Dino Crisis

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Dino Crisis

Postby WhiteRaptor » Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:06 pm

Dino Crisis 1 + 2 are two of the best Games I´ve ever played!!
But....do you know Dino Crisis 3 for XBox?
It SUCKS (in my opinium)!!!!
You must fight against Alien...things and not REAL Dinosaurs!!

What do you think about the game?
I´m the legendary white Raptor!!
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:22 pm

I've only played DC 2. It was fun, though, I didn't really take it seriously. most of the time I was jogging through the maps shot gunning raptors in the face or hoseing them down the heavy machine gun. Though the pistol is fun, it needs real skill to take down the stronger enemies with it and without getting hurt.

I remember a while back, me Kp and TT had a race in it, all playing on hard mode. I was the first to die. XP don't know about TT and Kp. Think they died shortly after.
And yes, it was pretty embarassing. The race was originally the first to finish the game. Then it became last man standing X_x
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Postby Legendary Elite » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:43 am

I actually got this for PS1, it was the scariest game I had played like right at the start when the first raptor you encounter ambushes you.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:44 am

(note: this is now the offical topic for talking about all three dc games. The Dino crisis 2 topic has been locked.)

Didnt DC1 use the same engine as 2?
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Postby Legendary Elite » Wed May 07, 2008 10:58 am

I think so. It was mainly based on the Action rather than Horror but still, better than the first. DC3 I liked even though many hated it. I thought the mutant boss Dinosaurs looked pretty awesome. I mean come on, Australis, an Electric shooting T-Rex! That's pure ownage! and then you got Miaplacidus, the Spinosaurus with amphibious abilities including able to unleash any liquid from its mouth (that is it can swim in any chemical and spew it out). I'll admit Cebalrai (mutant 3-headed Giganotosaurus) was not the best boss considering he is the last (and plus looks nothing like the Giga, more like a Carcharodontosaur). Yeah of course it wasn't scary but the graphics were quite impressive and yeah, camera angles were a pain in the *** to get around sometimes but it wasn't always the case. But yeah, the previous 2 games were better.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed May 07, 2008 9:28 pm

I remember playing the first one as a kid, I usually looking through the manual. In other cases I used to be scared truely, from what I recall there was some weird music or you were randomly attacked by raptors and such...I was 5 or 4 so yea..

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Postby Legendary Elite » Wed May 07, 2008 10:43 pm

oh yes I was in the exact same position as you Anac! :lol: That is until I learned how to fire my weapon! :lol: And you actually are supposed to avoid the first raptor encounter but still, I shot that SOB until it fell!
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Postby Lolburst » Thu May 08, 2008 5:34 pm

I remember that i played this as kid. Well, it was scary in some points, but i didn't care about the gore. The real thing was unpredictably of the enemies, they usually popped when you ran through some area, but if you walked, they wouldn't always jump from the windows and start ripping guts. The main thing was the first music, but the others weren't so scary. The piano plus some kind of violin/drum in first music WAS creepy, while the second music made more awareness. I had always medical stuff and resus. packs that i could never actually lose the game, but only few times at the part where T-rex comes from side of that communications area. (not chief's room!)
A little scary, since i always fell when it smashed, and then it started chomping constantly.

Because i forgot completely this game for years, i then remembered it by looking through my old, dusty PS1 game collection. I then ordered Dino Crisis 2, but it wasn't scary at all. It was more of a shooter than survival horror.

I had last night a strange dream of Dino Crisis 3. It had Baryonyx chasing in one part, and Regina was main character. Not space monsters. In earth at some dark facility.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Fri May 09, 2008 12:03 am

Still, it isn't like there will be a DC4 :lol:. Yeah the first T-Rex encounter scared me really good. You just never expected it.

In DC3 you actually have a better chance of seeing the enemies coming for you. It only gets annoying when the bosses pulled off 1-hit kill moves. Regulus did this, not to mention Miaplacidus and then Cebalrai (Australis didn't do this however and the Rigel Domain is a tree-like organism). I reckon it was good though how you have different weapons to use like "WASPS" for example, the little machines could launch and then blast your enemy although I must admit the Infernos are hard to use without getting hit in the blast yourself.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri May 09, 2008 8:07 pm

Oh yes firing your weapon! when I played I had no idea.. so you can get the picture as your trying to run and cant do anything as the raptor rips you apart.

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Postby chook151 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:06 pm

I hope this topic isnt dead. if it is sorry for bumping it.

In my opinion, dino crisis 1 was the best. since it stuck to horror.
2 was mainly action and 3 was... I'm trying to find out the foulest word for it.

I like the part in DC2 when your underwater. thats got the most horror in the whole of DC2. :)
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Postby SuperNerd » Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:31 pm

i played the secong one. Its awsome exept the giga at the end took me forever to kill :x

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