Things concerning the site.


Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:52 am


RPGTEW continues to irritate me. I'm actually considering removing it...permanently. It's a pathetic E-War initially meant for random fun. a vent for actions not allowed in this topic. Yet now people seem to think that it is the main attraction and activity centre of the site. This...will have to change. The RPGs are being neglected, despite substantial efforts by the staff to make them comfortable for new members who weren't around when the stories first started. FRPG is barely moving sufficiently to be called active, WRPG is being operated by NO FEWER THAN 3 Members [possibly 4 once I have re-entered it], ISS is functioning smoothly albeit slower than it should, and the Dinosaur Island RPG, while it was an experiment that was meant to die out eventually anyway, has ground to a halt long before it should. It puzzles me. When we [the staff and senior members active in discussions such as this] saw the RPGs slowing down prior to the reboot, we were sympathetic, thinking that perhaps the stories of those RPGs had advanced to the point where new members were frightened by complexity that in reality didn't exist. so we shut the old ones down and rebooted them. started from scratch. gave everyone a chance for a fresh start, make their own plots, post freely, comfortably and unhindered. and yet still....the main attraction of the site is neglected in favour of a random action dump-site.

Can anyone explain to me why, that is? What is it, I ask, that makes you abandon the massive amount of creative freedom and artistic capacity available in the RPGs, and go towards the basic, dull, pointless waste spot that is the RPGT E-War? I know it can't be lack of time. you're in the middle of your summer holidays. only the few of us in Higher Education or Summer School are actually busy at this point, aside from outings with friends and family and other normal activities. is it boredom? if so then why not fix that? the RPGs offer an ENORMOUS amount of entertainment value if you provide a bit of your time to join in. all it takes is creating a character you'd enjoy RPing as, and jumping in. the rest is almost automatic. ISS is in it's infancy. you could literally make anything you like [within the rule limitations] and set up whatever plot you want. FRPG is a gigantic blank canvas. you could do just about anything you like in there. all it takes is the will to write it. WRPG is almost the same. it's practically blank. none of the old stuff that slowly choked it in it's last days. you could start from zero in there. the whole point of the reboot was to give people who felt hindered by what was already written, freedom to let their imaginations run wild, to give them the freedom to create the stories they want. to build the characters they wanted, how they wanted. So tell me, why is all that potential being ignored in favour of a jumble of chaotic, pointless, worthless actions in the RPGT E-War?

I await answers.
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Postby Evil Eye » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:50 pm

I can't speak for anyone else, but I know when writer's block or anything similar hits, its much easier to just go into the ewar and have some fun, without having to worry about detail in posts, rules, a solid plot, etc. Though I haven't actually been in the ewar for a good while. Just speculating.
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Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:41 pm

Eh. I think it is solely because (and I speak from my experiences) it can be difficult to think of something to put into an RPG, due to higher quality being needed at times. The E-war allows retarded freedom that isn't needed for an RPG (ie making a hippo randomly sit on someone). However, I think that the freedom of it has gotten out of hand and needs to be terminated. I honestly believe you should get rid of it. I like it, but I'm getting bored of how it's stealing all the attention as well.
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Postby Evil Eye » Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:51 pm

I dont agree that it should be blown up completely. Just restored or something.
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Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:54 pm

If it gets restored it's just gonna keep happening. The only way to keep things from getting out of hand is to either get rid of it or keep it locked until something happens.
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Postby UndeadRaptor » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:20 pm

The only answer I have is that the people here are just sometimes bored and/or forgetting about the RPGs and want to have some fun, but it also may be from what G4E/EE said. I'm not exactly a person that wants to write descriptively all the time (why mine and G4E's collab stories barely progress on my part :P)...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:33 pm

I think its stupid to force people to post when they don't want to in order to post in something they DO want to post in. This whole guilt trip ******** is getting irritating, we scare them into posting in the other RPGs, they do so for a day, then go right back to what they were doing.

I think its just easier to archive the damn thing.


Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:56 pm

hardly guilt tripping. I'm just trying to find out what the cause of it all is. I mean hell, the whole point of the reboot was to give people freedom for activity so they wouldn't resort to RPGTEW. if it doesn't work, It's only logical to find out why.

So far, three different people, on three different occasions, have stated they would prefer RPGTEW to be scrapped. and that's not counting my vote [and without me hinting that opinion beforehand].

At the moment I'm not counting deletion as a definate option [Being completely honest, I wish. But I won't do that if members want it. unless of course there's a majority vote asking for it's removal]. archive, perhaps. but then that's just a mini reboot. I'm just trying to find the logic behind a random action dump topic being more popular and more active than the RPGs. I can understand the quality involved is one factor. time's another. but those things lighten with cooperation. take plots for example. it's a pain for one person to form a large plot. but as a group, it gives room for alot of diversity, with less effort. hell, the plot fabrication itself becomes almost as fun as actually playing through it. and anyone who's done so will testify to that fact.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:05 pm

RPGTEW continues to irritate me. I'm actually considering removing it...permanently. It's a pathetic E-War initially meant for random fun.

Yes, that's totally impartial :roll:

And yes its guilt tripping, we do it every time. The whole "I just don't understand why they won't participate after all the effort we put into it..." while true, you are making it very apparent just to get them to ditch RPGT E-war. We either use guilt or threats in times like this to get them to post elsewhere, and its dumb. I agree that RPGT E-war breeds stupidity and leeches activity, but I'm sick of having this big dramatic ordeal every few months when you realize how popular it is.

Just nuke the ******* thing.


Postby LV-426 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:14 pm

E War is attractive to people because there are no rules, you can be random and make stupid stuff happen.
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:38 pm

lol. well, one comment came to me prior to this topic being made. CS, actually. another came from a person who honestly doesn't give a damn about my opinion of things. states her opinion. I think simply by stating the gender you can guess who that was. G4E, I dunno if he's saying it because of some semblance of guilt or because he genuinely thinks so. I'd like to think that my opinion holds absolutely no sway on theirs, but only they can state whether their opinions are their own or not.

what bugs me the most however is that while RPGTEW is booming, flooded with pages upon pages of actions and efforts and creativity that could do wonders in the RPGs, the RPGs themselves are slowly suffocating. ISS is crawling along, expecting a pacemaker at this rate, DIRPG is dead [though that was to be expected considering the one operating it is AWOL] and being zapped with a defibrillator, WRPG is attached to life support and FRPG is under observation with a path cleared to the emergency room in case something goes wrong.

LV also brings up another fact that bugs me with RPGTEW. as a result of the lack of rules, randomness and general stupidity of it, writing skill of people involved actually deteriorates instead of improves. it encourages people to employ more and more ridiculous and stupid tactics as they see themselves fail [repeatedly] in there. that in turn, hardwires them and encourages them to apply such tactics outside of the E-War. so that than improving as writers, they actually get WORSE.

As much as I'd like to just do that and be done with it TT, simply nuking it and rebooting won't be enough. either it stays, or goes. permanently. ideally, it'd revert to how it used to be. a Random Topic for actions. nothing more. but we all know the odds of that are relatively slim at this point. it's like cocaine. a tiny bit of it has been used for medicinal purposes. but the moment it goes a bit over the top, the recipient goes nuts and gets hooked, and it's impossible to get them back to normal without completely cutting off the supply from them. at present, i'm seeing people that post ONLY in RPGTEW, as if it were a full scale RPG. hell, it has ******* PLOTS. SEVERAL OF THEM. SIMULTANEOUS AND BACK TO BACK. the RPGs have NO PLOTS at present. hell, if as much effort went into developing RPG plots as they did into RPGTEW plots, nobody would ever want to stop posting in the RPGs because they'd be such a blast to post in. a constant torrent of plots and character development options, generated cooperatively by several members at a time. the older members will remember that such a time HAS occured in the site's past and is totally possible and within easy reach now if people were to give it a shot.

see why It's bugging me? :P
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:07 pm

Did I say reboot? Nope. Just nuke.


Postby C S » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:07 pm

While everyone knows my stance on the issue because of previous rants, I would still like to say I agree with KP on this...except for that last bit regarding plots and effort. See, RPGTEW degrades writing skill over time, and its been a tumor for a loooong time. Destroying it and then having its aftermath pour into the RPGs does not seem like a viable option for me. Rehabilitation is needed for the participants. Cut off their supply of stupidity then get them posting at a higher quality. The e-war has proved time and time (and time) again that any plot can be made with the smallest of efforts. Usually those plots are complete **** and would have no place in RPGs.

In simple terms, before jumping back into the RPGs, practice people, and follow the RP guides made before. They worked in the past and they'll work now
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Postby Giratina93 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:18 pm

........ I guess I am to blame for this... I am sorry, everyone... It is my fault that the plots have gone into overdrive there and that all the attention has been sucked from other RPG's to the E-war... :cry:

As much as I would like to have the E-war stay here, I understand ho KP, CS, and TT feel... Go ahead and do with it as you please...I'll be... finding something else to do, in that case... Once again, I am truly sorry... I only had a story to tell, but I guess the E-war simply isn't that place to tell it...

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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:33 pm

Following the majority decision, The RPGTopia E-War has been permanently locked [or at least until a solution can be found that will satisfy all parties involved in this issue].

This topic has served it's purpose. it is locked as of now. Any further questions, inquiries or suggestions are to be sent to me via PM.
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