Alien Isolation

Video game reviews and discussion.

Alien Isolation

Postby LV-426 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 1:39 am

So after the train wreck that was Aliens Colonial Marines it was a welcomed change of pace that instead of getting another genetic Aliens first person shooter that we go an outstanding survival horror game. This game excels in both atmosphere and dread, this game did what so few manage to do, it frightened me. Such a great game
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Were in the pipe five by five
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Re: Alien Isolation

Postby AronRi » Sun Nov 26, 2017 12:12 pm

I agree. Alien Isolation was excellent. I only played it recently because I din't think it was good this whole time. Man, was I pleasently surprised.
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Re: Alien Isolation

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:47 am

Rofl. Yeah, I have heard a lot of good things about that game. Captures the scare factor of the xenomorphs well and meshes with the original movie. I would love to see more games along those lines, tbh. There isn't enough out there that executes the scary factor well.
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Re: Alien Isolation

Postby Dinosaur1993! » Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:35 am

Honestly the perfect game would combine the tension of the first film with the characters of the second. Imagine playing as a squad of colonial marines as you’re slowly being picked off one by one. Also, if you’re ammo was limited and you only had a certain amount of time to escape. That would be a pretty cool experience.
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