Space E-war Excerpt

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:24 am

"Be advised. All ancient artifacts found on planet AUR075-A are property of Kron Enterprises as per Galactic law. Attempting to steal Kron Enterprises property will result in military and legal action against the Covenant" responded the Kron representative. The other signal, though it did not stop, lessened in overt visibility, seeming to operate in the background. Static began to accompany it, cluttering up data-streams on the ship as the alien signal seemed to harass the task force...

"That remains to be seen. Show me what you have and I will decide whether it meets expectations" said Khuurava as he ducked under the doorway and stepped into the room, which, it could be noted, was a tad too low for the Khurakra, forcing him to walk hunched over...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:15 pm

Ship Master 'Ontom resisted the urge to chuckle. Legal action? That was certainly a new one. Most considered the Covenant nothing more than a fanatical group of religious zealots and cultists with military-grade hardware. They certainly didn't bother bringing "Galactic Law" into this. The Sangheili, however, remained diplomatic for the moment. "I can assure you, this artifact is of no value to you, but is of significant religious value to the Sangheili. And, of course, there is the matter of the Arachnid infestation. In return for clearing them out, I think the Covenant deserves a reward for doing your work for you."

"Ah, sure, sure, take a look around," Sar chirped happily, slamming the door haphazardly shut and following Khuurava inside. The shop was modest, with a single cashier's desk for Sar at the back, and the walls coated in everything from guns to armor to ammunition. "We got plasma weapons, mass effect-powered weapons, blasters, and a few exotic things," Sar explained, pacing around the room. "Even managed to scavenge an Energy Sword off a dead Elite back in the day. And if firepower's not your alley, we got shields, ammo mods, and even some neat little attachments for a compatible weapon!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:16 pm

A long silence followed the Covenant fleet captain's response, before an answer finally came. "Very well. This is a reasonable deal. However, be advised: If your forces encroach on any more Kron Enterprises property or claim anything but the artifact for which you have come, there will be consequences" came the voice of the Kron Enterprises representative...

"These guys make it too easy!" said Markus in his office with a laugh as he listened in on the communication between the representative and the Covenant force. "So, you want to do it this time, or should I? Or maybe send the new guy after 'em? rig a raid?" asked Tanya, giggling at her friend's reaction as he tossed a dart at a painting nailed to the wall, an Asari staring back at them from within, an imperious expression on her face, though the dart landed right on the nose, destroying the seriousness of the picture. "Well, before we do anything we need decoys. Head down to Max and ask him if we have enough KE vehicles to stage a raid. frame one side, use whatever we get from that to frame the other. If we're lucky we can get them to kill eachother. Or, at the very least, use the chaos to steal something useful" said Markus. "Right. Still haven't answered my question yet" said Tanya as she leaned against the doorway, smirking. "Hm? Oh! Right. Yeah, I'll go. Been a while since I've pissed off KE personally. I was hoping they'd send an assassin or something. Give me a challenge. But nothing! It's like they're afraid it won't work. Completelyjustifiedconcernbut that's not the point!" responded the Rebel leader, Tanya simply giggling at the response before shaking her head. "You're nuts, you know that?" she said, to which the man simply replied with a long, seemingly distracted "mmmmhm!" as he read a report from one of the scout teams in the jungle to the East of them...

Khuurava walked into the shop, slowly and carefully, though making sure to take note of everything in there. "I'm looking for combat accessories...Portable scout drones, grenade mods, mobile remote control explosives, that kind of thing" said the Khurakra Mercenary as he stopped by what looked to be a counter, cluttered though it seemed. Trinkets of all sorts and shades lined the walls and ceilings, some of them weapons, some armour, some things that he honestly could not identify. He had to admit the Kig-yar had a decent collection...only question was, how up to date was it and how costly would it be to acquire...though the latter point wouldn't be too much of a problem with a bit of...persuasion...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:18 pm

"Very well," the Ship Master stated. "We will not interfere anymore than necessary." With that, the Sangheili cut the connection and clicked his mandibles. This corporation was going to be a thorn in their side. He decided to contact Jul 'Mdama. He would know what to do about these bothersome folks.

Sar made a mental checklist, pausing to think. "Hm, well, I definitely got plenty of grenade mods for ya," he said, waving towards a nearby corner. "They're all over there. Go nuts. I dunno about MOBILE explosives, but I can get you some remote-detonated stuff, and you can jury-rig somethin' for it later. As for the portable drone..." The Kig-yar moved over to his counter, shuffling around underneath it until he pulled out a large cylinder, almost as tall as he was, with a multi-limbed, inactive droid inside."Probe droid, pilfered straight from the Empire!" Sar said proudly. "Reprogrammed this fella to give him a blank slate. Anyone who's willin' to buy him gets a free droid servant armed with light blasters and a self-destruct feature in case it gets captured. All those big bug eyes on the head there? High-definition cameras. This droid is the perfect scout."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:44 am

Khuurava considered what was available, ignoring the grenade mods for now. He had meant them as an example, not something he actively wanted. "I was hoping for something more...compact" said the Mercenary when he was shown the rather large cylinder. If this was the best the Kig-Yar had to offer, he'd be better off getting in touch of Sharakh and having some K.S.F. equipment dropped from orbit for him. "Remote detonated explosives aren't the issue. It's something to deliver it that I need. Hence, mobile. UEVs" grunted the Khurakra as he looked around. "Is this all your stock, or do you have something hidden for...emergencies? considering you're supposedly the main supplier of the resistence" he inquired with a raised brow, icy eyes narrowed inquisitively...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:28 pm

Inside the Seeker's "laboratory", something was going on that would appear to be sorcery to the uninformed person. Ecliptor stood before a silvery counter extending from the wall, his rife and the Storm rifle resting on it. He held his arms in front of him, the claws facing each other and spinning rapidly, the energies surging in between them joining at the center and forming a bright ball of energy. Bits of scrap metal were suspended in the air, revolving around the blue robot a foot or so away from him. The metal was surrounded by a white aura that spread gradually to the center of the discarded plating, and in time each piece shone brightly as the Seeker manipulated their very molecular make-up.

Before long, the bits of scrap collected together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and they converged on Ecliptor's frame, fitting into the holes created when his armor was liquefied. Internal electronics began to repair, severed connections started wiggling about and mending themselves, reaching across gaps and banding up like muscle fibers and flesh. The exterior armor also began repairing, patched with glowing bits of metal, the seams defined by bright orange lines. When the energies subsided, the scrap metal had been transformed into the Seeker's armor in every way, from color to strength.

"Repairs completed. Beginning alteration of weaponry."

Ecliptor held out his hands over the counter. In an instant, the myriad of parts that made up both guns disassembled, different components hovering inches off of the table as the robot went about modifying his gun.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:15 pm

Sar frowned a bit, tapping his claws against the box containing the probe droid. Hm, this guy had very specific tastes, didn't he? "You're, uh, an interesting fella, buddy," he mused. "...well, if you're willing to pay the extra creds, I suppose I could let you see my 'special stock.' It's over here." The Kig-yar moved away from the counter, pushing his probe droid back underneath, and moved over to the wall behind it, pulling down on the barrel of what looked like an antique sniper rifle mounted there. A good-sized portion of the wall suddenly swung inward with a muted hiss, revealing a downward ramp and a much cleaner-looking corridor. "I keep it all down in my storage bay," Sar explained, motioning for Khuurava to follow him. "Got way more stuff down there for those who want something a little more unique."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:23 pm

Khuurava smirked as he watched the Kig-Yar lead him below. "My line of work requires me to keep watch for better equipment, and acquire it by any means necessary" said the Khurakra with a smirk. "I've dealt with thousands of weapons dealers like you. I know when one has some things hidden in reserve. They're always better off than they appear, and always are more successful than someone in their position should be" added the Khuurava as he followed the arms dealer...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:34 pm

The ramp went down for a minute or so, before Sar, chuckling, stopped at a sealed door, evidently of Covenant manufacture, at the bottom. A green holographic interface materialized on the door, and the Kig-yar tapped a few commands. The interface vanished, and the door slid apart with a muted hiss. "You know all the tricks of the trade, dontcha?" Sar replied, stepping through the doorway and into what looked like a massive underground hangar bay. It would have been big enough to fit two of Khuurava's ships, if it wasn't so cluttered with stacks and stacks of crates and boxes. Granted, said boxes were lined up neatly, forming corridors for the pair to walk through, and the Kig-yar scratched at his quills absently as he waved a free claw around the chamber. "My secret stash! Got a little bit from just about every alien culture you can think of, even yours! 'Course, uh, it's kinda big, so we might wanna start with one thing at a time, eh?"

The Ship Master's conversation with Jul 'Mdama had gone as expected. He was pleased to discover the Forerunner structure hidden in the mountain, and was simultaneously annoyed with Kron Enterprises interference. He knew they would cause trouble again if they weren't swiftly dealt with, and had ordered the Ship Master to prepare boarding parties. The space station would be a very nice place to set up a command post should their occupation last longer than planned, as it was rapidly turning out to be. However, they weren't going to attack just yet. As soon as they figured out the situation on the ground, the Ship Master would make his decision.

Back on the surface, the Covenant Harvester's plasma drill had finally done its job. As the beam was shut down, the round tunnel carved through the rock, neat and still glowing from the intense heat, revealed a cavern a little ways inside. No doubt the Forerunner artifact was on the other side. Parg Vol, a Sangheili Warrior who was in charge of the ground forces, quickly called for reinforcements from the ships hovering above. Three single-person drop pods crashed down into the camp, releasing Sangheili Zealots, and a much large pod, powered by thrusters, came down to drop off a contingent of Ranger-class soldiers, before shooting back up towards its parent ship. These soldiers would do nicely for the initial exploration, especially considering the likelihood of an Arachnid presence nearby.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:09 am

The sounds of Imperial riffles going off was followed by the thuds of bodies that dropped soon after, no hesitation, brutal efficiency. The bodies of the dead filled the streets while the women and children who survived were huddled into a section of the town under armed supervision. The town had been shot too hell, as the sky was filled with smoke and Imperial gunships. Most of the building walls were scorched from the impact of blaster bolts, most of the buildings themselves were blown to pieces under the attack of heavier blasters while the town's shipyard had been wiped out completely, the very ground that held its foundation reduced to molten slag. At the center of it all, Darth Revan walked out of the largest building, lightsaber now finding itself being deactivated. The Dark Lord paused to eye the situation before him, his target once again missing. As the Sith appeared visible he was approached by several black armored commandos, the ARC Troopers themselves with reports, the lead one paused taking note of the several dead bodies within what was assumed the town hall.
"My Lord, the search has been concluded... nothing." The lead one reported.
"These folk were truly loyal to him. Tried to hide him, fought for him... died for him" Revan replied there was some mockery in his voice though most of it remained a calm, yet cold tone. "Leave the survivors alone, there are useless. Those who resisted deserved their fates." Revan paused as he scanned the town once more before turning towards the armored trooper. "Have Piett prepare my ship and have him report to the Emperor about our search." The man commanded as the trooper nodded and made the necessary preparations.

At the Imperial flagship...

"We've checked every building... killed any man who resisted. They loved our fugitive so much they willingly combatted us." The Grand Admiral stated as he walked around the massive holographic table that displayed 3-D images of the entire situation with various smaller screens sticking to the outside that showcased personal viewings from the soldiers perspective themselves.
"My Lord, it was obvious we were late. Our fugitive has come and gone and now we find ourselves at the very outskirts of the Empire. The Emperor demands we continue our search..." Piett added on as he turned to the masked Sith Lord.
"The Emperor continues to send me on some foolish hunt for a lone Jedi whose order has already been eradicated" Revan clenched his fists for a moment yet kept his deeper feelings reserved only for himself "Is that your intention... have your apprentice farther away from the capital as you continue with your hidden experiments... preparing for the day I-" Revan's thoughts were interrupted from a small alarm that sounded off in the bridge. "Ah... an update" Piett casually said as he proceeded to quickly scan through data and found himself sighing with disappointment.
"As we've already concluded... the Jedi left Imperial space into the Unknown Regions, this new data indicates he visited several of the planet's towns, found himself another starship and fled even further. He grows desperate however the Emperor has granted us permission to leave, the fleet is ready to move at your command" Piett added on, turning towards the Sith.
"Launch another set of probes and I want an update on Capital Antares... it's been some time"

Elsewhere in the galaxy...

a lone and cloaked Venator Class starship cruised slowly through the depths of space as the ship's crew worked to find what they were looking for. "Revan and his fleet are dispatched just outside the empire making sure they didn't miss anything while we find ourselves in unknown territory for a lone man..." The Captain of the ship thought, obviously annoyed at his assignment as he paced throughout the bridge, hoping the probes would gather any useful information.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:23 pm

The cavern Parg Vol's expedition group moved into was tall and cylindrical, with a curving, rocky path spiraling down to the bottom. The cave had no signs of artificial architecture, but Vol highly doubted that the cave was made naturally. The Rangers used their jump packs to simply leap over the edge and descend carefully to the bottom of the cavern, while the rest of the troops, lacking such equipment, made their way down the path. At the ground floor was another tunnel, wider and more naturally-formed. Another short trek, and the Covenant soldiers found themselves inside a much larger cavern, strewn with stalactites, stalagmites, and other rocky formations, including small ridges where several Jackal Rangers quickly set up sniper positions, just in case. However, as interesting of a geographical formation as this cave was, Parg Vol and his Zealot bodyguards had something else on their minds.

At the far end of the cavern, taking up more than a modest amount of space, was a multi-layered, vaguely pyramidal structure, made of burnished, silvery-gray metal and glowing with a cold blue light along several lines dotting the structure. Several ramps allowed access to the top of the Forerunner building, with a tall, complicated-looking doorway affixed to the wall there. Yes, this is what they had been looking for. Now they just needed to find a way in. While his Sangheili brethren moved forward to secure the entrance, Parg Vol radioed to the Ship Master about their progress. He would be very interested to hear about this development...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:19 am

"Right" said Khuurava, a professional air of calm on his face, seeming unimpressed. Being a top officer in the Khurakriidi Primacy's Special Forces, he had seen larger bunkers and weapon stores. "While we're here, what're the most state-of-the-art assault rifles you have available?" he asked, crossing is arms behind his back as he walked, his mandibles clicking inquisitively as he tilted his head slightly to one side, looking down at the smaller Kig-Yar...

"Think they'll find you?" asked Tanya, just back from her brief errand to the Armoury. "Maybe. But if I think they're getting close, well...I'll just lure them off in a different direction. That's why you're my right hand...Wonderful leader, strong personality, not afraid to knock a few heads together, smash a few skulls if needed to get the job done...and you have a sense of humour. Every leader needs to laugh a bit now and then. Good for morale, keeps them from aging or burning out...laughs are good" responded Markus with a smile as he flipped a pen in hand, before tossing it at the painting, the pen ricocheting off the dart already imbedded there and landing firmly on a badly drawn doodle of a Stormtrooper. Tanya eyed the man, thinking over what he said. Half insane though he may be, the Jedi still had much to teach...even if his methods were at times somewhat odd...

As the Covenant forces continued their work in the chamber, several dark figures loomed in the shadows. Vital signs and heat signatures were absent, and their movements were nearly non-existent. Dark, sunken eyes watched the soldiers work their way to the Forerunner device in silence, their motives unknown...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:22 pm

"Depends on what yer lookin' for," Sar said, waving a hand with a grimace. "'State-of-the-art' is a whole bunch of subjective crap. I could hand you an assault rifle that rapidly fires explosive incendiary projectiles that scatter napalm or lingering plasma across the ground where they land, or I could give you a rifle that fires semi-automatic sonic rounds at such a high frequency they can't be heard and create no entry wounds on the victim. Depends on your, ah, point of view, hehe."

The Covenant Rangers stationed themselves in a perimeter around the cavern as Parg Vol and his Zealots moved silently up to the apex of the structure. As they approached, the door began to shift and pull apart like a complicated 3D puzzle, and Vol stared upward in awe as the door pulled apart, both down into the floor and up into the ceiling. On the other side was a purely artificial chamber, massive and spherical, with almost featureless grey walls. However, a long bridge extended from the doorway through the middle of the chamber, and ended in the exact center, where another structure loomed. This tall spire rose from the bottom of the sphere, ending a in fantastic display of blue holograms and branched-out towers, like a cathedral. A ramp led up to a platform jutting from the tower, where a band of blue-grey Forerunner metal swirled around the spire, seemingly of its own volition. The platform itself had a small, rectangular console with a blue hologram projecting it from it. Parg Vol and his guards stepped inside, taking a moment to look around the unusual chamber that had been buried inside this mountain. Yes, this is where the artifact would be...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:16 am

The Imperial Flagship of the entire Sith Armada cruised through the outskirts of Imperial territory bringing a fleet of Star Destroyers with it. The gigantic vessel continued to receive various bits of information from the few Imperial forces in the Unknown regions yet nothing useful was produced. Revan stared at the large holographic table inside the flagship's bridge, arms folded, his face hidden by the presence of his hood and mask. Grand Admiral Piett approached the Sith after checking in with a nearby console and he could sense the frustration that radiated off the Emperor's right hand man, the news he had was bound to irritate him further. "Lord Revan, The Emperor demands an update on the search"
Revan didn't flinch, he heard his admiral clearly but even now his master, his Emperor was clearly irritating him. The Sith clenched his fist as he contemplated an answer... In the beginning of the Jedi purge, it was easy.. the Jedi were often in groups and they had enough spies that tracking them down was rather easy but just as the Sith have adapted in the past, so have the Jedi as they continue to blend within the populace of the universe, evading Revan's persistent searching.
"Your compassion has allowed many Jedi to escape..." The voice of Sidious lingering in his head. "No, I gave them a choice." Revan answered back to the voice he heard in his mind. In the conclusion of the Republic's wars, Revan and his followers returned to the capital... as Sith, no longer the Jedi they once were. As the Emperor prepared to deliver to reveal his plans for the Empire, Revan and his newly turned followers along with the most battle hardened legions marched into the Jedi Temple and delivered an ultimatum... Surrender to the Empire or face destruction. None turned... and the temple was massacred. Several Jedi did eventually surrender in the battle's end, swearing their newfound alliegenance only to be killed as well... Revan did not extend his mercy often and he was not going to allow beings who surrendered to save their lives a chance to enjoy the prosperity of the new order.

Yet because Revan willingly revealed himself and did not strike immediately, the Jedi were able to warn the others throughout the Republic and while those that survived the initial strikes were hunted down... the Jedi order somehow, someway lives in the few followers that exist. "No mercy Lord Revan... our enemies must be eliminated if we are to ensure stability. You are responsible for letting some of them live so it will be your responsbility to have them all eliminated" The voice rang again. The archives inside Jedi Temple we're damaged in the struggle during the night the Temple was assaulted, this only complicated matters...

"Lord Revan" Piett stated once more as Revan finally responded, turning his masked head to the Admiral, clearing his head from his private thoughts. Revan again was about to respond till a message from Captain Antares in the unknown regions was sent in reporting on possible odd activity worth investigating...

Aurora was out there in the distance as the modified Venator Class drifted within sight of the planet. The ship's engines were operating at a minimum, reducing their chances of someone picking up an energy signature. The ship kept it's distance, not wanting to enter forward. "Send probes to the surface for further investigation. Something tells me this planet is worth the look.." The captain declared as he watched the Imperial vessel release several black pods towards the surface.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:43 am

"Hmm...You got a manifest of what you have in here? I'm kinda a busy person. I'd rather not waste time looking through this whole place. Better I take a list, check what I want and come back when I have time" said Khuurava lowly as he looked around the massive bunker...

Outside the Forerunner chamber pieces of the rocky wall just outside of the chamber shuddered and came loose as a tremor seemed to grip the area, stone and rock crumbling as if in response to the exposure of the chamber to the surface...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:36 pm

"Sure, I can do that," Sar replied, pulling out a small, Covenant-origin tablet of some kind, tapping a couple holographic buttons. "I can upload the manifest to your armor's onboard computer, or Omni-Tool, or whatever you've got."

The Rangers, suspecting Arachnid activity, warned their compatriots in the chamber of the tremors they had detected. Parg Vol ordered his Zealots to move up with him, and quickly. They needed to secure whatever it was that they had found, before any undesirables arrived. The Sangheili squad moved across the bridge, swiftly but carefully, towards the structure of interest and its console. Parg Vol hit the large holographic switch, which shimmered, shifted, and seemed to melt away. The console suddenly retracted into the floor, and a hatch behind it opened up in its place. A shimmering blue light emerged from the new hole in the floor, and in it, a small disc of some kind. This was the artifact? Not much to look at, Parg Vol supposed, but it must be storing something important. Without pause, the Sangheili took the disc from its anti-gravitic cradle, gently, as if handling an ancient sculpture. As he did, the light abruptly and unceremoniously vanished, and Vol stepped away, data disc in hand. With a bark of command, he ordered his Zealots back across the bridge and towards the door. It had closed behind them, but swiftly reopened on their approach, letting them back into the cavern proper.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:48 pm

"Omni-Tool" responded Khuurava calmly, a small blue light on his right gauntlet lighting up before the cyan Omni-Tool materialised along his gauntlet, streams of data running along a projected screen in the centre of a circle forming over his palm...

Shuddering forms rose from the ground as the rubble revealed itself to be numerous stone-encrusted humanoid entities. Organic or synthetic, it was difficult to distinguish with the stony armour covering them. The looked like walking piles of stone, small glowing red eyes glaring through holes in the stone that formed what could scarcely be called a face, and their arms began to crumble as what revealed themselves to be some form of weapon projected from within, the dusty barrels of ancient weapons glowing with a jet-like whir as the heat signature of the attackers jumped sharply. High pitched shots rang through the chamber as orbs of white hot plasma smashed into the ceiling above the Sangheili, a violent rumble shaking the chamber as the already unstable environment was brought to the brink of collapse. Whatever these things were, they had no intention of letting the Sangheili or the object they now possessed escape intact...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:24 pm

"Got it," Sar replied, finishing the transfer quickly and stowing his datapad. "Gimme a call if you find somethin' interesting, even if you're not planetside. I've got a couple ways to get my shipments offworld."

Parg Vol and his Zealots didn't waste any time dealing with the emerging rocky creatures. They seemed powerful, but far from fast, and the Sangheili gave them a wide berth as they sped towards the cavern exit. The Rangers, with the exception of a handful that followed their leaders, opened fire on the beasts, trying to keep their attention away from trying to collapse the chamber they were in.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:09 pm

Gunshots clattered against the stony armour of the golem-like entities as the retaliated, plasma being hurled at the sangheili with shocking accuracy, more than a couple of Covenant soldiers falling to a seething plasma round through the chest, the sheer power behind the shots smashing right through the formidable shields. These things seemed almost as though they were literally designed to guard the disc, as more and more of them pulled free of the walls, the ceiling beginning to collapse as an increasingly massive hole was torn out of the supports. On closer inspection, one would find that the rubble from the initial drilling operation, the supposed liquid stone and ore, was mixed in with futuristic metals and mechanisms, some half molten, others fairly intact. It was as if this entire mountain was made of these things....

"I'll consider it. We'll talk again when I'm done assessing the situation...and maybe putting a few holes in this little wannabe dictatorship's defences" grunted Khuurava as he strode back the way he came, the Marauder above steadily roaring to life as the engines activated, preparing for departure...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:49 pm

Parg Vol and his Zealots didn't look back. They were already out of the chamber as the firefight broke out, sprinting up the natural rock "staircase" and up the tunnel they had drilled, where other Covenant soldiers were streaming in to cover their leaders' escape. The Rangers were falling back behind the others as well, chucking Plasma Grenades and using every ounce of firepower at their disposal. Plasma weapons were capable of burning through rock, especially on a greater scale, but whatever was beneath the stony armor was another matter entirely. Of course,this didn't stop the Covenant, who were relying on massed firepower to hold the golem-like beasts back.

Sar nodded, following after the mercenary and sealing the door shut behind him. "Have fun messin' with the Covies!" he said with a cackle. "Blast a couple split-lips for me!"
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