Supernatural Supremecy RPG

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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:28 pm

Vexanor looked up at Josh with fear in her eyes. She didn't dare smile. She struggled to get up. She then shot a peircing glare at Josh, parayzing him for a short moment. Just enough to get him off of her. She flew into the air. She growled "You stupid fur ball!!!!!!!!!" She turned into a mighty lion again and attacked Josh. She bit in his injured arm and tackled him to the dusty floor. "You want anymore?!" She roared. She then scratched at his face, succeeding in putting 3 bloody scratches on his face.
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby C S » Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:42 pm

Josh chuckled. He grabbed Vexanor's neck And raised her up. "Your weak paralyzing power has no effect on the moon...."

Josh smashed Vexanore through the door, A smoke of dust raised up from the ground. Vexanor barely missed landing on the tall black fence with vines growing all over it. , which had sharp spikes that ran across the top of the fence and in an arch over the gate....
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:46 pm

Vexanor got up. She turned into her demon self and flew up into the air. "grrr...." She flew off. She needed to rest, Josh was powerful. Very powerful.
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby C S » Sat Aug 04, 2007 3:09 pm

Josh looked at the demon fly away. The images of his mother faded away and his rage calmed down when a redish cloud covered the moon. Josh looked at the house. It was completely decimated. There was even more damge than before. The holes that littered the 1st floor ceiling were clearly visable. The wooden floor had cracks and snapped peicies. Dust floated around the door way. Josh shook his head and walked off. He still had to get home. The streets were desserted. The houses seemed to get bigger as Josh walked down the street, and even more unstable than the last couple he saw. Josh turned the corner and was shocked to what he saw. There was cracks in the concrete, plants growing in between them. On the left side of the street had some houses in good condition. They were elagantly painted, brick houses. They had orange red bricks, the door was glass with a white archway on top of it. Across the street to the right had the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Josh thought he might be by New York Harbor but insted of concrete eventually becoming the wooden docks, He sank into wet sand. Josh Snarled "This is some seirious bull shi-" He was then hit by a large cold wave before he finished his sentence.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sat Aug 04, 2007 3:21 pm

Vexanor was sitting on the tip of a cliff over the ocean. The waves crashed into the rocks,as seagulls and albatrosses flew overhead. "hmm..." She turned into an Albatross and flew off over the city. The streets were completly disserted, like nobody had even heard them fighting.

Vexanor saw Josh and flew right over him. She didn't want to be bothered again. She turned into a cat and landed on her feet. She layed across the sidewalk. Nobody was walking on them anyways.
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:18 pm

the next day, sun shown through the windows of the Warehouse, but all seemed normal. Drake was in his room, taking a couple of odd, blue and red pills. he downed it with a glass of water, and then stayed stil for a moment. to substitute the blood that he would otherwise be feeding on, he had to constantly take the medication. it was made by a specialist at Brimstone who he remained in contact with. he was jerked from his thoughts by a powerful shudder, his mind clouding as the medication began to take effect. the effect blood had on vampires was extraordinary. it sent them into a semi-insane, ecstatic state. the reaction Drake had when taking the medicine wasn't nearly as severe, but still risky to be around people while experiencing it. he made an almost demonic roar, trying his best to keep it down, and barely managing to supress it. it was a deep growling roar that could make most Werewolves shudder. he was only being held down by what little sanity he had in this state. he finally calmed down, and stood up, and walked over to his coat, and put it on. he then put his sword in it's sheath on his back, concealed by the coat, and walked out to the platform, where his weapons were waiting...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby HorseGal » Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:37 pm

Nina groaned again and rolled over, still in a deep sleep while Lara got up when she heard something that sounded like a stretching groan. She stretched herself and glanced over to Nina's place, noticing that she was still asleep. At this, Lara rolled her eyes, kicked the covers off, and started to make the bed. When she was sure that everything was set, she walked out of the room out on to the platform, where she saw Drake. "Good morning," she managed to say.

Another groan escaped from Nina again as she turned over. Suddenly, she woke up with a start, looking around the room with wide, ice blue eyes. When she found that no one else was in the room, she sighed in relief and got up to make the bed before heading out to meet Drake and Lara. She grabbed her jacket off the hook and walked out, noticing that Drake and Lara were already up. "Yes, yes good morning Lara, Drake," she grumbled as she let out another yawn. She was in another, not so good mood after having that dream again.

Lara raised an eyebrow at Nina's mood. "Good morning, Nina," she said to the another girl before turning back to Drake. "What's on the agenda for today?"
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby C S » Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:00 pm

The sun rose over the beach, Its rays revealing the white sand. Josh fell asleep there soon after being hit by the wave. A dark green peice of sea weed floated close to the beach. A moderately small wave pushed it onto shore, onto Josh's Head. "AHH!! What the-" Josh snarled in a deep, hoarse voice, scrambleing to his feet, sea weed in his left claw. "Great..." snarled Josh in a deep sarcastic tone while the threw the sea plant back into the ocean. Josh walked back onto the side walk that was parrellel to the beach. It was obvious no one went to the beach except the occasional sea gull. The area was reletivly quiet. He turned the left corner. Josh was about to try to get back to his home in a burst of flight but his stomach made a loud growl, almost like one Josh would make when he sees something of great discofort, like a black cat.(No racism involved)

He walked down the street until he saw a deli, the door opened. Josh walked in and sniffed around. It was dark in the store, the lights were broken except for one dim light in the back near a freezer. There was a rack that held all kinds of potatoe chips. Josh went to the back of the store. He opened the fridge. There were all types of soda and beer. The liht was too dim for Josh to read what they were so he took out an 8 ounce bottled water. He also founda can on a self near the fridge. He sniffed the can and received a pleasent smell. "Dog food...Jack Pot" Josh Growled, a hint of delight in his voice. H dug his claw into the can and pulled the top off. He then opened his mouth and threw the dog food in, chewing on the crushed bacon flavored vitamins that was with peicies of chicken and mixed vegetables. Josh drank the water in one big gulp and walked out of the store. He found a trash can and threw out the can and bottle. He then took of in a burst of speed, getting a birds eye view of the ground below...
Last edited by C S on Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:06 pm

Vexanor meowed and stretched. She walked along the sidewalk.

She pounched on a rat and ate it. Breakfast served. She headed on down to the beach, she turned into an albatross and flew off overhead. She loooked around and saw Josh, who was flying a distance away/ "Must we meet every 5 seconds?!" She flew off and headed towards a house. There was nothing to do in the day time, the best time to kill and scare is at night...
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 04, 2007 10:42 pm

Drake said "I need to pay a visit to a certain backstabbing mob boss". he put his two magnums in holsters around his waist, put the two odd looking machine-pistols in holsters on either side of his chest, put his blades in sheaths on his legs, which were stitched into the trousers themselves to hide them. he put a pair of daggers in sheaths by the Magnum holsters, and looked at the others, waiting for a reaction...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby C S » Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:02 am

It wasn't long until Josh found his home. For the run down neighborhood he lived in, his house was the worst. Josh heard the distant sirens of police cars. Josh landed in the alley to the left side of his home. He grabbed the dark, burnt windowsill and jumped into the old dusty place, the windowsill snapped under the pressure. When Josh landed, a puff of dust rose up. He shook his claws, trying to blow the dust away. Josh felt a draft of cool breeze. He looked up, seeing the roof puntured in many places, holes littered the roof. Josh bent down, slipping his claws under a floor board, where his mother hid him before she was killed. He shook the oncomming memory and pulled out a greyish black canvas. He also took out a box of tacks. He then flew up to the roof, tacking the four sides of the canvas to the ceiling, covering the holes. He also saw the damaged window sill. He picked it up and slammed it back into the wall. It stuck, for the moment, some of the wood fell onto the floor.
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Postby HorseGal » Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:17 am

Nina stared at Drake while he was putting on his weapons. amazed that he had a place for all of them. "Backstabbing mob boss," she repeated, the slight tiredness visible in her voice. "Who might that be? Are we all going to go on this here mission, or is it just going to be you?"

Lara stared at Nina for a minute, noticing that she also held some anger in her voice. She was starting to wonder what was going on in the woman's mind, and why she was in another one of her bad moods. Probably the only time there was an ounce of kindess in her voice was when she said goodnight to Drake last night, and when she thanked him about the rooms. The rest of the times she was somewhat cool and distant from them. She wanted to ask Nina what seemed to be her problem, but decided against it. It was also early in the morning. Probably her mood would change as the day went on?
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby dinoman666 » Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:08 pm

Name: Velkor
Species: Demon
Gender: Male
Age: 45 years
Description: He looks like an average Demon, with large, flight-capable wings, two horns on his head, and a large mane of hair. The rest of his body is rather like a bipedal lizard, with greyish colored scales. His preferred form of disguise is a small, black and white house cat.
History: He was a simple Demon, with a knack for destruction, but he would also swindle people if he could. He currently roams the streets as a cat, waiting for his next victim.
Wingspan: 3 meters.
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Postby C S » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:40 am

Josh walked into the room, parrellel to the other room he was in. It was seperated by wall, 12 feet on both sides of the 7 foot tall, 2 feet wide door. It was dusty with no windows but had had little holes in between the wooden wall boards that let in alittle light of the sun. There was a little old, rusty ,metal and rickity bed, the legs slightly bent in an 11 degree angle out wards. There was a small side table with a cabinet. The table was also old, probably 10 years. It was a dark cherry wood color, had a small skinny weared down gold desk light. It had a broad lamp shade over it, a regular lamp shade just smaller. It had frills hanging down from it, with an old dust doily at its base to avoid leaving rings on the side table. Josh went over to the bed that was placed in the far right side of the room and layed down on it. He then reached into the cabinet, taking out a picture...1 of his mother and father.

His father had on a checkered black and red shirt, had the fur color of a golden retreiver with bushy fur. He had yellow eyes that glowed in the picture. He looked muscular as his right arm was draped over this mother's right shoulder. She was wearing a black cape that covered all of her clothing, her collor pointed up, showing a hint of red, the color of the inside of the cape. The background was a dark night in central park, no one else was in picture. His parents was by a water fountain. Josh saw his father's reflection. He couldn't see his mother's since vapires dont have reflections. Those were the only 2 he saw in the scene, Josh assumed there would have been another reflection, atleast the tip of his hands in the water, but there wasn't. It lead him to believe the camera was mounted on a tri-pod, and every one else that would be there ran away as fast as possible from the sight. He then looked back at his mother, Josh sighed, putting the picture back and laid, staring at the dusty, hole riddled ceiling......
Last edited by C S on Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:50 am

Note: clothing alone would NOT be enough to save a Vampire from turning to dust in daylight

Drake looked up at Nina for a moment, and said "Well, whether or not you come with me is up to you. if you want to have a hand picking up any information you might want, i suggest you come with me"...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:03 am

OoC: So what is enough?

Vex finally found her "house" that she used to live in. Images of watching her mother get slautered by her father. "MOTHER!!!" He roared she punched the wall, making a hole in it. Vex looked around, it was really dusty in here. She headed upstairs, to find something she had been wanting for years. He walked into her room and picked up a necklace, something that her mother made for her, she never took it off...But her father forced her to take it off and forget about her mom. Vex took the necklace off, but didn't forget her mother. She forgot it when she ran away. "I'm surprised it hasn't been bothered..." She said to herself.
Vex put the necklace on and looked around the room for any other things. She found a gem, it was red and small. A ruby. She put the ruby in her pocket and walked the dusty and creaky stairs. She flew out the doorway, which had fallen off.

Vex turned into a raven and flew off to find something to eat.
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:11 am

OOC: nothing. unless it's either Dracula or Kagan [the very first Vampires, brothers], if it's full blooded, it'll turn to ash in sunlight.

Drake walked back to one of the cabinets while he waited for the two girls to decide, and pulled out a small steel box filled with what seemed to be a block of foam. he lifted the top off, and it revealed several holes with bullets in them, in various colours with what looked like springs around them. he picked out a number of them, and put them in a couple of clips in a pre-arranged order. he then put the clips in two special clip holders on the insides of his trouser pockets, replaced the foam, and closed the box. he then put the box back in the cabinet and stretched again...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby C S » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:27 am

Josh woke up to the sound of fluttering. He looked up and saw that some pigions had flown into his home and nested on a wooden plank that ran across the ceiling. Josh got off his bed and onto the floor, dust flying in all directions. He then slammed his claws ino the brown wall and climbed up the wall, smashing holes into the wall. When he got close enough to the birds, he barked in a deep loud tone. It echoed through the house. The pigions scattered and flew out a hole in the roof. "Rats with wings" Josh snarled as he sat on the plank before embedding his claws into it and hanged upside-down
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Postby HorseGal » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:36 am

Nina thought about it and shrugged. "Information on this particular vampire? Sure, I'll go in for that." She watched as he got out more weapons to put on himself. "How many weapons are you going to bring with you?" There was a sign of some amusement in her voice as she asked this question.
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby C S » Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:18 pm

Josh's wings flew open with a woosh of air and he started coughing. He accidently inhaled some dust. He dug his claws out of the plank and fell head first to the ground before flipping and landing leg first, suprisingly not breaking the wooden floor. Dust flew up in a cloud and Josh started coughing as if he had came down with a feaver. "This place is going to be the death of me some day" Josh snarled as his eyes watered abit from the coughing. He walked out of the door and into the living room, walking slowly so the dust won't rise up as it did before. He opened the living room door and walked outside, taking flight as soon as he left.
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