! He won't be trouble.....at least I hope not." The crew gave disappointed looks to one another and continued working.

The woman continued walking along the ship. She glanced at Captain James once. This small feeling came over her. She looked away and continued watching her crewmen. Some were starting to get a little lazy, chatting away. "You can do that later. Continue on working!"
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:34 pm

James asked Rafael to keep the ship's wheel steady, while he inspects the crew. Rafael nodded and held onto the wheel, keeping his arm steady. James went around the top deck and saw all the crew were working as they should.

He went to the lower deck and found one man trying to open the spirit room door at the end of the hall, which only had 2 keys: Rafael's and James'. James yelled "you! turn around!". the man turned around, a face full of fear looking directly at James. it was ben nine tails, so called because he's been punished more than anyone else in the caribbean, flogged until his back went grey, the nerves and skin dieing. he had an eyepatch and 3 missing teeth, and a long, scruffy beard that looks like what is now known as barbed wire. he had a peg leg and a black bandanna on his head.

James came up to him, stared him right in the eye and said "what do you think your doing?". Ben said "nothin', Cap'n!". James looked over Ben's shoulder to see a scraped up area around the door handle. he said "well, that's a really messy nothin' your doing here, mate." he asked one of the crew to call Rafael. Rafael came to him and James said "flog 'im round 'is sides 20 times, then lock 'im in the brig. flogging won't do any good on his back, it's deader than the fish we ate last week. for those of you who are thinking about it, don't try and break into the spirit room, or you'll be facin' what nine tails is facin, and you won't get any rum for a week. only lemon juice!". the crew went deadly silent, and James said "what are you lookin' at?! back to work!". the whole deck came to life again as the crew moved back to their workstations. James watched as Nine tails was tied by the arms, hung from a small cargo crane used when in dock and for flogging, and was whipped around his sides 20 times with a new Cat o' Nine Tails. after the flogging, the man's entire torso was bloody, he was screaming in agony and was taken to the brig. several of the crew stopped working to watch. James yelled "THAT, men, is the fate of all who attempt to break into the spirit room. there are other people on this ship than yourselves, and you all need to drink. takin' it for yourselves is a serious breach of the rules. if he repeat's it again, he'll be flogged 100 times by 2 Cat o' Nine Tails! and he'll be flogged all over, with no exceptions for body parts, AND he'll spend 10 days in the brig!". the crew had instantly changed their minds about James' cheary personality. Adeline was surprised by his strict punishment. Yuke couldn't believe that cheary James Sparrow was such a strict swashbuckler. he had punishment cruel enough to put the british royal navy's discipline to shame!

James watched as Rafael took Nine Tails below deck, to the brig, the ship's prison. he went into his cabin and poured some rum for himself, then returned to the deck after finishing it. his bad mood was still effecting him.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:23 pm

Adeline has never seen James act this way. She wondered why James was so strict about the Spirit Room. What was in there? "Just don't think about it. Get your crew working." She returned to her duties on her ship, trying best to concentrate on getting her crew in order. But it was troubling her.

At last she decided to ask James about it. She walked over to him and asked him if she could speak to him alone. She figured that he didn't want the other crew to know.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:32 pm

James nodded. the lifeboat was lowered, taken to the side of the red dawn, where Adeline climbed on and wasescorted to the Black Pearl. James walked into the captain's cabin and had another mug of chocolate milk to try and cool his temper. after finishing it, he asked Adeline "would you like something to drink? Rum, chocolate milk, or just plain water?". she shook her head. James asked "was there something you wanted to know?", and waited for her response.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:35 pm

She nodded. "Yes. I want to know why are you so protective over that one room? What is the Spirit Room?" Her voice was soft so only he could hear, just in case there were crew members with open ears.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:44 pm

James said " one moment" and drew his pistol. he aimed at the door and opened it quickly, catching a crew member at the other side of it. he said "and just what are you doing? sneaking a listen to the captain's conversations...foolish. your lucky i didn't shoot at the door before opening it, or, trust me, you would be dead! now, back to work before i let Rafael do to you what he did to Nine Tails!". the man ran off and started scrubbing the deck again. he got back inside and holstered his gun, then said "the spirit room is where all the rum, wine, water, lemon juice and other liquids are kept. if a crew member breaks in and has more than his ration, other crew members will join in. soon after that, the ship won't have enough drinks to make it to land before the crew dies of thirst. ad to that the fact that i have 10 special barrels waiting for tonight's celebration, and you have a risk. if a drunk sailor happens to be smoking a pipe in there, it would be like setting off the powder room!" James turned around, and poured himself a glass of regular water out of a leather wrapped bottle kept in the coldest part of his room. he downed it in one go, then looked at Adeline and said "does that answer your question? is thee anything else you'd like to speak to me about?" and waited for her to respond.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:57 pm

Something in the back of her mind told her that there was something else, but she simply ignored it. "No. That is all." Before leaving to go back to her ship, she turned around and smiled at him. "I hope to see you tonight. Goodbye, Captain." She walked out the door and back to the lifeboat, where she escorted back to the Red Dawn. She got back to her ship only to find that her crew were laying around, talking to one another. Her first mate came over to her. His clothes were partly torn and he looked wet.

"I tried," he said. "They won't listen."

Adeline grew angry and yelled at her men. "Get up all of you and go back to work! You want to stay locked up in your cabins with not but a little food and little drink?"

The crew started to go back to work. Some were mumbling away. After she was satisfied with the crew working again, she turned to Allen. "And you. Get new clothes." He nodded and went toward his cabin.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:16 pm

James saw what had happened to the crew on the red dawn and was tempted to take Rafael over there and give them a bit of discipline, but it was Adeline's ship and he couldn't say anything unless he was asked to. back on his own ship, the crew member who had tried to listen to what was going on in the captain's cabin was still scrubbing on the same spot. the black paint looked as though it would soon be rubbed off again! James came up to him and he stopped, looking up at him. James asked "what were you so curious about?". there was silence. the entire crew fell silent, waiting to see what there as of late short tempered Captain and commodore would do. the man said "i'm sorry commodore! i was just..just curious what you had in the spirit room that made you punish nine tails so...brutally, is all!". James nodded and said "as Captain Adeline said, everyone is in for a good surprise tonight, but you have to wait for it and behave. me waking up in a bad mood makes it worse, so behave, and everyone will be safe. start acting up, and i'll turn my bad mood on you!". the crew member nodded, and turned from the spot he'd been scrubbing earlier and started cleaning somewhere else. James said "well men, needless to say, you have all heard my little "explanation for my bad mood. behaviour will determine whether i turn on you, or give you the surprise that me and the captains have planned tonight. now, get to work!"

incredibly, the entire crew started working better than ever before, and soon the entire ship was 100 percent clean and sailing beautifully. James saw the surprise on Adeline's face as his quiet speach had done more than even a night of merriment could do!

James went to rest until the afternoon, then came out, fully energized and cheary again. ready to organise things with the other captains. he brought out his guitar, and wiped the dust off it. he started cleaning and fine tuning it...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:33 pm

Adeline helped with tonight's preparations for The Dauntless, along with Yuke. The ship was as clean as ever. The rum and the food was brought out on that ship. Mugs were set for the men. It looked like everything was also set. She smiled, proud at the hard work that was put in. "Now, I must get ready," she replied to Yuke. "I will meet you back here along with the rest of the crew." She went back to her ship to prepare for herself.

The door to her room was locked so nobody could get in. She changed into the brillient red and gold dress. Her hair was combed and a necklace was put around her. She took one last look at herself and took a deep breath. Tonight was the night. The merriment was about to begin. The crew must already be on The Dauntless dancing, and of course drinking. It would be a fun night tonight and Adeline was prepared for it.

At last she walked out of her cabin and looked to the sky. The moon was shining brightly over the three ships. It was a perfect night to have the celebration. She walked to the lifeboat and set herself down, going over to The Dauntless. She climbed on board to find dancing and a little singing on the men's behalf going around. Captain Yuke and James were playing their instruments. It was all cheery around.

Soon, Adeline joined in the fun. She walked up to James and Yuke. "Looks like a job well done. The men are already having fun." She smiled.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:10 pm

James and Yuke had one look at her and :shock: . she was stunning. she was wearing a red and gold dress, her hair combed and a necklaced around her neck. James grabbed hold of his guitar and started to play a theme. he asked if Yuke knew it and he said yes. he asked Adeline if she knew it, and she also said yes. so the started playing away, 3 crew members playing the other instruments. the music would motivate the crew if it was in battle. they would think back to this day happily, remembering the night when their captains made them happy. the guitar's impressive strumming sound and Yuke's violin made an excellent combination. add to that Adeline's voice and you had an unbeatable orchestra. after the song was over, James got up, went and got a few drinks, and came back and gave one to each of his friends, then said "enjoy it 'cause this party is the best you'll see in a while..."
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:33 pm

"It indeed is." She sipped her rum and watched the men. Some even brought their own instruments on board. They started to play again. One man grabbed her hand and started to dance around with her. She smiled and went along with it, dancing with the other men. Each man got a turn dancing with her. She was a pretty good dancer. Probably from her mother's side. When they were done with her, she went back to James and Yuke. She asked James if he would like to dance.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:43 pm

James said "i don't see why not. a lovely captain and friend asking me to dance is an offer i can't refuse...", then got up and danced. another crew member started playing the guitar, Yuke joining in with the violin and then another crew member adding to the mini band with the spanish rattles [is that what they're called?]. they danced the Samba and mambo [ :P ], until both were absolutely exhausted....
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:52 pm

It was wonderful to be dancing with James. He was a pretty good dancer too. After they were done, Adeline got herself a small drink of rum and drained it down. She heard some of the crew telling interesting stories about the sea. She went over to listen.

Suddenly, the monkey appeared on board. He ran over to where the rum was kept. Adeline noticed the monkey, but took no heed to it. She was getting into a good conversation with one of the crew members. It was Nathaniel.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:15 am

James noticed a 100 or so crew members singing "a pirate's life for me" and consuming several mugs full of rum. James joined in, and scooped himself a mug and dunked it into the barrel of rum that they had on deck. he put it to his mouth and saw something moving around inside. he had a closer look and the monkey hopped out of his mug and ran down the deck. he unholstered his gun before it got more than 3 feet away and shot it, sending it sliding down the deck. it crashed into the wall in a heep. it was a full moon that night, so it looked exceptionally scary to him. he was glad he put a bullet into it, even though Adeline didn't like seeing it shot. he dumped his mug and got another one, made sure it was clean and scooped up a mug full of rum from the barrel. he drank abit, then spat it out again, and looked at the crew. they were drunk and laughing their heads off. it was saltwater again!!!. James ignored it since they enjoyed it and smiled. he went to his cabin, got himself a REAL mug of rum, downed it, then joined the crew in singing a pirate's life for me.
meanwhile, Yuke and Adeline were cracking up, as the "new davy jones" sang along with his crew after having had a monkey jump in his face as well as a mug of saltwater. it was a cheary day and everyone was enjoying themselves...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:24 am

Adeline smiled and sang along. "WE KIDNAP AND RAVAGE AND DON'T GIVE A HOOT, DRINK UP ME HEARTIES, YO HO!" She was spun around again by one of the members until she accidently bumped into Yuke and James. She slowly looked up at them. A light blush came to her face. The crew saw her. Some started to whisper amoungst themselves. Adeline was pulled away from them by Rafael, who started to talk with her quietly, along with Nathaniel and Allen.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:28 am

as the crew member spun Adeline, James saw he was being a wee bit too rough, and, after Adeline bumped into him, yelled "Oi! be gentle with the captain! she isn't a warship! she needs to be treated gently!" and looked over at Adeline who was standing with the first mates. something looked fishy about the first mates collecting together...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:34 am

Adeline gave them all strange looks. She backed away from them and gave out a nervous laugh. "Why would you think that?" Her eyebrow arched.

Nathaniel, Rafael, and Allen all chuckled. "You'll see, miss." They walked away singing along with the crew again.

She shook her head and went by where the rum was kept. She was a little tired, but still enjoying herself.

Suddenly, the crew started to chant something. It was quiet at first, but then it grew louder. "Sing, Sing, SING!"

The woman watched them in suprise. She shook her head. "No, no. I can't, really. Give me a rest for a little while. I'll sing later." She winked at them, but they refused. Adeline eventually gave in and started to sing without instruments playing.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:10 am

James could only laugh at what the crew had done. they had bent their captain to sing for her, chanting and nagging until she did as she was asked.

But, James was very curious as to what the first mates had said.

after Adeline finished, James came up to her, and asked "if it isn't something too personal, could you tell me what the mates said?"
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:18 am

"Oh, nothing really," answered Adeline. She leaned against the edge of the deck and looked to the sky. "They just think that I have feelings for a certain someone." Her fingers traced along the deck. Her eyes were still looking at the sky. The monkey was off bothering the crew.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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