Chat Quotes

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Chat Quotes

Postby Shadow » Sat May 15, 2010 8:26 am

Topic made for general funny/interesting/whatever chat quotes.

Can be from anywhere just make sure it's funny.

This is from another community I visit.
(Xlth is me)

All this happened in 1 day o.O

19:07 Xlth Damnit
19:07 Xlth I hate typos
19:07 m31ster roflmao
19:07 Xlth I can speel forze
19:07 Xlth I meen froze
19:07 Xlth See
19:07 Xlth i hate my keybaord -_-
19:07 Xlth DAMNIT
19:08 Xlth *sulks*
19:08 m31ster Cheesy
19:08 m31ster But I can't be ________?
19:09 Xlth bed
19:09 Xlth Go to it ------> bed
19:10 m31ster ceiling cat is watching you demo!!!
19:10 m31ster Cheesy
19:10 Xlth I have no ceiling
19:10 m31ster O_O

21:53 Xlth Damnit I'm paranoid now
21:53 Xlth *looks around*
21:53 Savage It's not like I'd make a post for ebil about your spelling
21:53 Slappy be quiet
21:53 Savage I'd PM her
21:53 Xlth That makes me moar paranoid
21:54 Xlth I hate you and your threats
21:54 Xlth I hate you savage in general
21:54 Xlth FEAR MY HATE
21:54 Xlth And teh fuzzy ^_^
21:54 Xlth *fuzzles*
21:54 Savage shaves fuzzy
21:54 Xlth *fuzzy kills savage with fuzzness*
21:55 Xlth And regrows all fuzzy
21:55 Spin1441 Who wants a sneak peak of the tune I'm working on?
21:55 Xlth *Fuzzy is now anti shave and fuzz loss proof*
21:55 Spin1441 It'd for R1 Wink
21:55 Xlth I do
21:55 Xlth I don't
21:55 Xlth What's R1 anyway?
21:55 Spin1441 You'll find out soon enough
21:55 Spin1441 It's the sucessor to Meltdown 2 in many ways
21:56 Xlth PARANOIA
21:56 Spin1441 Hehe
21:56 Xlth If I must
21:56 Spin1441 We haven't properly done a "press" release yet
21:56 Xlth lol?
21:56 Spin1441 You're under no obligation lol
21:56 Xlth (picture)
21:57 Xlth Oh that's what it is
21:57 Xlth Then I oblige to tell you to leave me alone
21:57 Xlth And let me be paranoid
21:57 Xlth And Hyper
21:57 Xlth and Bored
21:57 Xlth All at the same time
21:57 Xlth with
21:57 Xlth my
21:57 Xlth puny
21:57 Xlth brain
21:57 Xlth ._.
21:57 Spin1441 ...k
21:59 keen- go ahead
21:59 Spin1441 Need to find a nice riser and a pad then I'll render it
21:59 Spin1441 Gimme 10 mins
21:59 Xlth Not I'm being nasty though ^_^
21:59 Xlth Just PBHAPB
22:00 Savage is the TSW server up?
22:00 Xlth Paranoid.Bored.Hyper.And.Puny.Brained
22:00 Savage with a broken keyboard
22:00 Xlth Yes
22:00 Xlth WABK
22:01 Savage Supposedly broken keyboard
22:01 Xlth Whatever
22:02 Xlth I've replaced it thrice
22:02 Xlth And my typing still sucxkorz
22:02 Xlth See
22:02 Xlth I can't speel right
22:02 Xlth Spell damnit spell
22:03 Xlth (picture)
22:03 Xlth *crickets*
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When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
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Postby Evil Eye » Sat May 15, 2010 4:36 pm

This topic should apply to omegle as well, I've had some funny convos there.
Havent been to IRC in ages.
Clarity of thought before rashness of action...
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Postby Shadow » Wed May 19, 2010 8:42 pm

It does apply to Omegle o.O

I did say anything as long as it's funny.
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby C S » Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:17 pm

A strange mystery from last night, where KP signed off of steam, but returned about an hour or so later. What ensues is...weird

9:45 AM - Cardiac Arrest: boop
11:13 AM - The Kingpin: the ****
11:13 AM - Cardiac Arrest: ?
11:13 AM - Cardiac Arrest: you being online since 2 AM
11:14 AM - Cardiac Arrest: yes
11:14 AM - Cardiac Arrest: the **** indeed
11:14 AM - The Kingpin: no no
11:14 AM - The Kingpin: it's not the fact I'm on
11:14 AM - The Kingpin: it's the fact that I was saying things at 8 AM when I went to bed at 6:57
11:14 AM - The Kingpin: and nobody's been in my room today
11:15 AM - Cardiac Arrest: ...
11:15 AM - The Kingpin: indeed
11:16 AM - Cardiac Arrest: 2:00 AM - Cardiac Arrest: mwOIPJ NSAFOJ
2:00 AM - Cardiac Arrest: ****
2:00 AM - Cardiac Arrest: botched the job
11:16 AM - Cardiac Arrest: thats when you came back on
11:17 AM - The Kingpin: not even here
11:17 AM - The Kingpin: all I see is it hurts
11:17 AM - The Kingpin: over and over again
11:17 AM - Cardiac Arrest: .......
11:17 AM - Cardiac Arrest: jesus christ
11:17 AM - Cardiac Arrest: you were going on about
11:17 AM - Cardiac Arrest: Wabbajacks
11:18 AM - Cardiac Arrest: then
11:18 AM - Cardiac Arrest: ithurts
11:18 AM - Cardiac Arrest: TT called you Giygas
11:18 AM - Cardiac Arrest: ....fffffffuuuuuucck
11:19 AM - Cardiac Arrest: 1:12 AM - Cardiac Arrest: 1:10 AM - The Kingpin: Wabbajackwabbajackwabbajackwabbajackwabbajack
1:11 AM - Cardiac Arrest: its 8 AM
1:11 AM - Cardiac Arrest: over there
1:11 AM - Cardiac Arrest: Sheogorath is ******* with your mind
1:11 AM - The Kingpin: wabbajackwabbajackwabbajack
1:11 AM - Cardiac Arrest: stay still while I get the shot gun m'kay
1:12 AM - The Kingpin: ithurts
1:12 AM - Cardiac Arrest: I know it does
11:19 AM - The Kingpin: ...
11:19 AM - The Kingpin: what the ****
11:20 AM - Cardiac Arrest: very spooky
11:20 AM - Cardiac Arrest: You go offline
11:20 AM - Cardiac Arrest: after that
11:20 AM - Cardiac Arrest: then you come back on
11:20 AM - Cardiac Arrest: at 2 AM
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: 2:01 AM - Cardiac Arrest: GET DOWN
2:01 AM - Cardiac Arrest: GET DOWN
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: no response
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: sent you a vid
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: no response
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: it would be like that until I get back on at 9 AM
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: where I went "boop"
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: and no response until now
11:21 AM - Cardiac Arrest: freaky freaky ****
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:39 pm

Hmmm.... creepy.

"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Hopeflower » Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:01 am


No more Trilby's Notes for KP.


Next time he and I get up to our usual brand of insanity, I may post it here as well as in my dA journal...>.>
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Evil Eye » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:09 am

It's the return of whatever possessed Doc's router.
Clarity of thought before rashness of action...
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:55 am

Hopeflower wrote:ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts

No more Trilby's Notes for KP.


Next time he and I get up to our usual brand of insanity, I may post it here as well as in my dA journal...>.>

lol, I thought the same.

It's the return of whatever possessed Doc's router.

God damn kill it with fire
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:57 am

Great. Now it's gonna get each of us, one by one, and troll us when we're offline...
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Hopeflower » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:47 am

Americans stand on the brink of a revolution.

it has been foretold. 8U

The Kingpin
we may collectively end up breaking reality

that sounds like a plan to me

The Kingpin
I pity America

it shall be a glorious accidental revolution
with Norbert becoming god
and free sweet tea and pewdie for all

The Kingpin
Norbert lacks the technical knowhow
He MIGHT end up becoming the President of the US though

first amphibian-american president

The Kingpin
Hypnotoad as vice president
and Pyro as first lady
just cuz

that sounds delightfully awkward

The Kingpin

first order of business?

The Kingpin
replacing the statue of liberty with a gigantic metal snowman, riding a T.Rex, riding a Megalodon with rocket boosters strapped to its fins

is the best thing I've heard
in my whole life

The Kingpin
and that's just the FIRST thing to be done

this shall indeed be an awesome revolution

The Kingpin
the American flag will be flipped upside down, and will have a picture of Norbert on it, pulling a Trollface
skittles will be the new currency. End of discussion.

sounds reasonable
skittles are only everywhere after all

The Kingpin
The National Anthem will be replaced with the Trololololo theme
and all cars will be required to be painted at least 7 different colours

we will be a rainbow metal zebra herd

The Kingpin
and MOST importantly
the country's new national food will be milkyways

You have my undying and unquestioning loyalty forevers

The Kingpin
cars will be required to have engines that run EXCLUSIVELY on babies
so we can take that ******* overpopulation problem down

oh god. XD

The Kingpin
oh yeah
and national radio will play rock

shall we round up the pop icons and have them tortured?

The Kingpin
Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and any other performer currently being sponsored by Disney will be put on the CIA's most wanted list
Cartoon channels will be required to resume classic cartoon styles and reinstate formerly cancelled shows
or else be shut down

yes. let the children see the difference between our stuff and their ****

The Kingpin
Official uniforms in the workplace will be Marshmallow costumes
end of discussion
if you are not cyllindrical, fluffy and good over a fire, you have no place in an official position

excellent. I can feel the winds of change now. 8U

The Kingpin
this applies to all Corporate giants. no more 3000 dollar suits. you wear a fluffy cotton stuffed costume

The Kingpin
actual marshmallow mix to be used in said costumes on October 31st


The Kingpin
this will double in that it solves hunger problems AND acts as cushioning during a traffic accident
solving two problems at once

true. why have other people not thought of this yet?

The Kingpin
because they are not me

these ideas are epic

The Kingpin
Vote KP [or one of his numerous puppets] for President
And you will see the USA become the GLOBAL CENTRE OF AWESOMENESS right before your eyes


The Kingpin
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for hearing this statement. if there are no questions, I wish you all a good evening
God bless Ameri-kah

waitwait, we forgot pewdie
pewdie must fit in here for this to be complete
because everyone deserves to hear a man squeal like a girl once in their lives

The Kingpin
Pewdie will become mandatory on all TV channels from 10 AM to 12PM 5 days a week


The Kingpin
and his methods and mannerisms will be taught in all schools

I am content. :3

The Kingpin
to establish the STATE OF THE BRONION

brofisting shall be the new handshake by the time we're done with this nation

The Kingpin
while saluting, everyone will be expected to say PEWDIEPIE in a very high pitched voice
police and military personnel included

we must share the love

The Kingpin
oh yeah
one more thing
when addressing the people, the President will always start off by saying 'DANCE PUPPETS DANCE'

the dawning of a new era
in which lion and hyena - wait, f*ck
wrong movie

The Kingpin
that reminds me
The Lion King will become mandatory education in all primary schools

lessons in what an awesome movie is and is not

The Kingpin
as will Hercules, The Little Mermaid, HunchBack of Notre Dame
supplimented with episodes of Beetlejuice and The Addams Family

"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby C S » Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:36 am

2:31 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: hey could you please click this link? its for a refferal program in league to enter a contest where you can win free pax skin codes from PAX 2014 ^_^! give it a try, i will click yours if you want. (this is not spam this message was sent to *******)
2:33 AM - Bog *******: Oh hello person I hardly speak to thank you for the generous offer at 2:31 AM with a strangely disjointed link
2:33 AM - Bog *******: I am sure it is not a malicious website at all
2:33 AM - Bog *******: smiley face
2:33 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: *link*
2:33 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: check it
2:33 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: or google it
2:33 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: ;)
2:33 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: leaguepedia pax giveaway
2:34 AM - Bog *******: Im not into league so it doesnt interest me either way
2:34 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: mmk
2:34 AM - Bog *******: but thanks for the heads up nonetheless
2:34 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: just thought you wouldnt mind helping me
2:34 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: its k
2:34 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: thanks for the time
2:34 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: and not getting mad like alot of others do
2:34 AM - [D.A.A] DarkMaplePro: T_T
2:34 AM - Bog *******: masscara and linkin park

I don't even. And don't click the links.
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Re: Chat Quotes

Postby Hopeflower » Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:39 am

So KP convinced himself to listen to a recording of My Immortal and his brain couldn't handle more than a few chapters. The following happened after much ado about me printing the hilariously bad fanfic out and bringing it to a proofreading service while dressed as/talking like Tara.

KP broke a little while after I showed him a video she and her friend Raven made.

[12:01:08 AM] crazedcrocgirl: Oh hey
[12:01:16 AM] crazedcrocgirl: in case you were curious
[12:01:19 AM] crazedcrocgirl: ... ED03cFx2ZQ
[12:01:23 AM] crazedcrocgirl: that's them
[12:01:24 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :P
[12:01:31 AM] The Kingpin: who
[12:01:50 AM] crazedcrocgirl: the authors. I didn't think my idea of their voices would be so accurate. XD
[12:02:07 AM] crazedcrocgirl: Thank you internet
[12:02:26 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I found it through the My Immortal wiki
[12:02:43 AM] crazedcrocgirl: an entire wiki dedicated to them and their awful fanfic
[12:02:45 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :3
[12:02:46 AM] The Kingpin: oh my god
[12:02:56 AM] The Kingpin: They haven't even spoken yet
[12:03:07 AM] The Kingpin: and already my mind is SCREAMING for me to close it before they start
[12:03:13 AM] crazedcrocgirl: XD
[12:03:18 AM] crazedcrocgirl: wait for it
[12:03:31 AM] The Kingpin: I don't want to
[12:03:32 AM] The Kingpin: D:
[12:04:32 AM] crazedcrocgirl: XDDD
[12:04:47 AM] crazedcrocgirl: *poke* you okay friend? :P
[12:05:00 AM] The Kingpin: I need
[12:05:02 AM] The Kingpin: ear bleach
[12:05:12 AM] crazedcrocgirl: lmao
[12:05:16 AM] crazedcrocgirl: did I break you?
[12:05:28 AM] The Kingpin: I think
[12:05:32 AM] The Kingpin: I think I'm still functioning
[12:05:40 AM] crazedcrocgirl: rofl
[12:05:51 AM] The Kingpin: time for some Be Happy
[12:06:26 AM] The Kingpin: I need something to repair my faith in humanity
[12:06:34 AM] crazedcrocgirl: lmao
[12:06:43 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I'm so saving this ****
[12:06:44 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :D
[12:07:41 AM] The Kingpin: I wish I could make things combust at long range
[12:07:49 AM] The Kingpin: those two would be at the top of the list
[12:08:03 AM] The Kingpin: pyrokinesis
[12:08:06 AM] The Kingpin: just
[12:08:08 AM] The Kingpin: stare at their page
[12:08:12 AM] The Kingpin: and make them both light up
[12:08:26 AM] The Kingpin: see how all that makeup handles fire
[12:08:26 AM] crazedcrocgirl: You're not the first to say that, nor will you be the last
[12:08:28 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :P
[12:09:49 AM] The Kingpin: know what horrifies me most?
[12:10:00 AM] The Kingpin: they're STILL GOING
[12:10:08 AM] The Kingpin: there's a vid in their channel from a month ago
[12:10:28 AM] crazedcrocgirl: yep
[12:10:36 AM] crazedcrocgirl: Tara's still writing fanfiction too
[12:10:42 AM] crazedcrocgirl: on her dA account
[12:10:50 AM] The Kingpin: ._.
[12:10:52 AM] crazedcrocgirl: watched her for ***** and giggles
[12:10:53 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :P
[12:10:55 AM] crazedcrocgirl: and no
[12:11:01 AM] crazedcrocgirl: her writing hasn't improved a bit
[12:11:19 AM] The Kingpin: I....I think I literally whimpered at that
[12:11:27 AM] The Kingpin: it was some sound that is not natural to me
[12:11:32 AM] The Kingpin: I can't describe it
[12:11:32 AM] crazedcrocgirl: XD
[12:12:03 AM] crazedcrocgirl: it might've been the sound of your soul breaking
[12:12:04 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :P
[12:12:14 AM] The Kingpin: Nah
[12:12:19 AM] The Kingpin: too sturdy for that
[12:13:57 AM] crazedcrocgirl: actually
[12:14:02 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I stand corrected
[12:14:10 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I just had a peek at her page again
[12:14:15 AM] crazedcrocgirl: if anything, she's gotten WORSE
[12:16:11 AM] The Kingpin: .
[12:16:34 AM] crazedcrocgirl: If anyone can make sense out of this
[12:16:37 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I applaud them
[12:17:49 AM] crazedcrocgirl: it's like
[12:17:54 AM] crazedcrocgirl: ALL text speak
[12:18:01 AM] crazedcrocgirl: my poor eyes
[12:18:04 AM] crazedcrocgirl: ;~;
[12:18:11 AM] The Kingpin: see
[12:18:38 AM] The Kingpin: I will at least avoid what hurts me
[12:18:43 AM] The Kingpin: you run after it
[12:18:57 AM] The Kingpin: this isn't the kind of pain masochism usually entails
[12:19:07 AM] crazedcrocgirl: rofl
[12:19:16 AM] crazedcrocgirl: she's a goldmine of laughs
[12:19:19 AM] crazedcrocgirl: can't help it
[12:19:20 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :P
[12:19:42 AM] The Kingpin: "STOP IT NOW YOU HORNY SIMPLETONS!"
[12:19:48 AM] The Kingpin: <______________________________________>
[12:21:03 AM] crazedcrocgirl: roflmao
[12:21:51 AM] crazedcrocgirl: Every time I read one of her *** scenes, I hear "I'm gonna *** you up~" in my head
[12:21:54 AM] crazedcrocgirl: it kills me
[12:22:17 AM] The Kingpin: <___________________________________>
[12:22:46 AM] crazedcrocgirl: *poke*
[12:23:07 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I broke the KP
[12:23:08 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :U
[12:23:20 AM] The Kingpin: <___>
[12:23:24 AM] The Kingpin: Loading
[12:23:29 AM] The Kingpin: Please wait
[12:23:47 AM] crazedcrocgirl: *pokepoke*
[12:23:48 AM] The Kingpin: KP.exe successfully rebooted
[12:23:54 AM] crazedcrocgirl: yai
[12:23:54 AM] crazedcrocgirl: c:
[12:23:55 AM] The Kingpin: oh
[12:24:02 AM] The Kingpin: whoops
[12:24:05 AM] crazedcrocgirl: rofl
[12:24:10 AM] The Kingpin: ahem
[12:24:44 AM] crazedcrocgirl: sure you're all there, amigo? :P
[12:24:59 AM] The Kingpin: I believe so, senorita
[12:25:32 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I broke you so hard you're speaking Spanish back to me
[12:25:34 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :U
[12:25:42 AM] The Kingpin: si
[12:26:00 AM] crazedcrocgirl: This is a great day in history
[12:26:06 AM] The Kingpin: un momento
[12:26:12 AM] The Kingpin: There
[12:26:15 AM] The Kingpin: sorry about that
[12:26:20 AM] crazedcrocgirl: lmao
[12:26:39 AM] The Kingpin: sometimes rebooting defaults to Spanish
[12:28:14 AM] crazedcrocgirl: I'm going to put this on the site
[12:28:24 AM] crazedcrocgirl: and let them know I broke the unbreakable
[12:28:25 AM] crazedcrocgirl: :U
[12:28:41 AM] crazedcrocgirl: CS will be jealous
[12:29:41 AM] The Kingpin: I do not break
[12:29:43 AM] The Kingpin: only reboot
[12:30:05 AM] crazedcrocgirl: Pffff it totally counts
[12:30:06 AM] crazedcrocgirl: c:
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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