Madelaine McCann

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Madelaine McCann

Postby DI7789 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:51 pm

I'm sure some of us have heard of the abduction of little 4-year old Maddy McCann, this topic is to post some of your thoughts on the matter, any questions you may have or any other things you want to say, post them here. I'll get the ball rolling:

I hope she gets back safely (but judging by the time she's been missing, thats very unlikely) but I do have a question, why was her story chosen over the other missing person cases. Let me tell you a little story.

One of my close friends had someone go missing (their child, about Maddy's age), they reported it to the police and hardly got any response, they didn't get to go see the Pope, they didn't get their own charity, they didn't get a 10 page spread on their kid's disappearance, they just got a small paragraph in the obituaries when he was found dead. So why was Maddy's case chosen over something like that, why?
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Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:04 pm

Who knows? maybe some reporter when he heared it thought "ohhh how sad" so he writes an article and then the public gos "ahhh how sad" then all the other newspapers get pissed beacuse they didnt writes something about her first. So they all write stuff about this little girl and all of a sudden with all the media attenion political leareds want to be seen giving a **** so they do all this stufff to jumnp on the media band wagon and all of a sudden KABLAM! The pope jumps on the band wagon and says to the driver "Yo I wanna have a liitle chit chat with dis lil girls parents so then those media fools will brodcast me Yall hearin me!"
To be honest its a bit sick considering most of the politions or celebratys dont care if she found or not they just wanna be on the news......
Doc 42
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Postby DI7789 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:13 pm

Good to hear that someone has a similar opinion to me about that question. Do all politicians or celebrities see Maddy as competition to get the front page? Still, it would be good if she got home safely so we can get back to worrying about H5N1 bird flu (that may seem careless, but loads of people go missing every day, turn up in ditches, get murdered or used as prostitution, it's hardly much of a difference to the real world)
"Its like I was attacked by some kind of...dinosaur"
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