Realms of The Dragons Profiles

Profiles for the dead.

Realms of The Dragons Profiles

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:35 am

Length: [if applicable]
wingspan: [if it's a dragon, and if it has wings]
Allegience: [GDEA, DDASF, other specialised organisation, Dragons, none...etc]

Name: Inferno

Alias: The Flamelord

Age: 10,000 years old [young for a dragon of his type. he went into hibernation 500 years BC]
Species:Imperial Dragon [Imperial is used for his sheer size and power.]

Length: 315 Ft

Height: 148 Ft

Wingspan: 310 Ft

Weapons: Jaws, Claws, Tail, Wings [in case of emergencies], Horns [not very useful, since they're behind his head], Fin Crest [it's razor sharp and is now becoming close to the pure element of fire], Fire Breath, ice breath, Fire Magic [his most powerful type, being part elemental], Nature Magic [Earthquakes and volcanoes are under his control], the ability to communicate telapathically and read minds. his body itself is a weapon, being massive, and completely engulfed in flames

Appearance: He has maroon skin covered in black tiger stripes. His chest scales are a blackish tint, with hints of glowing white along it's edges where his core temperature manages to reach. his chest scales bend into a line of small backwards curved spikes down the center of his chest, giving him improved protection over the average dragon. He has a set of unusually large, powerful wings, which have a large number of tiny cuts and rips near the edges, the result of arrow attacks aimed at them long ago. although he can repair his wings to near perfect, he doesn't, because it doesn't effect his flying at all, and assists the intimidation factor. his wings and fin are almost constantly bathed in massive white flames, generating enough heat to melt flesh from bone even 100 meters away. Inferno has 4 long spiked horns going out of the back of his head, curving upwards near the ends of them. he has a pair of webbed ears which look alot like small wings, only not jointed like the wings are. his jaw has a small spiky beard-like formation on his chin. the areas near the joints of his lower jaw curve up in a series of spikes. he also has a small nose horn, and bright, royal blue eyes, with creamy orange iris' and black, slitted pupils, though when angered, as is frequent at presant, his eyes glow fiery white, like his wings and fin, and flames seem to flow freely from within. It is believed this is a magical energy designated the term 'ether'. he has black claws which have veins of a glowing orange marble-like pattern in them, and are razor sharp, slashing through solid rock with ease.

Personality: Calm but short tempered. he has had a very difficult life when he was young. he had been in many fights with other red dragons, but, near the end of his life awake, he had managed to make sure that he would be feared and respected for as long as he lived, and maybe long after that. his 8000 years of fighting experience has made him a master of his skills, both natural and magical. his scales are extremely tough, and are unharmed by fire and electricity, making him incredibly difficult to hurt. has a weakness to concentrated nuclear radiation and ice. being exposed to it for more than 10 minutes would weaken him to the strength of a regular dragon, making him vulnerable to side winder missiles. more than once he's been weakned to the point where he seemed dead, even having his breathing stop. however, this is just a temporary hibernation, putting his metabolism into over drive, quickly regenerating damaged body parts, and returning him to full strength. the extreme metabolic rate in this state actually makes him unvulnerable until he awakens, after which, even nuclear radiation cannot harm him immediately, since his metabolism is still not back down to it's normal rate. he remains in this unvulnerable living state for a day, after which, he returns to his usual self, though his requirement for food means that the surrounding area may be decimated soon afterwards, voided of life. he has the ability to swim underwater, which has puzzled most of the people who were studying dragons in the old ages, since he was mainly a fire elemental, which supposedly had a weakness to water...

Inferno's Roar

Name: Spectre
Age 3,000
Species: Shadow Wyvern- Shadow Dragon subspecies
length: 35 feet
height: 10 feet
wingspan: 30 feet

Weapons: razor-sharp teeth, bone crushing jaws, very sharp claws, curved, fang-like boney formations on the beak-like formation over it's jaws, incredibly strong wing bones with sharp edges for emergancies. surgeonfish-like blades along tail, and a steel-hard, spear-like tip. can shoot a stream of extremely hot black flames from it's mouth, but doing so requires it to burn some of it's food, making it a dangerous weapon to use when food is scarce. it's alternative creates the opposite effect as far as it's purpose, a freezing breath of chilling air which can range anywhere between a cool breeze and absolute zero tempretures. is also capable of short distance teleportation and invisibility for short periods of time. can also twist time and space to a degree, examples of it being the ability to make objects such as bullets and missiles go through him harmlessly, and taking something in his jaws or claws or by other means to, if he wills to, teleport it with him to a different place. it has a notable degree of control over the realm of psychic magic, being able to use the discomfort of targets to implant fear and panic into their minds, though it can go as far as possessing dead beings and using them against his opponents, or even possessing notable numbers of smaller creatures to overwhelm targets.

Appearance: a black Wyvern that moves on all fours, it's arms connected to it's wings. it has a long, black blade-lined tail which ends in a very sharp, poisonous steel-hard tip, which can be used to penetrate most metal barriers provided the depth isn't greater than the length of the tail tip. it's head, the back of it's neck, back and tail are covered in fur, while it's arms are only partially covered in it. below the fur lies a layer of extremely hard scale, being capable of taking several shots in one spot before coming at risk of injury. it's head in particular is especially well armoured, despite it's appearance. the wing membrane is a dark blood red, which varies from plain black on normal days to rich dark, blood red when enraged. it's eyes are usually a piercing, feral yellow colour, turning red when enraged. it can both run and fly at frighteningly fast speed, some having reported fighter jets being plucked out of the sky during attacks caused by it.
Basic appearance of Specter
Personality: calm, calculating, manipulative and malicious, Spectre is rare among his breed in his way of toying with targets before actually attacking them. he's surprisingly intelligent. a natural born planner, it's very difficult to get him in a situation he can't figure a way out of

Name: Typhoon
Age: 30,000
Species: Tyrant Wyvern
Length: 200 feet
Height: 80 feet
wingspan: 180 feet
Weapons: incredibly powerful jaws, wing claws, acid armed tail and extremely destructive temperment. extremely powerful flame breath capable of melting entire buildings in moments if enough of it's intensity comes in contact with it. ice breath is known for actually freezing the rotors of helicoptors to the point they're inoperable, and there have been rumours of him freezing lava in it's tracks when it was close to his food. Fire and Thunder magic are his main magical weapons, though he preffers not to use either, as it removes the pleasure of the fight through the shear power of them. his occasionally foul mood is a death sentence to those who cross it
Appearance: A black and silver Wyvern whose appearance causes most to flee in terror. a Wyvern to top all Wyverns, this one is easily one of the most fearsome. His wings are silver coloured with pure black, tribal flame patterns all over it, with 3 ring circles at the ends of the webbing spread between each of his elongated wing fingers. his underside also has tribal patterns on it, very similar to those on his wings. the joint where all the wing fingers are attached has a row of large, very hard, razor sharp claws on it, ranging between 4 and 7 feet long. he has a very long tail, which makes up over half his length, at a total of 50 feet long, ending in a large club with talon-like spikes on it's edges, and a row of razor sharp spikes forming on top, ending the row of heavily armoured scales that extend from the base of his skull to the tip if his acid armed tail. he has a skull that bares such a striking resemblance to that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex that scientists are calling him the last descendants of the Tyrannosauridae linage of Dinosaurs, though it's doubtful that any true relation exists, as no Tyrannosaur found has ever come close to half this creature's size, and the genus has never shown any ancestor with even half this creature's proportionate arm size. with a set of 5 horns in the shape of a crown, and 4 spikes growing out of either side of the base of his lower jaw, totalling 8, and a chin spike so long it can be used to skewer some small vehicles, it is a stunning sight to see. with teeth reaching 4 feet in length in some cases, and flames that could burn through the strongest of armours with little trouble, and a relatively long neck, he is without doubt one of the most vicious creatures to come against...
Personality: cold, cruel, foul tempered and cunning, this Wyvern's wise and calculating mind is the bane of all who oppose the beast. known for his habit of killing any Dragon or Wyvern that crosses him with disrespect, some people call him more of a neccesary evil in the fight against the Dragons, and that he may one day end up wiping them out if others of his kind exist. thus far, there have been 10 identified individuals of this species, but this one is by far the largest, being twice the size of the largest among the other 9. a rogue, he roams the English Isles and may leave if food becomes too scarce...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:11 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:43 am

Name: Buraki
Age: 86,000
Species: Electrical Dragon
Length: 340 feet
Height: 170 feet
Wingspan: 550 feet
Weapons: Jaws, Claws, Horns, Tail, Shadow Flame (like fire except a little stronger and is black), Electric Breath, Shapeshift Magic, and Electric Magic (Summons blackish lightening from sky, can manipulate natural lightening to strike foes, can tamper with electrical weapons).
Personality: Ruthless, terrifying, and manipulative, Buraki uses many forms, his original form and his Human form being the most used. His unique range of abilities, and power of electricity makes him a fearsome foe. Buraki also tampers with human affairs as one of his favorite past times. He is an old, experienced, powerful dragon, and is definitely not to be confronted.
Allegiance: Himself.

Name: Frank Stormrage
Age: 35
Species: Human
Height: 6'1"
Weapons: A handgun while by himself, Frank spends most of his time in a Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark attack helicopter, the machine able to deal with dragon kind very well without any advancements. Its dual rottors allows it to move quickly and randomly for evasive maneuvers. It can cruise at 145mph, and turn suddenly to one side without slowing down, also able to perform evasive maneuvers resembling jets and other aircraft of that kind, including barrel rolls. It has four hardpoints, firing laser guided anti-tank missiles, capable of blowing apart the hardest dragonskin. The laser guidance system is nearly unjammable, as well as chasing an evading target effectively. On either side of the aircraft are 30mm cannons, moving quickly from target to target. The Ka-50 is a single seat helicopter, and thus allows Frank to use all of its weapons and abilities.
Appearance: A tall, black haired man, Frank has a small goatee and usually wears camouflage pants and a military jacket. Around his neck, he wears the dog tags of fallen comrades, as well as his own.
Personality: A bit arrogant, Frank usually takes skirmishes with the dragons seriously, but makes also is known to joke about situations, no matter how dire.
Allegiance: His own group of allies.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Shade » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:28 am

Name: Amon
Age: in the 100,000s (hibernated sometime in Ancient Egypt)
Species: Egyptian Gaurdian Dragon
Length: 412 ft.
Height: 200 ft.
Wingspan: 500 ft.
Weapons: Teeth, firebreathing, claws as impenetrable as diamond, antler like horns that are deadly sharp, spiked tail, and unbelievable height that paralyzes any adversary, and the spines down his back are razor sharp. Can shrink willingly, but is usually used to squeeze through the pyramid corridors.
Appearance: Golden scales, one piercing and wise yellow eye and one blurry gray eye, antler-like horns, deeply scarred face, long serpintine tail with long spikes on the end, long muzzle, and great powerful wings, and sharp spines down his back. And always wears an Aunk around his neck.
Personality: Wise, gentle, has a unhealthy thirst for knowledge, studious, scholarly, thinks that humans are not all bad and can contribute to the world's greatness.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:12 am

Name: Lieutenant Commander John Cutler
Callsign: Grim Reaper
Age: 28
Species: Human
Height: 6'3
Organizations: American Airforce, allies with the DDSF

Weapons: Ace Pilot of a new generation of aircraft, a joint effort from American and Russian efforts to create a jet that can move at unmatched speeds and have unmatched weapons that was truely meant to kill dragon, a jet designed to help turn the tide of battle with its appearance. The plane has been titled the CFA-44 Nosferatu.

The CFA-44, product of combined American and Russian efforts is considered to be the deadliest jet in the sky due to its unmatched speed and future weapons. Armed with the newest and strongest long range missles and duel armor piercing machine guns, the jet already stands out in terms of capabilities. Capable of being carried based as well, the jet is considered to be unmatched in the air, land or sea..mostly due to its "Special weapons" What makes the CFA-44 a truly out standing war machine that it was built from scratch to deal with dragons unlike american fighters of the past. While anti dragon fighters are being built at the american homeland, the CFA-44 is still the only one of its class and upon its service, it has proven how effective it can be.

CFA-44 Special Weapons:

ADMM or the All Direction Multi Purpose Missle are fired from secret compartments hidden in the plane itself. Its capable of targetting both land and air targets at the same time with destructive results. The missles are highly accurate and leave a devasting explosion that lingers on for several moments to ensure complete obliteration. The ADMM is usually fired in clusters and are considered the most accurate aerial weapons in the air, capable of targeting even targets directly behind the aircraft. Upon being released from the fighter, the missiles emit a large bright golden light that is capable of temporarily blinding dragons for a short period, leaving them vulnerable for the actual weapons themselves.
The second weapon..the EML or the duel mini rail guns are very destructive as well. The weapons fired super splugs at super speeds, easily capable of drilling holes and leaving brutal injuries in even the hardest defenses. Such powerful weapons like the ADMM are carried in limited quantities but their effects are much more devastating then standard missiles.

John's Knights: Formerly known as the Dalton Boys, the new squadron has reformed under John's leadership after being command by their former LT Colonel. Each surviving pilot is highly talented in their fighters and is responsible for their own custom modifications with the engineers brought along with them.

Appearance: A clean cut, short haired athletic individual. Has a strong, atheltic build. Stands at 6'3 and around 225 lbs in terms of weight. His training personal regime keeps highly in shape and its known that John was a talented boxer in his time with quick feet and an incredible combination of speed and power.

Personality: Cocky and bold. He is a master airforce pilot..a renowned Ace who's career even before the war with the dragons was heavily distinguished. The man has countless awards and medals benefitting an ace such as the Gold Medal of Marksmanship. When the dragons finally hit America, America's chain of command was broken and it become practically every base for themselves. A renowned ace known as Dalton would lead John and their original squadron into combat against the dragons and with advanced and sometimes questionable tactics, the airforce pilots turned out victorious. More and more Dalton would develop effective fighting techniques as the military struggled to deal with the threat. Upon his death form a brutal injury in one battle, John was given command and had been on a roll ever since. Once known as "Dalton's Boys", John has rallied the same group of men as "John's Knights". John and his men would go on from place to place, cleasning areas of dragons thanks to their skills and developed tactics. John and his men would become living legends and heroes for American war pilots to rally on. They are mostly credited to why the east coast of America is practically free from any large dragon threat. While America now struggles to rebuild, John and what remained of his original squadron proceed to England to assist the British in their fight. Not only was this Dalton's will, it became John and the other pilots mission as well. Despite their successes, America was clearly not as bad as it was in Europe which was where the true threats lay..
Last edited by Anaclagon on Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:59 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Postby Zephyr » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:17 am

Name: Hlal
Age: 10,000 years
Species: Fang dragon
Length: 500ft
Height: 170ft
Wingspan: 850ft (tip to tip)

Weapons: Bite, claw, triple tail-blades, plasma breath, lightning and earth magic, sonic roar, entire body.His roar is deafening wave of sound that can cause machinery in particular to malfuction.

Description: Grey and black scales. Body is covered in blade like protrusions that makes his entire body a lethal weapon,even his scales are razor-edged, putting rival dragons at risk of injury if attacking him physically. He is ferocious and tries to take his fights in melee to have the pleasure of shreding the flesh of his enemies.

Personality: Aggressive and impatient, becomes il-tempered, if someone wastes his time,( which usually takes a 30 second conversation unless he is in a good mood), Enjoys causing havoc and chaos with his roar which deafens anyone long enough for him to be able to strike. He shreds his food to pieces every time he eats.
Last edited by Zephyr on Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby chook151 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:52 am

Name: Vriktos
Age: 2'000
Species: Icedrake
Length: 121 Ft
wingspan: 220 Ft
Weapons: Icebreath:freezes Enemies, gives frostbite,negates dragon breath etc./Teeth: Bite/claws:Slash,Grab ,etc./tailwhip:a long tail with spikes.
Appearance: Blue, teal scales, Coal black eyes, white underbelly. grey claws,teeth, foreboding look, no front legs, muscly bulky snout, and head.
Spines going down back.
Personality: Dangerous,loses temper alot, kind, cruel sometimes, shifting emotions.
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Postby Iceking » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:16 am

Length:410 feet
Height:100 feet at head, 110 at back spine
Weapons:Ice breath, Ice magic, claws, tail, teeth, serrated edges on chin, can burrow, spine on back is very sharp, wind magic.
Personality:Patient, rarley loses control of his emmotions. He prefers to keep to himself and stay out of the afairs of other dragons.
Allience:Himself, No allies yet.

Age:12,000 years
Length:99 feet
Height:50 feet
Weapons:Electrical breath, teeth, claws on feet and wings, tail, whip like projections on the back of both of his wings, Electricity magic, earth magic and can teleport for short distances once every 3 minutes.
Apperance:Identical to this: but the long projections on his wings have more spikes on them.
Personality:Calm and generally willing to avoid fighting other dragons if he has a feeling it's a fight he can't win. Has a great dislike for humans and if he sees any far away from any possible assistance, he won't hesitate to kill them.
Allience:Himself for the current time.

Name:Azure spine
Height:100 feet
Length:210 feet
Species:amphibious dragon
Powers:Teeth, tail, claws, electric breath, electric magic, spines on back to a certain extent, quick swimmer, ice breath, ice magic and able to hold his breath for up to 3 hours.
Personality:generally calm, he is also somewhat short tempered, although he usualy can keep himself from attacking unless whatever is irritating him also ends up attacking him.
Last edited by Iceking on Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby dragonhid60 » Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:46 pm

Name: Blaze
Age: 7, 672 (relatively young to his species)
Species: Heat Dragon
Length: 192 ft
Height: 69 ft
Weapons: Blasts balls of superheated air out of his mouth, claws, jaws,
Appearance: He has large spines running along his back, he is a dark red in colouration, but has black spots placed in random places on his head, an orange line running along his spine, orange on his brows and large Carnotaurus like brow horns (reinforced with an extra layer of bone). He is a Wyvern, a four limbed biped ( his front limbs are wings).
Personality: Incredibly confident, fiery temper, once in an argument extremely argumentative, loyal, happy most of the time.

Postby Evil Eye » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:51 pm

Name: Morgoth
Age: approximately 12,000 years old
Species: Phase Dragon
Length: 300 ft
Height: 90 ft
Wingspan: 200 ft
Weapons: Fire breath, row of spines along back, tail club/mace thing, horns. Most of his powers, however, are attributed to his mind, and vary around different forms of telekinesis. Two stand out from these. As the name of his species indicates, he has the ability to "phase", meaning he can contract or expand the molecules in his body, either making himself very tight dense making it nearly impossible to get through his skin, or he can go to the other extreme and expand the molecules so far that he becomes something similar to a liquid or gas, making it possible for almost any object can pass through him without harming him, save for heated substances like fire, or corrosive ones like acid, depending on which he chooses to become (liquid-like or gas-like). His major weaknesses are special powers...
Usually chooses not to land, instead floating using telekinesis. The spines, horns, tail mace, and wing structures are all made up of his bones, which are deep black...
Personality: He is cunning, cruel, and vicious. He hates most humans for depleting his race, though he wont go out of his way attack them without due cause. He is indifferent to other dragons, and will tolerate them at best, but will help them when needed...
Allegience: Dragons, though somewhat reluctantly, and only when completely necessary...
Last edited by Evil Eye on Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby MaledictisUmbra » Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:42 am

Name: Shaded Flame
Age: 2,973
Species: Shadow Dragon
Length: 500 Feet
Height: 300 Feet
wingspan: 1000 feet
Weapons: Claws, Fangs, Powerful bite, Shadow flame (a jet black stream of energy that can melt any man-made metal) , acid breath (has the corresive properties of industrial strength sulferic acid [used in combat against other dragons])

Appearance: Jet black skin with a smooth appearence to his skin. His eyes glow red. There are two horns proturding from his head stread back over his neck. His hands have three claws each on them and his feet have five. The upper fangs protrude over his bottom jaw and his bottom fangs protrude over his upper jaw. His body is long and slender.

Personality: He prefers his solotude. Although sometimes he will seek out other dragons to go wreak havoc on human kind. He has a very noticable hatred for mankind and will often times seek them out and kill them any chance he gets. Having seen his mate killed has made him emotionally cold and distant.
Last edited by MaledictisUmbra on Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby slashmaster101 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:22 am

Name: baguri
Age: 3000
Species: whyrm
Length: 600ft
Height: 10 t0ns
Weapons: constricting coils, poisonous fangs, blue flames, deadly gaze and can swim and tunnel into the earth.
Appearance: a long black snake like dragon with grey underbelly scales and red spines on his back and a large grey frill around his head with golden eyes.
Personality: aggressive and secritive
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Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:20 am

Name: Abaddon
Age: 10,875
Species: Crystal dragon
Length: 700 feet
Height: 200 feet
Wingspan: 550 feet
weapons: razor sharp claws, teeth, spiked tail, air drafts from his wings, pointed horns on the sides of his head, ability to shoot sharp, crystallized spikes from various points on his body. (usually along his back and his tail)

Appearence: A large, striking dragon with forward poiting horns on his head and multiple spikes at the end of his tail, along with spines on his back. His wings have razor sharp spikes on them that can be used to slash his foes. His eyes are a bluish hew, and his body is a pearlish white (however, due to the nature of Crystal dragon's flesh, their colors are often changing in the light, like a rainbow). His teeth are sharp and serrated at their ends.

personality: Mocking and cruel. His is unfriendly and indiscriminate if he feels threatened. When angered, he often attacks and shows no remorse. However, should you stay on his good side, he will not bother you and might help you if he feels obligated to do so.

Allegience: None. He prefers to be alone and often enjoys fighting other creatures. However, he knows when to keep to himself and occasionally joins up with other dragons if necessary.
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:55 pm

Name: Known by humans as the "Deathwyrm." He seems to like this title.
Age: At least 10,000 years old, if not a bit more.
Species: Lava Dragon
Length: 400-500 feet
Height: When on hind legs: around 300 feet. On all fours: 70-80 feet.
Wingspan: 100 feet
Weapons: Capable of breathing colossal streams of fire from his mouth, sheer size allows Deathwyrm to use his entire body as a weapon, powerful jaws can crush nearly anything, immune to heat, to the point that he can immerse himself in pools of lava, which he doesn't hesitate to do on occasion, can swallow lava to belch up later as a weapon or use to fuel his fire-producing organ, can breathe superheated steam instead of fire if necessary.
Appearance: The rest of Deathwyrm's body is long and serpentlike, with a number of thick, conical spikes along the tail.
Personality: Vicious and uncompromising, Deathwyrm wants nothing more than the eradication of the human invaders. He is willing to work with other dragons towards this goal, but he isn't a big fan of those that are large enough to compromise his food supplies in areas where he is active. Fortunately, Deathwyrm spends most of his time sleeping in the nearest volcanic area between his short, but brutal, killing sprees.
Allegience: None.

Name: Scavenger
Age: 500 years old.
Species: Vulture Dragon
Length: 20 feet
Height: 10 feet
Wingspan: 20 feet
Weapons: Capable of spewing explosive fireballs with unerring accuracy, but otherwise relies on melee attacks. However, Scavenger, like the rest of his kind, prefers swooping fireball attacks from a safe distance.
Appearance: A charcoal-black Wyvern with a spiny backside and tail. Spiny, featherlike protrusions extend from Scavenger's neck, marking him out as the leader of his flock. This plumage can extend and flatten, as well as change color to limited degrees, depending on his mood.
Personality: Scavenger is the pack leader of a flock of so-called "Vulture Dragons," a species of small (relatively) Wyvern that gathers in swarms and attacks just about anything around their size or smaller. They are considered the "piranhas of the skies," but will also scavenge from dead bodies and even devour ash when necessary, earning their name. Scavenger himself is particularly cunning and intelligent, but he often thinks with his stomach, as does his flock.
Last edited by dinoman666 on Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:59 am

Name: Heruh, nicknamed Blue Eye
Age: 500
Species: Dragon
Length: 13' 6''
Height: 7'
wingspan: 10' 8''
Weapons: Ice Breath, Water Element, claws/teeth, sometimes wings and his spiked tail.

Appearance: Heruh is nicknamed Blue Eye is named this because his left eye has been blue his whole life, while his right one was a normal green yellowish color, his wings are firey orange, he has a horn on his snout, 4 inch middle claws, 3 inch claws (on the other two toes on each foot that are outside the middle toes,) a crocodile like mouth, 7 inch teeth, and a icey blue body color. He also has two pairs of spikes on the tip of his tail, all of which are sharp enough to impale bricks.

Personality: Heruh has felt lonely ever since his family was killed by dragon hunters, but is usually a social type of dragon. He is somewhat shy around others, but is also a vicious killer seeking revenge.
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