Evolution VS Creationism

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Re: Re:

Postby Evil Eye » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:41 pm

Giratina93 wrote:Very simple... they've had that immunity from the start... It's something I can't really explain, but then, neither can biologists...

Uhm... no, they haven't. If that were true, and they weren't constantly getting stronger and evolving that immunity, then the second round of meds researchers had created, when MRSA grew resistance to the first wave of meds, would have finished them. They're just staying 3 steps ahead the whole time, which points to them growing and developing more and more immunity as time passes. AKA, evolving...

And as for Evolution occuring only when there's a NEED to, that's just pure idiocy that goes against the point of Evolution. Evolution is blind, random, and unguided, only caused by completely random genes getting mutated or shutting on and off. If an organism were to need, say, a pair of wings, if one were to follow the blind, unguided theory, it's just as likely for said organism to develop hydrogen sacks to allow it to float, than to develop a pair of wings, both of which would take millions of years, with random mutation building upon random mutation. If left as is, all you'd get would be complete random piles of garbage unidentifiable as intelligent life rather than what we see around us today. Yes, small mutations do occur (As from, say, one basic kind of Crocodile to all the diffrent species we have today, as well as loads of extinct ones,)but tiny, random mutations cannot turn a crocodile into, say, a tuatara or a Pythosaur, even with numerous blind mutations stacked ontop of each other...

Ok... first, please just watch this, before going any further, this part in particular. It's fairly obvious the concept of what evolution actually is is lost on you. You may also invest in "The Greatest Show On Earth".
Second, read the rest of the post you quoted, as it explains what you said. You're just repeating yourself with the same crap from where I quoted you in that post.

http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2010/12/1 ... inevitable
^All pointing further towards proof that atoms can come together to form complex life over time.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:23 am

Giratina93 wrote:no, no, NO NO NO! Religion is not just comfort, DAMNIT! Christianity, in particular, is FAR from "just comfort". Read the Bible, and you'll find that out big time... most other religions... yeah, they're there mainly for comfort... and to explain why things are... Bu tthis descussion should be in the Evo vs. Creation thread...

Oh yep. Every other religion is for comfort, but no, Christianity is different. Even when it's holy text says the majority of the same things the other religions' do.
I have read some of the Bible. Sure, the morals and all are sound (in New Testament at least), though contradictory. But many of the claims it makes as facts are little more than bullsh*t.
Giratina93 wrote:By Evolution, I refer to the kind of Evolution most everyone thinks of... that there is no God, and that life spontaneously Generated from random conditions...

...Even though evolution says or has nothing to do with the origins of life. Even then though, I fail to see how that alone can lead to the kind of negative/pessimistic thoughts and state of mind you described.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Giratina93 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:31 am

I would like for YOU to show me THREE texts, NOT taken out of context, that demonstate that the only reason for Christianity is for comfort...

And as for Evolution, YES it does teach how life began. Darwin himself only devoted what, half a paragraph to the subject on his ironicly named Origin of Species, but plenty of evolutionists today are trying to figure out how life began... and th emajority of them are either stumped, or claim that life arose from spontaneous generation from the right combination of elements and animo acid compounds at the right time in an Oxygen-free zone...

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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Godzilla Forever » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:40 am

How do you know god or some other omniscient being did not create the first cell that created life, Gira? SOMETHING had to start it...... life didn't just pop out of no where.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:43 am

Ask a priest what God looks like. "GOD DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT" is the usual answer for questions they don't have an answer for.

ALL religion is a spawn of people desperately trying to understand the world and what comes after. So yes, its for comfort. To give people something to believe in. Is there some truth to it? I'd like to believe so. But most of the Bible is about morals, not actual facts.

And evolution doesn't have anything to do with religion in the first place. Its an alternative to "dur dur Adam and Eve", yes, but its not a religious ideal. Its a scientific theory.

Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:43 am

Giratina93 wrote:I would like for YOU to show me THREE texts, NOT taken out of context, that demonstate that the only reason for Christianity is for comfort...

Don't need texts to show it. In fact, it's been explained earlier in this thread. People were afraid, and didn't have the knowledge we now do about Earth and nature in general. They needed explanations; thus, religions stemmed, fabricating and growing over time. The concept of using what they say for comfort and hope makes sense. The notion of an afterlife is nothing but comfort for people, and once more, links to the morals said in them.

And as for Evolution, YES it does teach how life began. Darwin himself only devoted what, half a paragraph to the subject on his ironicly named Origin of Species, but plenty of evolutionists today are trying to figure out how life began... and th emajority of them are either stumped, or claim that life arose from spontaneous generation from the right combination of elements and animo acid compounds at the right time in an Oxygen-free zone...

No, if you look up the definition/theory/concept/whatever of evolution, it will say nothing about how life began. The entire idea of evolution has absolutely nothing to do with life's origins. It simply says, tl;dr version, under the right conditions, a species will evolve to be better suited to it's environment
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:47 am

Evil Eye wrote:No, if you look up the definition/theory/concept/whatever of evolution, it will say nothing about how life began. The entire idea of evolution has absolutely nothing to do with life's origins. It simply says, tl;dr version, under the right conditions, a species will evolve to be better suited to it's environment

Yes it does, actually. Evolution, the process of modification through descendants, explains the origin of life: That we all came from a common ancestor.

Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:50 am

TyrannoTitan wrote:
Evil Eye wrote:No, if you look up the definition/theory/concept/whatever of evolution, it will say nothing about how life began. The entire idea of evolution has absolutely nothing to do with life's origins. It simply says, tl;dr version, under the right conditions, a species will evolve to be better suited to it's environment

Yes it does, actually. Evolution, the process of modification through descendants, explains the origin of life: That we all came from a common ancestor.

Nope. While life's origins are relevant to it, and do go hand in hand with it, the concept behind Evolution itself has nothing to do with life's origins. As I said, all evolution states, the short version, is that life will adapt given the right circumstances, to be better suited to the environment around it.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:57 am

Evil Eye wrote:
TyrannoTitan wrote:
Evil Eye wrote:No, if you look up the definition/theory/concept/whatever of evolution, it will say nothing about how life began. The entire idea of evolution has absolutely nothing to do with life's origins. It simply says, tl;dr version, under the right conditions, a species will evolve to be better suited to it's environment

Yes it does, actually. Evolution, the process of modification through descendants, explains the origin of life: That we all came from a common ancestor.

Nope. While life's origins are relevant to it, and do go hand in hand with it, the concept behind Evolution itself has nothing to do with life's origins. As I said, all evolution states, the short version, is that life will adapt given the right circumstances, to be better suited to the environment around it.

So what? It still explains the origin of life, though not in specifics. Its just going "this is how it happened".

Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:03 am

TyrannoTitan wrote:So what? It still explains the origin of life, though not in specifics. Its just going "this is how it happened".

How so?
I guess you could say it implies or suggests that that's the most likely way life originated, but that's only life's origins going hand in hand with evolution, as I said. It really doesn't rule out the other choices. Based on what I said about it only saying life will adapt, you could still say sky fairy created life, and life evolves through that manner.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby C S » Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:22 am

What EE is trying to say is, Evolution does not explain the very beginning of life itself, as in how organic material came to be and progressed into the building blocks of organisms of the past/ present. It does propose however, that some time in the past, millions of years ago that there was a common ancestor for life on Earth. This is supported by the fact that all creatures on this planet share genes. Genes that dont work anymore due to mutation or changed through variation but genes nevertheless, still apart of the genome. Take for example, the following picture


"In these illustrations, you are supposed to see how the bones that make up a bat’s wing are structurally analogous to both human hands and seal flippers, due to the common descent of these structures from an ancestor that also had five digits at the end of each forelimb. The bones of the bat wing are proportionately different from a human’s arm, but they still share the major components such as the humerus, radius, and ulna"
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Godzilla Forever » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:09 pm

Well, if all vertabrate life evolved from fish as any people believe, then wouldn't the bones share many similarities?
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:45 pm

Godzilla Forever wrote:Well, if all vertabrate life evolved from fish as any people believe, then wouldn't the bones share many similarities?

To some extent, they do.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Giratina93 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:55 pm

The bible, in and of itself, is completly true, and NOT just a book of morals. Charles Dickens and Thomas Jefferson believed that, and look at what happened. Both people messed around with the ible so as to turn it into a book of Morals, which it's not. You want a book on morals? Go to Proverbs. As for the Bible itself, many of the events described in it (The captivity of the Hebrews in Egypt, David vs. Goliath, Pontious Pilot, etc.) have been confirmed as of happening from other sources. Also, God did create everything, but he created life as fully-formed, functioning creatures, not as cells/amino-acids. The Book of Genesis (Which, for the rest of the Bible to be true, Genesis has to be believed, for it is the foundation of the entire Bible.) supports this idea completely.

And as for the whole "God doesn't want us to know" thing, that's BS. According to the Bible, all humans are made in God's image. That, ALONE should be enough for us to know. The bible tells us only what we need to know, NOT what we migh want to know.

And as for the other questions most Christians'/ undereducated pastors can't answer, consider this... God is on a far higher plane than we are. Our minds are restricted to this finite, corrupted being, while his is uncomprehendable.This is supported by the scriptures. We cannot even begin to comprehend how he thinks, how he decides things, and so on. When WE try to imagine God, we turn him from the indescribable wonder he is, into a mere mockery of his being.

EVOLUTION IS A RELIGION IN AND OF ITSELF! THere's so much dang evidence the Media doesn't want people to know about that derails Evolution from the roots, that to believe in it requires more faith than to believe that God created the world in 6 days, and he created everything perfect and without blemish, until we messed up due to temptation...

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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:06 pm

what creationism comes down to is an old guy in the sky pointing his magic finger and saying Elephant and a elephant appears. As you can tell I think creationism is for idiots with no understanding of the natural world, by the way I'm an atheist
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Hopeflower » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:12 pm

The bible, in and of itself, is completly true, and NOT just a book of morals.

Can you prove it was completely nonfiction?

As for the Bible itself, many of the events described in it (The captivity of the Hebrews in Egypt, David vs. Goliath, Pontious Pilot, etc.) have been confirmed as of happening from other sources.

The captivity of the Hebrews in Egypt, I can believe. David vs. Goliath, on the other hand...unless I get solid evidence with something concrete to back it up, I cannot believe it is anything more than a story to drill some moral or another into our skulls.

The bible tells us only what we need to know, NOT what we migh want to know.

Oh, I SEE! Well that makes everything perfectly understandable then, doesn't it? That explains why no one can give concrete proof that there really is a god, does it?

I think not.

God is on a far higher plane than we are. Our minds are restricted to this finite, corrupted being, while his is uncomprehendable.This is supported by the scriptures. We cannot even begin to comprehend how he thinks, how he decides things, and so on. When WE try to imagine God, we turn him from the indescribable wonder he is, into a mere mockery of his being.

Whoa whoa whoa, back up. This is all sounding like excuses to me. "Oh, we're inferior to a god and therefore we cannot begin to understand how he thinks?" I seem to recall people thinking that about the world back before we had the technology to figure it out.


Bullsh*t, it's a scientific theory, not a religion.

THere's so much dang evidence the Media doesn't want people to know about that derails Evolution from the roots

Give me some concrete proof.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:14 pm

Gira, you're basing your evidence off one book written many years ago. Evolution is supported by science. Science isn't as permanent as people think: the basic fundamental of a theory is that it must be tested constantly as new information rises. This means that for a theory to be so well accepted, its the best possible answer to whatever its about. This is the case of evolution. It is the most likely way many diverse species came to be.

It comes down to an old book written thousands of years ago VS scientific fact. Thomas Jefferson came in a time where religion was pretty much the center of everything. It was more God-fearing then an accurate deduction about the bible.

Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:16 pm

Religion has caused so much harm to this world
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby C S » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:11 am

And as for the whole "God doesn't want us to know" thing, that's BS. According to the Bible, all humans are made in God's image. That, ALONE should be enough for us to know.

...You are aware that human beings vary immensly in appearance, right? Genetically we're similar, but the tiny variations in our DNA has profound effects on our appearance. Thats why only a twin or clone can look exactly like you, the DNA would be exactly the same

So your saying god has the same DNA as every single person alive/ was alive?

THere's so much dang evidence the Media doesn't want people to know about that derails Evolution from the roots, that to believe in it requires more faith than to believe that God created the world in 6 days, and he created everything perfect and without blemish, until we messed up due to temptation...

...It takes more faith to believe in evolution...than an invisable all powerful being in the sky?! Well first thing's first. The genesis argument. Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Gira. Next subject. We are at fault for god's mistake, is what your basically saying. Y'know, since he created Satan, Hell (Before his betrayal mind you), temptation and evil. God created the basis for all "evil". What does he do when sh*t hits the fan? Blame and punish his "profoundly inferior creations". Sounds like an abusive a*shole. The people that try to justify that sh*t are the abused trying to find a reason why that happened to them. By now, the purpose of religion, providing an explanation for life, has flown out the proverbial window
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:19 am

THere's so much dang evidence the Media doesn't want people to know about that derails Evolution from the roots, that to believe in it requires more faith than to believe that God created the world in 6 days, and he created everything perfect and without blemish, until we messed up due to temptation...

...It takes more faith to believe in evolution...than an invisable all powerful being in the sky?! Well first thing's first. The genesis argument. Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Gira. Next subject. We are at fault for god's mistake, is what your basically saying. Y'know, since he created Satan, Hell (Before his betrayal mind you), temptation and evil. God created the basis for all "evil". What does he do when sh*t hits the fan? Blame and punish his "profoundly inferior creations". Sounds like an abusive a*shole. The people that try to justify that sh*t are the abused trying to find a reason why that happened to them. By now, the purpose of religion, providing an explanation for life, has flown out the proverbial window

I agree fully.

People should stop looking for nonexistent deities to blame their suffering on, and start looking closer to home. We are the root of our suffering; it isn't divine punishment because some chick ate an apple or some other BS.
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