Evolution VS Creationism

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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:22 am

Very true. Hard to believe so many christians actually fall for that sh*t.......
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:22 am

Hopeflower: Amen sister, wait we can't say amen because there is no God. God is a figment of the human imagination.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:25 am

@ LV: Well, I believe there was somethnig that created life. Other than that, I wouldn't be sure what to call it. For all be know, our creator could be cthulhu!
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:28 am

:lol: that south park was hilarious, Anyway I believe everything came into existence randomly. The Big Bang is how life started
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:32 am

No, the big bang created the universe. No one knows how life started.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:34 am

thats what I meant, the big bang started the universe and then life started randomly afterwards. No God, No supreme Creator, just chance
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:36 am

Something started it. I'm asking WHAT started it. It didn't just go, "BOOM, I'm alive now, okay?".
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:39 am

That we will probably never know
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:46 am

Not unless we come up with a way to travel back in time that far, at least, and what are the odds of that?
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:48 am

First we would have to invent a flux capacitor :lol:
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Giratina93 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:56 am

It's nice to see how everyone here is Theistic Evolution/pure evolution... :-_-:

Too many things to comment on to quote!

Now, God doesn't have the same DNA that we do. He doesn't even have DNA to begin with. He is a being that exists outsie of the human capacity. Now yes, no Christian knows everything abou the Bible, or everything about God, but then again, neither does every Evolutionist know how exactly Evolution occured...

Also, evolution is true, but Evolution doesn't exist. small case evolution here simply means change. everything (Except God, for he is the same every single second, from before time began, to the end of time.) changes over time. One basic kind of cat turns int, over thousands of years, into all the varieties of cats we have here today. Genetic diversity over thousands of years allowed all our diversity from just a pair of people. Evolution (Meaning that: 1. Life arose from spontaneous Generation, according to the Neo-Darwinists, 2. Over millions of years, Fish turned into Amphibions, then into Reptiles, then into Birds and Mammals, all by random, unguided genetic mistakes, 3. The beginning of the Universe was caused by a massive explosion that scientists find impossible to account for.) has no evidence supporting it. Every single scrap of "evidence" found for it either has been found to be not so, but the media continues to say that it's true, or actually supports Creationism. For example, the evolutionary line of the Horse, long upheald as the trump-card of Evolution, has long since been abandoned, due to subsequent discoveries. Also, for those of you wanting Humans to have come from beings like Australiopithicus, too bad, because, in the same strata that the Australiopithicus bones come from, a skull of a human was also fund there. Australiopithicus is believed to have died out about 2 million years ago. Do the math...

Can I prove that the Bible is 100% nonfiction? No, I cannot. Just as Evolutionists everywhere have to hav faith that Evolution is true, so do I have to have faith that the Bible is 100% true. It's age means nothing in it's authenticity.

Now, for those of you lumping CHristianity with every other Religion, let me bring a point up to the plate. Every other Religion says that, to be saved, you have to do good works and try to please whatever gods are in said religion, wherever this be giving to charity, get the blessing from the Pope (Catholocism), or destroy the non-believers (Islam). Christianit, however, is diffrent. You cannot work your way to salvation... rather, it is by faith that one is saved...

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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:08 am

Now, God doesn't have the same DNA that we do. He doesn't even have DNA to begin with. He is a being that exists outsie of the human capacity.

Then how are we made in god's image? O_o

Also, evolution is true, but Evolution doesn't exist.

This is what's called a "self-contradiction."

Evolution (Meaning that: 1. Life arose from spontaneous Generation, according to the Neo-Darwinists, 2. Over millions of years, Fish turned into Amphibions, then into Reptiles, then into Birds and Mammals, all by random, unguided genetic mistakes, 3. The beginning of the Universe was caused by a massive explosion that scientists find impossible to account for.) has no evidence supporting it. Every single scrap of "evidence" found for it either has been found to be not so, but the media continues to say that it's true, or actually supports Creationism.

What are you talking about? Evolution has plenty of evidence supporting it! Chimpanzees and humans have a 2% difference in DNA, which points to a common ancestor. Our skeletal structure is similar. We have similar mannerisms. Chimps are extremely intelligent. We even look somewhat alike. The evidence you're talking about, which was proven not to be true, was about POSSIBLE missing links between the species. It didn't discredit evolution altogether!

Can I prove that the Bible is 100% nonfiction? No, I cannot. Just as Evolutionists everywhere have to hav faith that Evolution is true, so do I have to have faith that the Bible is 100% true. It's age means nothing in it's authenticity.

Uh, it was a book written a thousand years ago. Don't you think that makes it just a tad dated in its information?
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:38 am

GOD DOSENT EXIST, sorry that was a bit harsh but it's true. The bible is a book of fairy tales
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby C S » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:39 am

It's nice to see how everyone here is Theistic Evolution/pure evolution...

More like...realists

As for the rest, TL;DR. Im not wasting my time reading the same arguments and half baked arguments because you adamently deny what has been proven time and time again.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:42 am

CS: We are realist, Gira's insane
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Giratina93 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:05 am

Me, Insane? I'm only slightly deranged, thank you very much. Plus, I'm not exactly a good example of a Christian... THere are far better people who could answer many more questions that you guys are throwing out than I can.

As for how we were made in God's image, We were made from the dust, and God breathed life into us.

Also, note my distinction between lower case evolution and capital Evolution.. the former is a fact... the latter is a belief.

Also, that "two Percent" diffrent is actually BILLIONS OF BITS OF DNA worth of diffrence. So many genomes and stuff seperate us from Chimps... yeah, there's no way humanity is closely related to chimpanzees. Also, if one were to compare other compounds, they would find some very odd things... like chickens more closely related to fish than crocodiles, and rabbits more related to SALAMANDERS than to Elephants... This is stuff like amino acids, not DNA, so...

Once again, age doesn't equal lack of authenticity. Look at most of the major laws of Math. Those date back thousands of years, is some cases. Does that mean they're outdated? of course not! THey're still as revelent to us as they were to the Egyptians...

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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:07 am

Giratina93 wrote:As for the Bible itself, many of the events described in it (The captivity of the Hebrews in Egypt, David vs. Goliath, Pontious Pilot, etc.) have been confirmed as of happening from other sources. Also, God did create everything, but he created life as fully-formed, functioning creatures, not as cells/amino-acids. The Book of Genesis (Which, for the rest of the Bible to be true, Genesis has to be believed, for it is the foundation of the entire Bible.) supports this idea completely.

...Right, and using the Bible or any of the books from it as proof of this is like holding up Lord Of The Rings as proof that Hobbits exist.

And as for the whole "God doesn't want us to know" thing, that's BS. According to the Bible, all humans are made in God's image. That, ALONE should be enough for us to know. The bible tells us only what we need to know, NOT what we migh want to know.

What does that have to do with anything? What TT said holds true, regardless of whether we were made in his image or not.

And as for the other questions most Christians'/ undereducated pastors can't answer, consider this... God is on a far higher plane than we are. Our minds are restricted to this finite, corrupted being, while his is uncomprehendable.This is supported by the scriptures. We cannot even begin to comprehend how he thinks, how he decides things, and so on. When WE try to imagine God, we turn him from the indescribable wonder he is, into a mere mockery of his being.

So while we have explanations for what we know not involving God, lets just throw him into the mix as well, even though there are scientific facts that already answer the questions. And for what we don't know, we'll just use "God did it!" as an answer, until someone comes up with an explanation through science.
http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-conte ... %20god.png
^If any of those were asked to a priest or dedicated Christian, or theist within a major religion at all really, the answer would be "God doesn't want us to know, he has his own motives". THAT'S what TT was talking about.

EVOLUTION IS A RELIGION IN AND OF ITSELF! THere's so much dang evidence the Media doesn't want people to know about that derails Evolution from the roots, that to believe in it requires more faith than to believe that God created the world in 6 days, and he created everything perfect and without blemish, until we messed up due to temptation...

Evolution is a religion how?
Wanna provide some of this evidence derailing evolution?
As others have said, we don't need faith to "believe" in evolution, because it's backed up by facts. You know, provable evidence, that isn't anecdotal.

Edit: Looks like I was behind, sorry.

Giratina93 wrote:As for how we were made in God's image, We were made from the dust, and God breathed life into us.

And that's believable, because...?

Also, that "two Percent" diffrent is actually BILLIONS OF BITS OF DNA worth of diffrence. So many genomes and stuff seperate us from Chimps... yeah, there's no way humanity is closely related to chimpanzees. Also, if one were to compare other compounds, they would find some very odd things... like chickens more closely related to fish than crocodiles, and rabbits more related to SALAMANDERS than to Elephants... This is stuff like amino acids, not DNA, so...

Once again, age doesn't equal lack of authenticity. Look at most of the major laws of Math. Those date back thousands of years, is some cases. Does that mean they're outdated? of course not! THey're still as revelent to us as they were to the Egyptians...

Once again, the major laws of math are proved to work in all cases (or until someone finds a case where they don't). I still have yet to see any proof that the Bible's claim of creation is true, outside of the Bible itself.
Yes, there's way humanity are related to chimpanzees.
http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic ... ated-are-h
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby LV-426 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:09 am

As I said before God is nothing but a made up character like Santa Claus, The Tooth fairy, The Easter Bunny etc. It's all a bunch of fairy tales, and people believe it? People are truly gullible
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Evil Eye » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:17 am

Giratina93 wrote:Now, for those of you lumping CHristianity with every other Religion, let me bring a point up to the plate. Every other Religion says that, to be saved, you have to do good works and try to please whatever gods are in said religion, wherever this be giving to charity, get the blessing from the Pope (Catholocism), or destroy the non-believers (Islam). Christianit, however, is diffrent. You cannot work your way to salvation... rather, it is by faith that one is saved...

If I'm not mistaken, that's the Protestant way of thinking only.
But you're wrong on the other points as well. Nowhere does the Qu'ran say to destroy non-believers.
As for the rest, read the link provided above.
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Re: Evolution VS Creationism

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:22 am

As for how we were made in God's image, We were made from the dust, and God breathed life into us.

....So now you want me to believe that everything we are - artery, vein, capillary, bone, brain, nervous system - all of it, came from DUST? And big guns upstairs sneezed or whatever and poof! We were alive!

Also, note my distinction between lower case evolution and capital Evolution.. the former is a fact... the latter is a belief

You have officially lost me completely.

Once again, age doesn't equal lack of authenticity. Look at most of the major laws of Math. Those date back thousands of years, is some cases. Does that mean they're outdated? of course not! THey're still as revelent to us as they were to the Egyptians...

True. But this isn't math. this is an ANCIENT TEXT that some guy wrote down. You know what happens when people get ideas that are outdated? They look. like. idiots. Especially to realistic people.
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