Transformers E-war: Army of Metal

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:01 pm

The highly mobile attack helicopters maneuvered around both sides of the Decepticon, making sure that it was visible by at least one of them at all times, machine gun fire aiming at the vehicle's wheels in an attempt to destroy them...

Burnout followed Sidewinder soon after, speeding across the bridge, various other fleeing civilians parting to let the siren-blaring vehicle and its companion through...

Postby C S » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:50 pm

The Autobot swerved off the end of the bridge with a screech, leaving skid marks on the ground before speeding down the street the platform lead into, cars steering clear of its way, the drivers thinking the police car speeding after it trying to catch a speeding maniac before taking notice of the machine gun fire in the distance...
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:41 pm

Roadrage tore after Burnout, making use of the gap left by the civilian vehicles to keep up with the two Autobots...

Realising there was little chance of him losing the helicoptors, Overcast decided he'd resume his retreat, getting back onto the Capital Beltway and tearing off at high speed, his Autocannon appearing from under the hood, taking aim ahead of one of the choppers, factoring flight path, surrounding obstructions and flight speed into his equasion in the gap of a microsecond, before opening fire, a torrent of plasma projectiles blasting through the aircraft's fuselage, through the tail and destroying the rear rotor, destroying it's control over circular motion and causing it to spin out of the sky, the armour of the McLaren's body kit making it extremely difficult to reach the tires, though their airless, solid rubber-and-support nature meant even shooting them wouldn't do much good. This is going to get....annoying thought Overcast irritably...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:35 am

Pilot ejecting, the resulting crash of the helicopter caused even more commotion, leading the AutoBots toward the Decepticon. The second helicopter, which was behind the vehicle, unleashed two rockets from hardpoints on either side of the craft, the projectiles slamming into the road in front of the vehicle, giving it no time to react, causing a gaping hole in the road, while the vehicle itself was propelled by the force into a nearby building...

Postby C S » Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:52 am

Some distance behind Overcast, Sidewinder's battered form screeched into view, swerving to face the crashed Decepticon and then speeding down towards the hole, metal plates already rearranging as he went before he vaulted into the air. The transformation finishing with a few clicks, the Autobot's form bashed into Overcast's, knocking the evil robot into a roll, further disorienting it as the Autobot rolled to the side. Sidewinder stopped in a crouch, right arm pointed at Overcast, pannels rearranging to reveal the plasma cannon...
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Postby The Kingpin » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:57 pm

a boom went off as Overcast's shotgun was unleashed into the Autobot's chest, the slug causing mayhem in the area of the Glaive wound Jetlag had given him, Overcast rolling to his feet, simultaniously firing a wad of explosive into one of the Autobot's knee joints, the soft explosive getting squashed by its own kinetic energy between the plates of armour, where it'd be difficult to remove. the time he had bought himself would hold back the other Autobots for a few minutes, but he didn't want to risk letting them get closer. wasting no time, he fired a stream of plasma at the Autobot infront of him and swung the gun up at the remaining helicoptor while firing, plasma shells punching into it's sides, Overcast abandoning the fight, running leaping into the air and transforming...he had to get out of the area....he was out of the city now, but had to get further away. "This is Overcast. contacting all nearby Decepticons. i'm under fire by numerous Autobots and human forces. requesting assistance immediately" hissed his voice through the local Decepticon Comm links just as his tires hit the ground. anyone close enough to help would hear it...with a bit of luck, some support would be around to help him escape...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby C S » Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:19 pm

Sidewinder fell back with the shot, thinking the damage would be lowered if he moved with the blow instead of trying to absorb it. Flipping back onto his feet, Sidewinder unleashed a few slow shots after the Decepticon. When it was too far off, he got his axe and slipped it into the gap in his knee armor, back first, scraping the bomb from it. Finding it stuck to his axe, he aimed the alternator to it, prepared himself to dive backwards, and fired, blowing the sticky bomb away and leaping backwards, an explosion forcing him back further...
Last edited by C S on Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:37 am

Overcast sped off, further out of the city and swiftly leaving the combat zone. he was now on full alert, not wanting to be surprised like he was by the blast in the road. after a good 15 minutes of high speed retreat, he broke off the highway and moved into a tunnel...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby raptor titanus3 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:46 am

Suddenly Strafe jumped from cover in jet form, charging Breakaway and plowing him off the building. Strafe then transformed and grabbed hold of Breakaway putting his weight onto the autobot forcing him to crash into the ground with him on top but just to be sure the autobot diddn't do anything to thwart this Strafe wedged one of his wing cleavers right into breakaway's left shoulder deneying the autobot the ability to transform, "This is going to hurt ALOT HAHAHAHAHAHA", Roared Strafe, who then forced his cleaver in harder on Breakaway's shoulder.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby dinoman666 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:50 am

"No, this is," replied Breakaway, thrusting the barrel of his rifle into Strafe's chest and firing off a couple rounds, which was enough to blow apart the Decepticon's chest armor and knock him off Breakaway. The Autobot got to his feet, and transformed his rifle into the gatling gun and began peppering the prone Strafe's form with plasma fire...
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:46 pm

Strafe knew that if his spark took even one hit, he would go to the Well of All Sparks which he wasn't intent on doing for quite a while. Keeping his back to the Autobot's fire Strafe did the only thing he could, he crawled towards something he could use as cover fighting the urge to exspose his front to try and fire on the autobot. Eventually he grabbed hold of a empty car and flung it at the autobot as best he could to try and stop hail of fire to retreat.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby dinoman666 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:50 pm

Breakaway ceased fire long enough to hop to the side, dodging the car, before firing a volley of missiles at the retreating Decepticon...
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:58 pm

Thankfully Strafe had managed to jump into jet mode and hit his Afterburners which outran the missles, he escapes into the Stratoshepre to start preforming the slow process of regereating his lost frontal armor and to escape death. Next time while pin him to the ground and fire my Magnetic Accelerater straight into his spark, Thought Strafe with malice.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby dinoman666 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:28 pm

Breakaway transformed to jet mode and took off, heading for the other Autobots' position...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:35 pm

"Can he be salvaged?" a voice suddenly pierced the dark, silent world he now inhabited, feeling as though he was indeed alive, but could not move throughout the void. "Yes...he seems to have shut down after a dangerous amount of damage was sustained. His spark is dim, but there." another, less aggressive voice responded, a few metallic clanks sounding as the owner of said voice probed his relatively lifeless frame. "Then get the piece of scrap out of here. We have enough problems finding new soldiers for Megatron, we don't need these inexperienced service bots killing themselves on our enemies' doorstep!" the first voice snarled, giving the "corpse" a swift kick in the side, before it began to walk away, leaving him in silence once again.

Postby C S » Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:04 pm

Sidewinder, long in his disguise drove over to his comrades. Coming to a stop infront of them, he said regretfully "The damn decepticon got away...he was too fast..." The scorch marks and shredded armor was the souvinere of the first part of the battle, and to pursue Overcast looking like so would be suicidal...
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Postby Iceking » Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:09 am

Ooc:If TT tells me otherwise, I'll edit this post.

Ravage, meanwhile, could no longer see the city behind him and was still sticking to the woods, although he was staying close enough to the edge so that he could still spot any of his allies if they came near. He had been scolded failing to see that any Autobots back in the city had been killed, although he took some comfort in the knowledge that he wasn't the only one who had been scolded. Despite hearing Overcast's request from earlier, The jaguar like being had been too far away to actually be of any assistance and even then, he wasn't exactly suited for dealing with heavily armoured human vehicles and even if the vehicles hadn't attacked him, then one Autobot could have attacked him while the others focused on Overcast...
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Postby The Seeker » Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:20 pm

the live action movies literally made transformers, of course im going to join

Name: Seeker
Faction: Decepticon
Description: Red eyes, clawed fingers, gray exoskeleton and light gray armor, otherwise similar to TF:ROTF Game character called Seeker
Height: 30ft
Vehicle: F-35 Lightning II
Weapons: All at the expense of his hand, he has a fusion cannon that shot explosive blue plasma blasts very quickly, a "Chain Array", as Seeker calls it, looks like a chain gun but it doesn't rotate and it shoots very fast laser-like beams that only stay out for a short amount of time, lastly is his dual cybertanium blades that resemble scimitars
Personality: Dangerous to fellow decepticons as to Autobots in battle and he always strikes down those that mock or underestimate, ally or not. Seeker is a feared warrior in Megatron's army and believes that he is superior to all others except for Megatron and those that arrived on earth with megatron

Name: Raptor
Faction: Autobot
Description: blue eyes, he has black exoskeleton with red armor, his feet are the back wheels of his alt. mode
Height: 21ft
Vehicle: ... enton1.jpg Raptor is red instead of this color
Weapons: Raptor has an energon chainsaw that is used for close combat, two wrist mounted machine guns that have a second grenade launcher mode, that shoots out sticky grenades from close to medium-long range
Personality: Raptor is a young but very skillful warrior who always shows off his amazing skills and instinct in battle and also boasts about his battle or how much faster he could have fought someone else's battle, though he doesn't do this to very high ranked autobots for fear of losing trust

Landing close to a car manufacturing facility, Raptor chose his form and sped off to find more autobots and to avoid local law enforcement, "Eat My Dust!" he said in cybertronian, not having time to learn anything about Earth before he was racing away at law breaking speeds.

With the head of the autobot that followed him in his hands, Seeker felt satisfied for the first time. But then he saw the incoming reinforcements for the already dead fleet that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not wanting to get into more trouble, seeing what they did to his decepticon comrade that was struck by the weaponry of the fleshlings too many times, Seeker transformed, with various mechanical sounds and clanks, and he sped off into the horizon knowing all he needed to know due to the fleshling boat as they called it.
Looking back makes you oblivious of what you're about to walk into...

The more you keep your head in the clouds, the higher you are when you finally fall...
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:33 am

OOC: welcome Seeker

New Autobot detected toned Strafe's internal computer. "Finally," growled Strafe who then proceeded into jet form, as he had completed repairs and made a reentry into earth's atmoshere while maintaining a signature lock on the autobot. "All local decipticons I have detected a new Autobot in a factory district target and engage if your in the mood for a little destruction and slaughter," said in communtication mode.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby The Seeker » Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:24 pm

Now to find some other autobots thought Raptor as he sent out an encrypted message, not knowing that he was already being followed by decepticons.
Looking back makes you oblivious of what you're about to walk into...

The more you keep your head in the clouds, the higher you are when you finally fall...
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