Isla Sorna Stories RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:58 pm

Sharpclaw looked around and found that it seemed like a suitable place for the pack to have and raise young. She nodded to Scar in approval. The other females started to prepare themselves. Mating season for the velociraptors was coming closer. It would soon be time to make nests and lay eggs.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:39 pm

Crusher saw the first Spinosaur heading towards the nest. he charged forward and rammed it to the ground. Being as fast as he could, he bit it on the neck and crushed it. Before the animal was killed, it slashed him on the brow, leaving a little dent in it. It wasn't deep enough to make him bleed.

Then he charged toward the nest to see his mate fighting off 2 Spinosaurs. One was going to slash her neck, which would kill her. Crusher immediately locked his jaw on the arm of the Spino that was about to slash, and tore it out. He knocked the ugly creature to the ground and slammed his head downwards into it's head, crushing it into paste [this is why he got the name Crusher].

He turned to see the other Spino battered and sailless, Then saw Rampage was scratched up on her sides, though her head was still intact. Rampage swung her head into the Spino, making it dizzy. Crusher decided to end it, and swung his muscular tail into it's side, knocking it to the ground. Then he turned to it's back, and slammed his head downwards into it, breaking the Spine and paralyzing it. Crusher moved around the body again, raised his foot and slashed the Spino in the stomach with his big, but sharp toe claws, disemboweling it. It was still alive, but wheezing. Crusher ended it by biting onto the neck, stepping on the base of it's neck, near it's shoulder, and pulling, tearing it's neck and head clean off. He threw the head into the trees, and it landed on a young Baryonyx, making it hiss. Crusher looked toward the sound, and noticed the Bary's outline, which he hadn't seen earlier.

He charged at it and rammed it, pinning it into a tree. He picked it up and crushed it in his jaws, making sure it couldn't harm his family. He didn't want to risk anything. His son was now standing by his mother, having hidden behind a patch of bushes when the fight started. Had Crusher come any later, he would surely find both his mate and his son dead, with the 3 Spinos and Bary feeding off them. he was simply enraged. he knew that Thrasher enjoyed swimming in the deep river, so he decided to do a patrol along it to try and find him...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby mega raptor » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:54 pm

Scar and the other Velociraptors stalked through the jungle, watching their target: a young Mamenchiosaurus, wandering away from its parents. They would have to move quickly, if they let the Mamenchiosaurus hold them at bay with its whip tail for too long, then its parents would notice them and defend the young sauropod.

The first 4 raptors revealed themselves and surrounded the Mamenchiosaur, and Scar and another Velociraptor emerged from behind it, to draw away its attention. It tried to attack him with its tail, cracking it like a whip, but Scar and other raptor were able to avoid it. The last of the raptors attacked while the Mamenchiosaur was distracted, jumping on it, then slashing at it with its claws.

From somewhere to the north, they heard the call of an adult Mamenchiosaur, which was answered by their current target. Scar knew that they would have to hurry and kill the Mamenchiosaur, and suddenly Sharpclaw jumped onto its neck and jabbed her claws into the sauropod's neck, quickly killing it.

The Velociraptors quickly surrounded the kill, eating as much as they could. They had been living on Compies and eggs ever since Crusher had offered them some of his kill, and they were all glad to eat fresh meat. After Scar had finished, he went back alone to their new nest to let the ones who had stayed behind and guarded the nest eat. As he walked through the jungle, he smelled rotting flesh. Curious, he followed it.

Suddenly, he came upon the remains of a Tyrannosaur nest. Crushed bones and old eggs littered the ground, and in the center, a dead Tyrannosaur. It was a female, and one that he had known: during his first year of life, this had been one of his pack's competitors. Strangely, though it lived in what was clearly a nest, her mate and any children she had had disappeared. On her throat, there were teeth marks clearly coming from a Spinosaurus, as well as claw marks in groups of 3.

Nevertheless, Scar continued on to the nesting grounds, and he relieved the other Velociraptors if guard duty and let them go eat. Suddenly drowsy, he curled up to sleep.
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Postby HorseGal » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:19 pm

Sharpclaw stopped when they reached the Tyrannosaur nest. She looked at the carcass of the female and the slash marks on it. This must mean that there was a Spino near somewhere. She continued on to the nesting grounds and checked on her eggs. There were eight eggs in total in her nest. They will all hopefully survive. She nodded for her mate to take a rest while she took over guarding the nest.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:14 pm

Crusher finished patroling the river. he only found another young Spino. it was fishing, standing on the edge of the river plunging it's snout into the water, trying to catch fish.Crusher took the chance. he dived as deep as he could, and reached the bottom of the lake, the depth almost 3 times his length. he went low enough so that his feet touched the river bed, and curled his tail up. all at once, he thrust his legs against the river bed and unfurled his tail and swung it from side to side, propelling him with immense speed toward the Spinosaur's snout. it ad it's eyes above water and wouldn't see him until he was too close to escape. Crusher caught the Spinosaur by the jaws, knocking it backwards landing on its side. Crusher tried his best to land straight, angling his legs to balance him out when he landed. it worked, with him landing on his legs, with his chest close to the ground. he had propelled his entire body nearly 10 feet out of the water, and landed on his legs without breaking anything, an achievement by any standards with a Tyrannosaurus.

The Spinosaur was struggling to get up, but was pinned down by Crusher's foot. he was careful not to put too much weight on it until he knew what he wanted to know. Crusher snarled "your master's mate killed a Tyrannosaur lately. where is it?!". the terrified Spinosaur snarled "near the caves near the shore to the north west!". Crusher was pleased to find that this Spinosaur was letting him know what he wanted to know immediately. he growled, more aggresively this time "good. now, where is your leader?". the Spinosaur didn't answer, but roared a distress roar, calling for help. Crusher leaned forward, puting all his wait on the Spinosaur, killing it quickly, before it could finish the detailed part of the roar, which let the other Spinos know where he was. he walked toward the caves to find out where his mother was.

half an hour later, he found a large nest, a Female Tyrannosaur, slightly smaller than he was, lying dead on the ground. he looked at her eyes, since his mother's eyes were unique; a sky blue colour. the eyes of the female were Sky blue. he roared in moarning, the moan like roar echoing around the island. he looked to his right, and saw a cave. when he had a look at the nest, he wondered if she may have had any children. he went to the cave and saw the raptor pack which he had seen twice before. as he turned around, he looked back at the raptors, and noticed the advisor had seen him.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby mega raptor » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:40 pm

When the Velociraptors had heard the Tyrannosaur roar coming from nearby, the Velociraptors had quickly moved into defensive positions around their nest. Though it was distinctively from the large male that they had seen recently, they still weren't sure if he was a friend or enemy.

Scar had hopped up through the hole in the ceiling, to see how close it was, and had found Crusher at the old Tyrannosaur nest. He had suddenly realized that the female Tyrannosaur that had been an enemy when he was young was Crusher's mother. He watched Crusher, and waited to see what he would do.
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Postby HorseGal » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:43 pm

Sharpclaw was alerted by the moan. It was the moan of a Tyrannosaurus. She stood there in a defensive position. It sounded like it was really close to the cave. The other raptors did the same. They were looking out all over. She watched carefully at the enterance. Then, she saw him.

He was entering the cave and just looking at them, but he didn't attack. Instead, he just turned around to leave. But he stopped and looked suddenly in their direction. Sharpclaw gave out a warning snarl to the Tyrannosaur, as did the others. She didn't want him any where near the eggs or the other raptors. "Why are you here?", she snarled.
Last edited by HorseGal on Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:52 pm

Crusher stared at the raptor, sadness evident in his face, and growled "this nearly happened to my mate and child. it was this kind of thing i requested an alliance with you for. the stronger our alliance is, the safer it would be." he walked forward, entering the mouth of the large cave, and looking down on the Raptors, busily preparing their nests and improving them for the eggs which were sitting there. Crusher turned and growled "as i said, you are welcome anytime. you would be helping me, and those Sauros wouldn't attack you if i knew you were to live there. i have already spoken to them. they will not harm you or your pack again. enter when you see fit." then, the aggresive colours that had appeared on his skin earlier that day returned. he snarled, anger taking the place of sorrow "do you know where the leading Spinosaur is? the most dominant predator?"
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby mega raptor » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:11 am

As soon as the Tyrannosaur had entered the nest, Scar had jumped back into the hole. After he had listened to Crusher's speech, he growled, saying, We'll try to find a place to nest after this year's hatchlings are older, but that won't be for several months. knwoing that if they tried to move the eggs at once, or move the young after they had hatched, something would go wrong.

He also noticed that the Tyrannosaur had finished, his colors began changing. Obviously, he was angry about something, and he remebered the dead female Tyrannosaur, Crusher's mother. As for the Spinosaurs, Scar began, thinking back to their wandering as juveniles, Most of them live in the channels to the west. Be careful though, they have nests there, and most of the island's spinosaurs love the large fish that live there. I would offer to come and bring some of our raptors, but we should stay here and protect our own nests.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:13 am

Crusher nodded. he knew that eggs were very delicate things and needed their parents' attention. he growled "i appreciate your consideration for all our safety. i am going to head for the Spinosaurs, and will pick them off from the water. they wouldn't expect a Tyrannosaur to swim and the only one who ever saw me is dead. good luck caring for your eggs. i will visit in 6 months time to check on you. for now, i have some Spinosaurs to kill..." and he turned around, looking at the raptor just long enough to let him see his eyes turn from the yellow colour it was to a glowing fiery red.

the deep river trailed into the Spinos' territory, so he could continue from where he left off and pick off any Spinos who may be fishing. they had small eyes, smaller even than his, and would keep out of the water in the afternoon hours, since they couldn't see very well in the dark while underwater. he could attack from the afternoon until early morning, if the predators were still fishing at that time. before attacking, he would surface at a distance, to look at the target's surroundings, and make sure no one nearby could come to it's aid before it was dead and he long gone. he returned to the dead Spinosaur, and tore a large amount of meat from the dead Spino's thigh. he ate it whole, then tore a bit more off. after eating his fill, hunting time had started.

it was getting dark. he got into the river and started swimming further downstream, into Spino territory. his first target was an elderly male. it looked like it was a few days short of a natural death, so Crusher decided to "help" him and finish it sooner. he showed his head just enough to let his eyes see what was above ground. it was alone. good. Crusher moved forward, diving again and reaching the submerged snout of the Spinosaur, and rotated, so that his right side was facing downwards in the river. he opened his Jaw and locked it shut on the Spinosaur. he thrashed violently, breaking the Spinosaur's jaw. he then dragged the broken jaw downward, so that the Spinosaur's head and neck were underwater. he let go of the snout and locked his jaws on the skull, Crushing it and killing it instantly. Crusher dragged the body into the water, so that no spinosaur would be alarmed, then continued along the river...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:11 am


Length:8 1/2 feet
Height:5 feet
Weight:96 pounds
Personality:Emotion less.Only shows anger and revenge.
Description:He is black.Pure black.He stikes silently.That is why his name is Darkness.Read his background.

Darkness crept in the shadows above the unnoticing raptors nesting below.He was searching for that one raptor.If only he could find her....Then what he saw amazed him.Sharpclaw.After all this time......I've finally found you. growled Darkness as he backed away from the group.He had finally found the one he hated most.After all my agony you will finally pay growled Darkness.He crept very slowly and carefully where Sharpclaw had her eggs.These will be the first to go.......I don't want any more of your kind Darkness hissed as he lept back away from the group to wait for the perfect moment.

Postby mega raptor » Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:28 pm

Scar noticed that a shadow had been cast from the hole in the ceiling, and he wondered if one of the Velociraptors had gone out to hunt, or gather bedding for the nests. He did a count of the Velociraptors, and all of them were there.

Curious, he jumped out of the hole, and found the two-toed tracks distinctive to Velociraptors and Dromaeosaurus, but they were much larger than his. Since the pack had been born within hours of eachother, with the exception of Sharpclaw, who they had found alone while wandering around the island, there footprints were all the same size. He wondered where the Velociraptor had gone.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:49 pm

Crusher continued swimming, the light getting dimmer and dimmer. he found another Spino and decided to repeat what he did to the previous. he came up to the snout. he locked his jaws on his target's snout and bit hard, crushing its snout, but it pulled away, charging toward the other Spinos a few kilometers away. Crusher decided he'd leave, to avoid being discovered. he wasn't done yet, but he knew he wasn't capable of taking on a large number of Spinos without something to distract them.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby HorseGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:14 pm

The soon-to-be mother velociraptor looked at her eggs with care in her eyes. She nudged one of them and looked at the nest. More bedding was needed for her dear nest. She walked away, informing Scar and her mate that she was going to be looking for more bedding for the nest. She walked out of the cave and into the jungle to pick up fallen leaves and twigs. While walking out of the cave, she noticed strange two toed tracks. She glanced back to see if any left. Nope, they were all there. She just let out a grunt and continued on.

First, Sharpclaw looked by the stream. There was bound to be some leaves and twigs there. Sure enough, she found some suitable for the nest. She went to gather some up immediantly.

Rawhide was doing a pretty good job looking after Sharpclaw's nest. He scanned the whole area for any scavengers that might be lurking around. He noticed the tracks, but he took no heed of them.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:25 pm

Crusher returned and slept with his family. the next day, he went to a nearby lake, made sure it was clear of crocodiles and spinos, and taught his son how to swim. Hunter was like a fish, and quickly learned what he needed to swim very fast, and very skillfully. Rampage also joined in, havign a rather more difficult time swimming, since she'd never swam in her life. she struggled to keep her head above the water. Crusher told her that all she had to do was ripple her tail and move it, and push the base of her tongue against the back of her mouth, and she'd be fine. she did as was told and found she could swim very well. she enjoyed it. they swam for a few hours then came out again, and went hunting.

Crusher had found an easy target. a young parasaur on the edge of a herd. it would be perfect practice for Hunter. Crusher stayed in the plants and took Hunter with him. he growled, telling Hunter to be very quiet, and waited until the young Para lowered it's head to graze. Crusher charged out, with hunter following swiftly behind. he looked like a mini version of Crusher, with the same patterns and colours. as they charged out, the whole herd went into a stampede, running away from him. the young Para slipped and slided on the moist morning grass under it. it fell just as Crusher came to it. he broke its left hind leg and let Hunter do the killing. the Para was the same size to Hunter as an adult is to Crusher. Hunter bit onto the neck of the limping Para and crushed it. it was killed quickly.

after that, the family went back to the nest, to find a young sauro standing there. it wasn't related to the Sauro pack that Crusher was allied to, so he stepped forward and roared "get out of my territory!" the Sauro ooked at him and stepped back. Crusher stepped forward with an expelling territorial roar. it turned around and ran. he chased it. his family followed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby mega raptor » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:56 pm

A few hours later, the pack went out hunting. Scar and 3 other raptors stayed behind to watch the nests, and the first to finish would let them go to the kill and eat. He stood guard at the front of the cave, waiting out his watch. Now that most of the other Velociraptors were gone, he could smell a faint fith scent, from another Velociraptor, but not from one in his pack. But it could have just been the cave's former occupants.
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Postby HorseGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:29 pm

After Sharpclaw gathered the bedding she needed, she headed back to the cave. The female layed the bedding in her nest and sorted it out to make it comfortable for the eggs. She found that Rawhide went out hunting with the other velociraptors. Time for her to guard the nest again. She continued her motherly duties guarding it as best as possible. She noticed that Scar was also here with them, sniffing something out. Sharpclaw barked to him in question. "What is it, Scar?"
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby mega raptor » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:44 pm

I think I smell another Velociraptor, Scar growled, But its probably just from a Velociraptor that was only wandering around here, He walked over to his nest, and continued to wait for the other Velociraptors to return.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:00 pm

Crusher caught the Sauro and bit it on the side, and growled "never enter my territory again, or i won't be as gentle as this. if i see you again, i'll kill you!" then he backed away from the Sauro as it got up and ran, until it exited his territory. Crusher returned to the nest with his family, and they ate from the Para together. the had skeletonised it, but were still hungry. Crusher got up and went hunting again.

In the mean time, Hunter, who was now deinonychus size, decided he'd go exploring around the nest. he went about a hundred feet away and came across a young Baryonyx, slightly bigger than himself. it snarled at him, saying "get out of here or i'll kill you. bring me some meat from your nest if you want to live." and Hunter growled "back off or your my next meal!" it hissed again, saying "huh. whos going to kill me? you? don't make me laugh...". it jumped at him and bit his neck. it's teeth were very small and actually tickled, but made a few cuts. Hunter kicked the Bary off of him and jumped at it, biting it on the leg. it hissed in anger and shook Hunter off. it got up and growled "you think you can hurt me? and slashed Hunter on the side of his face with the fishing claw, then growled "how does that feel? do you like getting hurt? i'll hurt you some more!" and lunged at him. it was then that Hunter experienced his first rage. his eyes turned from the rich bright green that a young Rex's eyes were to a yellow-orange colour, glowing slightly. he dodged the lunging Bary and jumped on it's back, and started slashing at it with his mouth. the Bary hissed and growled and roared in pain, but Hunter took no notice. he was furious. he ripped at it until it rolled, making him lose balance and fall. he got up and the Bary tried slashing him again. he dodged, and bit the arm. he pulled and bit down as hard as he could, until he ripped the "hand" off. it roared in pain and Hunter raised his head and swung it down, with his mouth open. he left several slashes on the Bary's head. it hissed, tail whipped him to the ground and growled "i'll get you!" and ran off into the bushes. Hunter got up, and returned to the nest, where his mother was waiting.

Rampage looked at her son, slightly upset that he had run off. then she noticed the bite marks on his neck and the slash on his face and growled "what happened? who attacked you?". Hunter growled "a Baryonyx attacked me. i slashed his face and ripped his hand off. it ran off..." and Crusher walked in, a Para being dragged behind him. he saw his son's 3 claw scar and growled "what happened? where's the Spino who attacked you?" as he said this, his eyes turned from green-yellow to orange. Hunter growled "it was a Baryonyx. i ripped its hand off and slashed its face. it ran off." Crusher growled "which direction?". Hunter "north...". Crusher dropped the Para and charged to the north, now knowing what to look for.

Crusher soon reached a clearing. he saw a Bary pack in the clearing. it was 2 parents and the juvenile which Hunter had fought. they were in his territory. Crusher revealed himself, roaring loudly, angered that these Barys dared to enter his territory. the adult male, half his size came up and hissed. Crusher crowled "How dare you enter my territory?!" then turned his head toward the juvenile and growled "How dare YOU attack and threaten my son!?" and stepped toward it. the adult male Bary rammed him. Crusher turned and rammed the male to the ground, and shredded the Bary's sides, ripping at it til he was attacked by the female. he tail whipped her to the ground then turned to the male again, but it was up and slashed him on his already slashed brow, deepening the injury and making it bleed. it hissed "you have no right to attack us!". Crusher swung his head upwards after moving it under the male's and bit on the Male's neck. he dragged it to the ground and roared "i have the right to defend my territory from intruders, and your son attacked mine." the Bary tried slashing him but missed, and he bit it on the neck again, this time killing it. then he looked at the female and the juvenile. he roared "if you don't leave my territory now, you'll suffer the same fate."
the female Bary, who knew she couldn't take the massive male Tyrannosaur alone, hissed to her juvenile "come Slasher. we cannot live here anymore..." and walked away, sad that her mate was killed. she wanted revenge, but couldn't risk leaving her child orphaned. they left Crusher's territory and headed for Thrasher's, knowing that distant relatives would be kind to them...

Crusher turned around and returned to the nest, and rested with his family.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby o-eternal-o » Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:20 pm

Okay, i'm gonna join! (If thats okay? :wink: )

Length:7 1/2 feet
Height:4.8 feet
Weight:91 pounds
Personality:Stong willed and determined, Exile strives to accomplish anything she desires.
Description: Dark brown with a black coating running along her back.

Exile staggered through the trees overcrowding her path. The wound on her leg was not light. It was a heavily inflicted gash which was pouring of blood. She suprised she had survived at all. That many Spinosaurus'... Her home, her pack, everything...
She shook the thoughts from her mind and continued plunging through the undergrowth. Anywhere to get away...
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