The Quest: Rise Of The Noble Warrior

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

The Quest: Rise Of The Noble Warrior

Postby C S » Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:12 am

"Run, through that bulk head" Aircrest hissed, crouching downm, twirling the sword he held in hand, glaring at the oncomming sentinals, Robotic creatures, reddish armor, one single circular, blue glowing eye. The looked like humans, skinny, non muscular humans. Hypermouth and his group of compies rolled out of the door just as it closed, a loud hiss of air signaling it was completely sealed. The sentinals stopped, the leader of the group's eye projecting a hollogram of a shadowed figure. "I'd call you brave..." the person began in a hoarse voice. "But you are merely naive" The hollogram faded away. The sentinals raised their hands, wrist lasers shooting up and locking in place. Blue lasers flew out in rappid bursts. Aircrest jumped, grabbing onto a pipe and slamming the claws on his hands into the pipe,his wight pulling them through the weak metal. Just about this time, the sentianals, which were shooting at where Aircrest was to begin with, were now shooting up. They then aimed downwards and opened fire as Aircrest jumped into the pipe, crawling down it. Suddenly, the room the robots were in flooded, the large cargo ship about to plunge into the ocean depths.

That wasnt the beginning. Far from it....This was the beginning....

Chapter:1: Part 1

Hypermouth, who regained a stable mind, hopped around the coat lines of Isla Sorna. He was singing happilly to him self "Im a little Hypermouth small and annoying but when you get to me Ican so charming and I can protect my friends from any sort of harming-" He stopped,peering out to the horizon. In a blink of an eye, black hawks flew over head and launched 4 missiles each, the missiles slamming into the ground and exploding. Hypermouth screeched "SCREW THE LAST PART!" And ran down the coast, helicopters zooming over head. The entire island was cornered of by aircraft carriers, gun ships and hidden submarines.Pteronodons flew off the island, only to be shot down, one by one. Hypermouth yelped in fear and dove into the foliage that would lead into the jungle, running as fast as his legs can take him. He didnt know, who, what he would tell, but surely he wasnt the only one who knew. Aircrest, who was lazilly munching on the carcass of a gallimimus was startled when gun fire echoed across the island. Suddenly, a large pack of parasauralopouses ran out of the dense fog covering the plains. Aircrest turned from his kill and bolted off, putting more than enough space between him, and the herd. Then, the howls of pained creatures echoed and then the thuds of their body hitting the ground. Aircrest growled "Humans" And stopped running. Suddenly, InGen jeeps zoomed by on either side of him. Then there came one driving straight at him. The green raptor was unmoving until the last possibl,e moment, jumping up and landing on the hood of the jeep. The driver and his gun weilding passenger gasping. Aircrest kicked the windsheild, stabbing his killer claw into the the person holding the gun's throat then slashed the driver with it across the throat. Aircrest, seeing the man's hand on the wheel turned it with his feet, the dead driver being thrown out of the seat when the jeep swerved to the side, other jeeps stopping suddenly, more still piling on top each other. Aircrest growled and ran off not going to be captured by the hairless monkies

Chapter:1: part 2

A few hours later, Aircrest found a group of dinosaurs of all species gathered in one area. The raptor, confused tried asking around, wanting to know,but no one gave him the answers he craved. They were all too traumatised are depressed, scared. Suddenly, a booming roar echoed over the island. Crusher came from the trees and growled "I have received word that our fellow RPGs, the Animal RPG, Skull Island RPG, hell, even the SeaRPG is being over run with humans" Suddenly, a high pitched voice said "I say we let it get unlocked!" Heads turned to the source, which was one of the many great white's in the SRPG wearing floral glasses and lipstick. Heads turned back to Crusher. "It is obvious" he continued "The humans, who we identified as google, wants to delete us and use this RPGforum as advertising space. Damn the capitillism? What good would that do? God and Jesus are at their wits end answering prayers. We must fight back!" That night, Aircrest sat on a log, one of many circling a camp fire with a fish slowly getting cooked. He saw a brown cat and a white one, sitting on a log eating fish. He called to them "Good god, WRPG too?" Snowclaw replied "It's been invaded by humans, now its bursting at the seems, so me and Coldeyes here cut out" Aircrest nodded and growled "Where did we get fish?" Coldeyes hissed "The shark guy was being an a*s, so we cooked him" Aircrest wanted to gag but didnt. He simply said "If he's cooking now, how do you have peicies?" Snowclaw said "We are cats, hell, we are animals, we dont need to cook anything.." Aircrest's eye twitched. All he could think is "Time paradox" Over and over again. He had a fitfull night. "Selena?" Aircrest growled in his sleep. He dreamt of running down the long tunnel of the mutant cave, getting lost in the immensity all while being savagly attacked by the mutants, flesh hanging off his muscelles, he lost massive quantities of blood by every blinking second. He came across the rock that stood between him and the one he cared dearest for and fell, knowing there was no way he'd be able to lift it and knowing he was on the brink of death. The mutants could have killed him, and their persistant attacks after he fell should have finished it. But when he woke several days later, hungry, dehydrated and sevearly scarred, it was clear he wasnt ment to die. He gave up trying to save Selena, knowing he'd have no one to help him, any old friends turning their backs on him as he did to them. The memories replayed them selves like this every night, but now there was a shark that could be eaten raw but roasting infront of him as he recalled the time he was in a clearing, alone, thinking of what to do with his life.." God" Aircrest said, staring at the fish "My mind is so screwed up"

Chapter:1: part 3

That morning, when Aircrest woke, he was surrounded by differnet characters, modt recognizable was Hypermouth, he chirped "We're getting our armor!" Aircrest got up, seeing the grey metal suits. Aircrestwlked over to the pile of metal ad chose which suited him best, a light upper body fleese. Hypermouth chirped, your going into battle against humans! You'll need more protection to be safe from a hit" Aircrest growled 'the safest you can be from a hit is to not get hit and to do that I rely on speed, and I cant have armor hinder my speed now can I?" Hypermouth slowly nodded no. Aircrest barked "Good" Aircrest turned back to the pile, choosing slim, duel swords with a black tinted handle. The handle it self had interweaving patterns that looked as if it was meant to be ice frozen into a three pronged trident. The imprinting glowed a silver light when exposed to the bright sun. Aircrest swung the blades over head into holsters on either side of him. He then asked "Why are we fighting with swords? I thought the humans had their death sticks" Crusher growled. "Those- those were not a threat, the ones we're fighting are metal, emotionless..." Aircrest envisioned the strange humans. "The only thing made of metal that I've seen was Darkness" Aircrest forced him self to stay calm when mentioning the insane raptor that he could have beaten if he was just abit quicker and stronger... Suddenly, stomps could be heard from behind. Aircrest turned to see Jagged Eye, the burgandy allosaurous having grey armor all along his back aswell as what closely matches a basket to ride in, like those used on elephants. The allosaur had a helmet with spike petruding just above the eye crests. Crusher snorted "He will be your transport." Aircrest bent down, picked up a grey helmet which covered his entire top jaw and down his cheeks. The green raptor jumped into the basket. Hypermouth cleared his throat. And buzzed "Size impairitty?" Jagged Eye kneel down so that he was almost lying down on is stomach, so the blue, ful armored creature can get into the basket, With the help of Aircrest, Hypermouth and 4 other compies made into the basket, as well as four raptors ad 2 pterosaurs. Jagged Eye got up. Crusher growled "We have a base in the forest, but the googe...things, are attacking, go support them" Jagged Eye nodded and ran off

Chapter:1: Part 4

Lasers hit the trees and white hots sparks flew off, the plant life bursting into flames. The toodon soldiers were pinned to the base of the cliff, the top being just above the jungle. The sentinals fired their blue lasers down. Jagged Eye growled "So...they...shoot....explosive sky things?"Hypermouth buzzed"what makes you say that?"Jagged Eye replied "" Aircrest growled "The troodons cant even land hits, they're defenseless" Hypermmouth put his hand to his side and pulled out a bow. He then took an arrow from the pack on his back and pulled back on the string as far as it could go. When he let go, the arrow zipped through the trees and slammed into a sentinal, and bounced off. Hypermouth hissed "Crap" The sentinals looked from the troodons and at the group, noticable by Jagged Eye's shiny armor. A compy growled "Where's Aircrest?" Another said "He jumped ship!?" Hypermouth growled "Damn right he did" They looked at Aircrest, swords in hand, one held out to his side and one pointed striaght foward as he ran. The sentianls shot at him. Aircrest fell onto his back, sliding directly under the laser fire. Aircrest rolled to his feet and jumped onto the cliff, using petruding rocks and depressions to climb it. The sentinals stepped back as the green raptor launched up and over their 8 foot high bodies. Aircrest landed in front of them. One drew a wrist blade and swung at him, Aircrest slamming a sword down on it and using the other to stab the robot in the chest. It paused for a second and swung again, barely missing AIrcrest who jumped back and rocked unsteadilly on the edge of the cliff. He jumped up and agin, landing behind the wrist blade weilding dark red robot. He stabbed the robot in the back with one sword and it's side with the other. Nothing happened. It turned around and thrust his blade, Aircrest criss crossing his blades on the broadside, the blade clanking against it. Arrcrest pushed back, the sentinal's wrist blade flailing up. Aircrest slammed his swords into the ground, jumped onthe blades and launched off them, falling down on the setinal, using his killer claw to behead the robot and kick it's body off the cliff. When he heard a thud, Aircrest looked over the edge, the body unmoving. "Ha" He growled to himself. He then turned to the 3 other sentinals, who had their guns aimed at him. Suddenly, the previous robot's eye, which Aircrest was holding started blinking in sycvrinisitty to beeps. Aircrest looked at the head and the robots and barked "All yours!" He grabbed his swords and threw the head to the robots and jumped off the cliff, landing on a tree branch, a violents explosion detonationg behind him

Chapter:1: part 5

A badly damaged sentinal got up, his blue eye crackling with electricity. It sent a binary message to their hive mind leader, "We have failed to discover the power source" After this, the robot whose legs have been blown off froze up and fell to the ground with a clank. Aircrest slid down the tree trunk and said "They dont seem to be the best fighters, they're reflexes are slow as hell, and their head is the weakspot, though the head is a time bomb..." Suddenly, the cliff shook, Aircrest turning to look to it. The rocks fell, revealing a massive metalic building. Aircrest growled "" Jagged Eye weaved through the forest, comming out at the cliff base and growled "You go check it out, while I find away to get to the entrance" Aircrest nodded but growled "But I may want to stick with you...considering the fact the cliff is hiding..some...thing and surely the sentinals are the one that summonned it, so it must be heavilly gaurded..." Jagged Eye growled "Fine, take Hypermouth and his friends" Aircrest squinted his eyes and hissed"I...hate much"

"Wassat?" hypedrmouth growled, peeping through the massive opening in the wall. "Aircrest placed a hand on the cold silver colored metal. "Im not sure" He whisperred. He ran into the opening, diving into a roll and moving behind metal crates in a crouch. Hypermouth simply walked leisurely over to the raptor, the sentinals walking in and out of the immense room barly noticed him. Aircrest growled "How'd you do that?" Hypermouth shrugged and said "Though, people say that I annoy them cause I talk alot and I spew lots of gibberish and type "y3a" when saying yes on MSN" By this time, Aircrest was already far from the site, darting stealthilly through the shadows, jumping on a crate and richochetting off it onto a catwalk, hanging. Aircrest swung his weight and vaulted onto the cat walk, where he ran, seeing strange devises glowing at the end. The raptor jumped over the railing and scaled the side of the suspended walk way, a sentinal robot walking right behind him. Aircrest jumped back up onto the walk way. Then, a sentinal walked up to his muzzle. Aircrest tensed, reaching for his swords when the robot said "Readjusting direction" and side stepped Aircrest. He growled "They dont fight intruders?"Hypermouth growled "These must be different,see, they have green plating" And so they did, instead of burgandy. Aircrest growled "How'd you get up here to fast?" Hypermouth buzzed "I used the ladder" Aircrest growled "....yes.." And ran down the cat walk, the metal clanking. Aircrest stepped up to the devices,they were computers. Aircrest scanned the words, typing on the keyboard. What he wanted to know who were these robots, who made them, why, and what was this place."Who are they?" Hypermouth growled. "Sentinals..." Aircrest mumbled. "Who made them?" Hypermouth buzzed. Aircrest mumbled "Stop reading what im typing" Hypermouth chirped "sorry" Aircrest hissed "Dammit, nothing." He then gasped and barked "They've been here for 20 years now, trying to find a power source, or something. Suddenly, a gruff voice echoed over the intercom. "Well, well, well, today, is the day we've been waiting for.." Aircrest cocked his head. "We have reached the key to unlimitted power. Isla Sorna has been secured. Onto GEW" Aircrest hissed "we're lucky, we need to get to that power source and find out what it is" Hypermouth growled "Shouldnt we go AWAY from the power..thing?" Aircrest growled "Quite" Just then, the metal floor opened, a spiralling stair case was revealed. "AND...Thats our cue" Aircrest growled, climbing down a ladder near by the computers and plopping onto the metal floor with a clank. Aircrest ran to the stairs when Hypermouth landed on his back, he jumping from the cat walk.

Chapter:1: part 6

Aircrest walked down the spiralling staircase, a bluish glow eminatting from the bottom. The metal floor turned into stone, obviously, something ancient made this under ground chamber.Near the bottom, Burgandy sentinals heard the pitter pattering of Hypermouth, who had jumped off Aircrest and ran ahead. "Intruders" One said. Five sentinals, which were the only gaurds ran to the door, and saw nothing. They drew wrist blades and looked at each other, then walked up the stairs in search. Aircrest dropped down from the ceiling, which he jumped up and spread his limbs around to secure him self. Hypermouth simply curled up, his blue armor matching the glow of the object just around the corner. Aircrest walked foward, seeing a glowing ball that seemed like it was made out of lightning and fire. Blue spiralling flumes of blue flame shot out periodically. "Well, we know WHY they are here, but what they want this thing a mystery" Aircrest growled. He tentativly stepped towards the glowing sphere. Hypermouth chirped "..what holds it together?" Aircrest growled "I...dont know" Suddenly, a white electrical beam flew out and slammed into Aircrest, his yellow eyes turning whitish blue. Hypermouth fell back in fear, drawing his short blade. "Let him go and you won't feel the cold steel of my sword!" He buzzed. The beam died down, Aircrest falling to his knees. Hypermouth ran to his side and growled "Aircrest! Your armor! It's...shiney..its gold and shiney...shiney shiney" And so it was, the grey armor golden, it having strange markings criss crossing all over it. Same for his helmet, but spikes ran the lenght of it and another petruded just above where Aircrest's ears would be. Suddenly, the clanking foot steps of the sentinals echoed in the chamber. Aircrest drew his double swords, the blade blue and the handle gold with the same marks as his armor. Aircrest got to his feet, and spun around to face the entrance to the room, the sentinals fired their lasers. Aircrest jumped, but was shocked to see that these robots pinned his every move with lightning fast reflexes. He landed in a crouch and ran in a circle around the 5 armed sentinals, they firing their weapons, the lasers getting ever so close to him. Thinking fast, Aircrest jumped at the wall and bounced off, flying towards the robots. Aircrest landed on a sentinal, another firing at him but hitting the robot. Hypermouth was jumping wildly in front of the glowing blue sphere, expecting to be hit with the blue beam but nothing happened. Aircrest stabbed his sword into another Sentinal's head and jumped off. He screeched "Hypermouth, we need to get the hell out of here before this place goes sky high!" Hypermouth stopped jumping and ran to Aircrest, the raptor picking him up and darting up the staircase. Suddenly, the blast was heard and fire flew up behind him. Aircrest jumped when he was near the top, escaping the flume of fire that shot out. He landed in a roll, dodging the fire of more sentinals in the giant metalic room. The raptor swung at a close sentinal. Suddnly, water from the near by river rose and rolled into the cliff base, flooding into the cliff, filling the room, except, there was a dome of air around Aircrest and Hypermouth. Not thinking about the stange occurance, Aircrest ran out of the base, the water falling limp and flowing out of the base..

Chapter:1: part 7

"And then my armor turned into this" Aircrest explained, he had a long story,but since you read it, it would be stupid to retell it as he saw it right? Dont you as*holes feel lucky..... joking. Back on topic. Crusher growled "Then we need this strong hold, where this...power source is. We will use it for our selves" Hypermouth buzzed "But I tried to make it do what it did to Aircrest to me, but it didnt" Crusher growled "You expect me to believe that this thing only works on the raptor?!" Aircrest coughed "I have a name" Crusher snorted "Of course" He growled "I trust that you will go to this G...E....W, and find what they want there" Hypermouth chirped "Wassat?" Aircrest nodded.

Aircrest slid into thew back of what seemd to be a SUV only instead of wheels, there were 4 fans that pointed at the ground. It wasnt clear where the sentinals were going in these hover crafts but it seems like they were all heading to this..GEW place. It was a good guess, seeing as every robot was now loading onto the vehicles. Aircrest growled "Get in" Snowclaw mewed "We're shoving off cap'n?" in a scottish accent (Ever heard a scottish cat mew? Neither did I, but his mew sounded pretty damned scotish) Aircrest growled "What's with the voice?" Snowclaw replied "Shuttap before I shove a bagpipe up your-" A sentinal said in an electronic voice "As*......assas.....assassin?" Aircrest stared wide eyed at the cat and slunk back into the SUV hover craft, Snowclaw jumping in after. Hypermouth closed the door and ran off into the jungle. Soon after, the crafts sputtered to life and sped off over the water, on the way to the Godzilla Ewar..

Chapter:1: Part 8

A few days later, the crafts moved over the beaches of an island. Aircrest woke up with a yawn. He slid the canvas that covered him slowly, trying not to alert the sentinals. The raptor opened the door and hopped onto the beach, Snowclaw following him as he moved into the jungle. Aircrest heard distant roars, nothing like those on his home. The spaced out palm trees were scratched, deep claw marks on them. Then he came across fallen trees, a strong scent accompanying the carnage. "You see this, Snowclaw?" The cat nodded and mewed in his own accent."The hell did this?" Suddenly, raptors, 10 foot tall, blue and red. They had armor, similar to Aircrest's. "You with humans?" One said. Aircrest growled "No, Ive come here on a mission against them" The raptors looked to each other and nodded.They each pulled out a whistle made out of long, 10 inch long razor sharp teeth. The high pitched whistle sounded like wind reonated in a hollow oak tree. Seconds past, then the Earth trembled under it's massive body. MegaMouth walked into view, the adolesant kaiju towering above them, at a 100 feet tall, and with the largest predator on the island an ally, he is unchallenged. He lowered his massvie head down, lying on his stomach. Aircrest mumbled "I can finally feel your pain..Hypermouth" The massive red creature's gray armor glinted in the sun light. His cufflink armor had spikes circling it. It was from his old teeth were the whistiles that summoned him were made.

Chapter:1: Part 9

Later, MegaMouth watched over his island home, watching the dark figures of massive blimps floating over the ocean. The red monster hissed in disgust. "Humans, born with a hole in their heart, from that, greed rises. Nothing is enough for them. When they run out of mateirial objects, they fight amongst them selves-" A giant raptor growled "Coming from the creature that laid down his large territory a few hours after being born" MegaMouth growled "It's in my nature" Suddenly, fires broke out, the flame bellowing up from the canopies. "The humans are launching an assault!" A four winged beige dragon fly like creature screeched. MegaMouth roared "TO BATTLE!" And jumped off the black rock outcropping. He landed on a cliff side, a water fall flowing from it. MegaMouth climbed down the rock face. Aircrest, who was at the base of the mountain, at the mouth of MegaMouth's cave, was eating a creature with 4 elongated necks with a stubby snout. The creature's body looked like an apatosaurous', and the feet of those of an elephant. Suddenly, the ground shook as MegaMouth his the ground. Snowclaw mewed "What's going on?" Aircrest shrugged. Then the sun light that shone into the cave was blocked out. Megamouth at the mouth. "Humans are burning down the jungle. There are rumors of a hermit, banished to the deleted RPG section near here. He holds the knowledge of a power great enough to fight the robotic creatures" Aircrest growled "If you make it, please contact the ISS Supreme Army. Ask for Crusher." MegaMouth nodded. Just then, huge,3 50 foot sentinals burst outo fthe tree line. "You will eat all your vegetables mister!" One exclaimed. MegaMouth lowered his hand, Aircrest stepping into his palm, Snowclaw following. Megamouth raised his hand to his shoulder, Aircrest and the white cat jumping on to his armor. Snowy jumped on Aircrest, who was holding MegaMouth's armor's shoulder spikes. The monster turned to the giant sentinals. One out stretched it's arms, a wrist blade sliding out on one hand, and a rocket launcher on the other. The others did the same. They started walking towards MegaMouth. Suddenly, a blue blur appeared and one sentinal fell, one of his legs dismembered. The other two looked at the fallen comrade. Megamouth reared up and unleashed a roar, suddenly, flames flew out of his mouth, engulfing the robots. After the flames died down, sparks flew off the robots, but they were still functional. They turned to MegaMouth and fired their rockets. MegaMouth hissed and jumped the side, the rokets flying into his home and exploding, the cave mouth collapsing upon it's self. The monster roared "Ill be mad about later!" And charged a sentinal, shoulder bashing it. Aircrest screeched, and jumped before the inevitable collision, avoiding the tremors that would knock him off. He landed in a crouch and growled "Im still here!" Megamouth growled "Sorry!" And grabbed a sentinal's wrist blade arm, snapping it off and stabing it into it's "neck". He then used that same sentinal as a club, smashing it into the other one, which landed on the crippled robot. Just then, Whiteclaw flew over head, the white dragon dive bombing the site and showrering the robots in green flame. MegaMouth darted into the jungle, away from the growing flames. He hissed "Ill get you as close that I can take you to the realm of deleted RPG's but I'm needed here, and you will have a long journey ahead of you"

MegaMouth ran through the jungle. There were sentinals, standard issue, human sized in his path, which were flattened as his body moved through the trees. Of course, Being 100 feet tall and still growing he didnt fit. The red monster slammed his head into trees in his way, sending them flying into the next, splintering from the force. It would be only minutes until the juggernaut that was the red monster to reach the island's coast. Megamouth raised his palm to his shoulder, Aircrest and Snowclaw hopping onto it. "We will meet again" The monster growled softly, but even then it was pretty loud, and the soft tone was gruff and sounded like wind blowing through autaumn leaves. Snowclaw shivered. Suddenly, more, blue armored, Jumbo sentinals walked out of the jungle, one saying "Hasta La vista" Megamouth turned and snarled "This is madness, this...this is....politics..".He let Aircrest and Snowclaw down. He then charged the Sentinal jumping onto it,the ground shaking from the impact soon after. Aircrest hissed "Get on my back!" and ran to a hover craft. Snowclaw did just that, barly landing on the speeding raptor whose rappid foot steps kicked up the light brown sand. Aircrest opened the rear trunk of the Van hover craft, Snowclaw jumping in. Aircrest slammed the swing up door shut and ran along the blue vehicle with a black millitary camoflauge paint job's right side, jumping into the driver's seat through an open window. Aircrest repositioned him self in the seat, moving his tail to hang over the passanger seat. Snowclaw growled "I wanted shot gun!" Aircrest barked "Well my tail thought he wanted shot gun and we share a brain, so you stay back there!" He muttered something, grabbing the steering wheel. Aircrest glanced at the gauges and meters, flashing lights. Suddenly, it revealed it self to him. A key in the ignition with "Fan starter" written in yellow letters on a red background under the key. Aircrest growled "They have a false sense of security!" And turned the key, the hover craft sputtering to life, the span spinning, making a mechanical hiss as air rushed down into the sand and water. Aircrest pushed a gear shift foward, the craft slowly moving out over the water, the sounds of MegaMouth's blows landing against armor echoed as it left, despite the noise.

Chapter:1: Part 10

Well, I can write about how Aircrest hovered scross the ocean expanse, detailed descriptions, telling you how he turned the steering wheel and how fast he did so. OR I can tell you of the ACTIONY stuff that happened you little wippers-HEY YOU KIDS GET OFF MAH LAWN

Aircrest slammed the wheel as far as it can go to the right, the hover craft spinning out, sliding past the blue, green column of water, spiralling in place, the water moving up (god that was weird to write for some reason, must be what Aircrest will say in this next line) Aircrest growled "Now I know how soccer moms feel like." Snowclaw growled "Really now?!" Aircrest barked jokingly "Slap on a sweat band, sweat suit on me and call me Gladys!" Snowclaw hissed "Well, Gladys, Drive the damn SUV! I mean hover craft...boat, thing!" Loneclaw appeared suddenly. "DUDE! I have a deal on cat nip!" Aircrest looked over his car seat at the strange spirit cat. Snowclaw was debating weither he should cut himself and wear black clothes and make up, since his family was comprised of ningcompoops. Loneclaw mewed "Hey, ya might wanna, drive the soccer mom car" Aircrest looked straight, what could be best described as a half bridge of ice moving up. Aircrest growled "If we die in this Dukes Of Hazard ripoff, I want you to know, Snowclaw, I put whipped cream on your face while you slept." Snowclaw mewed "Hey, as* wipe, Im white already, I wouldnt notice" The hover craft hit the ice bridge that was now a ramp and shot upwards. Aircrest and Snowclaw growled and mewed at the same time "We're flyinging..." as soon as the Hovercraft lost contact with the ice, it plummeted straight towards the water. Aircrest screamed "For the love of creamed corn, do something!" Snowclaw screamed "THAT ANOTHER JOKE ABOUT WHITE FUR SMART AS*!?" Aircrest was going to say, "Creamed corn is yellow you color blind buttmunch " But water shot up from under the car and froze when it made contact. The ice then floated towards a bubbling in the distance. Then, a tropical island surfaced, the trees and mountains unaffected by the water, the land dry as much as a tropical island can be, as if a bubble surround the land mass while it was under water As the ice neared the island, it melted away until it was a 30 foot wave, which got shortened graduatly as it got to the island, finishing at 10 feet high and washing the vehicle on to the sandy beaches at the beginning of the jungle, the realm of the deleted Skull Island RPG...

Chapter:1: Part 11

Aircrest's toes sunk in the white grainy sand. Everything about this island had that feel, that feeling you get when watching a kid cartoon, like Dora the explorer. There were things that happened that shouldnt have happened, or anyone with half a brain could have stopped it (God I feel like an a*s now) THIS was the Skull Island RPG, the flaming hell that the past of a few n00bs created. It was banished to the under realm of the sea, only recently it has risen on a schedual. The Kingpin, as the story goes, harnessed the power to create realm where those with creative thoughts, bright plans for the future, or those that are just bat sh*t crazy can fit in in harmony and balance. But the n00bs, the scourge of the under realm of the internet, shunned by realitty and society and trying to wreak their revenge on random internet forums and websites, flooded onto the site. To this day, the memberlist is still filled with forum dust, or RPG meteorites, inactive members, spam bots and the rare one digit n00b poster. Then there is the common n00b but active poster. These are the number one threat sinse they lay seige proactivly. But these n00bs can be mistaken for newbs and are let be, so they can get better. Unfortunatly, some newbs are seen as n00bs and are punished. These n00bs however, created the scourges of RPG's, characters whose actions undermine the very foundation of an RPG. A couple of newbs, CS, IK and Stallo participated in the pure life of a new RPG, but their posts would turn it's soul black, filled with hatred and n00bish. Time went by. The level of n00bish made the RPG an attention grubbing monster. The Kingin slain the beast and banished it into the underworld. But, the n00bs there will never touch it, The Kingpin cast a seal on it. The only things getting in were those dumb enough to piss off the admins and mods in the RPGT ewar. CS spent his days here, using hidden mastery of the water element to sink the island, and make it rise. No one has ever seen him, and belive he died, but his spirit still does his duty. Maybe this hermit knows anything about what happened. Aircrest growled "Lets go Snowy, this hermit shouldnt be too hard to find." Suddenly, a 5' 8 figure, in a green cloak reveled himself from the trees with a throaty "Yes, yes, How do you do!? HMM?!" Aircrest growled "Er...are you the swamp hermit?" THe figure nodded. "I am not a Yoda ripoff either, that be true" Aircrest growled " I was told you can help me" The swamp hermit simply pointed behind Aircrest. Aircrest eyed the hermit, reaching back to get the handles of his swords. In an instant Aircrest's grip on the handles tightned and unsleathed them with lightning fast speed, spinning around and slamming the swords diagonally down a Venatosaur's neck, slicing it into 3 peices, the middle peice being the smallest. Aircrest sleathed his swords as he used the last of the momentum to face the hermit. "The blades of Neptune..I havent used that for the longest while" The hermit said

Chapter:1: part 12

Aircrest growled "Come any closer and your hermit as* will be sleeping with the fishes and Snowclaw's scottish accent!" Snowclaw simply mewed "YA!" The hermit said "Wait wait! I used to weild the swords you used" Aircrest growled "Impossible, I got this after being exposed to a strange power source!" The hermit said "I used to weild the blades in the RPGT ewar, through which, with help of my shark animagous, ruled my under sea utopia. But I sent here, for my kingdom being in the darkest depths was n00by. I now rise and sink this island with the currents, picking up any other prisoners" Aircrest growled "Your CS?" The hermit replied "No, I am, your maker" Aircrest growled ".... So your CS?" CS said "Ya pritty much" A few hours later, CS came to his home, a lake. With a flick of a wrist, the lake froze solid, except for a retangular hole with stairs leading down from it. CS walked across the ice. Aircrest and company followed. As they made their way down the tunnel, the stairs melted away after them, the water floating in a mystical way around them. A few mintues later, they came to the under water cave, a natrual air bubble. As soon as they stepped in it, the water unfroze and regained it's natrual state, no sign that the trio was ever there. CS said "I can train you in the way of the blades, which is basically simple. Think of what you want to do with the water, and make a movement with the sword. The water will obey." Aircrest growled "There was one time before, when, my armor and sword transformed. The water...did, something, it flooded the enemy complex, and, protected me and my fellow warrior." CS said "The defense mechanism of the noble armor...when you are panicked and inexpeiranced with the blades, it's own magic will protect you. In this state you have unprecidented power, but the stream of thought cannot be broken, or it may kill you when the power regresses into the armor" Aircrest nodded. "The noble armor, is this gold armor?" CS nodded. He then said "Your time with me has expired, the force behind the google expanse, while....a di*k wad, is quite powerful, water is versitile in the right hands" The lake outside the under water cave froze agin, the stairs reforming. "See your self out" CS said.

Aircrest was getting into the hovercraft after trekking through the jungle, slaughtering the n00by and numerous V-rexes. "That was fun" Snowclaw said, hopping in. Aircrest growled "Next time, lets go kick the random giant gorilla bones!" Suddenly, the sentinals darkened the skies, giant mecha units carrying large containers with, probably millions of smaller infantry. Aircrest growled "We are sooooooo boned" Snowclaw said "We have you, magic man, magic magic guy" Aircrest hissed "I cant destroy an army of these things with water!" Snowclaw growled "Use your talent to pick us off the beach eh? Seem simple." Aircrest got out of the craft, getting onto the roof. He unsheathed his gold handled blades. He thought hard, concentrating every fiber of his being at the ocean. He swiftly swung his blades up, to show the water what he wanted to happen, but the water never stirred. Snowclaw growled "We are sooooo boned"

The form of CS appeared in front of the raptor and cat, sitting on a tree branch 10 feet in the air. He said "Oh, you might wanna know, I surrenderred the power into the glowing orb you got your noble armor and the blades into." Aircrest growled "So the power is in the orb?" CS laughed. "Heavens, no, you have it, just trying to fill in some plot holes" CS suddenly faded away. Aircrest hissed "That guy is a douche" Aircrest jumped back into the hovercraft again, and drove onto the ocean. Life was too much to bear. Sentinals are flowing in like wild fire, Aircrest had an advantage, but couldnt use it, and for some reason, he felt like the entire battle depended on him. Aircrest returned to Isla Sorna, following the scent marks of the ISS: 1st InterIsland Army. Crusher roared. "Google has sent a barrage of deactivated Sentinals towards our island. We need to end this battle before it starts. Hypermouth and friends. I give you this mission." Aircrest barked, running into the clearing "I will join him, I have an advantage for this war." Crusher growled "What is it?" Aircrest swallowed hard. "You...will see" He growled. Crusher nodded. "So it will be." A few hours later, Aircrest was on the cargo ship, having driven the hovercraft to it, but used the last of it's battery power to fly up the 50 foot black painted metal wall. Aircrest peered into the open cargo bay. The 50 foot sentinals, 10, were standing up, lifeless. Aircrest motioned to Hypermouth to climb down the ladder leading onto the deck. Hypermouth and his 5 compy regiment of blue armor slid down the ladder, sliding down the 2 poles instead of climbing down the steps. Aircrest jumped onto a 20 foot high, 10 foot wide red retangular container, the regular sentinals inside. Aircrest hopped down onto a 5 foot shorter container. He then grabbed a cable hanging off it and rappeled down. When he reached the bottom he ran over to the opening into the cargo bay. He inhaled and exhaled deeply. He out stretched his arms to either side and made a lifting movement, trying to raise the water. Nothing happened. Aircrest fell to his knees and hissed "Why cant I do this.." Suddenly, the appirition of CS appeared. "I forgot to tell you, you have to let go of all regret, or any other emotion from the heart." Aircrest growled "Does that" CS said "Guess so" Aircrest barked softly "You friggin douchebag"

Chapter:1: part 13

Aircrest plopped down into the cargo hold. He ran into the forest that was the legs of these massive robots. He was sure now. Their cause, their way of life, it was going to come to an end. It was over. No sense fighting. Just having one of these things was overkill for the ISS armies. The rest was probably for dealing with MegaMout, or other monsters. Suddenly, Aircrest came across a triangular hall way, and the lights inside made it glow red. The raptor, out of pure curiousitty ventured into the hall way. Maybe it was built and illuminated this way as a trap? Maybe machine turrents were waiting for him. What difference does it make? It will be another, and last failure he'll make to dissapoint those depending on him. Hell, he found power, an cant even use it. His claws clinked on the metal floor, almost a deliberate note to say "Im here, do what you must" At the end of the hallway, Aircrest could see that Hypermouth was standing ontop two other Compies, and was picking a lock 6 feet high. Of course, this hall way was built for the sentinals, but why? The lock clicked and the revolving triangular door swung loosly on it's axis, a spoke going down it's hight to the base, right down the middle. Hypermouth jumped off his comrade, and that partner jumped down as well. One by one the went through the revolving door. Aircrest being the last. Almost as soon as they went in, an explosion went off. The electronic voice of a sentinal echoed through the ship. "All none weaponised Sentinals off the ship" Aircrest growled "So all the weaponised ones stay behind? And what casued the exp-" The sentinal voice explained "Operation Trap and go boom has been launched successfully, the intruders drown and sink like the fat pigs they are" Hypermouth buzzed "Obviously, they are blind" Aircrest added "And are suicidal" A bulk head door opened, the door being an upside down triangle sliding into over lapping metal sheets. Green armored sentinals ran throuhg the opening. They were followed by the burgandy armored robotic warriors. "Run, through that bulk head" Aircrest hissed, crouching down, twirling the sword he held in hand, glaring at the oncomming sentinals, Robotic creatures, reddish armor, one single circular, blue glowing eye. They looked like humans, skinny, non muscular humans. Hypermouth and his group of compies rolled out of the door just as it closed, a loud hiss of air signaling it was completely sealed. The sentinals stopped, the leader of the group's eye projecting a hollogram of a shadowed figure. "I'd call you brave..." the person began in a hoarse voice. "But you are merely naive" The hollogram faded away. The sentinals raised their hands, wrist lasers shooting up and locking in place. Blue lasers flew out in rappid bursts. Aircrest jumped, grabbing onto a pipe and slamming the claws on his hands into the pipe,his weight pulling them through the weak metal. Just about this time, the sentinals, which were shooting at where Aircrest was to begin with, were now shooting up. They then aimed downwards and opened fire as Aircrest jumped into the pipe, crawling down it. Suddenly, the room the robots were in flooded, the large cargo ship about to plunge into the ocean depths. "That was one big explosion!" Aircrest barked to himself. The water was rising fast. He wouldnt make it. He inhaled, and thought his last thoughts. "Im sorry I left, Im sorry for the innocent blood that has been spilt, Im sorry I couldnt protect you from everything" Aircrest closed his eyes and the cold burn of the ocean water envelopping over came him. He expected to gasp for air, the cold making the air he had drift away. But it didnt. Aircrest opened his eyes, being in a bubble of air, like the first time. his armor glowed and illuminated the dark. Aircrest exhaled and moved through the tunnel. It didnt matter that he didnt die from this one situation. He still could die when the ship goes down and he's still inside....

Chapter:1: Part 14: The Beginning of the end......The Eve of war

Aircrest came out of the ventilation tube, head poking up see the deck, only to find that he was well below the surface and going down with the ship. He'd be crushed by the weight of the water. And he cant swim out of the current the ship was making. Only one thing was certain now. If Aircrest was to survive; He'd have to do what CS said, and relinquish his love for Selena. She wa gone and te past. The future was in jeapordy. And so, he accepted the burning truth. He unsleathed the swords and forced them up, concentrating on what he wanted hapen. Suddnly, he felt the water surge around his ankles, a spiraling platform when he was perfectly still. Aircrest slowly rose from the depths, gaining in speed soon after he began ascending. The green raptor surfaced, his bubble disapearing. He eyed the floting bodies of sentinals, one was the life raft of Hypermouth and his crew. Hypermouth chirped "I told you he'd make it. Now, money, money money!" The compies looked at him with confused looks. "What's money?" One said. Hypermouth was quiet. "I dont know....." he eventually buzzed. "But I told you he had these weird, power...thingys..." Aircrest was silent. He simply flicked his wrists, the platform of water supporting him freezing. "Hop on" Aircrest said sternly. The compies obeyed and hopped onto the small circle of ice, which had begun moving towards the island. Aircrest finally said after a few minutes "Who ever decided to sacrafise all of those robots must be very dumb." Murmurs of agreement came from the blue armored saurians. Little did they know, when they returned to the island, alot of the creatures there will reach their cross roads of destiny

The Final Battle

Crusher peered down at the dinosaurs in front of him. He growled "This war has been thrusted upon us an because of that none of us are trained to combat this human threat. We have faced these humans before. They were crushed each time. Now....they seem to give it all they can possibly can. It is time to unleash our rage on them, for our spirits might make up for our lack of skill." Suddnly, the Earth trembled. MegaMouth stepped ot of the jungle, followed by Sulphurious. The two of them being a giant advatage all their own. Screen serpinined through the forest, being the armed transport for the Venatosaur infintry. Destivus lumbered out of the forest, his mauve armor clashing with his blue, battle worn scales. MegaMouth roared "We have come from the deaths that are our own realm. All other have perished except a few more of our kind. These savages attack unprovoked and think they can win by sending robots to unleashe the spirit of battle?! THATS OUR ADVANTAGE!.. We are calculating, cunning and stronger by nature, rather than simple manufacturing!. Fight with our hearts! Fight with our minds...and this day will belong to us. Our own seperate battles...together, we've fought the war, now, to end it!. Thunder rolled ahead in the darkgrey storm clouds, but there wont be rain, nor lightning. The greater forces above warned of peril. Over the hills of the green hills marched down thousands of Sentinals, 40 monster based sentinals, and monsters. AMAKO roared out to the opposing side, havin been brought back from death. His green coloring now pale. Giant blimp shaped aircrafts flew over head. One having a distinct black and red coloration to it. The command room for the vessel looked like a rhino's head.The echoing voice of the cloaked figure in the ship spoke "Your fall has come. You are the spawn of those who shunned me, after I claim everything in your lost land, I will go up to the heavens and destroy it, leaving nothing to support, much less make people think you ever existed!" Crusher growled "You AREN'T googe, trying to over take us!?" The figure rasped "I do have google in my clutches,how else would I have risen to power!?" The group was perplexed. Who was this figure, and what was his random rantings about being shunned? Surly all that happened in the realm outside their own is known by them, being taught by those of it. Hypermouth's regiment ran through the army's navigating the columns of legs. They finally appeared in front of Crusher. Crusher, seeing the glare of their armor growled "We thought we lost you, you have news?" Hypermouth buzzed "The cargo ship is long gone, Aircrest can controll water, and we saw a giant bug." Crusher growled. Could the eve of war be any stranger? Suddenly, Spinnerax flew over head, wind gusting behind him as he was, unchallenged, the fastest living orginism. Aircrest felt the wind, and the confidence built inside him. He swung the blades of Neptune so they were facing downwards. He moved his wrists until the swords were on his armor. With simple thought, Aircrest jumped to the air, his outstretched arms and the blades acting like wings. A strong air current that the raptor control wisked him to the skies and far above the tree tops, only to see the dark armored approaching army.

The Battle Begins

AMAKO raored and jumped over the smaller Sentinals he was behind, crushing a good deal, more than 100 hundred of them. Aircrest landed on Crusher's head. Crusher was slightly annoyed that he waused as an aircraft carrier, but ignored it for the bigger challenge ahead. Out from the jungle camr the giant 20 foot high Rigulas Raptrous, the raptors native to the realm of MegaMouth. They carried their battle axes, heavy armor, and a mourning star. A single Hydranicous, a 19 headed hydra like creature stepped out of the forest, His acidic saliva perfect for taking down the robots, 19 robots at once. Black armored centipedes, 50 feet long skittered into the clearing. CS's words echoed in Aircrest's head. "Water is versitile in the right hands" Was his hands right? Did the orb choose him to get the power because by some cosmic way, saw that he was worthy? Worthy of such great power? Or did he get the armor because he was the first thing to find the orb? The thought terrified him. He could have full well ruined the chance for the creature meant to use it. If he failed, like he had done so many times in his life.... the journey he took to round up warriors from all around the realm to fight, it was all for nothing, he gave up his feelings, for nothing. No. Even if he wasnt the one meant for the blades of Neptune. He wouldnt fail. Not again. Not anymore. He did have the right hands. Aircrest twirled his sword to the side and slammed the blades down on Crusher's armor with a clank. He leaned on the blades and growled "You call it, when we run into battle. Our last stand..." With a booming roar, Crusher lead his army into battle. From the giantic Brachiosaurs behind him to the compies in the back of the army. Together, their foot falls rocked the Earth. The sentianls charged aswell, firng their lasers at the incomming dinosaurs. MegaMouth's infantry came out of the forests to the right, having postioned there for a sneak attack. The monsters almost immidiatly destroyed the first wave of the attack, the remaining second wave going at the dinosaurs. MegaMouth skewered a group of the sentinals, his giant claws making them fall apart. To him, the violent explosions from their bomb heads were simply flash grenades that made him temoraryilly blind. He swayed, woozy. Suddenly, the cold feel of AMAKO's metal pincer was around his waist. The cyborg lifted MegaMouth up and sent volts of electricity into his system. MegaMouth's saliva foamed as sparks jumped off his armor. Suddenly, the form of something small, small and shiny appeared on AMAKO's cybernetic eye. A retangle panned over the flying object and highlighted it, and zoomed in. The form of Aircrest flying straight at the monster was seen. AMKO's 3 blue irises spun around the black iris in the middle, charging his heat ray. Using this distraction, Spinnerax flew from behind AMAKO and fired his keiser beam, lifting the monster off it's feet. AMAKO, now suddenly enraged, shocked, and even more enraged, dropped MegaMouth and tried turning at Spinnerax, who, just for his kicks, shook him as if he was a snowglobe. AMAKO flailed and roared "Your death come q-" Spinnerax sent volts of electricty down his beam, AMAKO roaring in pain. MegaMouth opened his eyes, seeing sparks jump off AMAKO. " it...when our..recieving can" MegaMouth got to his feet, only to hear the deep, guttral roar of him self, NegaMegaMouth....

Water is versitile in the right hands....

NegaMegaMouth bowled through the sentinals, crushing them under his immense 120 foot tall body. MegaMouth braced for the monster. He couldnt fight him and win without help. Failure. The first taste of it. And it was the worst taste, worse than vile meat. There were few which MegaMouth didnt over come with a simple roar. But being overwhelmed by your self... NegaMegaMouth swung his green claws down. MegaMouth slammed his own amber claws against him and used his other set into his ribcage, missing the left lung, but barely. NegaMegaMouth forced MegaMouth's claws to the side and slammed his fists down on his head, dazing him. Nega knee'ed MegaMouth in the stomach and punched him, making the smaller monster fly back several meters, dinosaurs barly getting away in time. Aircrest swooped down, landing on Nega's head. The monster roared and thrashed, slamming his hands onto his head, trying to kill the creature, who evaded the blows with rolls and flying. NegaMegaMouth shook even more dazed than his fallen red counter part. Aircrest slammed his swords into the non-aromored monster's snout and used his own weight to rake the blades down. He pulled them out and regained his gliding stance. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew under him, lifting up into the air. From there, he saw the dead. There was no point to this battle. No matter how much hate, frustration and fear fueled the attack, the sentinals were robots. No feelings. If they died, it was only temporary damage some one with enough knowledge can fix. There were many bodies strewn on the plain. Dinosaurs as well, pained, suffering, dead. He looked to the lead aircraft. He took a breath. Thunder rumbled in the skies. Lightning flashed. Suddenly, rain fell from the sky in a down pour, rinsing the grass of the blood as the rain gathered in the bowl shaped plains. Aircrest growled, his voice deep, and bivocal, raspy, gruff voices underneath his own."It's time to end this" His armor glowed and the rappid flooding plains bore witness to a water spout forming, the spiralling water moving to the sky. Aircrest landed on it, being lifted to the level of the airship. Aircrest sleathed his swords and lifted two smaller water spouts. The spouts turned into the shape of Aircrest's hands, and they reached up, one grabbing the air ship. The other ripping off it's roof. The water then forced Aircrest high above the ship and gave way, Aircrest falling towards it. Half way there, he froze some of the rain in mid air, making a slide down to the base of a throne where a hooded figure sat. AAircrest slid down the ice in a kneel and rolling off onto the cock pit floor. Aircrest made the bridge melt back into water and freeze back intp shards, which he pushed into sentinal's heads, they exploding on the spot. Aircrest got up and hissed "Surrender your forces, or suffer our wrath!"

Failure by Victory

Aircrest peered up, the figure almost blending in with the grey skies. "Who are you!" Aircrest barked in a commanding tone. The army will want to know who was the one to threaten their home. "I, was humble"The figure growled. "I heard of one, and worshipped him as a god. I knew I would never come close to him, but In my mind, I was better" Aircrest growled "The noobs.." The figure got up and roared "I AM NOT A NOOB!" Aircrest gripped the handles of his swords. "I was better, and when they banished me, I created my own realm. Only have it burned down by visious warriors. The Titanus. The Doc. The Tyrant. The Compy." Aircrest's eyes widened. "Crusher Is King" he growled. The raspy, black cloaked figure laughed derangedly and out stretched his pale skinned hands, either he was dead, or need some vitamin D from the outside sun. Blue balls of flames formed. The fire flew at Aircrest, as well as dark, purplish, orbs with blue electric sparks surrounding them. Aircrest sent a spiralling blast of water at the fire and coated the strange orbs with water which froze into ice. The orbs of ice melted, steam escaping. CIK, angered at his own suckish skills, which is why he made sentinals with even worse skills. Aircrest growled "And we thought you'd be a thre-" CIK threw daggers from his cloak, having been prepared for this. He then pulled out a desertt eagle and aimed for Aircrest's head. Aircrest jumped and flew into the storm clouds. The wind followed him into the sky. Then...silence, nothing but the howl of the wind. It stopped raining. CIK started laughing. He...He had won. The wind kicked up, and Aircrest came floating down, the blade in his right hand held a lighning bolt, the electricity crackling around the silver blade, never touching the gold handle. Mean while in the clouds, the wind blew in a circular manor, moving the rain drops around, creating static electricity that makes lightning occur. Aircrests eyes flashed red, with the bolt. He then swung his blade, stopping with the blade pointed directly at CIK, the red bolt curving upwards. Simultaneously thunder rolled over head. The red beam slammed into CIK's chest, his body jittering. He fell to his knees. Aircrest floated down to him, landing on the 3rd to last stair to his throne, his head level with that of CIK. The obbsessed noob hissed "I was going to unleash the noobs of the..under realm, and....let them....destroy everything." Aircrest spat "What makes you their leader when your no different?" CIK threw a dagger into Aircrest's chest, the raptor gasping. "You...bit*h" Aircrest hissed, slamming one of his blades into his throat. Aircrest's vision blurred,but the last thing he saw clearly was the outline of his love on the air ship, watching him. Aircrest fell to his side, making the dead CIK do the same. The rain then fell, having no one to stop it. Lightning struck the ship, the craft falling to the Earth, cockpit first, on fire. MegaMouth shoved his claws into that of NegaMegaMouth, the attack using the last of his strenghth. Spinnerax removed his drill arm from AMAKO's head, his body limp. The remaining sentinals fell, limp, nothing keeping them alive. The creatures of the realms had gained victory, but at what cost? Most of them were dead, suffering, or crippled for life. Aircrest had completed his quest, no longer was he a complete, disgracefull, failure. But to get victory, he had to fail
Last edited by C S on Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:51 pm, edited 40 times in total.
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Postby Evil Eye » Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:03 am

i'd like to see how this turns out :P
seriously, you have some funny stuff CS this is better than planetstar
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Postby C S » Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:57 pm

new chapters are up
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Postby Evil Eye » Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:08 pm

nice, now its not funny but its pretty cool, btw did u get the troodon idea from mine ?:P speaking of which, next chapters on mine are up 2 :wink:
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Postby C S » Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:17 pm

Troodon were random dinos that were at the strong hold :P

And nice chapters on your fanfic
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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:04 pm

Damn capitalist swines!
some funny stuff in there, but also quite a few annoying typos
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Postby C S » Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:38 pm

The missing link that will move the plot along!
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Postby C S » Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:20 pm

New chapter is up, and the plot deepens...
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Postby C S » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:39 am

The fan fic is finished! Or is it...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:34 am

Cool FanFic, I enjoyed it. Like I said over MSN, though, you kind've flip flopped on the style, from complete seriousness, to a joke Fanfic, not just a joke here and there.

Anyway, unique idea, was epic most of the time, good work, can't wait for the sequel.

Postby C S » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:08 am

Dammit man, you just revealed the secret...

awell. REJOICE
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:11 am


You said "Or is it...?".

Not a secret :P

Anyway, ya, its really cool. One other flaw: Spelling. Just pay attention to your spelling...or get Firefox, which has spell check.

Postby C S » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:32 am

will do. ORRR I can type in Micrsoftword........
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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:06 pm

Excelent finish. Truely epic.

A few of the last chapters coming up to the end were a bit slow and riddidled with annoyances but they only served to make the last chapter all the more epic. The Megamouth v Sentinals fight was another good part, and I liked the bit where Aircrest went to The Skull Island rpg.
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