Supernatural Supremecy RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:02 am

"How're you feeling, Desh?" asked Drake as he looked over his shoulder when he entered, before turning to face the Werewolf. "I dunno about you guys, but i'm starved. i'm outta here. cafe, here i come" hooted Tony, Spencer grabbing the owl by the tail just as he leapt for the door. "H-Hey! let go'a'me ya blonde-OWOWOWOWOKOKOKOK!" squawked Tony as Spencer's grip tightened to the point it'd normally snap an owl's leg like a twig. "You're staying till everyone else leaves" said Spencer coolly, flicking his hand leisurely, Tony soaring across the small room and slamming into the corner, landing in a large plant pot with an evergreen mini rubber tree plant in it, the owl groaning in pain. Drake raised an eyebrow, a light smirk on his face. he was beginning to like Spencer...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Zephyr » Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:34 am

OOC: sorry i didnt make it yesterday, no excuse

Desh turned to Diana, "I'm fine now, really, i'll be good in no time," he grinned and managed to chuckle before turning to Drake. "In a word...groggy, but im sure it'll clear up after all". He watched Spencer and Tony before nodding. "I'm going to have to agree with the bird on that one, food sounds perfect right about now".
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:04 am

"See? even the overgrown puppy agrees with me!" hooted Tony as he struggled to get to his feet, fluttering over to Desh and perching himself on his shoulder. "Agreed" said Drake as he headed for the door, heading for the lift, leading the group to Jack's bar...

as they entered the bar Jack looked at them from behind the counter. "Wahey, the boyscouts are back" he commented with a chuckle. "So what can i get ya?" he said once everyone entered. "Ribeye steak, medium rare" said Drake. "Drink as usual" he added. "Oh sure. mr. fancy pants wants his chianti. alright, fine" answered Jack, the kid they saw in the Director's office visible in the back of the bar, in the kitchen, getting to work on the orders. "Gimme a T-bone" hooted Tony. the subsequent reaction was a near collapse on Jack's part, the man laughing for several seconds at the owl, before finally struggling to say, between breaths "You....are getting....the chicken feed". Tony seemed to inflate, his feathers puffed up, as Spencer chuckled in amusement, the comment earning a smirk from Drake...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:05 pm

Velkor sat down with a grumble. The procedure he had just seen was certainly excited, but suddenly he was bored again. "Just give me whatever I had last time. That was pretty good." Wisp floated overhead, as usual, surveying her surroundings as she always did...
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:27 pm

"And i'm expected to be able to remember each and every order that you guys asked for? check the menu and find what you were looking for, then tell me" said Jack, a bit annoyed by the demon's laziness, pointing at the menu over the counter...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Zephyr » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:38 pm

As Desh followed along into the bar and listening to the conversation, he began look around as he had done on their first arrival. He looked anxious to say the least until Korso's hand rested on his shoulder. "You okay pal?" the priest said as Desh turned to him. There was a moment of silence before i nod. "I'm fine... just... i dont know..." he kept silent after that. His hard pounding heavily...not rapidly... just heavily as he felt it slam against into his chest in a slow rythm. "Well come on then" he eventually said smiling before walking over to the others. "I'll take a few of your best steaks i dont feel like pigging out entirely." He gave a half grin before returning to his sober calmness.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:58 pm

"Medium rare. ribeye steaks. got it" said Jack as he added it to the mental list to give Rick in the kitchen...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby dinoman666 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:31 am

"Just gimme the strongest thing you have," Velkor replied angrily. Wisp interrupted, floating upside-down next to Jack. "Have you got any... sandwiches?!" she asked excitedly.
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:17 pm

"Yeah, yeah. we have....sandwiches" responded Jack as he sorted out the rest of the group's requests, giving everyone what they wanted and setting a classical rock and roll tune on the sound system...

A few hours, some music, chatter and drinks later, Drake and Spencer led the others out, a very drunk Tony perched precariously on Desh's head, fluttering over onto Spencer's shoulder once they were down on the floor they wanted to be, letting Desh and Diana head their own way, Spencer grumbling as he headed for his own room, muttering something about planning Hibou A l'Orange to be the first meal he made for the group once they left the Chicago HQ, gaining a chuckle from Drake, who vaguely overheard it. Hibou A l'Orange.....Owl a l'Orange he thought with a smirk....only Spencer could think of something so cruel yet delectible...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Shade » Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:48 pm

The twins were no less tipsy. They had their arms around each other's shoulders and they swayed slightly. "I swear the next time I drink that heavy, bring a camera!" Nik called. Vincent laughed very hard as they entered their room. Nyx giggled as well, her cheeks were a bit flushed, if only a bit. Her arm was around Drake's waist mostly for comfort, instead of support.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:40 am

Drake kept a hand around Nyx's shoulder as he led her towards the room, opening and pushing the door open, waving a hand ahead of him. "After you" he said with a smirk...

"You know Spency......I.....I f**kin......f**kin' love the world, man" blurted Tony, swaying on Spencer's shoulder, periodically knocking his head with the Demon. "The whole......whole world is just.....just....f**k i'm wasted" he managed to mumble. "If you don't shut up right now.....i'll turn you into an hors d'oeuvre and feed you to Brimstone's agents for breakfast tomorrow" said Spencer, getting annoyed. "Ha.....that's....that's f**kin fuuuunny, man. you know, you shoulda been a...been a clown.....yeah.....a clown demon....with a big red nose....and a.....a funny hat...wait where the hell am i?" responded Tony, looking around rather confused. "On Mars. I'm taking you to Lord Peewee so he can taste earth food" responded Spencer. "Food?.....can.....can i have a.....a......a taaaaste?" asked Tony. "Sure. raise your right wing" said Spencer, the Owl raising his left instead, gaining a somewhat surprised glance from the Demon. It seemed alcohol wasn't the only thing Tony had consumed in there. that, or it had abstract effects on him...regardless, whatever he had....he had ALOT of it. "See that? have a taste" said Spencer. Tony, still confused, nipped his own wing, biting surprisingly hard on one of the feathers, before letting go, and collapsing with laughter, dropping off Spencer's shoulder, Spencer catching him by the tail as he dropped, the owl still in hysterics, Spencer pushing open his bedroom door and casually tossing the owl onto the chair in the room, Tony, surprisingly, not shutting up on impact with the chair, Spencer giving up, tossing his jacket on top of the owl to muffle the laughs, before heading for his bed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Shade » Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:51 am

Nyx giggled and walked in. "Why thank you kind sir," she said. Her eyes seemed more watery than they usually were. She sat on the bed hard and held her head. "Ouch," she mumbled and held her head. "Did I happened to try absinthe while I was down there?"
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:04 am

"I don't remember you asking for it" responded Drake as he ditched the shoes, walking over to Nyx, beginning to massage her shoulders, moving up and down her neck, occasionally moving to the base of her skull, temples, then back down again, in an attempt to ease the pain...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Shade » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:09 am

Nyx sighed and smiled at Drake's ministrations. "Hmmm," she hummed. "Then the twins spiked something." She giggled at her own joke. "Not sure if I'm in the mood for anything tonight," she said as another pang reached her head.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:12 am

"Nobody ever said you needed to do anything tonight" said Drake as he gave Nyx a light kiss on the head, continuing the massage...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby dinoman666 » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:15 am

"Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I wanna go ta bed!" Velkor sung in a drunken stupor, brushing past the rest of the group with Wisp trailing along behind, acting as if nothing was wrong. "I had a little drink about a' hour ago, and it went straight to my *hic* head!"
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Postby Shade » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:16 am

Nyx smirked. "Hm, touche," she said. After a while of this Nyx started to slump down and buried her face in her pillows.

Diana was completely bushed from the examination and all she wanted was a good night's sleep. She changed quickly and slipped into the covers falling asleep almost instantly.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:23 pm

Drake smiled as he watched Nyx fall asleep, finally pulling the blankets over her, changing himself before joining her, drifting to sleep, mind bustling with thoughts on the results of Desh's little check up...

Darkness surrounded Diana, the tapping of footsteps in the darkness echoing off the walls as things started to become visible, revealing her to be in a small village, possibly somewhere in Germany, cobblestone paths running in and out of the various narrow paths branching off from the square Diana was standing. the low chime of a church bell could be heard in the distance, though the darkness swallowed up everything, making visibility impossible past 15 feet. most of the small houses around Diana had no lights, with the rare one shimmering dully, windows boarded up...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Shade » Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:39 pm

Diana blinked a few times before realizing where she was. Feeling a bit of confusion at the location. She turned to the sound of footsteps. "Hello?" she called, although that probably wasn't the smartest idea. She felt a much darker presence approaching, though every instinct in her body told her to run, she stayed put.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:48 pm

"Ah...Diana....It's been a while" came a familiar voice in the darkness, Siete walking forward from the shadows, smiling as he eyed the girl...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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