Space E-war Excerpt

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed May 08, 2013 10:43 pm

As Khuurava and Tanya made their way towards the apparent base of operations in the rebel town, the woman brought a hand to her ear. "What is it, Watchtower?" she asked. "Vanguard 1 is picking up on an incoming unidentified flying object on a collision course with the planet" responded the contact on the other end, Khuurava oblivious for the moment, deciding not to try infiltrating their communications just yet. Without Ecliptor's concealment or hacking skills, he was much more likely to be detected, and didn't want to risk putting his relationship with his employers at stake just yet. "How big is it?" asked Tanya. "A few hundred metres long, and falling. It's coming apart fast. Whatever it is has suffered severe structural damage. We're also picking up on a large Covenent Cruiser in outer orbit not far from the object" responded Watchtower. "Probably a cargo carrier of some kind passing too close. Poor souls. Alright, have a couple of Sand-Skippers sent to check for survivors. Let me know if there are any developments" responded Tanya. "Acknowledged. Watchtower out" responded Watchtower, the connection terminating as Tanya walked into a crowded, dark, stuffy room, several rebels dealing with equipment maintenence and communications, some moving what looked like small oil drums down into a basement area outside of Khuurava's view. As the two reached a narrow staircase, one particularly hefty looking rebel, a Krogan to Khuurava's best guess, pressed his hand broadly against the Khurakra's chest. "No weapons past this point" said the Krogan gruffly, to which Khuurava snorted, mandibles clicking audibly. "No weapons? You fool, I AM a weapon. Do you really think confiscating the firearms will change anything?" he asked, to which the Krogan simply grunted. "Relax Rath. He's okay" said Tanya, walking closer and whispering into his ear. "Between you and me, I doubt he'd be able to last a second with Markus, with or without weapons" she concluded, the Krogan chuckling amusedly for a moment, before moving aside. "Alright big guy. You can go. But make one wrong move up there and I'll show you what your intestines look like" warned the Krogan. "I'll show you both your hearts if you try" retorted Khuurava with a stony glare, Tanya stepping between the two and leading Khuurava up the stairs, letting the annoyed Krogan below simmer down...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Thu May 09, 2013 12:15 am

The Super Transport Bug's "landing zone" was several kilometers away from the little town on Aurora, crashing in the badlands near the base of a small mountain range. When it hit, headfirst, the beast slid across the dust-choked wasteland, leaving a massive rent in the earth and a large dust cloud in its wake. Sliding for several hundred meters, the Arachnid finally slowed to a stop. One of its legs twitched weakly, as if feebly struggling to get up, stuck on its uninjured side as it was. The protective plates around its face hung slack, and a pair of gigantic, glossy wings poked out from the top of its body. It was, for all intents and purposes, an enormous, injured beetle, vainly attempting to cling to life...

The Sangheili Ship Master was displeased, to put it lightly. Not only did he need to send a report to 'Mdama, but he needed to decide a course of action immediately. The natives of Aurora would not take kindly to a Covenant occupation, to be sure, and he needed more firepower to keep them in line while he dealt with the Arachnids. For now, stealth and swift cleanup was his priority. His own Assault Carrier remained with the Supercarrier in high orbit, far out of range of any possible planetary defenses the planet's natives may have had. Instead, he sent down three ships: his two Corvettes, for escort and scouting duties, and a single Battlecruiser, which would be solely responsible for destroying the remnants of the crashed Arachnid transport. Anything onboard that was still alive would be in a hurry to leave, so time was of the essence. The Ship Master's scouting force made a beeline for the Super Transport's crash site, tracking its descent vector to get there as quickly as feasibly possible, while the Ship Master himself nervously awaited a response from Jul 'Mdama. He would not be pleased to hear about this...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Thu May 09, 2013 2:31 am

The hands of fate were hard at work, pulling the strings and making the puppets dance...

The signal Ecliptor detected became clear without warning as the Arachnid vessel came careening through the atmosphere, burning up and breaking apart all the way. The Seeker's sensors, buffed by the Marauder, had picked up on the incident as it was happening in space before any other sensory relay owned by the rebels.

After making his discreet departure, the blue robot had broken off into an all out sprint across the desert country side, picking up speed at insane rates. When the smoothed rocks gave way to sandy plains, the Seeker tore across them unperturbed. Surrounding him was an aura of bright white light, sweeping across his plating as he ran across the landscape. The sand hardened upon his footfall and fell apart as soon as he kicked off again, taking to the air and wafting off in his trail.

The angle of descent had been plotted out in his vision, complex computations running their course, various small boxes appearing and disappearing with alien text scrawling in them. Alien numerals dialed down in a countdown at the bottom of his plain of sight: the time to impact.

Upon reaching the end of the countdown, the Arachnid signal went out in a loud boom and crackle before cutting out completely. By then, the counter reset, starting at a much smaller increment than before. That was because it was Ecliptor's time to arrival at the crash. At his speed, it was merely a matter of minutes.

"Encounter data recorded. Investigation of crash site imminent."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Thu May 09, 2013 8:49 pm

Not far behind Ecliptor, two quadropod hovercraft soared across the desert at a blistering pace. They weren't much larger than the average human, with the added bonus of being much lower profile, close to the ground and relatively flattened as they were. Rounded rectangular bodies floated in the middle of an X-configured set of hoverpads, hydraulic shock absorbers acting as the suspension system between the hoverpads and the body for rough terrain. Three small red eyes, each about the size of a small LED bulb, glared out of a narrow black slit on the desert-camouflaged bodies of the scout vehicles, and a set of short antennas rose from the top of the vehicles. To either side of the slightly narrower front of the vehicles were a pair of small calibre miniguns, depending primarily on fire rate and bullet velocity for the damage. Data was constantly being streamed back to Watchtower on what they were gathering, among which, was the distant silhouette of the Seeker investigating the crash sight...

Khuurava walked into the chamber at the top of the stairs, glancing forward towards a human, clad in brown and beige robes, standing in front of a monitor and a holo-map showing the entire planet, complete with markings identifying strategic locations. Slick black hair was combed back on his head, a few silver streaks visible in the other wise pitch black head of hair. Though his back was towards the Khurakra, it was obvious he already knew he had company, a broad-palmed hand gesturing towards a chair. "Sit" said the man in a quiet, shockingly calm tone. Tanya stopped beside the door, letting Khuurava walk forward into the room on his own. Four well armed guards of multiple races could be seen, one in each corner of the room, all of them watching him closely as he made his way to the seat. "Thank you for coming, Khuurava. I had begun to suspect our contract would go unanswered" said the man as he reached for a glass of a transparent, glowing turquoise liquid, which he sipped from before turning to face the Khurakra. His eyes were a sharp, harsh silver shade, black pupils at their centres having a startlingly alert look about them that intrigued the mercenary. "Your offer was respectable, as was your cause. Mercenary though I may be, even I have honour" responded Khuurava as he sat down. "I knew you did. I also knew you were quick, efficient, and thorough. That is exactly what I need in this campaign" said Markus as he finished his drink, making his way to a drink bar. "Want anything?" asked the Rebel leader as he stopped at the bar and prepared himself another drink. "Ryncol. on ice" asked the Khurakra. "Oooh, you've made yourself some enemies with my comrades with that one" joked Markus as he finished making the two drinks, Khuurava noting the attention with which a couple of the Krogan guards watched him as he was handed the usually toxic drink. "Sucks for them I don't really give a damn about their feelings" retorted the Khurakra as he took a gulp of the drink, swallowing it with ease that even surprised Markus. "So, what's the deal here? Why is this bunch of corporate pansies too difficult for you to handle?" asked Khuurava, eyeing the silver eyed human as he waited for an answer...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri May 10, 2013 12:49 am

The Arachnids, apparently, were quick to evacuate their crashed transport. From a distance, it looked like the monstrous hulk was suddenly swarming with ants, which appeared to pour out of folds in its side, as well as its belly, which faced away from the incoming Seeker and scout machines. The vast majority of the emerging creatures were Warriors, screeching in a vast, overwhelming chorus as they crawled out into the open. They seemed dazed and confused, wandering aimlessly and occasionally swiping at one another with their bladed forelimbs if one of the large Bugs wandered too close to another. Other Arachnid strains took to the air around their brethren, their buzzing wings and high-pitched calls adding to the cacophony below.

Suddenly, however, as if a switch had been thrown, the Bugs stopped their erratic behavior and paused, turning as one mass to look up at the sky, where three massive shapes pushed through the clouds and into view. The two Covenant Corvettes, smaller and lighter than their Battlecruiser counterpart, raced ahead of the larger ship and were quick to arrive in low atmosphere, guns already charged and prepped to fire. Once again, the screeching of the Arachnids started up once again, and they skittered across the hulk of their crashed "ship," as if attempting to meet the comparatively massive Covenant craft in combat. Unsurprisingly, the Corvettes were not intimidated by the display, and began firing their pulse cannons, blue plasma beams pounding the dead Super Transport's carapace repeatedly. Dozens of the closely massed Warriors were simply vaporized under the hail of plasma fire, though they seemed unperturbed by this, even as the CCS-class Battlecruiser began to move in to join its Corvette escort...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Thu May 16, 2013 7:11 am

Ecliptor came to a stop just under 500 kilometers from the area of conflict. There he watched the multitude of colors streaking down from the sky and decimating the crashed bio-ship with a mix of intrigue and emulated annoyance, given what he had learned so far about organic behavior. His goal was to investigate the crash site. These new arrivals impeded that goal. Therefore, they were the due subjects of the Seeker's aggression, were they not?

Like the crack of a whip, Ecliptor drew his gun and spun on one foot in the sand. The roar of his rifle went off and one of the quadropods roaring past him was dispatched without a second thought. The slug tore through its central guidance and control assembly, cutting it off from its masters at the Watchtower and leaving it dead in the dust. It also left a massive dent in the thing's chassis with lots of fragmented electronics and frayed, sparking wires hanging out of the hole punched through it.

But that was a cosmetic problem, and thus none of the Seeker's concern. He rested the rifle on his back and approached the crippled machine, the utilities stored in his claw-tips extending. It was time to do a bit of... reconfiguration on the lowly scout-bot.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri May 24, 2013 8:59 pm

If the Covenant craft were aware of the events caused by Ecliptor, they certainly made no notice of it. Instead, the two Corvettes moved to either side of the crash site, staying high above the killing ground and bombarding the sides of the crashed Arachnid ship, in case some of the Bugs attempted to flee the site. They made ample space for the Battlecruiser to move in, which slid in between the two smaller ships, the underside of its nose glowing brightly. The Arachnids seemed to realize what was coming, turning as one great mass to flee from the coming assault. Unfortunately, they were too slow.

The Battlecruiser's Energy Projector fired, the purple beam sweeping a destructive path along the crashed Transport Bug, vaporizing anything its touched and melting away at the organic ship's armored carapace. Though the ship was dwarfed by the crashed Bug, this didn't seem to deter its actions. Covenant ships had glassed far larger objects than a single crashed ship before. The Battlecruiser slowly and methodically moved over the Super Transport Bug, burning everything in its path, while the Corvettes destroyed any Arachnid stragglers lucky enough to escape the blast radius...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed May 29, 2013 1:25 am

"Well, until recently, it wasn't a problem. But then the corporations started sending well funded mercenary organisations at us. Big cash on offer to get rid of us, and those vultures were more than happy to take up the offer. Virtually unlimited funds, and equally unlimited tech access. Basically, they have us outgunned. See that Space Station you passed by when you arrived? That is one of the things the corporations are using against us. It has some impressive firepower onboard, and it seems to be older than anything on or off planet can remember. Just who owns it and what their reasons are for helping the corporations, we have no idea. It could just as easily be an abandoned space station that was taken over and used as a weapons platform. That's one of the few places I haven't been able to gather intel about" explained Markus as he demonstrated with the tac-map, a 3D model of the space station rotating slowly before them. "You'd think something of that size and potential force deployment would give a lot of openings for espionage. What's the problem?" asked the Mercenary with a raised brow. "Cargo deliveries to the space station are handled by drones. And the crew that board it, never come out. They've been there for half a year, and not a single living creature, Merc or Suit, has left it" responded the Rebel Leader.

"Living?" asked Khuurava, intrigued by the specificity of the man's choice of words. "Well, every now and then we find a jettisoned body floating in orbit around the planet, at exactly the same altitude as the station. There are no ships of sufficient size in orbit at that altitude, so the only logical option is that they're coming from the station. Odd thing is though, they're always bone dry. Not a drop of liquid in their bodies, and I'm not even talking about blood. They're all but petrified when we find them, so whatever's going on in there, it's got something to do with live test subjects, or at least, something along those lines" explained the man as he walked towards the tac-map. Outside the room, Tanya was busy giving orders and demanding explanations as to why one of their drones had gone offline, glancing worriedly through the doorway at Markus from outside Khuurava's field of view, hidden from him by the door frame. Several tens of miles away, the drone was recording the Covenant bombardment, as well as the creatures on the receiving end of the attack. Ecliptor's attack was for the most part ignored, not being the most major issue at the moment...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Wed May 29, 2013 4:13 pm

It took several minutes, but eventually, the Battlecruiser's work was completed. The Super Transport, and its horde of guardians, was no more. Only the ground below, shimmering like a massive plain of glass and boiling hot to the touch, remained. Even so, the three ships remained hovering overhead. Just because the Arachnids on the surface were destroyed didn't mean they were completely exterminated. Some could have easily escaped underground before the Covenant ships had arrived, or even just before the plasma bombardment and subsequent glassing. They weren't going to take any chances, not after the trick they had pulled back in space. Instead, a fine, blue mist rained down from the underside of the Battlecruiser and its Corvette escorts, the shimmering cold cloud acting as a fine counteragent to the scorching surface below them. They would need to cool the blast zone down before landing troops to investigate, after all...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:11 pm

"I suppose you have a plan of attack? Or am I going to have to plan that out as well?" hissed Khuurava with a raised brow. "Well, the mercenaries have some ground bases in various locations on the planet. Usually well equipped and well defended. If we were to hit those, we could presumably-" started Markus, before Tanya walked in and cut off the conversation. "Sorry to cut the chat short, but we have a problem" said the woman as she stalked into the room. "Hm?" asked Markus, shaken from his train of thought. "Covenant ships. Big ones. Whatever it is that entered the atmosphere, they're glassing it on the planet's surface. And judging by the size of the ships, this is an occupational force. I'd say a few hundred thousand troops, easy" explained the resistance commander, as she programmed the TAC-MAP to shift focus onto the location of the attack, satellites giving a comprehensive view of the event, the Covenant ships' bombardment and subsequent environmental regulation easily visible. "...Damn" said the man as he walked up to the map. "We'll need to keep monitoring before we can decide on their motives. But odds are this'll probably have the mercs and corporations backpedalling. Strong as they are they won't risk getting in the way of a military faction like the Covenant"...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:27 am

The glassed area was sufficiently cooled within the following ten minutes or so thanks to the combined force of the three Covenant ships. They remained overhead, deciding that, for the moment, additional reinforcements would not be necessary. Clusters of Phantom dropships emerged from the hangars of the three ships, streaming down to the surface to set up an initial base camp. The craft numbered only a couple dozen, but that would be more than sufficient for the time being. They fanned out over the blast zone of the former Super Transport, scanning for life signs before moving off to the side of the area, close to where the organic ship's underside had been facing. If any Arachnids had escaped underground, they would be in that general area, making it the perfect place to start their search, once the camp had been set up. Small, prefabricated structures were attached to the undersides of the dropships; the Covenant equivalent of "tents..."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:09 pm

Buzzing across the sands, the lone quadropod approached the area the aliens had claimed as their planetside base of operations. The light of Remora's sun was muted against the many shades of brown which decorated the scout's chassis and wisps of sand obscured its four propellers. For all intents and purposes, the thing looked completely normal save for the clear signs of attack: the gaping bullet hole and the few wires which dangled out from the plating. The true oddity was in the form of the miniscule red lights which were dark in the slot at the front of the machine. It was not functioning on its own accord.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:06 pm

Covenant "housing" wasn't the only thing the Phantoms had been carrying. Around the perimeter of their impromptu base camp (which, for the moment, was comparably small), several Shade turrets had been set up, manned by Sangheili foot soldiers. The Covenant knew their arrival was less than stealthy, and any bandits or curious natives would not be tolerated near their base of operations. In addition, Banshee fighters had been disgorged from the Corvettes to patrol the skies and outermost areas of the camp. One such craft was the first to spot the scout machine heading right for the Covenant perimeter. It swooped down towards the incoming machine, moving on an intercept course and radioing for reinforcements. The Sangheili pilot quickly let the machine know that it wasn't welcome, firing a fuel rod down at it, followed by a stream of plasma fire, before screaming past it overhead. It would continue these strafing runs, along with any other Banshees that arrived, until the scout retreated or was destroyed...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:00 pm

The scout continued through the scattering sands and scalding residue created by the plasma without hesitation to the aggression displayed towards it. It was almost as if the quadropod completely disregarded the hostile presence in the area and carried on none the wiser to it.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:14 pm

Seeing that the "warning shot" did absolutely nothing, the Banshee pilot made a return trip, chasing after the scout and leading his next fuel rod shot. The green blob of explosive plasma was aimed ahead of the scout machine's path, timed so that it hit the quadropod dead-on, or at least as dead-on as the Sangheili could manage. It wasn't a perfect shot, but it still slammed into the scout's side, enveloping it in a bright green flash of superheated air and plasma. That blast would vaporize a human and tear apart a Ghost. The chances of the machine surviving were unlikely...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:29 pm

And vaporized it was, leaving very little behind aside from black slag that flew through the air and was lost in the grains of sand blowing in the wake of the explosion. And that was the end of that, apparently. But appearances could be deceiving and; indeed, they were. While the scout distracted the aerial patrol, the stealthed Seeker slipped past the preliminary security. With his energy signature completely blank, he used the rising dunes and dipping pits to stay out of sight, infiltrating the exclusion zone.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:39 pm

A small flock of Banshees was now circling the site of the machine's destruction like giant vultures, checking for any signs of movement of life. They didn't noticed the hidden Seeker pass by, distracted as they were. However, the area closer to the camp site, where everything had been glassed, was purely flat and smooth, providing absolutely no cover. The Sangheili managing the Shade turrets wouldn't be able to spot Ecliptor at a significant distance, but once he was in range of their guns, he would have nowhere to hide.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:12 am

When the environment couldn't provide cover, the Seeker opted to make it for himself -though that would wait for just a short while.

He was lying in a sand trench, his gun drawn and laid out on the edge of the pit, using it as a support as he wielded it with one arm. His single eye was level with the barrel, intricate symbols and calculations illustrated in his field of view as he eyed one gunner several yards away. Compensating for drop off and other factors, he had a shot lined up with one of the gunners, but did not take it immediately. Instead, he started channeling his energies in his free hand, his claws spinning about the wrist as a white orb appeared over his palm, creating an indentation in the ground before pulling the trigger.

The roar of the rifle chased the slug that was sent on its way towards an unfortunate alien's head. Ecliptor used the recoil to his advantage, letting himself be floored backwards from it and falling into the deeper hole he made; and thus he was out of sight by time anyone realized the attack had begun.

The Covenant hunting bugs that could have burrowed into the sand. How ironic it was then, that the Seeker would be hunting them from it.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:57 am

The shot blew the unfortunate Sangheili head apart, sending a spray of purple mist into the air as the gunner slumped against the gun's controls. The Shade's barrel lowered, now pointing towards the ground. The rest of the Covenant soldiers were now on high alert, having seen and heard the attack. Banshees swarmed over the area, looking for any sign of the menace, while Covenant infantry sprung into action. Anyone who had been relaxing or sleeping was now on high alert in the Covenant base camp, while the ships continued to watch the events unfold from above. However, they had their own business to attend to, and a single sniper was not going to stop them...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:36 am

Under the surface, Ecliptor parted the sands with his power, crawling on through. While planning his attack, he created a static image of the surface. While it meant individual units were a variable he could not predict, it certainly meant he knew where the fixed guns were. With the concern being focused on a sniper in the dunes, the Covenant troopers had no idea what was about to transpire.
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