Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:24 pm

The next day, Crusher woke up to the sound of strange things flying overhead. it sounded like a really big gallis running, strange beating sounds coming from them. he got up and looked at them. he followed them, but they moved too fast, and were soon out of sight and earshot. they were heading for the game trail.

The massive flying creatures were nearly his size, so he didn't want to chase them at high speed, fearing they may attack him. he had seen these things only once before, 20 years ago, when he was only 2 years old and Hunter's size. he remembered strange creatures coming out and chasing herbivores. he expected the same would happen this time. he followed to the game trail. sure enough, the strange creatures and the creatures they were riding [cars, but he doesn't know what they're called] were chasing herbivores down the game trail. he decided to avoid them as he watched them catch a full grown bull Para. he turned to the forest to look for a safer meal.

Crusher soon found his meal, in the form of a stegosaur herd. they seemed defensive, as though they had been attacked by something, but he couldn't smell or hear or see any possible attacker, though the scent of the strange creatures still filled his nostrils. he noticed the hatchlings and juveniles in the center, and the adults on the outside. he saw an elderly stego on the edge. it also seemed sick, it's head hanging lower than the others, and it's walking slower and almost stressed, as though it were carrying some heavy load on it's back. Crusher waited in the plants, his dark grey and black skin getting a green tint under the trees of the jungle that, despite his size, made him almost invisible in the thick plantation. he waited until the Stego was a few feet from him, it's neck right infront of him, before charging forward, lowering his head, and ramming the stego, making it lose balance and fall on its right hind leg, the weight of it's body breaking it. Crusher came to it and bit on it's tiny neck, killing it. he then turned to the other stegos and let out a growl, warning them to leave. they left, flailing their tails around out of instinct. they left, and Crusher looked around, making sure there weren't any rivals that may attempt to challenge him.

Soon after checking the area through vision, smell and hearing, Crusher made a subsonic rumble, which Rampage heard and followed. Hunter was still asleep, so there wasn't much he could get himself into. she went to Crusher, and ate her breakfast with him, soon skelatonizing the Stego. when they returned, everything was still normal. Crusher could smell those strange creatures' scent near the nest, and went around to make sure his territory was clear.

After making sure his territory was clear, he turned back to the nest...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby HorseGal » Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:40 pm

Sharpclaw woke up to find that her mate, Rawhide was watching over the eggs while she was sleeping. She got up and shook her head to rid of the sleepiness. Her ear holes picked up the sounds of a strange noise coming from outside. She ventured out into the darkness, glancing around with her golden reptillian eyes. There was the sound again. It sounded like nothing she's ever heard of before.

Curiosity took over the female's mind. She started to follow the strange sound...
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby mega raptor » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:22 am

The strange sound had disturbed Scar in the night. He had gone out several times to see if anything was acutally out there, but he only saw strange objects moving across the sky. Other raptors had been woken, the strange noises echoing loudly in the cave. He had also checked the eggs, which were still a few weeks from hatching.

Suddenly hungry, Scar left the nest to hunt, wincing at his hurt leg. He came to a stream where compies hunted, eating fish, insects, or anything else they could find. He attacked a small compy, ate and went back to the nest. Behind him, other compies were already gathering around the remains or Scar's kill. Overhead, the noise was finally stopping.

On the way back, he glimsped Sharpclaw moving through the jungle. He wondered what she was doing, but nevertheless continued onwards to the nest.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:40 pm

after returning to the nest, sleeping for a few hours then waking up again, he started to feel hungry. Rampage was too. it was night time. Hunter was asleep, so Crusher and Rampage decided to go hunting together, knowing that Hunter would likely be asleep until the morning. they left the nest, searching for food. they found it in the form of a dead triceratops. they started eating. their hunger would keep them there for hours.

Meanwhile, Hunter woke up, noticing his parent's had left. he followed a strange scent, curiosity taking over all other thoughts. he followed the scent and suddenly felt a pain in his leg. he looked down, and saw a pair of shiny jaws holding onto his leg, the pain forced him to the ground. his leg was probably broken. he started calling for help, but his parents were miles away, and couldn't hear him...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:27 pm

The female heard the crying of an infant Tyrannosaurus Rex. She followed the sound to where the baby was trapped. Sharpclaw was well hidden in the bushes. Her reptillian eyes watched as the baby cried for his parents. She glanced to his leg, where a metal thing filled with teeth was clinging to him. "I better get out of here. His parents might be coming." She didn't want to mess with a full grown Rex. So, she left the area.

Before leaving though, she spotted two legged creatures walking over to the baby. Their skin looked light in color. They were weird looking to her. But she kept going, back to the nesting grounds to tell Scar about it.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby o-eternal-o » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:47 pm

Exile was woken by a monstorous roar. She leapt up, then winced as her leg nearly gave way beneath her. Cautiously, she snuck outside and was blasted by another roar. There, infront of her, was two large carnivores eyeing eachother down. She recognised them both as Spinosaurus, fighting over territory. But one of them, the one nearest her cave, she recognised more. There was no forgetting that blue infected scar down the side of it's face, those piercing orange eyes and the green wave on it's spine. It was the same Spino that had ruined her life.
Hatred soared through her, but there was nothing she could do. All she could do was watch as the mighty titons battled it out. She was tempted to leap on the Spino. Slash at it with all her might and bring it crashing dwon. But she knew that would be impossible. With no pack and being young and inexperienced, she stood no chance.
The fight started gettig closer and Exile realised she wasn't safe. They hadn't noticed her yet, but the fight was nearly over. Once there was only one, she would be an easy target.
She leapt over the ridge infront of the cave, cursing as her leg nearly gave way again beneath her. It wasn't getting better. It was getting worse. She needed a pack to protect her.
Exile staggered over to the undergrowth. Time to go back to T-rex territory. She was ready to accept Scars offer.
She began to pace steadly, each step wincing in pain. In was then, she heard another roar. Turning, Exile realised her luck hadn't changed. The scar-faced Spino had won the battle. It's rival lay dead on the floor...
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Postby mega raptor » Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:27 pm

Scar stood at the back of the cave, watching over his nest while his mate was out hunting. Outside, the sound of 2 Spinosaurs battling abruptly ended. The other Velociraptors stood by their nests, waiting out their long vigil.

Scar wondered where Sharpclaw had gone. She had left a while ago, and hadn't returned. If she was hunting, she would have returned by now. Maybe she had left to investigate the strange noises from earlier.

Soon she entered the cave, and told the pack of strange creatures, with light skin, walking on two legs and with no tail surrounding a young Tyrannosaur, trapped in strange silver jaws.

Sharpclaw led Scar and another Velociraptor to the spot, but they found nothing but odd footprints leading off in one direction. They could smell the young Tyrannosaur and the strange new creatures, and curious they began to follow the trail.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:43 pm

Crusher and Rampage finished eating, and Rampage started returning to the nest. Crusher decided to do one last patrol of his territory before returning to the nest. he went to the far eastern edge of his territory, and smelled fire. he knew what it was. the strange creatures. the humans. he would teach them what happened when they tresspassed on his territory. he went to the camp, and saw a human walking away from him. he moved forward and bit on it's strange, round head, crushing it easily and killing it. he pulled it up and swallowed. then started his rampage through the camp. it was massive. he charged through several triangular things dotting the clearing that they had made their home. he tore many humans to pieces and flipped 2 of the strange things they rode in, apparently called jeeps. he flipped a large square thing over and heard human screams. he looked over to the second part of the encampment, and started walking toward it, but stopped when he heard a young female Tyrannosaur's rage roar. the only female in the area was Rampage. Crusher turned around and rammed a group of people that had blocked him, trying to stop him. needless to say, the block didn't work. Crusher started charging through the forest, his rage and strength carving a path of destruction through the forest. he soon reached Rampage, and growled "what's wrong?". he soon noticed. Hunter was missing, and his scent led away from the nest. he followed the scent until he found a small thing shining on the ground. near it, he could see strange straight tracks leading into the forest, towards a cliff. Crusher roared a roar of rage unbeaten by anything else in the island's history. he started following the tracks at a run, Rampage close behind. he colours had changed, though the darkness hid them from view, and his eyes turned fiery red. he charged through the jungle after the scent and tracks. he could smell Scar...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:36 pm

Sharpclaw stopped in her tracks when she heard the roar. The parents of that baby must be upset. She smelled the air and smelled Crusher. The raptor let out a warning bark to the others, telling them to be careful. They continued to follow the tracks of the two leggeds until they led to some kind of a ground for them. She observed the place through the bushes and saw all kinds of dinosaurs locked up in strange things. This was not good. A small snarl escaped her.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby mega raptor » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:53 pm

Scar watched the strange creatures. Despite the captured dinosaurs, they seemed to be in disarray. Many of them were coming in from an old road, probably from another human area.

In the cages, he could see Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Corythosaurus, Stegosaurus, Therizinosaurus and Dilophosaurus. One of the strange creatures got out of a strange square object and walked into a tent. When it came out, it was holding a young Tyrannosaurus. The strange creature got into the square object, and left.

Then he heard a snarl, and looked over to see it had come from Sharpclaw. One of the strange creatures walked over, holding a small rectanguar object in its hands. If all of the creatures discovered them, they would certainly overwhelm the 3 of them. They left, and were continuing back to the nest when they saw Crusher rampaging through the jungle. They warned him about the creature's area, and asked him what he was doing.
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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:01 am

But Sharpclaw didn't leave. She was watching the strange creatures. She thought that she could at least take one of them. The raptor popped out and snarled at them. She hissed and started to walk toward one of the creatures. Little did she know that some were also hiding somewhere in the camp. She attempted to jump at one of the creatures. She landed on it. Her claw was about to dig into the stomach, when suddenly, she felt a pain on her leg. The female took a few steps back and snarled again. Everything was getting blurry. Then, all went blank.

She woke up a few minutes later to find herself in a closed area. She was trapped. She shook her head and got up. A growl escaped her. She tried to slice out of the structure, but it was no use.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:19 am

Crusher growled at Scar, saying "My son has been taken by those humans! i'm going to find them, and rip them apart!". he didn't leave yet since he knew the raptor must've had something to say.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:27 am

Sharpclaw was upset that she was locked in this strange thing. She let out a loud, angry screech and tried again to set herself free. She banged herself against the cage, but fell back down on the hay covering the bottom. Some of the two legged creatures came over. They were looking at her and starting to laugh.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:33 am

Crusher was panting, his rage finally receeding as he waited. heard the screech and then growled "Where have they taken my hatchling? did you see them?"

Crusher was regaining his rage every time he thought of the humans and his son.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby mega raptor » Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:40 am

Scar could see Crusher was angry and probably desperate. I saw them take a Tyrannosaur to the north, he growled to the Tyrannosaur. Then he noticed Sharpclaw was gone. Where did Sharpclaw go?
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:06 am

Crusher growled "i'll rescue my hatchling, then we'll rescue Sharpclaw. if it comes to it, she can protect herself better than Hunter. i'll be back soon", then roared a summoning roar [sounds very similar to a territorial roar, but shorter], calling his mate to him. once she was with him, they went together to the north. the only thing there was a cliff. it would be absolutely stupid for the humans to camp there.

When Crusher and Rampage arrived at the cliff, they saw both a jeep, and a long rectangular thing that Crusher could only think of as a long jeep. it had started raining. he thought he'd show the humans he wasn't happy, to try and scare them into giving him his child back. he came up to the small jeep and rammed it with his head, sending it tumbling over and over until it went over the edge of the cliff. he growled loudly, telling Rampage to go to one side of the long machine. she did so and rammed the side of the vehicle. she roared at them, scaring them to the other side where Crusher was waiting. he roared as well, scaring them even more. he rammed the side of the long camp, braking the glass on one side. they finally opened a door on the side of it and gave him his child. he picked Hunter up gently in his mouth, and passed him over to Rampage. then he turned toward the camp again. Rampage left, and Crusher went with them for a short distance to make sure there wasn't anything to attack them. then he turned around and attacked the camp. he rammed it, sending it sliding across the now wet ground. he rammed it again, causing it to slide further. he continued until the rear end was half way off the edge. he backed off, lowered his head and rammed head on, sending it sliding the rest of the way off, leaving the entire rear end hanging off the edge.

Rampage put Hunter in a place only a compy could attack him. Hunter was still strong enough to handle compies, and Rampage turned around to help Crusher.

Crusher heard a jeep coming, so he went back into the jungle, to hide and attack the human when it arrived.

after the human tried to help the ones inside the large jeep, Crusher came out, with Rampage joining in. Crusher picked the human off the ground and threw him into the air, catching him by the legs. he held the other half for Rampage to hold, then they ripped the human in half and ate him. Rampage split up from Crusher, picking up Hunter and taking him back to the nest. Crusher headed for Scar, to help figure out where SharpClaw was and how to help her...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:10 am

Sharpclaw didn't like these creatures one bit. They were still laughing and talking in that strange language. She growled at them, giving them a warning. Her teeth were bared. She let out another screech, trying to scare them away.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby mega raptor » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:28 am

Crusher had left Scar and the other velociraptor a while ago. He was growing impatient, and was worried about Sharpclaw. He's taking to long, Scar snarlled to the other Velociraptor, his brother called Shadow. Come on, we're going to find her.

They backtracked to the creature's area. Since they had been gone, many of the dinosaurs had been set free, and the camp was in disarray. The creatures seemed to be in a frenzy, trying to recapture the dinos that had stayed at the camp. It was the perfect diversion for them.

The 2 brothers followed Sharpclaw's scent to an area surrounded by tall fence. They tried to cut through the fence, but their bodies went numb and they were sent flying off the fence. Inside, Sharpclaw was watching them, hoping that they could help her escape.

Next, they circled around the fence, and found an un-electrified gate. They pushed it open, and entered the fenced-off area. They tried to bite through the cage bars, but they were also electrified. Meanwhile, 2 of the strange creatures had spotted them, and suddenly they felt a pain in their sides. The world got blurry, and they collapsed.

When Scar and Shadow woke up, they too were in cages. They were not in the same camp, though, and instead they were on one of the creature's rectangles. Though they had apparently decided to abandon that camp, there were apparently others on the island, and they were nearing one of them.
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Postby HorseGal » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:51 am

Sharpclaw walked around the cage in circles. She did not like this little space. She was both angry and saw at the same time. Scar and Shadow were now gone. She was still trapped in this tight space! She growled and snarled. She tried again to ram into the cage. She was desperate.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:53 am

Crusher reached where he had last seen Scar, but he wasn't there. Crusher growled in frustration. he followed the scent back to the human camp. he was on the other side of it now. he looked at a cage and saw SharpClaw. before doing anything, he decided to test the fences. last time the humans came to the island, his father was electrified and nearly killed because of not checking the fence first. Crusher tried a quick nudge. he got a painful shock running down his body. he stepped back, then charged at the fence at full speed, his head lowered and ready to swing upwards on impact. it worked. Crusher rammed straight through the fence, sending chunks of fencing flying over the cage. he came up to the cage, which was conveniently the size of his mouth, but it was electrified as well. Crusher looked around, and saw a machine with long, thin lines attaching it to the fences. it was large, but nothing he couldn't handle. he ran at it and rammed it. there was an explosion and, luckily for Crusher, no electricity. he had closed his eyes to protect them, so he knew he was safe. after destroying it, he went back to the cage and tested it. the electricity was gone. he bit onto the top, and Crushed it with his mouth. he then put his foot on the large base of the cage, and used it to tear the roof off of the cage. SharpClaw was free. he then saw a large number of humans charging at him. he growled "GO! i'll meet you later!", then stepped forward and roared at the humans. half of them turned the other way. the ones that kept going got charged at, and a few of them were trampled. Crusher rammed through the steel door that they had come through, tearing it off it's hinges and landing it on what was left of their camp. he charged through the area, crushing tents, cars and empty cages like nothing, then turned to see a jeep rolling away from him. Crusher charged after it. he soon caught up and rammed it on the side, making it flip, then explode [hollywood always makes things look dramatic. why shouldn't i? :P ]. he then followed Scar's scent down a path, the Camp behind him having been utterly destroyed...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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