How Would You Conquer The World?

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How Would You Conquer The World?

Postby mega raptor » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:44 am

Being up all night and with little to do, I tend to think about wierd things. And one thing that popped up in my head was how I'd conquer the world.

Alternatively, I would start with capturing/destroying Tokyo, London or New York City, thus doing great damage to the world economy. From there, I would concentrate my efforts in Asia, particularly China and India, since they've got 1/3 of the world's population behind them and it's hard to stop a war machine when it's got 1/3 of the world's population behind it. From there, spread through Asia to launch a simlutaneous offense on Europe and North America. With the world's military and economic powerhouses out of the way, the conquest of the rest of the world should be pretty simple.

Alternatively, I'd gain control of America and encourage the rampant use of oil, thus driving up its price and dealing a large amount of damage to the world economy while supressing inventions that could be used to end the rule of oil, like, say, the electric car. Meanwhile, I would militarily start securing sources for future use by America only, keeping it relatively intact economically. And once that's done and over with, it shouldn't be hard to begin a state of permaneant American imperialism. Hey, wait a minute...

Anyways, as the title says, how would you conquer the world? Would be obvious and aggressive, and launch massive military campaigns, would you cleverly subvert the world's economy, or would you form a massive conspiracy to counter and destroy the one currently ruling the world :P ?
It's you and me against the world. We attack at dawn.

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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:03 pm

Wait so the world is currently how it is today right or..?

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Postby Iceking » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:28 pm

To begin, i would take all of the middle east hostage, threatining to destroy oil deposits and this would force governments around the world to agree to my demands that they dare not attack or say good by to the oil. Then, i would point nukes at north korea and china, making sure that if the world leaders tried anything funny, i would launch enough nukes to destroy everything in both countries. Next, i would go to north korea and launch a military strike there before taking all of their weapons. Finally, i would aim nuclear missles at washington d.c, as well as having a massive squadron of jets ready to bomb the whole country.
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:01 pm

I would consintrate my efforts into createing a computer Virus. A world breakingly lethal super virus disrupting computers everywhere, mainly directed at american intelligence agencies and stock exchanges. I would then accuire a suitable pawn. perferably someone who thinks they are in control. I would discreetly show them how to kill off the virus, through another program created by myself. This program however, would bring in a piggybacking utillity which would hopefully allow me to moniter and make small changes to a computer its infected in. The program would be built directly into both the virus and the cure, that way different programs built from the original cure would still contain my evil plot #1 program :P

With this in place, I would then set sights on killing off my pawn. A tragic 'accidental' car crash most likely. With him out of the way, future prying eyes are set off the track of my virus/cure.

This sets the stage for my world domination plan to take place, which I will describe later :P
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:19 pm

why bother with WMDs when one can take it over through business?

my plan is already in progress...
set up a base on the net through which i can establish a connection to people around the globe. after acquiring the needed education, i'd go on to build a business corporation using capital i gain through novels i intend to write, the practice for which i gain from the original base set up prior. after expanding enough in one field that i have a decent amount of control over it, i'd launch another branch, the first being simple trading both internationally and locally, and the next being a music production studio which would work on selling various popular singers' albums for them in massive quantities for decent prices, while simultaniously using the income gained from it and the trade to begin the formation of a gaming branch to overthrow the demons known as EA Games, before taking their place at the top of the Gaming industry with endlessly more popular and user-friendly games, removing the need for pirating and maximising my income. after that i'd spread into the automobile industry, importing and exporting popular makes such as Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Dodge, GMC, Chevrolette and others, using the massive amount of powerful connections i'd gain through these businesses [i dare you to tell me world leaders' families are above the standard of playing console games and listening to popular music :P . it'd be a matter of time before one of them randomly requested something special and threw in an idea] to gain access to various places, after which i'd use the Super Virus method [and no, Doc, you are NOT going to be the one involved...don't want to be stabbed in the back :P ] by way of a particularly greedy programmer to take hold of the world's major Computer Systems, such as those operating the Stock Exchange, security agencies around the world, factories [their computers tend to do the dual job of sorting out orders and importing materials, as well as the occasional one that has Computer operated production lines. by having the virus tamper with orders and sending them to the wrong places, i'd ruin them, therefore making my super company even stronger], civilian computers [i'd use the virus to make fake hacker pages that appeared to be done by various other computer companies, ruining THEM and, as with the factories, making me stronger still! :twisted: ], and so on and so forth until i had hijacked the entire planet, meanwhile maintaining the cover of a businessman whose working to form protection against the virus [they'd be more suppressors, causing them to go dormant until i needed them again]. the result of the cure seemingly removing the virus would result in my taking over the world as a hero rather than as an enemy...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:49 am

My way of world domination: Technology.

By that, I mean just making unbelievable tech that can put you above the competition. Many businesses have their locations outside of the main countries of the world, usually in broken down, low-key countries, meaning they would be almost law-free, and could develop god knows what. Its a sneaky way of achieving something, but hey, you asked :P

My other method would be simple manipulation. Get into the US military and become a respected and honored soldier, maybe even a general or higher. Once you achieved that, you have influence over the county's decisions. Wait until its in a weakened state, like where there are many political debates, and propose the idea of a group of people to call the shots behind the scenes, and eventually, very slowly, manipulate the group that was to "keep things under control", to actually have the country in a stranglehold...

Both are evil ways, but meh :P

Postby Doc 42 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:53 pm

Phase 2:
Useing my evil piggy back program, I alter account records and credit histories untill KP's buisness collapses into a wreck before it even begins. I pin the hacking on, yet again, the CIA, forgeing false documents of plans to demolish arabian buisness ventures as a terrorism counter, useing the predjudices and hatreds that already exist in the world, just fanning the flames higher. ( :P )

Then I secure the aid of an anti-America group. through manipulateing arms shipments, I arm them with russian weapons and equipment. Then, I crush the worlds communication networks. Useing my strangle hold over computers world wide, I bring down everything from phones to radio, useing stolen military tech to help jam distress signals. Then my 'russians' attack. The Anti -American group begins rioting on the streets and attacking random buisnesses. Fanning the flames of fear in the american government that they are under attack.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Evil Eye » Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:14 pm

i'd destroy it
as in the world
nice and simple
Last edited by Evil Eye on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby C S » Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:30 pm

like that works

i'd use masshysteria, becomming a person highly reknown(infamous?)in politics and using established fear (terrorism, government decline, global warming, the apocalypse :lol: ) and making people think i can save them all, ill rule unapposed

but to be safe, a millitary dictatorship would be my insurance policy, and maybe a weaponised strain of anthrax to...exterminate those that i expect plotting to over throw me
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Postby chook151 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:34 am

I would fly to mars, blow earth up, and come back to live on the bits of black burnt rocks that remained. :| :arrow: :twisted:
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Postby Giratina93 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:32 pm

I would wait until someone opened up a portal between the Torn world and the real world, then the Torn world would slowly consume the real world, Thus making me the ruler of the real world.


Real plan is to build a sort of super weopon that would force the nations to surrender to me and my army of Sharpclaw.
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Postby C S » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:34 pm

Wouldnt you be consumed with the world aswell?

Wouldnt the entire universe be sucked into this...Torn world of yours...
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Postby Evil Eye » Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:40 pm

what the heck is a torn world? and as an alternative to destroying it, i could destroy all the people and live in peace on a tree...
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:57 pm

I would build the Death Star and force the planet into submission

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Postby Giratina93 » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:28 am

My second, backup plan would be to unleash all of the earth's Kaij, allowing them to run rampant and destroy all the nations of the Earth.

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Postby C S » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:29 am

kaiju are japanese monsters that seem to be drawn to trample tokyo, AKA not real...
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Postby SuperNerd » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:30 am

use the death star and threaten to blow up earth :twisted: :twisted:

Postby UltraGrunt117 » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:36 am

I would assasinate Russias president then become their new presedent and order the Russian army to attack Asia and Europe and launching nukes at china and large military bases around the world after that Id launch nukes all over America and force Australia and all other countries too surrender to ME!! :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby SuperNerd » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:55 am

i would nuke every singal country :twisted:

Postby Anaclagon » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:47 pm

and then the world would be ****** up and chances are..every living thing will die

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