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Fallout Series

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:14 pm
by Mini-Shot
What do you guys think about the Fallout series? I really enjoyed Fallout 1-3 but I like the first two more than the third. The first two had a really funny sense of humour. The third ditched the humour and went for a more serious approach. So, what do you think about the Falout series?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:45 pm
by UltraGrunt117
WTF? No offence I haven't played 1/2 i've played 3 really good but I don't think I'd really like the first 2. I like 3rd/1st Person Shooters more then turn based games

Fallout Wiki of course :P

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:26 pm
by Doc 42
I've only played the third one I'm afraid (I've been meaning to get the first two though)
However, From what you said, I think I'd perfer it more than the other two. The thing I love about Fallout 3 is how dark it is. Maybe it isn't AS funny as the other two, but I thought it was hilarious and in combination with the almost depressing world in it, its one of the most surreal gaming experiences I've ever had. You could find yourself laughing and falling to the floor at one point, then a while later find yourself horrified and disturbed by what you've heard or seen.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:09 am
by UltraGrunt117
I agree I are trying to get the DLC's for F3 but I have more important things...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:18 am
by o-eternal-o
I haven't played the first two, although i'd like to.

I really love Fallout 3. Well, i actually love Bethesda, so any game they develop i scramble to get XP

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:46 am
by UltraGrunt117
Seems like noone has played the first two but they all have played the 3rd

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:00 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
i've only played fallout 3 but that one kicked ***

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:40 am
by TyrantTR
To contradict what everyone seems to be saying, I played Fallout 3 and didn't see what all the hype was about.

Perhaps it was due to the lack of a manual (it was a used copy) but the game didn't give you ANY idea whatsoever of what you were supposed to do. IDK maybe I just don't like RPG shooters much, but as soon as I walked out into the big empty wasteland, and realize how big and empty it was I honestly had no idea what the hell it wanted me to do next.

I then proceeded to walk randomly into some cove of rocks and found some trashed city with a nuclear bomb right in the center. I honestly don't know what the game hopes you will achieve. I did manage to progress fairly far in the game before finally deciding I had enough of it. But every time I had to go somewhere I had to walk, and there weren't any enemies to fight to sweeten the long arduous journey, just rocks, barren trees, small destroyed towns. And then seldomy a giant scorpion, bee, or mutated dog thing. Only later did my friends tell me there was a map in the game, and even a teleporting device of some sort or something like that. But that's something I think the game should be telling you in some lengthy tutorial.

Its a complex game, and I seem to think that more simple games tend to be better.

I will agree with Doc that the atmosphere of the game was great, just wish it was filled with more entertainment...
or maybe compacted a bit more. It had a lot to show you, (the whole city on the boat thing was actually pretty cool, and the fight with the giant mutant at the radio station was intense.) but it focused on being so huge it didn't seem to be interesting enough to hold you until it showed it all.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:58 pm
by Cpt.Yuke
o-eternal-o wrote:I haven't played the first two, although i'd like to.

I really love Fallout 3. Well, i actually love Bethesda, so any game they develop i scramble to get XP

i second that
bethesda develops awesome games

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:10 pm
by Doc 42
TTR, I'm amazed that you didn't find much. For my second character, I turned around and went away from the nuke city, in a completely random direction. I've found ridiculous amounts of random stuff that are completely un connected to quests. I found two more of those giant super mutants, just these ones didn't have armour (err, shopping trolleys?)

The story of how I met the first one just goes to show why I'm surprised at you not finding anything. I stumbled across a small camp, two mutants with their assorted stuff. After grenading the place to kingdom come and picking them off with my rifle, I investigate to find some shopping trolleys twisted into cages, one hinged onto another. Most were empty, with one having some bones in it, but another had a single baby doll locked inside. After laughing at the randomness of it, I opened the cage and stole the baby. I start to walk away from the camp, back the way I came, when I see a mutant the size of a building emerging from the fog in the distance.

After one of the scariest chases of my gaming life, I managed to hide under an overpass, where big green and ugly couldn't fit.

I found the other one inside a large bandit camp, around an old train yard. It was in this huge electric cage. After sneaking around a while, I spotted some generators. Curious to see what would happen, I blew up the generators. Then I made a break for the main building. by the time I got to the door, all that could be heard was splattering and gun shots. When I eventually left, the whole place was covered in blood and severed limbs.

Not part of any quests, as far removed from the main quest as possible. Just a random little adventure.

Currently, I'm exploring some strange craters not too far away from where I met the mutants. There is lots of them, of varying size. The smallest being the size of a car, the largest a football pitch. All of them have entrances opened into their sides and are heavily irradiated. I've found some interesting stuff already, but I'm certain there's more.

But yes: you can 'teleport' to locations you've already been too, ie, fast travel (but time is moved forward to accomodate it, so its not really teleporting)