Dreamer E-war

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:20 am

Calgar looked at the other human like he was insane. And rightfully so. "Are you really that unaware?! You must eat in order for your body to function. Its absolutely vital in the survival of...anything that lives!" he explained somewhat loudly, still dumbfounded the other human didn't know such basic knowledge...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:28 am

"I see" Desrium said, nodding with understanding. "And... what is the thing being eaten in this...vital act of life?" He asked...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:46 am

"Food. Meat, vegetables, anything edible." Calgar said, palm once again covering his face...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:51 am

"Uh huh" Desrium replied, before asking "Can we get something to eat then?"
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Postby Shadow » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:15 pm

His eyes opened to a sea of blurry green, dancing this way and that, as he slowly raised his head, the dancing slowed down and melded into one image as he blinked several times to clear his head. He looked around, all this unfamiliar sights and sounds and smells, he wanted to go back to sleep. Then it hit him. Like a jolt of electricity it coursed through his mind.

Where was this? What happened?

He hissed to himself and rose up to half of his full height, coils unwinding as his head shot up, level with the trees. Tail still curled up, he surveyed his surroundings, the trees were a little shorter than he was right now, their trunks a little thicker than he was, some of them stood out from the canpy, towering giants in a sea of trees. Foliage curled around the trunks, like a wall of plants. The sounds filled his ears, the smells filled his nostrils, and most importantly, the reality that this was real, filled his head.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:45 am

Calgar shrugged. "The Greenskin and I have no such urges...and our Tyranid friend..." he said, looking toward the Swarmlord for a moment. "...I'd rather not remind it of hunger again." he concluded with a shudder. "Food is your business. Good luck."

Postby C S » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:57 am

"Then Ill be off!" Desrium exclaimed, gripping his sword with a new found determination. "I will...appease myself!" He turned about and shot off into the undergrowth, being swallowed by the plant life with a rustle. New knowledge started trickling into his mind. Vegetables came from plant life, so did fruits. Meat came from living creatures. You cooked meat to kill off parasites and disease. You cooked with fire. Fire comes from heat burning fuel and oxygen. Anything flamable was fuel for flames. Along with the basic knowledge came other survival tidbits. Edible berries and vegetables. As confused as he was about the sudden onlsaught of knowledge, he was also happy. He could use it to survive and make his way through this new land. Maybe after getting his meal, Desrium would meet up with the strange group again
Last edited by C S on Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:47 am

His eyes darted around the area, scanning for any movement, his ears listened intently for a snap of a twig or the rustle of leaves. and then he caught it. Very faint, but a snap. Loud and clear it rang in his mind. He wasn't alone. Not anymore. He twisted round to face the direction, and heard it again, louder this time. 'Snap'. His jaws tensed as he strained to listen for anything else to help him against this unseen creature. All of a sudden a constant clicking sound filled the air, like mandibles snapping together. He whirled round, nothing there. Then another snap caught his attention. He twisted his head around again, and caught sight of it, a darker shape in admist the foliage, it was tall, about half the size of the trees, but nearly twice as wide, it was hard to tell where the jungle ended and the creature began.

His instincts told him to keep still and silent, and he listened, not moving a muscle, he breathed shallow breaths, the runes on his neck, stretching all along his body, right down to he tip of his tail began to glow yellow, contrasting against his black skin. Another sound accompanied the clacking. It was a buzzing. Like a swarm of bees, only these 'bees' sounded much bigger, and much louder. Then more rustling. he was surrounded, and he knew it. there would be no escape from this.

He opened his jaws wide and let out a loud roar, which rang through the trees for miles around, such was the cry of the Sky Dragon.

The creature in the undergrowth burst out of hiding, and was heading straight for him. He barely had time to slither to the side of the lunge, and whirl round to face his opponent, who was skittering towards a particularly large tree, frantically waving it's 6 armoured limbs around, but to no avail. The insect had launched itself with such force, that it could not stop itself slamming into a large tree-trunk had first, resulting in a loud crack and squelch as it's head ruptured, sending green blood and guts spilling over the trunk. The insect's body slid down to the jungle floor, lifeless.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:59 pm

Raven tilted his wings, trying to vector further. He was still many miles in the air, but he was plummeting fast, having fallen all the way from the tundra. He could see a dragon feeding by the lake side... He managed to glide away from it, smashing into the ground about half a mile away from the monster. The impact threw up a huge cloud of dust, Raven coughing from within it, stopping to catch his breath. He pushed forward, climbing out of the small crater his crash had caused. He smiled, there was a small hill between him and the lake... and he could feel POWER... This dragon was the creature he'd sensed in the Tundra. He'd found it.
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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:50 pm

He simply stood there, staring at the scene before him, replaying the events in his minds eye again, realizing that if he hasn't dodged the creatures lunge, he could have died, judging by the force which it launched itself at him. It clearly wasn't expecting him to react so quickly, and from that experience he deduced that that particular type of bug isn't very bright. Then his attention turned to the rustling and the buzzing, and more importantly, the clacking, all 3 of which were growing louder by the second.

Not wanting to risk death so soon, he uncoiled his long, sleek body and put his head down, flying low to the ground, underneath the treetops, his black form was practically invisible as he battering rammed his way blindly through the jungle. He could hear as he was flying, in between the constant rustling and cracking of branches as he forced his way through the undergrowth, that the buzzing was gradually fading, and the sounds of snapping overwhelmed his ears once more.

After a few minutes of crashing through the jungle, he came to a halt, and reared his head above the canopy again, this time he could see clearly. there was barely a cloud in the sky, and the sun shone down brightly, obscuring the view behind him. Mountains surrounded him on one side, and to his left, he could see that the jungle thinned out. And to his right, he could see something quite extraordinary. A large shiny hill that jutted out of the tree line. Curious as to what that could be he looked around again, to make sure there was no airborne threats, and he propelled himself forward, heading towards the abnormal hill that had appeared in the forest.
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Postby C S » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:24 pm

Not too long after Desrium went on his own way, he had come across signs of animal passage through the thicket of the jungle plant life. The grass that grew on the ground had been mashed down and the dirt worn by continuous travel. The surounding plant life thinned out, with bare branches stretching out over the area. A game trail. What kind of game, however, was yet to be seen. The armored being crouched down by the trail, inspecting the imprint left in the dirt by the creatures that tread the path. The foot prints were strange. The few that Desrium could make out seemed to be three toed at the front with a semi triangular heel, like some sort of lizard, while the hind prints spaced four to five feet back were large and rounded, as if the animal was also hooved. Either the prints belonged to two seperate, bipedal animals, or they belonged to a quadroped with clawed hands and hooved feet. He stood up again and carefully proceded down the trail. He didnt know if the creature was an herbivore or carnivore, or how it acted. He could be stalked from the shadows, or watched from the tree tops. He held his blade firmly, ready to attack at the first sign of danger.
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Postby Shadow » Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:02 pm

As he flew towards the hill, a thought crossed his mind. 'What happens if this 'hill' is really a trap of some kind?' Upon assessing this question for a moment, he halted in his tracks, hovering in mid-air, he pondered over it. However, curiosity got the better of him, and he resumed his course through the sky, towards the large gleaming mountain. He glanced down at the forest rushing beneath him, and yet, he didn't feel a rush of excitement like he normally would. Instead, all he felt was a strange pang of guilt. From what, he did not know. Why, he did not know. For now, he put this feeling to the back of his mind, and re-focused himself on the gleaming black hill in the forest, which was now growing alarmingly close.

He had lost himself in his thoughts, and had not realized the large corpse in front of him. He performed a loop in mid air to increase the friction on his body, and pulled himself to a halt, heart pounding slightly at his daydream. This was odd. He never daydreamed, or for that matter, got so involved in his thoughts that he would do something like this. 'This isn't like me at all. I gotta find something that hints to why I've changed like this.' he hissed to himself, and with that, he came upon the shiny black hill.
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Postby Godzilla Forever » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:41 pm

Draco awakens after falling asleep for a few hours. He had.... blacked out. 'The fish must've been bad,' Draco thought to himself as he got to his feet. Loki was knocked out cold too. Picking his accomplice up, draco looks towards the city of dreams. Deciding to check it out, Draco spreads his wings and begisn to head over there........
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shadow » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:21 pm

Only, this wasn't a hill. Upon closer inspection the shiny surface was hard, like carapace, and it cracked when he hit it with his tail. Then it dawned on him that this was an enormous bug, like the one he had encountered earlier, only tremendous size.

He retracted back instinctively, heart pounding at the thought that the beast may have been slumbering, and that he could possibly have woke it up. But there was no movement at all. Puzzled, he flew in close again, and inspected its limbs. One of them was nearly falling off, hanging on by a strip of flesh. As he looked at the other legs, it was evident that something had attacked this gargantuan beast, and killed it. Though from the holes in its legs that he saw, it was most likely, not tooth and claw that had killed this beast. as he came upon its mighty head, his heart leapt a beat at the sight he saw before him. Two large, lifeless eyes staring ahead blankly, though he couldn't shake the feeling that they were watching him somehow. Then his gaze came to rest upon the hole in its head, which he presumed where the creatures brain would be. Whatever had done this, was certainly ruthless, and strong to have toppled this enormous insect.

He looked around, spotting several broken branches and insect corpses, only these insects were a lot different from the one he had encountered. Subconsciously, his mind scanned the area, and took note of all the unusual things around here, like how there was no obvious sign of escape, no fallen trees or footprints in the ground. It took a mental picture of the scene, and stored it away in his brain. then his nose kicked in, he could smell something odd, and it didn't mix with the jungle or the insect's dead corpses. It smelled like blood, that was for sure, but it was not human blood. He glanced around, spotting insect blood draped across a tree. He glided over and inspected it, it looked as if something had crushed the insect against the tree, but with something sharp, as blood was still slowly oozing from the dead body.
Several questions raced through his mind. 'Why are there still corpses around here? Why are there two squashed insects, and yet only one of which is bleeding, the other simply crushed? What could have caused all this, and yet escape with little trace?' It did not bear thinking about, and as he shook the thoughts away, his stomach reminded him that he needed to find some food and water, and possibly some shelter.
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Postby Giratina93 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:24 pm

Yuna and Hookbill sat around the fire, two makeshift tents stood a few feet behind them, the two of them keeping themselves warm in the grove of trees. Yuna looked up into a large gap in the grove's branches, noticing some stars out in the sky. She tried to make out any constillations from them, but couldn't. THese stars were diffrent from those she knew back at home... she truly was on a diffrent planet...

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:27 pm

"Where we goin' buggy? DO YA EVEN KNOW?!" Gorgluk roared, though he got no response from the Hive Tyrant. Growling, the ork charged forward, smacking the Swarmlord with the severed limb, which causing the carapace of the weapon to crack and break. The Swarmlord turned, glaring at the ork for a moment before lashing out with its bonesabres, hacking the crustacean limb into three pieces, which fell apart in the ork's grip. "Aw." was all the warboss said, the Swarmlord continuing on its original path without hesitation...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:19 pm

Walking down the worn trail, Desrium could hear the low rumbling calls of creatures. They didnt sound too far off from his location. Instinctively, he crouched down and moved into the line of shrubs and bushes that werent stripped of their leaves. He moved carefully through the growth, moving the obstructing branches with his free hand slowly to avoid making a rustle. He moved forward, his sword leading the way. He was careful where he stepped. A twig or a path of dry leaves could spook what ever creature was waiting around the bend. As he neared the thinning edge of the plants, he could hear the trickling of running water. He was near a river or stream, and the calls were getting louder. The creatures had gathered around the water. A short while later, Desrium parted the leaves of a bush and peered out into the open. There was an incline leading down to the river, and situated around the earthen ramp were the creatures. Their skin was jet black and matched the shadows of the jungle, with dark green fur that formed a thick mane around their neck and thinned out as it moved down the body. Their heads were eagle like, with the lower beak more prominant than the upper. Large yellow tusks curved up along the side, used for defense. The creature's eyes were blue and pupiless. Their forelimbs had taloned, golden scaled feet. The bodies of the creatures however, was slender like a horse, with the hooved hinded legs, but the tail was a blend of avian and horse. A whip like tail of bright orange feathers and wavy black fur. Looking at them for a few minutes, the armored being saw one rear up on its hind limbs, using one of its taloned forelimbs to brace against a tree, and the other to yank a branch down, stripping the timber of its leaves and dark purple fruit. "So these things had an herbivore's diet, but there was a chance they were omnivores. With those fangs and claws, its not that big of a stretch to assume they eat meat" Desrium thought, before realizing that he knew what an omnivore was. Was he an omnivore? He didnt even eat before, he didnt even know he could process meat! But instinct told him to look for the most vulnerable individual in the group of creatures...and seize the oppurtunity to strike it down...
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Postby Shadow » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:36 pm

He flew up into the sky, scanning the area for any clearings where he could find water, but he could see nothing. Unnerved for a second, he quickly reminded himself this is the jungle, and freshwater would not be found so easily. he flew reasonably low over the treetops, but this time he gave himself some distance so he could fly at full speed, though he merely glided along, eyes darting into the forest, his reasonably good eyesight looking for any food source that he might find. After a few more minutes of searching, he came upon a small clearing, filled with brightly coloured fruit and a medium sized, sheep like animal eating from them. from what he could see, it was alone, and would keep his hunger at bay for now. Silently, he glided closer, opening his jaws,he nudged the sheep creature with his snout very gently, and made it turn round only to see a pair of black jaws close around it. He swallowed his meal whole, and sighed in satisfaction.

Though he felt different, at least his taste buds hadn't changed. he looked around, and caught the sound of running water. He pinpointed the direction of the sound and gently glided between the trees. Even though he was 23 meters long, he gracefully moved between the trunks, almost lazily gliding along, until he came across a wide basin, with a waterfall at one end. He swooped down close to the water, and flew back up again, scanning for any threats that may lay hidden underneath the waters. he glided to the waterfall and scooped up a mouthful of water, closing his jaws and throwing his head back, he swallowed, letting the warm liquid seep down his throat. It wasn't as nice a sensation as the cool water he was used to, but it would quench his thirst for now. He made a note of the surroundings for later and took another gulp, he would need to remember this place.
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Postby C S » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:38 pm

The creatures moved about the river bank, sounding their low calls a few times as they went. One ventured closer to the thinning foliage that Desrium had taken refuge in. He readied himself, preparing to shoot out and send his blade into his target. The Ryalmo swung its head about, searching. It smelled something, something it never smelled before. The being in the armor read its actions, trying to predict its next move. It suddenly reared up, balancing on the spade shaped hooves on its legs and arced its head up, letting out a loud screech akin to its avian features. The others' heads shot up to look at the Ryalmo that sounded the alarm, before turning about to run upstream, away from Desrium. The armored being took his chances and sprung out of the plants, swinging his blade about. The Ryalmo let out a deep bellow at Desrium, lashing out with its taloned feet. The jagged edged sword slammed into the creature's shoulder and sliced through the muscle like a hot knife through butter before smashing into the bone and embedding in it. The Ryalmo let out another screech -this one of pain rather than alarm- as blood started seeping out of the wound and down the grooved sword. Desrium yanked back on his weapon, the saw like edge worsening the damage to the Ryalmo's shoulder. With his sword free, Desrium prepared to stab it into the creature's throat, but it dropped its body. It balanced on all fours despite the slight fracture in its left shoulder. It suddenly charged forward, head lowered slightly to line up the tusks with Desrium's midsection. He dove to the right, hearing the thumping footsteps of the angry Ryalmo and seeing the dust cloud it kicked up in its run. When he hit the ground, he rolled back onto his feet and prepared his sword for another swing. He then darted after the Ryalmo, which had cleared out a straight path through the undergrowth. It swung its body about and prepared for another charge, but Desrium was in striking distance by then. He swung his blade over head and slammed it down on the Ryalmo's eagle like head. It let out a sharp high pitched cry seconds before the blow finished the beast. It dropped down with a thump and Desrium removed his blade, crimson blood spilling out of the wound. He bowed his head to the creature, acknowleding that its death would satasfy his hunger before heading to the river. He wanted to clean his blood stained blade before he got to work on the Ryalmo.
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Postby Shadow » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:19 am

Having quenched his thirst, he took to the skies again, only to see gigantic black clouds forming overhead, threatening a storm. He looked around, but he felt no fear. No fear at the storm to come, instead he flew vertically up the mountainside, reaching a small ledge he had subconsciously spotted earlier, his mind had noted it down. It wasn't much, just a ledge with a small cave at the back, and a spire of rock jutting out above the ledge, it would be perfect for him to wait out the storm to come. Meanwhile, he searched around the cave area. It was small, and could only fit 2/3 of his body in it, but that didn't bother him, because he wanted to watch the lightning streak down from the sky, he wanted to hear the thunder rolling across the clouds. He wanted to remember his name. Not noticing a much smaller dragonfly like creature buzzing around his head, he continued watching the gathering clouds, only to hiss furiously at the dragonfly that had rammed itself into him. He was about to swipe at it, when a loud crackle caught his attention. He stared back up at the sky, and the dragonfly did the same. What they saw, was a large white bolt streaking down towards them. BOOOOOOM. As the light faded, the dragonfly had dissapeared,and he couldn't hear anything. Not the thunder, not the wind. Not anything. He looked around at the cave wall, and a chunk of rock had been torn out of the top ledge, by the lightning. His ears slowly began to come back into focus, and the thunder continued to roll, getting louder and more frequent with every passing minute.
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