Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:53 am


Anyone Can Join This RPG At Any Time.

Character statistics are to be added in the Isla Sorna Stories Profiles topic ONLY.

The Rules:
1 ) No magic [EG: trike eats a plant and finds he can breath fire...], or anything that would probably be impossible to do for a dinosaur [EG: Brach swung on tree vine and yelled like Tarzan]
2 ) No killing off other player's characters without the player's permission, unless that character is anonymous, with no real details.
3 ) No human vs dinosaur war [EG: Tanks, military choppers, military fighter jets...etc.]
4 ) No arguments will be tolerated.
5 ) The age limit for any dinosaur character is 47 years [at the start].
6 ) Try to provide detail in your posts.
7 ) No dinosaur armies will be tolerated. Some small alliances are allowed, but no rallying armies to attack someone.
8 ) Don't make the dinos too human. Don't make them use things like [Cool. Funky. Wussup?...etc], and instead of typing [Dino said "..."], make it [Dino growled/hissed/snarled/barked/bellowed/roared]...etc.
9 ) You are allowed to choose any dinosaur or prehistoric reptile (Between start of Earth through end of dinosaurs) that you can think of as long as it is real (we will be checking to make sure the animal is real) and the sizes are right. This does include Sea Creatures that are NOT allowed to go out of the waters around Sorna
10 ) OOC Only posts will NOT be tolerated. posts must have in character activity. any violation of this rule will result in the offending post's immediate deletion and an RPG Owner's warning, which, should the owner request it, CAN be pushed to a full Site-scale warning should the staff deem it appropriate...
11 ) No members participating in the RPG are allowed to have pre-made history with other members' characters without the owner of said character's permission. (Translation: You can't have a history with Crusher unless you ask The Kingpin first).


Crusher woke up and looked at a kill he had made two days ago. it was almost skelatonized by the compies that were now covering it. they hadn't noticed his eyes opening.
Crusher got up, causing the compy pack to scatter, and went to drink from the shallow river near his usual resting area, which would be an excellant nest when he finds a mate. he went to the shallow river, instead of the much deeper one nearby, because he had been having a problem with a rival lately. a massive Spinosaur that had been living in the deepest river on the island, which was deepest in Crusher's territory. the Spinosaur had been living, sleeping, hunting and drinking in Crusher's territory, and Crusher was not happy about it. it was the 4th most dominant predator on the island, and was nearly his size. he had been tracking it for almost 2 weeks, learning it's routine, so that he could make the best use of the terrain, timing and the routine itself to his advantage.
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Postby mega raptor » Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:34 pm

Name: Scar
Age: 5
Species: Velociraptor
Length: 7 feet
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 80 pounds
Personality: Intelligent and calculating, but often takes risks to help other members of his pack. He's been the leader of a pack of young Velociraptors who survived a Gallimimus stampede 5 years ago, which also killed his parents and all of the adults in his pack.
Description: A standard TLW Velociraptor with a Tiger Stripes along his side and a white underside.

Scar stumbled into the clearing, and came to lean against a tree. He was tired, cold and hungry. Behind him, the others of his pack filed in. Of the other 12 in the pack, 2 collapsed from hunger and the rest of them looked like they weren't far from it. Behind him, one of the Velociraptors walked up to him.

Should we consider killing them? The Velociraptor asked, speaking of the collapsed Velociraptors. We're already having difficulty feeding all of them, they would at least provide a meal for a day or two. No, Scar growled. We need to try to find food from a lasting source. Maybe the river, or trying to find a nest.

Do you remember the last time we tried to fish at the river? The Velociraptor asked him. A Spinosaur pulled 2 of us down, and nearly took you, too. I know. We can still try to find a nest, though.

Suddenly, he smelled something. Insinctively, he knew it was egg matter, from recently hatched or hatching dinosaurs. Easy targets. Scar had 2 other Velociraptors follow him, and they started to follow the scent/
Last edited by mega raptor on Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:06 pm

Name: Nightmare
Age: 20
Species: Saurophaganax
Length: 70 feet long
Height: 37 feet
Weight: 10 tons
Personality: A good leader.Calm for the most part but can be agressive.
Description: A huge Saurophaganax. He has black skin on his top half and grey stomach and underside. He has yellow-cream lips and some teeth protruding out of his mouth. He has blood red spots under his eyes. He has shocking yellow tiger stripes that go across his back, shoulders, head, and tail.He lives in a pack of 3 other Saurophaganax. He is the leader of his pack.

Nightmare and his pack just killed a sick Camarasaurus. After eating their fill, they decided to return to their territory. They went hunting again shortly after and ate their fill once more. He saw a huge Spinosaurus approaching them from behind. Nightmare and his group turned and started roaring and hissing at the intruder, causing it to back off. They returned to their home, still watching out for the intruder that threatened them earlier.

Postby mega raptor » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:05 pm

Scar followed the scent of eggs to a sparse forest on the outskirts of the plains. The nest they found belonged to a group of Oviraptors, each trying to help their children out of their eggs. He knew that Oviraptors were dangerous, one had broken his hand with it's beak last year.

The Velociraptors moved along the edge of the nest, doing their best to hide themselves in the forest. Once the 3 dinosaurs had found a nest they were intending to rob, they charged out, their movements synchronized to startle the Oviraptors long enough to attack.

Scar charged into the nesting ground, quickly snatching up 2 Oviraptor chicks, and running to the edge of the nest. The other 2 Velociraptors followed him as they ran back through the forest to where they had left the pack.

When they returned, he offered one of the Oviraptor chicks to each of the starving raptors. Other Velociraptors ran off to the Oviraptor nest, while Scar stayed with those who had stayed behind.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:18 pm

Nightmare and his mate, Sapphire, went hunting for the pack. Nightmare spotted a young Spinosaurus eating a Edmontosaurus and told his mate to follow him. They circled around the distracted Spinosaurus, preparing a surprise attack on the beast. Sapphire ran out and roared, startling the Spino and causing it to flee into the waiting jaws of Nightmare. Now with the fish eater's neck in his maw, Nightmare swiftly crushed the smaller dinosaur's neck, killing it. He and his mate ate the Edmontosaurus and took the Spino back for their companions. When they return, they ate their fill and then walked down to the nearby river. As they drank, they saw a group of Oviraptors chasing something. They seemed desperate, but Nightmare spared them no mind and turned away to leave. "Come, we must return to the nest." growled Nightmare as he and his pack made their way back.

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:26 pm

Crusher had decided to leave the Spino for now. he needed rest, food and something to drink. he started walking toward the river near his nest. while walking, he heard some roars for help. it sounded like a Female Tyrannosaurus. it was coming from the river. he walked toward it and found a Spino trapping her against the edge of the waterfall close to his nest. Crusher walked forward and roared at it with rage, his roar echoing throughout the island; one of the loudest roars in the island's history!
the Spino turned around, shuddering a bit as the Mighty Tyrannosaur roared. the spino charged Crusher but he dodged, making the Spino charge into a tree, dizzying it. Crusher bit onto it's spine, tearing it off entirely and throwing it into the trees, and, judging by the squeaks he heard after, squashing a compy pack. the Spino roared in pain and charged Crusher, but Crusher caught it by the neck, and swung it around, miraculously not breaking its neck. he dragged the helpless Spino toward the Female, and rotated his jaw clockwise so his head twisted away from the spino, breaking it's neck and killing it at her feat. he growled, saying "are you ok?". the dazed female looked at him for a moment, before finally calming down enough to react. "yes. thank you" she growled. Crusher growled: "eat. you look hungry". she nodded thankfully and started eating. Crusher joined her and together they soon skeletonized the Spino. they moved to Crusher's nest and slept for several hours...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby mega raptor » Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:26 pm A map of the entire island.

Scar and his pack continued to wonder around the northern region of the island. They survived by fishing, killing compies and raiding nests wherever they could, but another one was attacked by a Spinosaur.

Eventually, they wandered over a small bay, over a gorge and into a pine forest. There, they found a large group of Compies, but nothing else. One day, while attacking them, they saw another Velociraptor.

This one was grey, with a white stripe running down its body. It had strange quills on the back of its head, and its red eyes glinted with a look of intelligence greater than there own. It appeared to be on its own, but they couldn't tell as it ran as soon as they saw it.

Later, the Velociraptors laid down to sleep. Scar and another Velociraptor would stand guard, to wait out the night.

Note: This isn't going to be a retread of what I did at MG.
Last edited by mega raptor on Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:08 am

He took the whole pack to the game trail and started hunting Diploducus.Nightmare and Gourger started biting at one sick Diploducus.Sapphire and Lighting were waiting for the right moment.The Diploducus rose up and stomped the ground.When it hit the ground,its neck came close to the ground too.Thats when Sapphire and Lighting struck.They ran out and grabbed onto the Sauropod's neck.The Diploducus moaned in agony and fell to the ground.Nightmare and Gourger jumped on its side and started biting huge chuncks out of its side.They ate their fill and went back to the nest to rest.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:09 am

Crusher, who had found himself a mate, had a good deep area for a nest, and an egg in the middle of it, was living an easy life lately. since the Spino fight a few weeks earlier, things had been quiet, though the thought of the giant water living Spino invading his territory was still annoying. he would have to take care of it soon, to avoid risking his family's survival.

he went out toward the game trail, and smelled the scent of the Sauros [Saurophaganax]. he decided he's leave them, since, although half the game trail was in his territory, they were mutual, both respecting eachother, and neither attacking the other's territory. Crusher saw a herd of Diplodocus. the massive long necked sauropods were too long to take down alone. but there was a juvenile that was big enough to feed him and his mate for today. he waited until his target had it's head down. he knew from experience that the time a herbivore least expects a predator is when it's eating. it would give him the time he needed to charge forward, kill his target and drag it far enough from the adults to be safe from their whip like tails. it would be a bit risky, but the plan was straight forward and easy to pull off with his skill. he made sure he never thought he could pull it off without being hurt, to avoid getting himself overconfident. the juvenile lowered its head. he charged out and bit on it's extended neck, his specially adapted teeth breaking it to peices. the diplodocus was killed instantly. the adults started using their tails, swinging them around like huge whips, the cracks coming from each tail swing sounding like lightning through a megaphone [though he didn't know what that was], nearly hitting him. he was lucky he had such powerful legs and jaws. he dragged the small but heavy herbivore out of the adults' way, and started dragging it toward his mate, using the shallow river that led to his nest, rather than walking by the deeper river, who's path to the nest was shorter. he didn't want to risk losing his meal to a large Spinosaur.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby mega raptor » Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:02 pm

Scar awoke to the sound of a screeching Pteranodon. He stood up and walked over to the edge of a cliff, and below him he could see a group of Megaraptors attacking a Pteranodon. Knowing that Pteranodons were social animals, living together in flocks, he hopped down onto a ledge, hoping to find another nest with eggs.

Suddenly, off to his right, he saw the gray tail of the strange Velociraptor he had seen earlier. Scar instinctively followed it, and as he turned the bend, he saw a gaping cave, and at its mouth, a nest of 12 eggs. Beside the nest lied a dead Pteranodon. Scar called to the rest of his pack, and for several of the Velociraptors, the eggs were there first full meal in days.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:12 pm

Nightmare got up and took the pack hunting.They went on the game trail and killed a Parasaurolophus.They ate their fill which wasn't that much.Nightmare then spotted a very large Tyrannosaurus coming toward them.Why was it coming toward 4 predators larger then it?Nightmare didn't know but he didn't care either.He wasn't going to let it take their meal.He roared and ran at the Tyrannosaurus.The rest of the pack looked at him if he needed their help.He shock his massive head.I can take care of this one growled Nightmare.His pack just stood watching as he aproached the Tyrannosaurus.It roared at him and he did the same to it.It attacked him by biting at his head.It missed.But Nightmare didn't.He slamed his enormous head on its side,causing it to fall.He roared at it again to try to scare it away.It got up and bit his thigh.He roared with pain.Gourger ran out and slammed into the Tyrannosaurus.I told you too stay back!Nightmare roared at Gourger.Gourger backed away as the Tyrannosaurus got up.Nightmare grabbed onto the Tyrannosauru's neck and slammed him to the ground,breaking some of its ribs.It roared with pain.It got up and retreated before Nightmare could attack again.Nightmare roared with victory and turned to the pack.They walked back to the nests and rested.Nightmare had a deep gash in his leg now which made it hard to walk.He feel asleep as the rest of the pack watched the nests.

PS:The Rex wasn't Crusher.

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:35 pm

Crusher wokeup that day to hear a fight with what sounded like a Sauro and another T.Rex. he went to investigate, but everyone hav gone. there were 2 blood trails. the scent of the T.Rex led into his territory. hecharged after it. he found it limping away, reaching a small stream on the edge of the jungle. Crusher roared at it. it stood to it's maximum size, and Crusher noticed it was several feet shorter than he was. it roared, and stood it's ground. Crusher roared his territorial roar, echoing through his territory, sending a chill down the spines of most animals in it, including the Sauros, who knew it wasn't the same T.Rex that had fought them earlier. it was bigger...much larger than the previous one. it was the Tyrant that owned this area, whos territory stretched for 30 Kilometers in all directions. Crusher walked toward the T.Rex, snarling: "if you want to escape alive, you'll leave my territory, now!". it responded by growling: "you can't kill me. i'm faster than you." Crusher charged it, and rammed it to the floor. it got up and growled: "i lost one fight, i wont lose another one!". Crusher roared: "you will leave, or die! i can rip you to shreds as easily as i would a compy!". the smaller rex charged and missed, and Crusher bit it on the tail, scraping several lines down it's tail. it roared in agony, and charged blindly at him. Crusher countered the attack by ducking and biting it's neck from underneath. he lifted the smaller Tyrannosaur in his powerful mouth and dropped it on the ground. as it was trying to recover from it's ripped up lower neck, Crusher Growled: " you should have listened..." and bit it on the neck again, this time at full strength, and broke it. the Tyrannosaur died. Crusher dragged it's dead corpse back to the nest, then did his patrols. he noticed a pack of velociraptors feeding on a nest of gallimimus eggs, a few kilometers from the edge of his territory. he stopped and watched them, since some of them looked starved. he decided to be a bit merciful and let them eat, before showing himself. he would ask the leader what his pack was doing in his territory.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby mega raptor » Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:59 pm

As Scar ate the Pteranodon egg, he thought about their recent troubles. They hadn't even been able to catch enough compies last night for the entire pack.

Their last full meal had been when a large Tyrannosaur, known as Crusher, had allowed them to eat from a recently killed rival Tyrannosaurus. He and the rest of the pack had been suspicous, but nonetheless ate. Crusher had asked them about why they were in his territory, and Scar had answered that they were simply wandering.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:21 pm

Crusher growled: "your pack seems...starved. i have alot of herds in my territory. if you like, your welcome to live in it. one request in return is that you defend it from other raptors who enter it, and protect my egg from the small theives we Tyrannosaurs can't catch. there is a pack of Saurophaganax in my territory. those are the only ones i ask you to leave alone, along with my mate, and future hatchling."
Crusher looked at the Scar faced Raptor and waited for an answer.
Last edited by The Kingpin on Fri May 09, 2008 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby mega raptor » Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:41 pm

Crusher's offer was a difficult one to refuse. But Scar knew that Saurosphagnax was an exceptionally large species, and hunted in packs, making them a deadly threat to his pack.

So he had refused, and that was why they were here, mostly isolated from the rest of the island. Superpredators like Tyrannosaurus and Saurosphagnax needed a lot of food, and 7 of them would be putting enough strain on the area's herds. If they were predated more, the prey could simply leave, and it could be bad for all of the area's inhabitants.

But now, if things got desperate, the decision could prove disastorous. He only hoped the Tyrannosaur would allow them back in if they needed it.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:23 pm

Crusher nodded, growling: "if you need a place to nest and live, you are welcome to come to me and ask. the more we have to help us, the better our chances of survival. the Sauros will keep away from your pack when i tell them. my territory is the only food source they can access abundant enough to feed them, me, and you if you like. you can rest assured they won't attack you. there are other predators that i have no control over, however. i hope you reconsider. we both need help. me with my egg, and you with food." and turned around and walked back to the nest
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:43 pm

Hello guys! Joining as Sharpclaw :wink:

Name: Sharpclaw
Age: 4 Years
Species: Velociraptor
Length: 6 Feet
Height: 4 Feet
Weight: 75 Pounds
Personality: Sharpclaw is a caring and pretty intelligent velociraptor. She loves the young and is willing to take care of them and protect them with all her life. She took care of young velociraptors from her old pack, but got kicked out by the new leader. Although Sharpclaw has a kind, motherly side, she also has a fierce, vicious, protective side. When she is in some kind of a rage, watch out! She will attack.
Description: Sharpclaw looks like any other TLW raptor. She has black tifer stripes along her back. She had a lighter orange coloring and a lighter cream underside to her though.

Oh, Megaraptor. Is it ok if Sharpclaw is just automaticaly in the pack?
Last edited by HorseGal on Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:51 pm

Nightmare woke up the next morning with a Gallimimus next to him. Eat,you've been asleep for a long time growled Gourger.Nightmare agreed and started eating.He noticed after he was finished that he couldn't get up.Whats wrong with me? roared Nightmare as he struggled to get up.The wound you got is deeper then we thought.You should be better by nightfall growled Sapphire as she came to Nightmare's side.Nightmare just layed back down and rested.He was very open to attack now.So Sapphire said that she would stay with her mate.Nightmare protested but she ignored him.You could never defend yourself.You need my help. growled Sapphire.Nightmare just growled under his breath and fell asleep.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby HorseGal » Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:54 pm

k, thanks :)

Sharpclaw listened to the Tyrannosaur's words. It did indeed sound like a good offer. They get to protect Crusher's egg and in return, they won't go hungry. She glanced in Scar's direction and went next to him. "You know, that is a really good offer," she growled. She glanced in the direction that the Tyrannosaur went. "We would also have protection."
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
"There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star." -Henry Thoreau
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Postby mega raptor » Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:10 pm

Scar understood Sharpclaw's arguement, but he was still skeptical. I'm not sure if we can trust Crusher, He growled quietly. In his mind, the Tyrannosaur seemed more like an enemy than an ally, until he proved he wasn't trying to hurt them. Besides, if we ever get desperate, we can come back, the Velociraptor snarled.
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