Alien vs. Predator E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Iceking » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:24 pm

the warrior xenomorphs hissed at the predator and heard the sounds of another being ripped apart. this caused them to smirck and they showed the predator that they were ready to attack back. then, one of the warriors lept onto the predator and readied it's inner jaws for a quick kill.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:26 pm

Alpha saw the move and wrapped its whip around it along with several others and pulled and ripped them apart. Alpha then leaped on to a fire scape and quickly climed it firing his Shoulder Cannons down below and then as he got to he trop threw a shuriken into the fire escape, cutting it to peices causing it collpase on the xenomorphs below...he then readied himself to deal with the rest of them.

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Postby Iceking » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:40 pm

the ravagers then moved in and snarled at the predator. even though most of the warriors were now dead along with some of the drones, the ravagers wouldn't be that easy to kill. one of them quickly swung it's arm blades at the predator's neck, expecting to see the predator's head fall from it's shoulders. the sun was now rising steadily and sunlight was starting on the ground.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:44 pm

Alpha dunked from the head strike and sliced through its arm with a shuriken and then threw the shuriken into the chest, getting stuck. Alpha and slashed through the runners as the ravenger closed it...suddenly he turned left and jumped towards a rooftop as marine tank appeared, firing.

Alpha circled around and prepared to drop down on the marines which consited off 2 squads and a tank.

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Postby Iceking » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:53 pm

the rest of alpha's clan watched as their leader had defeated many xenomorphs that had easily outnumbered him. they could see that now that the marines had brought in tanks, it would be dangerous to be noticed. for now, they began to head towards the rooftop where their leader was and regroup.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:57 pm

Alpha looked down at the marines which were defeated what was left off the xenomorph horde.

Alpha looked at his approaching clan brothers. "Were returning towards the ship...its been a long day" Alpha growled as his clan brothers responded and they all cloaked, heading back towards the ship meanwhile as the xenomorphs in the city continued to wage war as Predators just killed both sides showing no care on which side to help.

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Postby Zephyr » Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:20 pm

Executer watched the slaughter from a ledge on the outskirts of the town. resisting the urge to join in. These humans fought differently from the ones his hive conflicted with. He watched, studying their actions and tactics. He was not yet ready.
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:02 am

Alpha and his clan brothers returned to the ship. Its been long days since true peaceful rest. Alpha sat in his own private thorn. He removed his mask and snarled. Not only was a Leader of his Clan, he was also a price in Predator Society. The Predator Ship cloaked and stayed would be some time before the moved out again as they were heavily tired and there were rookies who still needed to earn themselves opportuinites while there were also numerous vetern warriors who also needed to claim what they desired...for the past months it usually has been only the Elite to go and hunt.

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Postby Iceking » Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:42 am

two of the predators on the ship were watching the hive of the new predqueen through the holographic images. they saw that there were several ravagers guarding the hybrid queen and most of the hive's members were predaliens. if the queen wasn't killed and the hive destroyed, then the hybrid might become almost unstoppable. the two predators then informed plasma of what they saw.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:03 pm

Plasma nodded and walked past the trophy room where 2 predators were inside, using a laser to cut through the flesh off the xenomorph "skin" so they can hang their trophies. Rookies and other Predators had more hunting time, exploring the area and gaining new trophies. Alpha was at his throne, watching a rookie hunt using the cam in his mask. When Plasma approached, Alpha growled as the viewing screen pulled back and the throne faced Plasma.

"We found a worthy prey....another hybrid" Plasma growled.

Alpha nodded...He had seen it before....still he was smart that the hive was filled with prey, he would try new tactics and attempt to fight it one on one...

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Postby Iceking » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:07 am

meanwhile, the numbers of the predqueen's kin were growing quickly. there were so many predaliens in the hive that they seemed to be in endless numbers. there were also euquely large numbers of ravagers and carriers as well. this hive was so strong that if a rival hive were to attack, they wouldn't stand a chance. the runners and warriors were easily able to find more hosts due to the fact that they ventured far from the hive and used their stealth to return alive with the hosts.
Last edited by Iceking on Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:13 am

In order to check upon and evaulate the hive strength...Alpha ordered his ship to face the pred alien's hive. The mothership aimed towards the xenomorph hive and fired, the blue laser firing, easily capable of cutting through 2000 feet off ice. The laser cut through, killing any xenomorphs in the way and with the hole finally in, the Predators of the elite and infamous Dark Blade Clan was allowed to peak in on their possible new was large and powerful, a intresting upcoming hunt indeed....

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Postby Iceking » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:17 am

most of the xenos in the predqueen's hive hadn't been in the way of whatever had blasted through the cave wall and it didn't even come close to hitting the queen. the hybrid queen then detatched from her egg sack and waited for the predator's to make their moves against her and her kin.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:59 pm

The looks off the hive clearly shown its strength. Alpha could have simply tell an F-22 Raptor in the nearby area to bomb the area with a nuclear but using their vocal minciry ( sp ) But Alpha knew that would be the easy way. Alpha growled towards another Predatror, An Ancient Keeper of Nuke. He would go along. Alpha then growled and walked towards his private quarters...he was going to prepare for the hunt along with the others going...the Militaries will be greatly useful as their weaponry can take out numerous of xenomorphs with ease...provided they have the right protection.

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Postby Iceking » Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:05 pm

the predators of aplha's clan readied themselves for a difficult fight. the most skilled clan members made sure that their weapons were in good condition and that the keeper of the nuke was ready himself. soon, the ship toutched the ground on earth and the predators left their ship, heading towards the predqueen's hive. at the same time, the hybrid queen and her kin were ready, massive numbers of xenomorphs of all kinds waiting for the momment to attack. the queen herself was among them and she was more than happy to use these predators as hosts for more children.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:10 pm

Alpha growled lowly and walked foward as he and about 100 others cloaked, walking towards the hive which was a fair one mile away. Also, walking sentry plasma turrents or simply known as a Pred gun went along. 60, regular elite predators...suited for all aspects in the hunt along with war. Along with 40 Military Predators...armed to devastate entire hordes and small armies. They were amoung the best of the best and would not fall easily...they were not stupid and their skills in battle would prove most valuable...

Meanwhile...another elite Predator Clan heads towards the hive, 100 of them as well. They were determined and skilled and were willing to take the prize of killing a xenomorph hive as well as having a Pred Alien Queens skull to hang in their trophy room...

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Postby Iceking » Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:34 pm

meanwhile, the predqueen and her kin had gotten into ambush positions. the warriors and drones were on the ceiling, ready to drop down while the predaliens and runners had hidden in many large holes in the wall that were perfect hiding spots. the ravagers and carriers stood with the queen along with the praetorians. the hybrid queen had informed her praetorians that if she were to die, one of them would need to become the next ruler of the hive.

the predators of alpha's clan soon reached the hive and entered silently. however, their footsteps still made some faint noises and the warriors on the walls heard them with their great sense of hearing. then, one of them dropped down silently and landed on a predator, getting ready to stab it with it's tail blade.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:51 pm

Alpha fired his Shoulder Cannon, the intense and charged force, blown the xenomorph off his clan brother. THe surprised Predator rolled out of the way and the Dark Blade Clan warriors steped furter back from the cave entrance they moved slowly back and backed away until they had a good distance away. They got in formation and waited to see if they would come up...they were ready too aattack the moment the foe was seen as the Elites were calm and were ready to fight...

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Postby dinoman666 » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:11 pm

"Name": Macetail
Class: PredAlien
Background: A veteran of many battles, Macetail is one of the toughest PredAliens on the planet at this time.
"Heroes have morals. Villains have work ethic."
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Postby Iceking » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:41 pm

without making any sounds, more warriors dropped down and began to hiss at the predators, taunting them. then, the xenos dashed off as though they were fleeing. in truth, they were planning to lure the predators into the hive and once that happened, it would be too easy to kill them. the warriors on the ceiling were only a small part of the hive as more were deeper in the cave and the predqueen was so well protected it would be almost impossible to get even 10 feet from her without being spotted.
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