Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:10 am

"I'm Gordan..what got you in here? they threw your body in here a few hours ago or so" The figure responded as he stretched his neck. He looked towards the window, he had been in here for a while now. He wished he was back out there but times have changed..

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Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:21 pm

"I rammed a ship of the line and lost." He said, not wishing to discuss how he lost. "What happened to you, Gordan?" Kidd was thinking about his brother, who left to join the British ranks years ago. Had he been at the battle? Was he killed by Kidd's crew? These thoughts raced through his head as he waited for Gordan to respond...

OCC: Don't wait too long, I'll be making a new character for Kidd's brother soon... if I can remember.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:49 pm

"Hmm...lets see...well I was in a merchant in Port Nassau, also in the Carribean and I was living fine. Then one day pirates snuck into the port and hid in my shop without me knowing but the soldiers there tracked me there and considered me a traitor. Having no choice I joined the pirates in their escape knowing I could no never live a regular life again. I spent maybe...two months at sea with them before we also got nailed by a ship of the line, largest ship you'd ever with so many cannons you never bothered to count. Next thing you know, I woke up here..lost track of time, found out I was only the survivor of my 'crew' if you will. It's hard to hear from here but I'm pretty sure some sort of battle went on earlier, was that you kid?" Gordan asked. He was obviously older then Kidd. His black beard had grown out considering hasnt shaved for weeks as his eyes traced the room and back to the young pirate captain..

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Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:20 pm

"Yes, it was. The Invincible, biggest ship I've ever seen. Would have tore mine apart if I hadn't rammed it." He replied, "I was trying to take this port, but the Invincible... got it the way." He finished. This older man may turn out to be useful in escape, Kidd thought.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:55 pm

"Take this port? listen Kid, you must be crazy if your trying to take this port. They have Fort Charles here, armed with multiple cannons pointed at the sea, ready to fire at incoming vessels. Inland you have hordes of those damn red coats. They might not look much but engaging them in open ground is almost suicide. You cant fight the Brits in open engagements, too much firepower. Then of course, the Invincible, you played smart not trying to engage it openly otherwise your right, you would have been torn apart but the Invincible had one big weakness. You see the Brits call it the Invincible because they believe that in open engagements, they are invincible however..there's no way in all of mother England that a ship of that size can chase anything down. No way..too big, too heavy, you might as well run which is fine cuz it wont catch you. You would just have to escape it's triple chase guns of course but once your out of range of those things, they wont catch you. Now normally there's at least two more ships alongside the Invincible but they have been gone for awhile now.." Gordan responded, offering his knowledge. He was a 'pirate' for a few months but he was smart, he understood military tactics, or at least he thought he did.

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Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:37 am

OOC: Sorry for my long inactivy period, I got back into MMO-ing again.
Oh, to note, a ship of the line isn't always a frigate but perhaps the word "frigate" in this sense is too broad. it means any LARGE WARSHIP that has about HALF AND HALF square and triangular sails, as well as being FASTER than any ship thats two thirds its size or more. They take a LONG TIME to get out of port because they are so HUGE.

Oh, and, once I do get a second character, I plan on Kidd dying soon after. I can't tell you it all now, but be ready for (British) Captain Mathew Kidd to show up VERY soon. Infact, his character is going to be made right now (so it's fresh in my head).

"Well now, that makes sense, but my flag galleon is -- er, was no speedy sloop. Probably slower than the blasted frigate. If the monster was to get out of port, I'd probably be doomed." He looked at Gordan a moment before countinuing, "I'm probably still doomed for the hangman's noose."
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:30 pm

OOC: haha aight

"There's a reason Port Royal has been considered among the safest areas in the Caribbean...either way you aint gonna try to escape?" Gordan asked in rather curiosity. He himself never tried but then again, he didnt have a pirate captain alongside him..

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Postby raptor33 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:11 pm

"Escape? I assume you have a plan?" Kidd said, eager to escape this prison.

"Wait for it... wait... FIRE!" Yelled Mathew Kidd, Captain in the Brisish Royal Navy. Upon his command his crew fired the cannons at a fast-approaching pirate vessel. It was dead in the water, doomed to sink after that volley. "Make sail towards it, I want them taken prisoner and in Port Royale by sunset."
It wasn't long before the British crew boarded the pirate vessel, and the demoralized crew quickly surrended.

((It was not a player, of course. What do you take me for, a fool?))
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby Anaclagon » Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:56 pm

"Sort off.. whispers of a unified prison riot are spreading. They say when the next group of prisoners arrive, we'll are bound to be executed. Well one of these days, the British are going to hold a little ceremony right here in this port and celebrate a lil bit. Security should be low..we may get a chance" Gordan stated lowly.

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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby raptor33 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:31 pm

"Hmm... interesting... we'll have to escape on that day, of course, and you seem to know more about this port than I do. Do explain more of this plan of yours." Kidd said, masking the eagerness in his voice.


Matt was on his way back to Port Royal, about a three dozen or so prisoners to take with him, his ship heading off at full speed - which wasn't going to get there fast considering he was caught in a nasty storm that seemed to have no end. "REEF THE SAILS!" He yelled. He didn't want to lose the sails and masts to this storm, which blew the the north, nearly rolling the ship over a few times as it hit the sails and masts. His crew, battered by the wind, rolled the sails up so they wouldn't get lashed by the wind as hard, but it was still rough going. Matt looked over the horizon in the direction of Port Royal, which appeared faintly through the sea fog. His ship was in danger of capsizing, and Port Royal was in sight. Perhaps a passing ship would notice them if they sank... except no ship would be mad enough to come out in this storm. The storm reduced the ship's speed so much that you could almost swim to keep up, yet Port Royal was right there.
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby Anaclagon » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:45 pm

"I'd say.. we have at least two days. Thats when the celebration occurs. During this time, most of the guards will be celebrating themselves which leaves a small opening. Throughout the weeks, we've managed to find a civilian who hates the British as well. He promises to free us as long as get him a little fee. He knows how these cells were designed... so as the little red coats celebrate, he'll sneak in and break us all free. Then we make for the docks... that's pretty much it" Gordan stated. He shrugged, it wasnt a master plan but if it worked, they would be free..

Back at Port Royal

Several British soldiers gathered with telescopes looking out to sea. They could barely see it but something was off in the distance..

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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby raptor33 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:19 am

Matt's ship countinued to slowly come into Port Royale and anchor in port. He got off the ship and struck up a breif conversation with a guard, the very one who spotted his ship coming in through the fog. "Yes, they're in the hold. I'll make sure they personally get into the prison." He told the guard, who nodded and went off to inform the pirson guards of a new load of prisoners...

Matt brought the prisoners into the prison, and as he passed one particular cell he looked inside and nearly cried out in shock. "Jack?!"

((Matt calls Kidd 'Jack' because they have the same last name and it would get confusing so... yeah. Its not Sparrow. Not even close.))
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby HorseGal » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:05 am

"You can save only one. Choose wisely."

Adeline gasped, and stared helplessly at the two men that were being tortured in front of her eyes. She looked up at the dark hooded figure, and shook her head in protest to his demand. "But how can I...I simply..." She was at a loss for words.

Both men were being continuously whipped with the cat o' nine. She could see the bits of skin flying off as each whip lash became harder. Their screams were unbearable to her ears. Why did this strange being wanted to play this sick game with her?

"Help," one cried out, his breathing becoming ragged. "After all I did for you...I cared for you, Adeline! Think of the child, think about it never knowing about his father..."

Adeline's eyes were full of tears. "Eric..." She stared away from him and looked to the other man that was being tortured. He was the one she loved! Her heart was urging her to choose James, but she could not bear seeing the other man she cared for being put through this kind of pain. She winced as she heard more cries of pain coming from Eric's side. She looked away from both men and stared at the figure. "I-I choose..." She could not make out the words, but her eyes were pointing in James' direction.

"Very well, my dear." With a snap of his fingers, James was free from the torment. Adeline ran to James' form, and hugged him tight.

However, Eric still endured in the suffering. Adeline watched in horror as the hooded figure went to Eric's side. The girl quickly got up, and started sprinting toward the pair. The cloaked stranger pulled out a dagger. It was getting closer to Eric's throat. "No," Adeline screamed and tried running faster. It felt as though she was failing.

Suddenly, the stranger sliced the man's throat open. Blood poured out all over the floor as he kicked the body over. He cackled and disappeared. "Oh god, no! No, NO! I am sorry, Eric. So sorry!"

The pirate lass woke up in a cold sweat, screaming, and panting heavily. She stared wildly around the room before her. She was alone...thank goodness. She noticed that the covers were twisted around her form. "God, no..." She whispered. She got up from the bed, and made her way up to the deck of the ship.

Nobody was on the deck of the ship. Thank god, she thought. Tiredness was showing in her face. She slowly walked toward the edge of the ship and stared down at the water in thought. For almost a week, she has been having the same or similar nightmares. They would not go away and it was troubling her deeply. What could it mean, she thought. She found herself thinking about him more, and she felt shame every time her mind wandered in that direction. So far, she did not tell James about the recurring nightmares, or about what was really on her mind. She tried coming up with good excuses for them, or tried laughing them off as just a silly nightmare. She feared of what he would think, if she revealed what was on her mind for the past week. It is not proper at all, I should not be thinking about him. He is dead, get over it, Adeline, she thought angrily. Her hands clenched into fists. "God damn it, why? Why?!" She let out a heavy sigh and shook her head. Maybe she was going mad? Maybe it was just her mind playing games with her?
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:08 pm

"Ms. Adeline? Somethin' wrong?" said a rough, worn voice as Severin stepped out of the shadow of the steps to the quarterdeck, the elderly pirate looking as scraggly and rough as ever...

James meanwhile was in his quarters, half asleep, struggling to concentrate as he looked at a map, plotting a course through the various known danger zones near certain areas around Hispaniola. considering the search for this chain would likely cause them to circle the massive island, he needed to be sure he had a safe course on which to sail. the last thing he wanted was hull damage in these waters. Hispaniola was currently in spanish control, and while he could raise a different flag and change the ship's name plaque to disguise it, recent action and the battle of shipwreck cove made him wary about approaching non pirate waters. the only places he MIGHT consider going under false colours would be french settlements, considering the father of his late friend Pierre was a governor of the islands and would POSSIBLY grant them a degree of freedom...if the grief over the loss of his son didn't make him take it out on them...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby HorseGal » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:02 am

Adeline jumped when she heard the voice of the old man, and turned around. When she laid eyes upon the elderly pirate, she smiled weakly and shook her head. "Why, no. Nothing is wrong. Why would you think something is wrong?" She frowned slightly, and wondered if he had any idea what was going on in her head. I doubt it, she thought. She thought she kept her feelings hidden very well this past week. She sighed. "I just...I don't know what is going on with me," she finally admitted, sounding defeated. "I have been thinking to much, I believe, or it can be something else. Can dreams have any meaning at all? Is it better to keep something secret, when that secret might hurt the other person?" She was quite surprised the way she blurted out the questions to the man.
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:39 pm

"Seems yer right that you've been thinkin too much. They say dreams can mean something from time to time, but those same ones also claim havin' women aboard will bring the devil himself to tha ship...and that tossin' a coin in a fountain will make it rain gold and good fortune on you for the rest o' yer life" started Severin with a sarcastic smirk, aiming it at the latter two rumours, intentionally mocking the superstitions that were well planted in the minds of many. His expression swiftly straightened however, and the elderly man eyed Adeline with a firm and serious gaze. "Jus' what exactly is on yer mind, ms. Adeline?...if you don't mind my askin', o'course" he inquired as he leaned against the railing to the side of the ship, grabbing a bottle on a barrel that was there, having placed it there earlier in the evening when he was on watch...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby HorseGal » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:00 pm

"Um, well, it's rather complicated," Adeline mumbled. She took off her ring and started to fumble around with it. It was probably crazy to be thinking about Eric more now. It was probably rather stupid of her to be thinking of him. She bit her lip, and wondered if it was a good idea to tell Severin what has been on her mind. She smiled faintly. "It is probably stupid anyway, to be thinking about a certain thing all the time. The truth is, well...I have been thinking about the man, Eric. I know he is dead and that I probably should be forgetting about him. I mean, it is not proper for one to think about another man, is it?" Adeline was staring down at the sea water as she was saying this. "For him to be on the brain all the time, in my dreams..." Her frown grew, and she took a good hard look at the ring in her hand. "I do not know if I can ever tell this to James. I fear at what he would think."
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:45 pm

"Listen, ms. Adeline. I can't speak for the Cap'n about this...but i can say what i'd've liked me wife to do if she were in your position. If the Cap'n loves you as much as he seems to, and you love him as much as i believe you do...Then it's best you speak to him about this. If you can't tell the person you love and trust most on this earth about your conscerns, then you can't tell anyone" said Severin as he took a swift swig of his drink...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby HorseGal » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:56 pm

Adeline gulped at the advice. She knew that she would have to tell him, and that she would have to let that fear of telling him subside. "I well, erm...I guess I can try telling him," she said weakly. She slipped the ring back on her finger and stared in the direction of the captain's door. "What if he is hurt, or gets angry at it though. I can not bear to see him hurt," she murmured. These thoughts will eventually go away right? I know I made the right choice, right? She wanted to move toward the captain's quarters. "Thank you, Severin." She smiled weakly at him and gave him a quick hug. Just get it over with, silly girl.

She walked toward the door. All the while she was making the trip to the door, certain scenarios could not stop swirling around in her brain. Do not worry, it'll be alright, right? He will not get that angry with you, right? This is silly, it is all just a silly stupid thought. She lightly knocked on the door. If only...I never...stop it now. "Oi James? It's me!" She tried to sound cheerful, and nervously laughed to herself.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Re: Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:15 pm

Severin smiled as he saw the girl head off to the Captain's Quarters. with a sigh he sat down on the barrel and proceeding to sip his drink quietly. the only other people on deck were the watch in the crow's nest, the hindcastle and forecastle, in addition to Nathan, who made sure the ship remained on course...

James looked up, leaning back in his chair and yawning, rubbing his eyes of exhaustion and stretching, a smile on his face. "'Ello love" he said as he stood from his chair, stretching with a few faint cracks audible between the sound of stretching fabric and leather straps, before walking around his desk to Adeline...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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