Super Hero RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:59 pm

Kevin went outside. He figured he should practice his powers. All he could do was run super fast, become invisable, and punch and kick with super speed. He put on his suit. He then sped down the street. He was running fast but he wasn't a blur, yet he was going faster than any human can go. Then Kevin had an idea. "Lets see how fast I can realy go" Kevin sped up until he was invisable. He still felt he can go faster. He started running faster and faster until he saw a train in the distance. He tried to stop. When stopped moving his legs, he bounced of the ground. He went 10 feet into the air. Upon landing, He jumped 10 feet high and over 30 feet foward. "I can super jump? Now thas cool" Another thought came to Kevin. In science class, he learned sound is vibratinng air. "Hmmm" Kevin stuck his arms out and he started moving them super fast, making them vibrate. The air in the vibrating turned into a high pitched wooshing sound. A store's window broke under the strain of the noise. Kevin stopped and the sound faded into an echo. "2 new powers..." He said.
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:27 am

Jake was still thinking things over when a pericing, high pitched sound came out of no where. "AAAAAAAHHH!" The liquid was wriggling, bringing Jake pain. "STOP IT!" He screamed tryinig to control himself, then once the pitch was over, the suit stopped moveing, and relaxed. Jake examined his hands. "What's happening?" His curiosity turned to rage. "I'm going to find whoever did that, and kill him." He growled to himself. Jake lept off the sky scrapper, the liquid drove to his feet, witch supriseingly cusioned his fall, makeing it a solid slap, a small crater apeared. "It came from there!" He hissed chargeing off towards the source.
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:38 am

Kevin heard a giant thud and saw the stranger again. This time the liquid was all over him with wriggling tentacles. It roared in rage. Kevin ran arond the creature trying to get it dizzy. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" He yelled.
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:41 am

As Kevin was distracted a tenticle shot out, tripping him to the floor. "For now you can call me a nightmare." He said, smileing. He lifted the boy about his age by the leg with a tenticle. "You created that noise!" He hissed in Kevin's face. "Now you'll never make it again!" He flapped his tenticle sending Kevin flailing while he lobbed him at a building.
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:51 am

Kevin quickly hit the building legs first and bolted down the building. He said to the creature. "Big thing like you can't handle sound? Well, maybe you'd like to hear it again!" Kevin Vibrated his arms until the sound came back. The creature started flailing. The liquid started peel back and melt. Kevin then ran ip to the exposed spot on the person and started puching him with great speed. He then jumped and round house kicked it to the right. Kevin then made the noise again to make the liquid retreat. Little did he know, alittle of the liquid was in his suit.....
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:55 am

"AAAAAAAGHHH!" Jake tried to retreat, the sound was to much, it was tearing him apart. He manadged to shoot out a tenticle, gripping around Kevin's neck, yanking him forward and stopping the sound. Jake looked at him in the eye. "I'll come back, and when I do, you'll be in a bodybag." He growled then lobbed the boy through a window in a passing car, sending Kevin all the way through. He smirked then jumped up onto a wall, then leaping again, gaining great speed.
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:08 am

Kevin rolled around on road. He got up and saw another car comming. He jumped up and landed as the car passed. He felt something on his sleeve of his suit. He looked and it was the same thing that was on the stranger. "HOLY SHI-" Kevin shook his hand but it wouldn't budge. It was now spreading. Kevin tried make the sound again, but he substance covered his hands and no sound was heard. It was now all over kevin. His white suit was black. His blue stripes were now red. "This thing... It feels.... i have even more power....." The substance then bulged as musscle formed. Kevin's fingers became claws. Kevin walked into an alley. The liquid had merged with his suit. It never touched his skin. He took of the suit. "Wow" Kevin said as the musscle build up dissapeared..
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:11 am

Jake finally pulled himself up to the top. He looked down to see the kid, Kevin almost get run over then change. "Good." he smiled. "Now that he too is weak to sound we can kill him next time. Clever plan," he said looking at his hand, now covered in the stuff. Jake clapped his hands the liquid vanishing, he lept off the roof diveing towards an other buliding, and landing. He jumped again, heading north.
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:23 am

He saw the stranger leave. "Now i know your a kid..." Kevin realised something and ran to the man he saw in the park. He ran to his house and ran the bell. He waited until he opened the door.
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:26 am

Lewis was about to cheack on Jake when he heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!" he yelled as he got up and walked to the door. He opened it and saw Kevin. "Yes?" he asked.
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:33 am

Kevin began. "You might not know me except for my name and i don't know you but remeber when we met and i saw you use this.... thing. Just now, i had a fight with someone that had the same thing. You know anyone who could be close enough to get it?" Kevin took out his suits sleeve and showed the man the tentacles that came off. He asked "Notice any thing different about this?"
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:35 am

"No." Lewis said, again fasitanted. "Could I take a sample?"
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:37 am

"Yeah if you need too. I just want it off my suit. If i go out like this, people might think im some sort of evil guy bent on taking over the world! Mind if I come in?" Kevin replied.
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:41 am

"Sure." Lewis said. He brought the suit to his privote lab. "I can get this off." he said. He put the suit under a thing that looked like a gun. He positioned it then fired, and a beam shot down, the creature wriggled in pain as it shot off of the suit. Lewis put a cap over it to keep it put then brought the suit back to Kevin. "Here you go." he said.
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:43 am

"thanks" Kevin said as he put the suit back in his book bag. "So, what is that thing..?"
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:45 am

"The creature?" Lewis asked. "It's a sort of self regenerating organism. It clings to a host that it chooses and then thts it."
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:49 am

"Guess it liked my suit. It seems to be weakend by sound. During my battle made a high pitched sound that seemed to peel it of its host. It's host was a kid, roughly my age." Kevin said.
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:51 am

"Yeah I used sound waves to take it off your suit with my sonic gun- wait a kid about your age?" he asked turning around. "What did he look like?"
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Postby C S » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:58 am

"His hair was brown near the scalp, blonde on top. He had blue eyes. He was wearing a regular shirt. Thats all i could've see." Kevin said.
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Postby TyrantTR » Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:05 am

Lewis' eyes widened. "Jake..." he said in shock. "Take me to where you were!' he demanded.
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