How Would You Conquer The World?

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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:00 am

yes, Giratina, i take great pleasure in mocking your feeble attempts at taking over the world :P

G4E, i won't even bother. you're too consumed by movies and games to be taken seriously. you couldn't rule the world anyway :P

and Gira: as for your latest plan....hitting London would make the UK useless in the war. to the point the others would likely ignore it after news reaches. IIRC, Active Nukes can be detected from miles away with modern defense equipment. IIRC, the US has an anti Nuke defense system [not sure. i think so though]. and even before that plan gets off the ground, the thiefs could quite easily sell information to the governments after they do the job for you [or during], informing them that you're the one. lastly, modern weaponry can penetrate bunkers. all it'd take is finding out where you have had it built. and considering satellites are watching the entire planet, there's no way you could avoid that :P . and even without that, using nuclear weaponry would mean that after the nuclear war is over, leaving your bunker before a several decades have past would be fatal to you.

finally, offering peace and salvation? as far as everyone else is conscerned, you're a random survivor who crawled out of the rubble, like the rest of them. they're more likely to kill you and hang you on a pointy stick as a warning for anyone who tries to take control than blindly follow...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Giratina93 » Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:55 am

Well, atleast I have a few things that can correct these few flaws of mine...

1. Instead of targeting London, i'd have my hired hencemen target Moscow, in Russia. THat might be abit better...

2. the nukes won't be active until the hencemen activate them right before dropping them over the cities.

3. If I offer my hencemen loads of money and make them fear me completly, then they ain't gonig to rat me out if they want to be spared of absolute horror...

4. No one will know that I was responsible for the mess, due to me using a fake name, and me disguised as Doc.

5. two words: Radiation Suit

6. Not if I can truly convince them that I hav ethe answer to their suffering...

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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:25 am

Oh goody. more excuses to debunk. :twisted:

1) Won't make much of a difference. IIRC, about 70% of the Russian population live in and around Moscow and the provinces around it.

2) Anti-Weapons defenses aren't usually just a ring around an area. they plan for things like that. centrally positioned defenses. who knows, by the time you reach a point you can pull something like that off, they may have specialised laser defenses to disarm the warheads, or neutralising rockets so precise they split the warhead from the ordinance...

3)money you'll get from where? and, regardless of how much you scare a person, it's difficult to outweigh their fear of that the ENTIRE PLANET intends to do to them for something like that. not to mention most people have morals against mass genocide regardless of what you do. you can't make a person abandon his morals. and if a person believes what he's being told to do is wrong and is against it, it's very difficult to change their mind. comes with being human. we're a stubborn species by nature :P

4) A fake name alone is useless. and again, the odds of you successfully changing your appearance, size and apparent age to look like someone else, are slim, and even if successful, vocal and personality checks will blow your cover instantly.

5)even radiation suits can only deal with so much, IIRC. from what i can recall, they have a lifespan which decreases with radiation exposure. not to mention very few people in the world have a hazmat radiation suit handy 'in case of nuclear war'

6) Good luck with that. you'd need to prove it. and after you prove it, they kill you and take whatever you had and use it themselves...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:28 am

@KP: Hey, a least somebody admits it!!! :P
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Postby Giratina93 » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:05 pm

1. Atleast with Russia nuked, there'd be an end to the birthplace of Communism...

2. Oh, so you can predict the future, eh? By the time said trackers can lock onto the nuke, it will be toolate...

3. Money that I'd gain from, again, selling Ice cream and Donuts for a LONG time. And if the terrorists/thugs that I employ will hide their identity and keep their names a secret, then tey won't bear the world's wrath and I can keep them under my fearful control.

4. Maybe if Doc was assasinated and dumped into a river, then my plan would suceed...

5. Okay, you got me there.

6. Remember, so long as I keep my thungs under my control, then they will protect me from said maniacs, or I could jsut threaten to destroy what I had if they won't make me their leader...

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Postby Evil Eye » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:01 pm

My plan still works much better than all of these complex shenanigans :razz:
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Postby The Seeker » Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:19 pm

Aint none of you gon top dis

My idea is to change my philosofy and lifes work into finding the lost city of atlantis and with it finally found i will use thier mass amount of technology weaponry and thought to be dead for a million some years creatures to go to the surfce world and dominate the planet
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Postby Evil Eye » Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:22 pm

Assuming Atlantis exists, and assuming it isnt just rubble by now, etc...
Clarity of thought before rashness of action...
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Postby Giratina93 » Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:05 pm

And now, it's time... the grand master plan!

First, I'll head onto the black market and obtain a MOAB, no matter what the price. Once I have obtained it, I'll have a person whose feeling sucidal drop said MOAB (or two, if I can obtain two MOABS for a bigger explosion) into the Yellowstone magma chamber and detonate both of them, the resulting explosion will cause the volcano itself to erupt, which will lead to the vast majority of America being in shambles. Millions of people will die, and those that survive while suffering will naturally blame th epresident for the disaster. (If people can blame bush for Katrina, then they can blame Obama for this.)A riot will form, and they'll either cast the president out or kill them. THen I'll step into the scene, offering them a bright future. By proving myself in numerous ways, they will look up to me as a leader, and make me their new president! Then,., part two will be initiated, with me launching wars against the rest of the globe. Some will be for subtle reasons (Changing what a newspaper says about ambassadors to the US so that it looks like they insulted me rather than respect me.) Others will be more transparent, but the end justifies the means. Soon, I'll have the entire world under my control, with my new headquarters being located here in Fairbanks, Alaska. If anyone were to try and find me, they wouldn't even know where to search... MUAHAHAHAHA!

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:31 pm

Except you and about 382578235 others will be trying to "lead mankind to a happier future", and you'll most definitely not be the most convincing. Besides, obtaining uber weapons from the black market isn't as easy as you make it out to be...

Postby Giratina93 » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:22 am

Oh, I'm sure they'll be convinced by what I have to offer... By the time I show up, they'll all be starving and hungering fo rfood. I'll offer them all the food and shelter they want, and that, my friend, should be enough to make them folow me. If they decline, they'll all suffer an incredibly slow and painful death...

And as for the MOABS? So long as there's a need for one, one WILL show up on the black market, in due time...

I'm surprised that KP hasn't showed up to point out the flaws in my plan...

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:30 am

And how would you have food, and they wouldn't? And who's to say America's global allies wouldn't pitch in to help them?

Postby Giratina93 » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:39 am

Funny you'd ask, becuase I would have stocked up on a massive ammount of food, all stored away in a secret warehouse only known by me and my most loyal servants. And as for the global allies? They'll be too busy trying to help themselves.... Massive volcanic eruptins affect EVERYONE across the globe. Krakatoa, for instance, dropped the average temperature of the globe by atleast 2o celcius. Now, the Yellowstome supervolcano can erupt with a force far, far greater, and can spread ash far, far farther than any other recorded eruption in the last 2000 years of earth's history. the entire globe will be covered in ash, an ddu eto the power of the eruption, it might just send off other volcanoes in Washington, Oregon, and California, adding on to the horrific catastophe. with ash blanketing the world, crops will fail, cattle will get burried alive, and the other countries will be too busy trying to save themselves to lend a hand to the poor USA...

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:53 am

You do realize that because the world is covered in ash, food won't just spoil automatically, right? There will still be a loooot of food left, mostly non-perishables. Not to mention, there are already crazy people who horde such food while waiting for the apocalypse :P

Postby raptor33 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:38 am

I would find a large terrorist organisation, and pay them to destroy the American power grid, as well as promise they will still have power if they move to my base of operations. After the American power failure ensues, I fly to Russia and find someone willing to risk life and limb to rule the world by my side. I would have them launch a nuclear missle at America, making the US think the Russians want nuclear war as I release propaganda against the American government, getting Russia to hate them for trying to pass laws in other countries. My pawn would launch another missle, and America would most certainly invade, causing full-blown war, as I manage to escape the country and into Korea, where people already hate the US. My pawn is sent as a "diplomat" to convince the N. Koreans to launch nuclear missles at the US, as I escape to Japan, leaving my pawn to be killed by the hostile Koreans.

In Japan, I upload a virus saying "From the States with bombs." to every single computer, which will not be removed as long as one computer in infected. This would be considered a threat from the states, turning the Japanese against the US. I would make my way to Austrailia, a quick stop, before heading to Mexico, then to Africa (which is under attack by the Iraqi), then into Europe, as I travel to major cities and upload more viruses, these time saying "We, the United States, have decided to nuke your pathetic country."

Chaos will ensue as all the world eventually turns against the US, as I manage to reach Germany, where I send more viruses to all of Europe, except Germany. The Germans, realizing they were spared, and that they will soon RULE THE WORLD, will give me ALL THAT I DESIRE, and make me their LEADER, so I will RULE the RULERS of the NEW WORLD.

Time to complete WORLD DOMINATION: 8 months.
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:27 pm

oh goody. another plot to pick apart >=D

first issue: getting the terrorist organisation to take you seriouesly means you need to have a notable reputation and an even more notable bank account. that in turn takes years to acquire with a very successful business.

taking you seriously doesn't automatically get them to listen. you'd need to earn their trust first. that in turn, also takes years.

finding a pawn isn't that easy either. 'imma find a pawn' doesn't really cut it. you need to know where, when, who, why, how, and to what end. where to find the guy in question, when they can be found somewhere accessible but safe for you, who they are and what they know, why they would want to risk their lives to help some random dude who wants to destroy the world, how to persuade him to do it and how to pull it off, and to what end they'd be working and how to make it attractive enough to them to make them agree.

another issue: nuclear missiles aren't exactly cheap. nor is the silo you'd need to launch it. nor are the staff that would operate said silo without stopping you for ethical reasons or even keep quiet. hell, Iran had 847628957 guns pointed at it long before they even started actually enriching the uranium, because people were expecting nukes. a purchase of a nuke would have twice that many guns, pointed at you, and likely shooting. whole countries have trouble covering up transactions like that. a single guy who wants to buy several nukes in order to 'take over the world' would certainly not be able to hide it before they get apprehended by authorities and imprisoned for life.

the US power Grid isn't run by one little box in the middle of nowhere. no country is that stupid. otherwise, the power would be going out nation wide every few weeks due to generic terrorist attack.

launching the nuke from Russia at America isn't enough. you'd need the electronic ID of the missle to be russian aswell, as well as visible political trauma between the two nations to give reason for it, otherwise there will be a delay while both sides are going 'wtf just happened? O_O'.

then you have the issue of alliances between nations. Been a while since i last looked into it, but IIRC, Korea was split, with one half friendly to the US and the other friendly with Russia.

A virus that sends a spam message onto the desktops of every compuer is not the work of an organised government. it's the work of amateur hackers and virus engineers. that would immediately breech your plan and cause Russia and the US to hault hostilities, sending in specialists to read the structure of the virus to determine origin, and confirm that it wasn't the US.

then they'd hunt you down. your activities and business operations, and the enormous financial transactions you'd be going through in order to buy the nukes would make you light up like a beacon when the governments investigate bank accounts to identify the possible source of the nukes, and soon, they'd track you down, corner you, capture you, and try you for attempted genocide. basically, you'd become the new Saddam.

the Iraqis are in no position to move out of their own country, much less attack others. so no, they wouldn't be crossing the entire northern part of the Arabian peninsula, through Lebanon, Jordan, Israel [that'd cause plenty of alarms to go off. Israel would probably start their own apocalypse with the amount of nukes they're hiding under their skirts], Egypt and then all of Africa.

knowing how the internet works, one virus would hit the entire world, Germany included. the viruses wouldn't stop at the borders of a single nation.

assuming it did, you'd spend a crippling amount of money on plane tickets alone just to get to every country on earth OTHER than Germany.

even if you achieved it, chances are Germany will have 275723857 guns pointed at you when you identify yourself as the creator of the chaos, and will call for the attention of the world leaders, apprehend you and give you to the hundreds of very angry, wartorn countries to rip you to tiny little shreds, share your remains, and try each shred individually according to their local laws regarding the subject. that, or INTERPOL will mangle you.

"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Giratina93 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:34 pm

...the Kingpin ripping someone else's plot apart other than mine? BLASPHAMY!

As for what you said, TT, Sure there's alot of non-perishables in storage for a horrific event, but not for something like this. All those storehouses, all those warehouses, all those places containing said food storages will be crushed under tonnes of volcanic ash from not only the Yellowstone eruption, but from other volcanoes that go off because of it. all that food the people stored will be just out of reach... My food storage, on the other hand, will be located in a place the volcanic ash won't be able to cave in, namely, in an underground cave, in an area no one other than me knows about... MUAHAHAHA! There are no faults with this plan!

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:43 pm

Aaaand there are billions of people on this planet, and NONE of them have something similar, or would stumble onto your cave of food? Dun think so pal.

If it is as devastating as you say, then it would collapse the cave, or at least bury the entrance under 3825 tons of ash.

Postby raptor33 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:59 pm

Damn. I thought that would work....

No one warned me he'd tear my plot apart. Who is responsible for this!?

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Postby Giratina93 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:10 pm

Yes, there are billions of people on this planet, but those whom have plans similar to mine probably won't have them as carefully laid out as mine, or overlooked a crucial detail... thus, their food storages will suffer greatly. Oh, and remember, my base of operations for this plan will be in Squarebanks, Alaska. Not alot of people up here, and yes, there are caves systems up here. All I have to do is make ma food storage where no one will be able to find it in said cave system, and I'll be all set... the entrance to the cave will be so that volcanic ash won't be able to block the entrance, that, or I'll just shovel all the ash away and dismiss my actions as saving my own personal shelter to anyone passing by.... I love my evil plans...

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