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Presidential elections '08

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:19 am
by Raptor Llama
In one day (Probably today by the time you read this) The presidential elections are taking place. 7 candidates and running to be our president, 2 of which are the only ones that have a chance, but only one will take the oath and call the white house their home.

So, I ask the question: Where do you stand? Do you stand for Obama? McCain? An independent? Who are you supporting? The elections are near, and we need to make a wise choice...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:22 pm
by The Kingpin
Well, i can confirm that the global vote is for Obama, as he's what most of the Arabian Gulf's people are supporting in it. I'm on his side, and personally, i think having him as President would be a big improvement for the USA. perhaps if he makes it and goes ahead with what he's promised, he can help make a difference in some of the less tolerant people's opinions on African Americans' potential in government positions...

not being in the country these elections are taking place in means my knowledge on the in depth info on the situation isn't much, but i know enough to say that Obama would without a doubt be much better for the U.S. than McCain would...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:03 pm
by C S
Obamma has more than 51% of the electoral college's votes, and Mcain, last time I checked, was well below that, so I can safely say Obamma will be the first african american president :D

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:24 pm
by Iceking
I'm supporting Obama as i think that it's time for a change in washington.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:05 pm
by Doc 42
As kp said, Obama has the global vote.
70% of Europe wants him in office.

However, its now in the last few minutes of the election that every dirty trick in the book is pulled out.

If you ask me Mc Cain will end up winning just to say up yours to the rest of the world :P

(no offence ment to McCain supporters, I just think your political party is full of douchebags)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:16 pm
by C S
yea, my friends said that, but I said if he does wn, all credibillity for republicans go down the toilet, because theres no way in hell he can win fairly after every statistic shows Obama as top.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:51 pm
by TyrantTR
Polls are polls. We had something in our class that told us even if one person is higher up in the polls theres still a chance that the other will win and it doesn't mean by unfair play.

It's really retarded and confuseing.
But ecensially a while ago the government got the idea that the citisens would often be misinformed (AKA retarded), so they hired some people smarter dudes to choose for us.

Now after that I got bored and started doodleing but from what I unerstood is that each state will have an elector number or something. in Washington I think it's 11 for obama and 8 for mcain or somethin. So when your voteing for obama youactually voteing for the 11 people who will vote for you escentially. It is confuseing as hell. But thats what I picked up. So that means that if a state had more elctoral votes and the number for mcain was higher in more places then he could win.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:51 pm
by TyrannoTitan
One problem: Global vote means jack sh*t. Its the Americans that vote, not the rest of the world.

And its impossible to know who everyone in the USA is voting for, so we'll only know when the polls are closed and they finally announce the new president.

My view: McCain is another Bush, and Obama is a lying bullsh*tter. I don't like either of them.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:05 pm
by Shade
I can admit that the candidates, have only been sniping at each and not really showing where they stand or how they're going to do this or that. But I'm taking one of the lesser evils. I stand by Obama. Go Democrats!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:11 pm
by TyrantTR
Obama always changes his mind.

Mcaine has anger issues.

As soon as obama says:Git dem troops outta Iraq, he's going to change his mind as soon as they reach america.

As soon as Mcaine KEEPS the troops in Iraq and many die, he'll get frustrated and nuke the hell out of em. Or something along those lines.

I don't really want either as president. But hey what are the chance nadder' going to get to presidency. He's been trying for like 28 years it's gotta happen one of these days.

So I really dunno who I'd choose.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:04 am
by C S
I find it funny, because Hillary didnt have a chance (Because she's a victim of sexism?) and some people just want a black president.

Doesnt help the country much....

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:55 am
by Evil Eye
well, i'm all for Obama, and there's too much to explain here, but i'm strongly democrat. esp if McCain dies and Palin gets in office XP.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:14 am
by TyrannoTitan
Obama wins.

290 electoral votes, to McCain's 141, last time I checked.

I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to lock this, to let people express their feelings on the new president...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:26 am
by The Kingpin
express feelings? i can honestly express one thing that pretty much sums it all up...

McCain: OWNED :P

let's hope Obama can manage to do the right things while he's in office, rather than getting carried away with his swiftly changing mind...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:13 pm
by Doc 42
TyrantTR wrote:Polls are polls. We had something in our class that told us even if one person is higher up in the polls theres still a chance that the other will win and it doesn't mean by unfair play.

It's really retarded and confuseing.
But ecensially a while ago the government got the idea that the citisens would often be misinformed (AKA retarded), so they hired some people smarter dudes to choose for us.

Now after that I got bored and started doodleing but from what I unerstood is that each state will have an elector number or something. in Washington I think it's 11 for obama and 8 for mcain or somethin. So when your voteing for obama youactually voteing for the 11 people who will vote for you escentially. It is confuseing as hell. But thats what I picked up. So that means that if a state had more elctoral votes and the number for mcain was higher in more places then he could win.

Thats the elctoral college for you. Its the only way to keep it fair as the USA is a Federation.

Thats how Bush beat AlGore in 2000. Algore had more actual votes but the electoral college went with Bush.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:31 pm
by TyrannoTitan
Indeed. If the percentage for a state for one candidate is higher then the percentage of the other candidate, that state's electoral votes go to said candidate. In actuality, McCain and Obama were very, very close when it came to popular votes. 52% for Obama, and 48% for McCain, if I recall correctly.

Makes me a bit angry about our system...I mean, when Washington was supposed to be president, they probably went "Ok, so for people who want Washington to be president, raise your hand."


PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:29 pm
by Evil Eye
The Kingpin wrote:express feelings? i can honestly express one thing that pretty much sums it all up...

McCain: OWNED :P

let's hope Obama can manage to do the right things while he's in office, rather than getting carried away with his swiftly changing mind...

you just said it all =D

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:29 pm
by Tediz
I wanted McCain but I still believe that Obama will be a great President...

Oh, and Obama's parents are from Kenya. Or at least his Dad

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:46 pm
by The Kingpin
does his origin really matter enough to be mentioned? main thing is, he's a good politician, and people want him in. let's just hope he can do a good job...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:50 pm
by Raptor Llama
I was leaning towards McCain, but I felt it as an either or. Both candidates had good plans, and both were good leaders. Although McCain's plan for Iraq may work better, I don't know. But I know Obama is going to be a good leader, and he is very educated in what he's doing.