Odd experiences. Post yours!

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Odd experiences. Post yours!

Postby Saad Leader » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:32 pm

I had a dream that I was flying. It was cool and all but, when I woke up, I opened my eyes and a huge gush of air flew from under me. I was in a bed alone. I was sweating, and when the air gushed, it made me cold. I was feeling like I had flooated, and when I awoke, something happened and I fell back into bed. I don't sleepwalk, snore, or fart humongously. What happened here? :?
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:49 pm

Most likely thing, and first thing that jumps to mind, is that it was an illusion created by your mind, but funnily enough, that dream is almost identicle to one described in a short story I read before, the main character in the story was a lecturer who theorised that dreams were merely our minds way of explaining a situation.

Eg: A dream where the character was trapped in a burning building, where he knew it was on fire, but couldn't see any flames. He could hear the fire engine's siren at one point, and when he woke up, the fire engine siren was in perfect tune with his alarm clock. So his mind's way of explaining the alarm was that he was trapped in a burning building.

This linked in with the flying dream, as he thought that maybe in his sleep, he was flying, the dream was generated in the last moment of sleep, when he begun to fall, his mind explained that falling sensation with flying.

My only experiance similar to this was when I dremt that i had won the lottery. I was watching myself from third person walking into an airport, having sold everything i own. Then, a bank offical told me that there had been a mistake and all the money was gone, includeing everything I had received from selling everything. After that, I fell backwards, fainting, and was watching my head hit the ground from a movie style perspective when suddenly, my head hitting the ground begun replaying over and over again, with me in different settings wearing different clothes, such as a kitchen with me wearing a cheifs hat (talk about disturbing...)

anyway, the last head to hit the ground was in actuality, my cat, at which point I said alloud "What the hell??" Then my cat got up, hissed annoyedly and hopped off my bed, trotting out the open door. Apparently she had been sitting on my bed, and when I woke, I jolted and knocked her over :P
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Postby Hopeflower » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:14 pm

I used to think the bed I sleep in was rocking gently, like ocean waves. Then I'd dream I was swimming far out to sea, and a huge wave would carry me further out.

It was at that point that I had half a seizure as my own leg kicked me in the middle of the back (don't ask me how...) and I was scared out of my dream. XD
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Postby Zephyr » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:30 pm

Nah no suicide what woke me up was sirens from police cars.

It was litterally armegedon in the dream and somehow i was the cause. Everyone i knew or loved was killed, by me along with thousands of others. By far, not the oddest experience, but indeed the worst.
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Postby C S » Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:50 pm

I jump off a building, and I get the thrll as if your are on a rollor coaster headng down at a 90 degree angle. Then I land on my feet and I control the monkey hordes to eat every bannanna they can find

God I need to stop staying up to 5 AM
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:55 pm

Well, since we're still on the issue of dreams, there was this one dream i had where i was flying. i hd absolute control over my actions in the dream. when i looked at myself, my view suddenly turned into a third person view of what i was. a Red Dragon [in fact. it was an almost exact mirror of what my Character Inferno looks like]. i was about Cat sized, and was flying towards a small English Village. my view went back into first person just as i neared it. then i zipped through the loft of a Barn, out the other side, down into the village, through some guy's fruit trolley, then through an open window and into a house. i could smell apple pie for some reason, and as i was zipping sideways through doorways i found myself in the kitchen. there was a brown haired woman in an apron. she looked uncannily like a younger version of my mum, but i knew for a fact that my mum had never been in a situation like that [in an English Village at that age, baking a pie. she was in Kuwait by that age, and it was in the 80s]. anyway, the woman saw me and stared as i dove at the ready, baked pie on a table, grabbed ahold of it and flew out an open window, with her throwing a pan at me just as i pulled up and out the window. i went into a near vertical ascent as i flew over some sort of steam vent, and ate the pie while i went up, finishing it, dropping the pan on the house and diving into a field. just as i was diving for the green grass and what i expected to be a landing, i woke up. 5 AM...i've been wishing i'd have that dream again ever since. it felt like the essence of what i wish an RPG COULD be...what the ultimate RPG would feel like...
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my dream

Postby Dark Druid » Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:54 pm

I had a dream about halo before it came out. I was a soldier being chased by covenant forces through a giant gunship. When we landed, to avoid getting ripped to peices, I jumped from the cockpit and killed myself on the planet floor. But as I was falling, I had the same G-force tingling affect on my body. Then pain as I died. I woke up a second later.
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Postby Saad Leader » Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:40 pm

When I realized what a n00b I was, and the fact that I am sorry to all the members who think I am anoying, I started feellling my own brain pulsing.
Weird hunh. :?
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:32 pm

thats known as humiliation.
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Postby chook151 » Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:37 am

I remember having this weird dream where i was in this weird army in a white maze and this guy comes up and says "FALL THERE!" and I say "what?" and he says "RIPP EMMM UPPP!" In this really bad*** voice. And then a billion of my worst nightmare come around the corner of the giant area of the maze. EAR THE WALRUSSES!!! (Although they arent really walrusses) And one swallows a guy then ray man jumps down holding packman and says "TOUCHE!!" In shcwarrtzenneggers voice. He throws back pac man and pac man eats all the enemies up. Then the world explodes and I find myself outyside a rickety old house outside a snowy village. And i turn around and a really twisted evil wolf is there. I scream and run into the house. And then I see my sis and turn her aroun... and scream. All there is is this freaky eye that goes 'AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!' And It petrifies me and I wake up.
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:23 am

I've had three experinces linked to things I've seen or thought about when asked the question. The first, five black robed wiserds (not the good kind) were standing around a green pit in a cave and an albino half-man, half-raptor thing launched itself out of the pit and ran out of the cave panting my name next thing I know i'm trying to jump away from it and I can jump a thousand miles into the air but I can only go five feet forward and it catchs me after three hops, Suddenly two clawed hands burst from the chest and rip at my skin, so I try to kick it in the chops and just when my heart falls out I snap back into realality at 3:00 A.M. in the morning! Had that one after watching JP1 when I was eight and eating jello while watching it. Next one happened at age 9 when I went to the zoo and saw a scorpian in a neon light which made it blue, back in dream land I'm covered in them and turn into a giant version of that blue scorpian and I stomp my own house! The last one happened recently, Three different aged versions of me are searching for our pet dog and somehow we find him at an old amusment park and he is behind a locked glass door and something drags him into a nearby bush and eats him then flings his skull back at the door breaking the class! We climb a service ladder up to the roof and a giant steel ball comes flying at us and we keep dodging it until my youngest self gets hit into the bushs below and he is eaten and then us other two start to fade into nothingness and then I swing up into a sitting position, sweating from the fear and I relise it was another horrible dream! Freaky all of them!
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Postby chook151 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:58 am

Its strange, my dreams, cause I acctually think of them as a real world. I go to places ive been to before , Especially the crawling charchaz. (I name them all.) which is this strange island you get to by boat from tsunami island (Because ive been crushed by a tsunami heaps there.)
And I can fly there if i eat the fruit on the trees, but never go in the water cause thers a man-eating fish that lives in there. Theres also port hurricane, and hunter region and...(shudders) The land of horror, trickery, and (The snowy place is a part of it.) Ear the walrusses domain. Laugh if you want, if you dream my world which i only go to when dreaming you would be shaking the next morning, or to scared to get out of bed fearing you were acctually in the trickery area.
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Postby SuperNerd » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:37 am

i had a dream where i took exploded. When i woke up i was like WTF :lol:

Postby C S » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:45 am

Weird dream last night. At the very end, I was looking into a mirror and my reflection went "uhoh time to go!" and pulld out a pump activated TNT detonator, liken the cartoons and the explosion woke me up
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Postby chook151 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:19 am

HOLY SH*T! I had the creepiest dream last night, and it was just... creepy. I was following these people through these rooms, and sometimes there was no-one there, but me. I acctually found A few people holding cricket bats, they followed me. It was scary because once a light went out, and i felt cold bony fingers on my shoulder. Now, normally many would be petrified. I'm different, I turn around, scream "F#CK OFF!!" and use a really strong punch. I punch air. And there was this last place where this guy said someones been here before, and this othere said in this tone that scared me sh#tless:"
No, someone IS HERE!" And before i knew it, I saw a massive eye tower like tow towers one and something screeched "AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGAAAAGHHHHHH!HH1!!!!!!!!!"
Oh my god, im still scared of it.
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Postby SuperNerd » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:23 am

last night i had a dream where is was in the play boy mansion but i woke up right before on of the playmates took off her bra :( :( .

Postby C S » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:26 am


You'd let a complete stranger show you her-....my mental image of has changed.... very dramatically...
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Postby SuperNerd » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:28 am

hey it was a dream :roll: . How is it my fault.

Postby C S » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:29 am


then again, dreams are influenced by memories/ toughts....
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Postby SuperNerd » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:54 am

what do you think im a pervert :shock:

lol just kidding :lol:


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