Hunter logs

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Hunter logs

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:11 pm

Name: Operation Dead Fred
Target: Fred
Reward: €5
Time limit: as long as it takes
Weapons: Traps and airsoft pistol
Target bio:
---Species: Mouse-Vermin
---First offence: Stole Mother's choclates, a christmas present from dad
---First recorded presence: Scratching noises from walls around bedroom across several incredibly annoying nights.
---Description: Large, Black

---Notes: The most cunning mouse to set foot in my house, ever. Intel suggests he moved in with two others just before Christmas. Both of his comrades were killed by mousetraps. We've never had this much trouble catching a mouse since that family moved into the garage... where the cats and dog sleep. (they were slaughtered by several new traps)

Fred has displayed an incredibly ability to observe and learn, formulating his cunning plans around what he sees. We believe that he has associated traps with death and avoids them at all cost. Proof of this has been seen when a trap, left for nearly a month, was removed. the bait from the trap fell onto the floor. The next day it was gone.

I believe he has a passion for chocolate, he ate my brother's chocolate snowman and the above case of the box of chocolates. However, he has also desecrated many biscuit trays.

However, I believe Fred's success has lead him into arrogance. Often he appears and quickly retreats from view, teasing us. (this has happened maybe 5 times)
One such event had him sprinting out into the middle of the kitchen, doing a strange cartwheel, then running back behind a cupboard.

-Hunters log- Day 1 of hunt-
I have decided to take up the challenge of hunting Fred. My first plan of action is in a special trap, set in my room. I have disguised this trap using a piece of paper and some clothes, the bait placed on the paper. hopefully, he won't recognise the trap and will be caught. Trap has been placed under my radiator, facing the gap between the skirting board and the floor. I believe he uses this as a route into my room.

-End Log-
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Shadow » Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:42 pm

Is this anything to do with what I said to you?
Anyways, good idea. Hope you catch Fred.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:28 pm

No, it isnt.
And I hope so too
That bast*** has ruined my sleep for the last time.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Evil Eye » Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:33 pm

Go buy some mouse traps, and put the chocolate in them :P
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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:43 pm

We have lots of traps. Fred hasn't fallen for any of them.
and I forgot to mention, I put in nutella as the bait :P
If it doesn't work Im going to get proper chocolate
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Postby Evil Eye » Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:02 pm

haha... I would fall for those traps :) try this, it's an idea i got from watching a vid...
just put a chocolate or box of chocolates on the ground, and put something that's sticky, but not visible all around it, so it walks on it and gets stuck... but if its as smart as you say, don't put the chocolate/box of them in an obvious spot. Make it look like your trying to hide them, but don't actually...
also: Im a compy!
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:55 pm

-Hunt day 4-
Hunters log:
No luck so far. I've since moved the trap into the bathroom, where he was sighted 4 days ago, on day 1. Yes, thats right. Fred somehow learned that I had taken up the challenge and showed himself to my brother, just to tease us. The bathroom was a single room from where the trap had been and there is clear access between them.

aids from my clan have advised the use of a sticky substance to trap Fred. I will need chocolate first. I think I will use a Moro Chocolate bar as bait, but for the sticky stuff.... I will have to be creative. I will certainly demand a higher reward, as this is proving much more difficult than previously anticipated.
-End Log-
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby C S » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:20 pm

Name: Operation Bad Omen
Target: Crows that roost in the tree across the street from my room and make a racket at 6:AM
Reward: None
Time limit: an hour from when they start making noise
Weapons: A BB gun and a territorial doberman, as well as a sling shot
Target bio:
Species: Bird- fast and leigion. Annoying f*cks that love to wake up everyone and I fear that they will cover the area around their tree with sh*t.

Notes: People dont like dead birds around the base of a tree little kids play around, so I cant rely on the BB gun. People dont like it when I blow an air horn to scare them off at 6: AM. The birds appear in the tree randomly and they have started a few weeks ago, so far, other than the 15th of February, there have been no sightings.

Day 1: Tree is clear and I had been getting wonderfull sleep latly, but I have a small anti crow station complete with a BB gun made sniper rifle- how ever, it is a last resort. I have a sling shot and some rocks to hit the tree. Ussually, when one crow flies off, they all do. Maybe if I scare one off, they all flee. How ever, the chance of them returning lingers
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Postby Evil Eye » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:24 pm

Doc: if you haven't caught him already, try super glue or gorilla glue... its sticky like heck, and clear... (i dunno if gorilla glue's clear... if not, put it on an area that's the same color...)
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:57 pm

EE, this would have to be left out all night, maybe multiple nights. the glow would dry with the Fred nowhere near it or else fred would escape before its dry. I'm going to buy a roll of fly tape tomorrow
That should do the trick
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Postby Evil Eye » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:57 pm

That's true... I don't know what fly tape is, but unless it's super tape, I'm not sure if it'll actually get stuck...
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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:22 am

Hunter logs:
-Hunt day 16-
its been a while since I wrote here... not out of giving up, I can assure you.. but out of shame...

back on day 4, just after I wrote my log, I found my trap dismantled, the bait taken. I was furious. That night, I nearly got my revenge. I trapped Fred inside my room. For over an hour we battled, him sprinting across the floor from cover to cover, me chasing him with a towel. At one point I had him cornered and nearly shot him with my BB gun, unfortunately, the sound of the weapon being cocked sent him scampering away. I actually caught him a few times, but he slipped away. Nothing has been heard of him, save a few scratching noises, since that night... Maybe I scared him off... maybe he is just planning... I don't know
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Postby C S » Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:15 pm

Hunter day 13

Well, I found out that crows roost up in a place in upstate New York called Auburn. The crows may be comming from there, but the chance is remote. Since those birds only come in winter and Spring is almost here, my troubles may be over...
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:28 am

Name: Operation Nutjob
Target: Clan of hostile squirrels who have set up a nest in a nearby tree
Reward: Safety of the yard's many gardens and bird Feeders, plus my Mom's sanity!
Weapons: Playful Dog, cap guns, poppers (Non-lethal firecrackers), a nest of redtails that live by my lake, and my BB rifle as a last resort
Target Bio: These very aggresive squirrels have actually tried to attack anything that gets close to the woods, firing off their warcall which is a rapid skrieching-like howl and suddenly they surrond you, they bark at you like crazy, I believe it to be psycological warfare they imploy to first demoralise you, then they start nipping and scraching at your shoes and ankles to force you away. They have attacked the neighbor's three cats when they tried to hunt them and they scare away the beatiful birds that vist, when they are hungry they will run through our yard in a MOB! They climb up our large birdfeeder which has a gate that blocks anything heavyer than a Morning Dove. However they have discovered a means to bypass said security measure by hanging upside down from the roof of the bird feeder itself, and they mob the feeder, at about 6-10 at a time, and this many squirrels has bent the pole that holds it up off the ground so now the feeder looks like a wilting flower! They also have tried getting through the roof and into the attic during the winter.
History and recent events: They moved in about three years now and have made havoc of the bird life that used to come through here, When I was seven me and my dad built bird houses for the birds now the squirrels have torn up the entrance holes so they can live inside of them, the parents also act as sentries for the giant mob, recently I've seen them chasing each other up and down trees over food and the bird houses and I've seen one family actually get kicked out, they had had children and I don't think they survived, I believe the Mob has been inviting rogue squirrels and have been having trouble with the peace and prosparity amoungest each other now is the perfect time to strike! They seem to fear my Dog: Shadow Bear, and the Hawks that live out on the lake naer my house, have started to hunt in the area, I saw one pluck a squirrel right off a branch! Tomarrow I will make my first hunter's log

Log: Day 1: Ok I missed yesterday but today I had more free time and watched as the squirrels run as my dog tore throught the yard, chasing the crazed mob of "Tree Rats" lets hope the next few days are like this as well, if it does then I believe that some may actually move away and life will be peaceful once spring kicks in for the yard
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