Realms of the Dragons RPG

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Realms of the Dragons RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:43 pm

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The year is 2050, and Dragons have been discovered to be real. in the endless efforts to discover deep oil deposits, people have come across a massive number of Dragon caves, containing hundreds of different types of dragons, often found in pairs per cave. they have been in hibernation for millenia, and the gasses inside the caves are semi volcanic, mixed in with air coming from several small shafts from the highest mountain peaks in the world, providing them with plenty of air, mixed in with sulfurous fumes, which, contrary to it's lethal effects on humans, are like a second Oxygen for dragons. now, awoken by the drilling from above, the dragons have been released. they now fight to survive, often being captured by humans and displayed in zoos, or killed for their valuable, almost impenetrable hides. some of them are so powerful that humans fear having them alive, and hunt them continuously, to try and erase the threat to their beloved cities.

How times have changed....

The Global Dragon elimination army, spanning across most of Europe, Asia, Africa and parts of the Americas, achieved much. Sadly, more often than not their only achievement was brutal death. The army was always too big to really be viable. In powerful countries, strong forces were haphazardly set to exterminate dragons, being completely slaughtered just as much as they succeeded. However, small countries fell into chaos. The squadrons mustered usually became little more than militias.

The fighting forces of Europe wasted them selves. In africa, more success was to be found, with Dragons content to leave in the wild, however as with everything in this fragile world, that is changing.

Over time, things changed for the better, armies became more localised, combining their strength and research to help defeat the threat of the dragons.

After the destruction of a key dragonic research facility in Scotland, Britain, the futility of the GDEA's efforts became apparent. The DDASF emerged from the gloom, calling in the militia teams across Britain and ireland to form a new anti-Dragon organization. Set right in the most dragon infested territories, they came up with new devastating weapons and machines. A new Jet was developed along with a revolutionary new missile. However, the GDEA had different plans. The DDASF were an annoying thorn in their side, as over the years of defeat, the name had become just a slogan to throw to the masses. The GDEA already had world wide protection responsibility, control was just a few steps away. The idea of eliminating dragons had faded, instead, replaced by a new goal, that of living in the Dragon's shadow. Restricting their movements to their own cities and building defenses there, leaving the country side to the dragons who now roamed it. The GDEA generals saw the DDASF as a threat to this dream. Surely the new organizations methods would incur the dragons wraith, resulting in the destruction of their last hope, their precious cities.

During a weapons test in Australia, the trap was sprung. In an attempt to clip the DDASF fighting capabilities, the GDEA attacked the DDASF hunters, employing their latest technology to do so, technology developed for killing and subduing humans. Only a few of the large DDASF force stationed there survived. To further the message, the GDEA agreed to shut off all communication with the British isles, in theory, plunging the entire region into a massive Dark Zone (Dark Zones are generally areas where Dragon activity has caused disruption to communications and satelite technology, within a Dark Zone, it is very difficult to contact the outside world.)

Then, you have the Americans. Battle hardened soldiers having successfully ended dragon spread in their land. The only time such an act has ever been accomplished. However, the American dragons hadn't been as dangerous as the majority of Europe. Still, the arrival of these men has played a vital part in both maintaining Morale and force in the battle scarred regions of the British isle's

here, you have the choice: Human [with weapons like Tanks, attack choppers, or simple machine guns. anything that we use as weapons short of missile silos and nukes, are allowed. anything that is mobile can be used, as well as immobile weapons at times, that isn't too slow to attack a moving target], or Dragon [claws, jaws, 2 different types of breath per dragon, and 2 different elements[whatever you like] of magic, with the ability of seeing incredibly long distances coming as a standard thing in whatever dragon you create]
Teleportation, if used, can only be used within close range, as in, you cant completely leave the fighting area, and it can only be used within a certain time limit.

Stats should be made like this:

wingspan: [if it's a dragon, and if it has wings]
Last edited by The Kingpin on Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:08 pm, edited 28 times in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:27 pm

Name: Buraki
Age: 86,000
Species: Electrical Dragon
Length: 340 feet
Height: 170 feet
Wingspan: 550 feet
Weapons: Jaws, Claws, Horns, Tail, Shadow Flame (like fire except a little stronger and is black), Electric Breath, Shapeshift Magic, and Electric Magic (Summons blackish lightening from sky, can manipulate natural lightening to strike foes, can tamper with electrical weapons).
White version of this with red markings around his face.
Personality: Ruthless, terrifying, and manipulative, Buraki uses many forms, his original form and his Human form being the most used. His unique range of abilities, and power of electricity makes him a fearsome foe. Buraki also tampers with human affairs as one of his favorite past times. He is an old, experianced, powerful dragon, and is definately not to be confronted.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Thu May 08, 2008 7:17 am, edited 7 times in total.

Postby HorseGal » Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:19 pm

Name: Kaldoros
Age: 1450
Species: Fire Dragon
Length: 90ft
Height: 70ft
Wingspan: 100ft
Weapons: Claws, horns, teeth (six inch long canines), tail, fire breath, fireball breath (fire in the shapes of large flaming balls), Flamethrower breath, Fire magic, and Summoning Magic
Appearance: A red, gold, and black dragon with red all over with black stripes running down from the head and joins up to the tail. Small four inch spikes run from where the head joins the neck to the tip of the tail. His underside is the color of gold. Two black horns are nicely placed and spaced against his head. His eyes are yellow colored.
Personality: Kaldoros can be very protective of others around him and is easy to anger if he already despises your species or if you annoy him long enough. He despises humans and yearns to stay away from them as much as possible. If he sees a human or a human begins attacking him, he will either try to kill the human or scare him off. When he is not bothered by humans, he is very calm and friendly.
Last edited by HorseGal on Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mega raptor » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:59 pm

Name: Zephyr
Age: 2000
Species: European Dragon
Length: 50 ft
Height: 20 ft
wingspan: 80 ft
Weapons: Claws, jaws, wings, tail, electric breath, water breath, electrical magic, water magic.
Appearance: Striped yellow and orange down his body, with light orange wings and and a dark yellow head. There is also a row of spikes running down from the back of his head to the base of his tail, and light red eyes with two horns pointing backwards positioned over them.
Personality: Light-hearted and kind, he has been asleep since before the humans have been damaging the planet. He is often outgoing and friendly, though sometimes is unwilling to help others, even his friends.
It's you and me against the world. We attack at dawn.

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Postby Dinonerd » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:28 am

Name: Imperator Flamma (emperor of flame) (Imperator for short)

Age: 14000+ (one of the oldest dragons in exsitance)

Species: Draconis Lordus (Dragon kings, named from how old they can grow and by how intellegent and noble this race actually is and because how strong they are. Possibly the first dragons ever to exist)

Length: 240 feet

Height: 80 feet

wingspan: 600 feet

Weapons: Claws, Jaws, Tail, Fire breath(only breath it uses).

Appearance: Although it makes no sense with his breath which is fire Draconis Lordus species mostly are a glowing white scale colour with some purple in there, that is his primary colour. But his races are chameleons that can change colour to his surroundings. Has two large horns petruding out of the back of his head.

Personality: He is a very intellegent creature, avoids unecessary fights. His race is noble and can actually communicate and his race believes they were put on the planet to keep order. His main diet is cows.

His roar
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:55 am

Name: Aslan
Age: 749 yrs.
Species: Elder Dragon
Length: 24 meters long
Height: 32 feet tall
wingspan: 47 feet long
Weapons: Fire Aura Attacks, A Flame Sac that produces the fire breathing effect unline normal dragons, can produce a highly flammable powder and using his wings to spread it across the air, he then gnashes his teeth to create a spark, which then causes the powder around itself to ignite and explode.
Appearance: Instead of scales, his body is covered with red shells and a mane. He has hard bone in his wings, and brownish hair on them. He also has two large horns.Aslan
personality: He has lived for hundreds of years, constantly traveling lands. He is wise and skillful in combat. He tries to avoid conflict with humans and other dragons.
Last edited by Stallordasaurus Rex on Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:08 am

Name: Legendarus
Age: 3,600 (considered a young adult for his age as well as 17-18 in human years).
Species: Prehistoric Dragon
Length: 50 metres
Height: 50 feet
wingspan: 30 feet

Weapons: Claws, Horns, Teeth, Tail, usual weapons of a dragon, Acid Breath, Nature Fire, Supernova Breath. Earth Magic (control gravity forces and use them), Electric Magic (create lightning and hurricanes), Claymore Barrage.

Appearance: Legendarus is a green earth dragon. His kind existed as one of the first species to live on the planet and evolve into other species. They are also known as Dino Dragons as they were descendants of dinosaur and had many features of them as well. They were the dominant species at the time. They are now extremely rare. Much of their kind has died. Legendarus is one of the last. He walks on four legs but sometimes might run on two. He has 4 claws per foot as well. He's a pure Earth elemental capable of sending shockwaves through his dragonbreath. However, he is capable of also shooting electricity as well which is very unusual. He has a number of tricks up his sleeve during most situations...

Personality: Gentle a lot of the time but can be ferocious in battle. Prehistoric Dragons were fiercely territorial. He now lives with other dragons all in caves. He managed to survive the great extinction that nearly took his race with it. Now he is alone at this time. He plans to give the humans a nice welcome when he comes out. He is also very patient and kind. Very tolerant of others around him too.
Last edited by Legendary Elite on Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:40 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby dinoman666 » Sat May 26, 2007 1:28 pm

Name: Ghidrah
Age: 5,000 years
Species: Earth Dragon
Length: 60 feet
Height: 50 feet
Wingspan: 80 feet

Weapons: Fire breath, electricity breath, and ice breath. Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water magic.

Appearance: Similar to the Wyvern, but with usable hands. He is dark blue, with pale wings and horns on the sides of his head.

Personality: Usually good-natured, but despises humans, which often makes him a target of Dragon hunters, though none have ever succeeded against him.
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:03 pm

Anyone still interested? i've cleaned out the RPG so we can start from scratch, so anyone who wants to give this RPG another shot, here's your chance.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Draco » Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:29 pm

Name: Draco
Age: 2000 years old
Species: Western Dragon
Length: 100 ft
Height: 50 ft
wingspan: 200 ft
Weapons: Claws, Tail Spikes, Dorsal Ridge Spines, Fire Breath, Acid Breath, and Shapeshift Magic.
Appearance: Black as the darkest night with blood red stripes down his sides and a grey colored underbelly. Has a spiky dorsal ridge running from his forehead to the tip of his tail. Has 6 ft spikes on the top bottom and sides of his tail about 5 feet back from the tip looking like a claw formation.
Personality: Very rage prone will attack without a second guess and won't stop until he or his enemy is dead sometimes killing others around him if his rage isn't satified or he doesn't regain control of himself. Lives alone in the hottest places on earth.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:43 am

Gore growls as the humans find him in his cave. "Leave me!" He shoots a beam of light from his hands. His light magic forces destroys half of the humans and their weapons. The humans shoot at him with their weapons. Gore in injured in his left arms. "Grr!" He shoots a Sunbeam at the humans. THe group of humans were destroyed. He sinks back into the shadows of the cave. Hoping not to be found by even more humans.....
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:04 pm

a massive fiery form zoomed down into the field, locking one of it's clawed hands shut on a cow before lifting itself upwards with a single powerful beat of it's red, leathery wings, and turning towards a massive mountain in northern England, the top of which had a massive ledge that held a similarity to Pride Rock by those who knew the Lion King films. the massive winged creature was Inferno, called Inferno the Merciless in ancient times, he was now known simply, as Inferno. he landed on the ledge, and ate the cow, satisfied with his catch. he then lay down and rested...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Draco » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:24 pm

A great form pulls itself from a crevice on the side of a dormant volcano. Hefting itself onto the edge of the rocks that form a sort of rocky patio. The reptilian form scratches its neck and stretches out in the beating sun. This creature's name is Draco, which in truth isn't really his true name just the name given to him by humans in the older days now he doesn't stray far from his home only to prey upon the great beasts of the plains for this is a new island discovered off the coast of Africa, a complete ecosystem undiscovered until now.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.
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Postby dinoman666 » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:27 pm

A massive, Wyvern-like dragon perched on a tall rocky outcropping, which overlooked his territory. Some humans in a large armored transport car had invaded, and the dragon, named Ghidrah, would make sure they wouldn't leave alive.
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Postby Draco » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:50 pm

Hefting his massive form Draco begins his descent to the base of the volcano. He decided he would walk as the stretch his legs and work out the kinks in his spinal column he had gotten while asleep. Everytime he took a step he would leave great gashes on the rock face some were there from previous trips to the base, but some were new. Reaching the base Draco spots a bull elephant grazing on the foliage this particular elephant was alone. Mussssst be mating ssssseasssson. He thought to himself as he, as gracefully as a massive dragon can be, sneaks up on the unsuspecting elephant. Without a single second for the elephant to react Draco unleashes a small torrent of flame toward the elephants legs scorching them to a point where he couldn't walk. Draco then drops his stealthy aire and waltzes up to the bellowing creature where he takes one claw on his forepaw and slits the creature's throat silencing the beast. Draco then clamps his jaws upon the elephant and hefts him back up to his lair where he will consume the kill in peace no creature daring enough to ascend the mountain to steal from him.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.
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Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:11 pm

Inferno let out a frightening roar after he finishedresting. he was in the mood to stretch properly. something that only flying could do. so he leapt off the ledge and spread his wings, taking to the sky at incredible speed. he headed for a small city that had been sending several attack forces at him. it was time to teach them what happened to aggressors...

as he arrived, he shot an enormous blast of fire down ont the city, engulfing several buildings in flames. alarms sounded, and people on the street started to run into buildings, and jets lined up to take off from the military airfield nearby to attack him. "Oh no you dont!" he roared as he flew over them and blasted the planes with fireballs, burning and blowing the aircraft to pieces as he flew past them, then summoned a volcano over the strip, to make sure none of the other jets could take off...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Draco » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:28 am

Bones are heard cracking from the lair upon the volcano. Draco is finishing his meal. He cracks each bone and finishes even the marrow taking in every nutrient before tossing the bones over the side of his ledge landing in a pile that grew every month Draco went to feed. Brushing the last remaining bone fragments from the ledge Draco stretchs his wings out to their full length flaps them once....twice.....three times before diving off of the ledge and gliding down the side of the volcano before coming out a steep dive and leveling out over the tree tops. Draco surveys his territory looking for anything he may find....unsatisfactory.....
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:55 am

Ghidrah swooped down upon the armored car from his perch. The car fired with the turret attached to its roof, but the bullets did nothing to the dragon. As Ghidrah came close, he used his fire breath to completely char the car and all the people in it. He roared in victory.
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Postby Draco » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:28 pm

Draco hadn't anything that displeased him....yet....but there was still a lot of ground to cover since this entire Island was his territory and sometimes young male dragons would try to move in on him not a single one ever left the island unscathed though. The winds begin to blow against draco and all of a sudden he gets the scent.....a young male in his territory....
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:11 am

The ground shook below inside an underground mine deep underground. A group of miners ran out from the cave shouting as something huge came up through the mine. It was deep in the Nullarbor Plain in Australia. Then the ground burst and a green light burst through the top. A roar was heard and the dust cleared up to reveal a huge dragon. Legendarus roared...
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