Legacy of Desh

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

Postby Zephyr » Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:45 pm

Chapter 7 up

Desh's mind really works fast when it comes to understanding and figuring things out and with so little thought process actually involved.

Now he knows he'll have to come up with a new strategy since hes learned so much more.
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Postby Zephyr » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:17 am

finally updated

Chapter 8 up

its short but then again i didnt plan for it to be long

and it should give Dianna knew things to dream about i guess :P
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Postby Shade » Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:50 pm

Wow, Desh is losing it and losing it fast! :shock:
Sugar. Spice. Everything twice. I'm the left and the right, in a word: Nice.
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:09 pm

oh this isnt the half of it

wait till he discovers the secrets biotech has kept

and the biggest secret he will discover after he returns
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Postby Zephyr » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:44 pm

chapter 9 up and running
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Postby Shade » Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:42 am

Ooooo, drama, suspense, and romance! Hurry up and make the next chapter! Btw, what do you know about Diana? :?
Sugar. Spice. Everything twice. I'm the left and the right, in a word: Nice.
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Postby Zephyr » Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:06 pm

im assuming your quoting Desh

like the mysterious figure said, he raided Desh's mind
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Postby Zephyr » Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:37 pm

I guess i ran out of rrom to type it cut out half of chapter 10 so here it is

Chapter 10: Loss

I wiped the sweat from my brow before returning to my digging as the pick tore through dirt and clanked through rock. I've lost track of time out here... if i had to guess I'd assume a couple weeks. Dirt has caked into my hair ruining the white while dulling the black. I've made some friends. Marcus, Bryant, and Gregorio. They worked not far from me, Marcus and Greg to my right a couple people down and Bryant on the opposite wall.

I noticed something, the Daemona's said they were going to stick around to look for me but... i havent seen them until now. Or at least i didnt recognize them. Up, on the ledges overlooking the canyon several well dressed women patrolled, eyes locked on the miners, scouring the area. I bet you anything that it was them and until now i never made a scene... hell i should of just minded my own business.

I heard pained cries and i turned to see a fallen worker being beaten with the butt of a rifle from one of the gaurds. Before i had time to think i was already beneath the gaurds attack, arm up, colliding with the weapon. Instincts were calling the shots know as i rolled my arm around and grabbed the barrel yanking the weapon from his arms and smashing him across the head shattering the gun and killing the man. I turned to run when was suddenly yanked to the ground from a whip wrapping around my throat. I gagged as i struggled to pull it away but mere seconds later i was being beaten in the stomach, chest and legs as other gaurds crowded around joining the fray. Big mistake, i did the best i could to restrain myself but it was becoming difficult as i felt my muscles pulsing.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard over the noise of shouting, and beating. The gaurds stopped and made way as the the slave lord or overseer or whatever he was walked over gun pointed at me. I coughed a little as i struggled to get loose but i decided its best not to draw anymore attention if the Daemona's hadnt already noticed. Lock 'em up, the overseer said as i stared past the crowd toward my friends. Marcus gave me a thumbs up while Bryant's and Greg's jaws dropped. Then i was dragged off. I felt a hand grab the collar of my shirt and lift me up then i was lead away.

They led me to the top and into the village. We went into a biulding and I was throne into a metal plated room. What a surprise, i muttered as the door slammed behind me. Then a few seconds later it opened again with a creak and the overseer walked in with a set of brass knuckles and a smirk on his face. Aw, i know that look, i said as i walked forward. As expected he struck me hard in the jaw before kicking me in the knee causing me to drop. Then another hit came on the left side of my face. What that's it, a couple hits and your done? i said with a chuckle. Boom, he uppercutted me sending me falling back.

Is there something you're not telling me american? he asked me. I shook my head. I'm pretty sure im not hiding anything. i said before spitting. He kicked me in the ribs and i yelped in pain. Steel toed boots go figure. Dont give me that bullsh*t.

Well what do you want me to answer? i asked frustrated. What are you doing so far south... spying for your government? he said before kicking me again.

I coughed up blood before groaning, Screw my government i could care less about them, i ahd to run, escape. Escape from what? he asked. F*ck wrong answer, I had problems enemies i had to get away from. He lifted me up, Now thats even bigger bullsh*t, and he punched me in the face again.

He stood over me and looked down and with a smirk reached for my neck picking up the golden bat pendant. I could see the greed in his eyes as everything else no longer mattered and as if i wasnt battered enough, i reached up and grabbed him by the wrist to keep him from taking it, and as a result got smacked around again.

For hours he pounded me, and i let him, it would be a mistake to fight back. I may be tough but with an army of guns and Daemona's i stood no chance if i tried to make an escape. My face was soaked in blood, i coughed up blood hell my eyes bled from being punded over and over again in the face. Suddenly he stood me up and threw a punch that sent me spiraling and sending the pendant flying off and away across the room. Damn. I groaned as i crawled over to pick it up but as i reached for it a steel laden boot heel landed crushing my fingers. I grutned n pain and watched as the overseer picked the gold bat up and took it with him. See my friend, all you needed to do was give me your little accesory and this wouldnt have gone on so long. he said to me. I spat on his shoe the crimson liquid trickling down and i only found myself getting kicked in the face. The last thing i heard before blacking out was him walking out and the door slamming shut.

I woke up to Bryant's voice as i was staring up at the night sky realizing i was back in the canyon, Well at least you're not dead.I groaned. I've felt better. Then Marcus spoke up, Yeah that happens quiet a bit out here. Greg followed up, So how did it go? I turned my head to look at the trio and after a long pause, He took something from me. Something valuable?, Bryant asked. I nodded then Marcus spoke, You shouldnt have brought it then. It was a gift, a keepsake. i said. From a- they cut me off, we get it its happened to many of us, just get some rest you'll need it unless you want to get beaten again tommorow. I sighed and turned on my side uncomfortably and went to sleep or at least tried to for several hours.

Chapter 11: Mistakes

Darkness... utter... darkness. Whats going on. Footsteps echoeing... toward me. Who's there. A form seemed to manifest as it approached from the shadows. Eh-? What game are you playing at. I was staring at a duplicate of me with his head hung low, but as i stared i noticed the white hair shift instantly to complete black. His head bolted up and his eyes had a whirlpool effect turning pitchblack. Teeth became daggers as the copy roared in fury. Arms extended and muscles grew and tightened. Fur sprouted from his skin thick and black. Nails became viscious claws and snout projected outwards from his face. As i watched i failed to notice my own transformation and with no control my white and black furred form roared a challenge. I felt like a helpless bystander as my body took over and my conscious control lost contact with the rest of me. We charged eachother jaws open and dripping with drool and claws glistening from an unseen light source as we raised our arms-

Get the hell up you miserable little- my eyes shot open at the voices. I sat up on the mound of dirt that served as last nights bed. rubbing my face illoked around to see a group of officers dressed diffrently from the ones who ran the mine. They wore what i assumed were military uniforms of a sort but that i couldnt tell for sure as my attention quickly shifted to the slaves they were packing into the back of a large truck on the canyon wall pathway.

Whats going on, i asked Marcus, and where are Greg and Bryant? i noticed they werent around. They're being taken to Lord Murtagh's fortress, deep in the jungle. Marcus shook his head, along with at least a couple dozen others. I snarled, Well doesnt anyone ever try to help. Marcus smirked, Yeah right, nobody here stands a chance. Well i might, i stated as i began to stand up and head toward the soldiers. Then the sight of the daemona's detered my advance and i hesitantly turned back around. Maybe its not such a good-, a scream of pain echoed followed by a gunshot and i whirled, eyes flared in golden glow. I watched as one of the slaves collapsed with a gaping hole in his chest.

The next moments were a blur, splashes of red and screams echoed around me, gunshots fired into the air or hit the earth around me. I had no control, i couldnt stop myself. When my vision cleared, bodies were strewn around me. I flexed my hand and found myself gripping the handle of a blood soaked pickaxe. A split second later i was slammed into the ground my face being smashed into the hard earth. I struggled but a rod was driven into my spine making my every movement filled with pain.

I managed to squirm and lift my head only to get the but of a rifle bashed into my face. Again and again it collided into my face. Through blood clouded sight i could see around me, the mine Overseer was approached by the leader of the daemona's who whispered in his ear. Apparently, he wasnt too pleased, according to the look on his face before a soldier's boot impacted my nose. I looked down the ground soaked from blood.

I felt a jolt in my veins as the chemicals shot through me, No, not now. I groaned as i resisted as best as i could. Anytime but now, my wounds began to sew themselves closed healing slowly but not for anyone around to see. I had to stop it.

Suddenly something pierced my neck and i felt something shoot in, and i felt my eyes become heavy.

I awoke, faintly at least, i couldnt move. The sun was starting to go down as dusk approached. I heard voices. What were they saying it was all broken up. ...truck will... two months... No i think he'd... Murtagh doesnt need... You dont seem... understand... either... give him... or lose your life...still take him.

Oh my head hurts...

It was so peaceful, but i know my mind was running rampant, back and forth through incomprehensible dreams to viscious scene of blood and gore, to tranquil silence. I have to find the cure i cant turn back. Dianna, please understand, she must never know...wait who must never know. My eye flashed open to the sight of a blue sky. I wore white garbs like that of angels, was i in heaven no. The white shirt was unbuttoned down to the chest, I wore no socks as i felt my toes rotating in sand. I sat up and found myself staring down a beach, rushing waves coming up to greet me with a refreshing chill to my hands and feet. This is paradise. Dianna! i bolted up as i saw the love of my life standing at the waters edge. I approached and she turned to me with a smile then turned to walk forward to me but my eyes widened in shock. Holding her by the hand on the opposite side of her was a small girl. She... was a beautiful little creature but something about her disturbed me, her eyes, within them a vicisous flame raged, deep within her very soul. Then everything faded.

Darkness came as rain poured down hard. In the middle of the street beneath a flickering streetlight lay a bloodsoaked corpse. Beside it stood another me that black haired form of me. The body moved as the doppleganger looked up at me. Desh where are you. An outstretched arm beckoned to me. Dianna...DIANNA! I charged forward to go to her aid but i was intercepted by the doppleganger as it tackled into me and fusing itself into me. It was an overwhelming power. The next thing i new my teeth were soaked in blood and Dianna was limp in my arms. DIANNA... NO STAY WITH ME... COME BACK... I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT YOU STAY WITH ME, I'M HERE FOR YOU I ALWAYS WILL BE... please dont die... not know...

I bolted upright on the floor, my eyes sore and red and tears trickling down my cheeks. No... what have i done... i'm... such a fool.

Chapter 12: Prospect of Freedom

I looked to my left, the miners kept their distance. I looked right those one did too, even Marcus. Some looked up making eye contact for a brief moment before averting their gaze sharply. I huffed as i lowered my pickaxe, Okay what going on? I was answered by utter silence. Well? Marcus spoke up hefting his pick on his shoulder. Oh nothings wrong its just a close friend of ours was keeping a secret that oh i dont know could have gotten us out of this mess months ago! Ring a bell...Desh... or should i refer to you as the werewolf from now on, i'm sure that gets a lot of attention.

I shook my head with an irritated sigh. I had no choice, i've faced the demons before i almost got killed. Marcus stared at me like i was bullsh*ting him. What demons? A couple of female aristocrats sent by Lord Murtagh, bah! We could have all been on our jolly way we wouldnt be working for a scrap to eat. I began to pick at the rock wall again. HEY! are you listening to me! i heard Marcus's voice.

Shut the f*ck up! You have no idea what i have been through, i plan on getting my a** out of here. If you had relaxed and maybe been patient i would have told you! Everyone stared at me in surprise, even i was shocked not so much by my manner but by the proposal i made. You... have a plan? another miners voice sounded after a long awkward silence. I stood silent, staring at Marcus as he stared back.

No... not a plan... the need to escape from this place... a plan we can make. I said as i turned my head silently towards the miner who had spoken. They all seemed to relax a little except Marcus. He suddenly turned back to the rockwall and began picking at it again, as did everyone else. Silence overcame the group and my mind raced at this oppurtunity. Freedom, i've only been a slave for a few months and it already sounds strange on my tongue.

Nightfell, the moment of truth, everyone wanted to hear what i had planned. I stared at the circle that had formed around me. I looked left and right around the small firelight. I doubted their chances, some humans to weak to move so much as a few steps before collapsing and yet...

Gasoline... we're going to blow this place to hell those feul tanks up top will be perfect. We need a few teams. I explained casually in a low voice so as not to excite my new comrades into thinking they would survive. I began to drawout a simple layout of the village at the top of the mining canyon. Descriptions from miners who had been up there before helped drawout the detailed map.

Hours went by as i explained my plan. In all the chaos we can run for the jungle, then we're as good as home free. I ended my lecture. Then i stood silent waiting for comments as i stared out at the onlookers who began to fidget as worried looks appeared on some of their faces. One question... how do we get up top to reach the feul tanks? a voice called out amongst the miners. I couldnt tell who said it but i answered anyway. We strike when the next truck comes through to take miners to Lord Murtagh.

Theres at least fifty of us for every one gaurd... we can easily overwhelm them and destroy this place. Suddenly Marcus's voice spoke up, You're forgetting something arent you? I cocked my head in curiosity. We are in a giant chain gang every since you had your fit of passion. I shook my head with a chuckle, You think rusted chains can hold me, remember what i am Marcus, after all you pointed it out. Marcus stood silent, then grinned slightly. Well then, i'm with you. After a few seconds other miners began to agree to the plan.

It was settled... we were getting out of that hell-hole... together.

Chapter 13: Gameboard

I and three other miners have creeped our way up the canyon and into the village what we had to do now was set up the feultanks into the decided locations... the catch was not getting caught and shot down.

We moved quickly everyone knew their role thus no one spoke maybe as well to not attract attention. The tanks were unfortunately heavy as it took two of my comrades to carry them off. That left an unfortunate flaw in our plan as we only managed to move a couple loads before i heard a squad of soldiers making their noon march. The two who were carrying the barrel quickly dropped the tank where they needed and dropped down hanging by their fingers off the edge of the canyon. The third was slower and i quickly grabbed him and ducked behind a pile of boxes as i clamped my hand over his mouth just in time to silence the now muffled yelp of surprise. He struggled to loosen my grasp as i stared out from the shadows, a ray of sunlight glaring down at my face.

After the squad had passed i released my partner but suddenyl from the corner of my eye i saw a shape and instantly froze, unwilling to move. I couldnt see the form with my periphrial but i didnt dare turn my head for a better look.

The figured then crossed the clearing in front of me, one of the daemona's... had she seen me... surely she sensed my presence thats how they found me before? Strange.

That was enough risk for one day we couldnt let anyone figure anything out. The next day turned out much simpler. I decided that we should make a backup escape route for the miners at least. I volunteered myself as decoy. But Marcus wouldnt have it, stubborn dumba** is going with me. When we set the village blazing we're going to attract the daemonas attention. Last i recall i heard the sound of a waterfall when i was transported here. Must be some sort of river nearby to escape on.

Afternoon the next day...

I heard voices behind me not far off. Werent the barrels supposed to be by the garage? What are they doing by the armory go move them back you blasted idiots. My eyes widened. Sh*t I turned to see Marcus's face. He mouthed words to me, i have to admit if there is one thing i know i cant do its read lips. After several attempts to make me understand he finally whispered, Now what genius?

I shook my head as i stared at the ground deep in thought. It seemed like and eternity. We had to try something new and fast but what. Dammit! I snarled to myself. Hey calm down i figured something might happen so i sto- borrowed some weapons from the armory. My head shot up, You what!?! i almost yelled at the top of my lungs. Shhh! i said calm down. I have my most trusted friends keeping them hidden when the time comes we can make our move. Desh, its the same game, just diffrent rules, your plans wont work as well as you hope out here. I didnt even realize my head slumped in dissapointment as if found myself staring at the ground. Same game, diffrent rules... i wonder.

I dreamed again of Dianna, and im happy, each day i grow closer to seeing her again for real. To see the look on her face when i return. Its been months now. I hope she hasnt forgotten me. She couldnt have... nto if she truly cared about me... but what if... then i'll be going back for no reason. No i cant think like that... she's waiting for me, i know she is. Dianna hang in their just a little while longer... i'll be back.

Chapter 14: Let the Game Begin

I stood in shackles waiting in line to be put in the back of the truck. I looked around amongst the crowd of miners. Then up on the cliff ledge, as i guessed the Daemona's stood watching, waiting. I then turned my attention to Marcus as he gave me a thumbs up and then shook his head in the direction of the canyon wall. Sure enough some workers were at the top near the overseer's headquarters.

Here we go, all or nothing. i murmurred.

I reached the front of the line ready to board the truck when suddenly i whirled around to the sound of an explosion. Dammit, its too early! i called to Marcus in the sudden frenzy of crowd as everyone panicked. I tried to listen as Marcus called back over the uproar. !Thats not us he then pointed and i turned again looking up on the cliff as one of the Daemona's came crashing off and its her place stood... Alex!?

I was suddenly thrust off the truck from an intense explosion as is scorched my back and shredded my clothes from flames. I hit the hard ground and rolled several yards before another explsion tossed me again. I blacked out for a minute but over the ringing of my ears i heard Marcus's voice as he picked me up and broke off the shackles before running with me. We weaved our way through falling bodies, gaurds who had been gunned down. As my vision cleared i realized we were running up the slope of the canyon path. Where are we going? i called out to Marcus. We have to get out of here its a free-for all down there!

Suddenly i was knocked from my feet and forcefully rolled on to my back as i looked up into the face of one of the armored skin daemona's. She lifted her arm as the long slender blade extended. No time to react when my head twitched to the side avoiding the blow as the blade sunk deep into the ground trapping her. In the sudden flurry of raging movements i reached up grabbing her head and with a quick jerk snapped it to the side.

I looked down below as i rolled her corpse off the edge as it crashed loudly on a pile of crates. Alex's werewolf army was spreading havoc and disorder as rivers of blood began to grow. Showers and sprays of blood were everywhere like a malicious fog. Marcus grabbed my arm again lifting me up at the last second as my eyes met Alex's in the midst of combat as he stared up at me. I didnt look back as Marcus and i ran.

Wait, wait, wait! I called before making a sharp turn towards the headquarters, give me a minute i'll be back. I ran inside the burning biulding and looked around sure enough there was the gold bat necklace. I walked over to it keeping my arms up to fend off the flames. Suddenly a large burning beam crashed down above it followed by three more that blocked my path. Dammit, no! I couldnt leave without it and i made up my mind as i risked burns and dove into the pile. Its scorched my body badly and i only hoped i would heal fast enough to keep up with the flames. I reached my arm out and i felt the chain of the necklace. I scraped at it trying to roll it toward myself and after a few tries i got my hand around it. I groaned but managed stand myself up before putting it around my neck with a grin. I cant go back without you now can I. I then ran out of the biulding as it collapsed and went to join Marcus at the jungles edge.

We ran for a short while through the jungle. The sound of rushing water filled my ears. We're almost there! Marcus called. The trees suddenly opened up and we stopped dead on the edge as the two of us tried to get our balance. Whew, heh heh. To damn close huh Desh? I chuckled and looked at my friend. Freedom, only a couple hundred feet down. i sighed.

We began laughing when suddenly Marcus grunted, then moaned as if in pain. Marcus? Marcus! He dropped to his knees, a knife dug deep into his back. Sorry about that Desh, i was aiming for you. I turned my eyes glowing ferociously, ALEX! YOU B*STARD! My werewolf rival laughed mockingly. So Desh seems you've made quite a few friends these last months.

I stood, my muscles spasming painfully, i looked down on my arm, my veins were turning black from the chemicals. No i wasnt stopping it this time i wouldnt resist not until i brought Alex to justice. I roared ferociously as my body began to expand. My ribs spread out my body grew taller, my muscles larger the remnants of my clothing were now hanging off one shoulder as fur sprouted from my body, the silver and black fur. My snouts stretched out my feet grew and lethal claws extended as my teeth elongated to razor sharp fangs, all in a matter of seconds. In front of me Alex had performed his transformation and was already charging me.

We collided and tumbled across the ground snarling clawing and biting one another. I kicked him off me as i rolled backwards onto my feet before lunging and swinging my arm across ripping fore gashes into his chest. He retaliated as he swung both his arms at an angle creating an X-shaped scar on my chest. I raised my arm swiftly backhanding him with a closed fist. Neither of us seemed to be registering our injuries in the flurry claw and fang. I bit down on his shoulder and he howled in pain as i tore away a huge chunk. He suddenly tackled me in the stomach sending us both tumbling again almost off the edge of the cliff as we barely rolled out of the way.

I felt his jaws slam shut on my arm crushing bone in the process but without a moments hesitation i locked my jaws around the back of his neck. He began shaking wildly to break free but i held firm as he tossed and turned. Then grabbing him under the jaw with my clawed hand i lefted him above my head and slammed him snout first in the ground shattering his snout as he yelped. He was't dead yet and i knew it as i lifted him and held him out in front of me as i began turning human again. You've killed innocents, you've killed my friends... know its your turn. I was never soft-hearted like you thought the difference between you and me is mercy, which you dont deserve. His eyes widened as a loud crack echoed out and his head fell limp in my grip. I then dropped his pathetic form and silently turned toward Marcus's body at the cliff's edge. It began raining and the earth quickly turned to slop staining his corpse.

All you wanted was another chance my friend, im sorry. The best i can give you is to be far from this unholy place. i said as i lifted his body off the ground and hesitantly dropped it off the cliff into the raging waters below.

I looked silently up murmurring a silent prayer to myself. This is it. i growled to myself afterwards and i approached the edge.

I grunted suddenly from a sharp pain and i looked down, through my chest a long blade like a sword was protruding out. Then there was a sadistic laughter and i turned, the blood red-haired leader of the daemona's came close and licked my cheek before retracting her blade and pushing my off the cliff.

Her laughter was the last thing i heard before the torrent took me.

Epilogue: Ocean Breeze

Salt...salt water? I suddenly bolted upright to find myself staring across the ocean. I'm alive? I suddenly spun around and i could see in the distance the jungle tree line. Next thing i knew i was collapsed on my back rather painfully as i realized the lethal wound the daemona had put through my chest from my back had healed. I heard the faint sound of a bell and i looked slowly around for the source. There not far off or that far from the waters edge was what looked like a ruined church. I stared at it for a little before looking up, I dont normally believe in you but i figure some higher power helped me, just dont expect me to pray every day. I staggered to my feet and limply walked toward the ruins.

I dont know how long i was there, i guess i really did have some respect for the big guy if he even paid attention to me. But i couldnt let that bother me.

Footsteps echoed behind me. Oh hey there! a voice said as i turned around. This guy was a loon if i ever saw one i swear. Who wears such a formal outfit out here? Slacks, looks like some kind of tuxedo, black leather shoes and, oh hell he's a holy man. You would think the giant cross and crucific cufflinks would have given it away.

Hey mind if i pray here? he asked me. Not at all whatever you want friend. Hey thanks. Okay scratch holy man he didnt talk like one.

A few hours of silence went by before dusk began to fall. That guy seemed to be praying the entire time, as for me i relaxed at the benches laying down staring up at the cieling. Ah well thats my cue to leave, he said, probably to me. Yeah... i guess i should to nothing else to do out here. I replied standing up. The two of us began walking to the exit and headed out the door, Well see ya around, he said. I simply nodded.

We walked for maybe five seconds before we suddenly turned and faced eachother. We had walked the same direction. ...Are you going this way? The guy nodded, Uh yeah. I began walking again without a backwards glance then i stopped again as he was walking alongside. Seriously are you going this way? i asked him. Afraid i am friend. he answered. I turned back again continuing my path without another word. Korso E. Ravenwood. I turned to him, Excuse me? Its my name, he said. Korso E. Ravenwood. Oh..., Desh Tomok. i said. Pardon? he asked. I'm Desh Tomok. Well Desh looks like we're on the road together what say we get to know eachother? Maybe later. i said silently as i lifted the gold bat pendant and carressed it in the palm of my hand.

With the fresh ocean breeze blowing through my hair, and the overpowering scent of the sea water filling my lungs. The sun finally dissappeared behind the horizon... i was going home.
Last edited by Zephyr on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:29 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:24 am

Chapter 11 up

I decided not to wait 5 years so... after 4 or 5 more chapters Desh will be on his way back, and unfortunatley he'll be bringing unwanted guests with him.
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Postby Doc 42 » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:36 pm

Legacy of Desh continues! : D

keep it up!
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Shade » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:16 pm

OMG! I think I'm going to cry, the last bit was so emotional. :cry: I can't wait for the next chapter!
Sugar. Spice. Everything twice. I'm the left and the right, in a word: Nice.
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Postby Zephyr » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:12 pm

chapter 12 short and to the point
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Postby Shade » Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:45 am

Very interesting... :)
Sugar. Spice. Everything twice. I'm the left and the right, in a word: Nice.
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Postby Evil Eye » Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:25 am

nice, nice
Clarity of thought before rashness of action...
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:21 am

Chapter 13 up and running
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Postby Zephyr » Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:31 am

chapter 14 and epilogue done and story over done thank god its over i get to bring Desh back finally the torture was killing me. :P
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