A little bit stranger.

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

A little bit stranger.

Postby Tediz » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:22 pm

I don't know how long they've kept me here. Here in this bird cage. This little pit they call a reforming center.' At least that's what they tell the media, the press, the public. It's ironic, really. Suppose to be such a civilized place. They don't let ordinary people in, claiming that if the people kept here saw them it would ruin the 'program.' They just don't want anyone to know the truth. This is not a reforming center. This is hell.
Here, on this little Island. This Asylum. Everyone here is pathetic. The Guards, the prisoners, even me. Simply pathetic. A maximum security prison. I sit here now in my straight jacket, at the bottom of miles of underground rock. I can hear the storm outside. Waves crashing upon the Island above me, thunder striking in the sky. I hear everything down here. Riots above, Guards trying to keep Prisoners in check. Sometimes I even hear the beatings.
Oh, you should hear the beatings. They call this Island a fake name. They also call us one. Criminally Insane. We are insane? Bah, we are not insane. We simply see the world for what it is. They are the ones who are crazy. How are they crazy? Many reasons I suppose.
One of them would be that the Guards are just cruel. Cruel to us. They beat us for no reason, at the smallest thing. They think we are nothing more than scum. And maybe we are, but we don't beat people for no reason. Well... That's a lie. Most of us have. But if we kill someone, we usually have a reason to. We don't beat someone to death just for the hell of it.
Another reason would probably be there lies. They think lying to the media is a good idea. Lying about everything in this place. It's sad, really, that they have to do this. If one person knew about the things that went on here, the things I have not even told you yet, the entire Island would be shut down.
But the most important reason the Guards are crazy. They think they can hold me here forever? ...They must be out of their minds.
This is were they keep the rejects of the world. Of all corners, of all races and religions. This is what happens to the bogeyman under your bed when he is found. The people here deserve to die. Even I. But for one reason or another, we haven't. We've been sentenced to life on this place. This little pile of rocks and ruble, home to what they call 'criminally insane.'
This is one of the biggest and well kept security prisons in the world. This is were they keep people that are just a little bit stranger.
They keep me at the bottom, away from most of the rest. In my own, private little cell. Oh joy, how I am lucky. They keep me here, because like the prisoners, I am also a little bit stranger. Stranger than everyone else here.
The Guard is coming now. And this is were my story starts. The story of how I earned my name. My beautiful, beautiful name. They think they can keep me here. I sit against my wall, arms tied to my sides. I lay on the ground while the Guard hits me, kicks me, assaults me. As he leaves, I stay on the ground, a huge pile of blood and bruises. I stare at the wall, eyes swollen so much I almost can not see it.
And I smile. I smile for what is to come. Smile for what I know will eventually happen to the Guards. Smile for the Freedom of Chaos I will soon give the prisoners. We are just a little bit stranger. We are able to go over the line, cross it to the other side. Do what needs to be done to escape. They just need a leader.
Most of all, I smile for the entertainment I will soon give the world once I leave this place. This is the story of how I earned my name. Smiling, I still lay on the ground, feeling my warm blood against my face. This is going to be fun.

Chapter 1
I layed down, against my cell wall. It was to dark to see anything, only smell the humidity in the air and feel the hotness around me. My face was sticky with sweat. I heard footsteps, and then the sliding of metal as a light was immediately poured onto my face. I squinted and mumbled as I looked at the door.

"Hey freak. Wake up." That was the first time I heard the Rookies voice. I knew he was new because I did not recognize him, and I knew every single guard on my level. One of the upper guards, transferred to my little patch of heaven below. Once again, he spoke to me behind the small barred window on the iron door.
"I said wake up."
I mumbled out, "I am awake."

I yawned, trying to stretch before I remembered that my arms were tied together with a straight jacket. "I said I am awake. What do you want?"
The guards face looked surprised, then he spoke up angrily. "Look here little *****, don't get an attitude with me. It's feeding time."

I watched him quietly as he pushed a small plastic plate through the window. It fell to the ground with a clang, food jumping off of it. Or at least what passed for food. I was pretty sure that it contained little more than a burnt piece of bread and a few stale crackers.
I smirked. "No reason for the rude language. I was just asking what it was you require... And am I suppose to be able to eat that?"
"You can bend over and chew it for all I care."
I sighed, rising to my feet. I shook my head, trying to get my long, greasy, scraggly hair out of my face. They didn't let you bathe down here.
Stumbling over to the plate, I dropped to my knees. I shoved my face into the mess, licking up what I could off the ground. Rook laughed at me.
"Wow... Your pathetic there."

I ate through my food, bits falling out of my mouth. "I'm pathetic? I've heard them talk about you before. You're the new guy... They don't even like you." I continued my disgusting display of eating while Rook opened the door, looking down at me.
"Stand up."
I did what he said, looking at him. Rook looked at me for only a moment, then raised his left hand up, throwing a punch at my face. I quickly stepped to the side, dodging it, then reared my head back. I stepped forward, headbutting him in the forehead.

"Agh! ****!" He nearly fell down, grabbing onto the doorknob to keep himself from doing so. Standing up, holding his head, he looked at me in the eyes. I smiled at him.
"Arrogant little... ****..." That was all he said as he drew a baton from his side, pulled his arm back and smacked me squarely on the cheek. Not bothering to dodge, I fell to the ground with a moan as I met the familiar feeling of the cold stone floor, blood steaming out of the gash in my face. He walked over to me, standing over my body as he grabbed me by the shirt. "Your coming with me little man."

I was pulled to my feet as he dragged me out of the cell, out into the long dark hallway, dimly lit with depressing green lights. It was always dark down here, beneath the waves. I didn't really know what was in the other rooms, considering that I was one of the only prisoners they kept this low. Walking alongside him, I asked. "Where are we going?"
"Don't talk. We're going to the upper level."
He stopped, pushing me into a wall. "I said, don't talk! ... We're going there so you can see something. The overseer is making an example of some bad prisoners. I may just tell him to do the same to you."

It didn't take long to get to the end of the hallway, which was an elevator. He pushed a button on the side, the old rickety thing being heard lowered down. Opening with a bell, the doors slid open and I was shoved inside. He walked in, pushing another button. After a minute or two it started to go back up, the noise inside the elevator almost defining.
"... Is this the only way to the top level?"
Rook sighed. "What part of don't talk do you not understand? Yes, it is."
I raised an eyebrow. "So if this thing broke down..."

"We like to stay positive and not think things like that. It is our job after all to keep you prisoners healthy and happy until your released."
"We're never released. And no, it's not."
We were past the waves now. You could hear the constant storm outside. I glanced at the buttons on the wall. There were only four. The last, which was I was currently on. The first, which was where all the Prisoners stayed. The second and last were devoted to the Guards and Overseer, and the only way you could get in or out of the place. Which was much, much bigger than I'm describing it.

Rook laughed out loud, turning to me. "Sure it is! We're just so full of love!" The elevator stopped with a loud ping. "Now get the **** out!"
Doors slid open slowly, yellow lights flashing me in the eye. We were now on the first floor. I stepped out, looking around. Another long hallway, however this one carried no doors, only a couple of bored looking guards who glanced at us. Rook nodded at them and the two of us started walking down.

As I passed one of them, they stuck there foot out and tripped me. I fell to the ground with another painful crash, the hallway now full of hooting and laughter. I got to my feet on my own, said nothing and followed Rook. He stopped at the door, fiddling with his key ring as he searched for it.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the men murmuring to one another while looking at me. I smirked and followed Rook, who now had it opened.
We entered a humongous room, some sort of work out area judging by the equipment everywhere Windows were seen at the top of the untouchable ceilings, rain and lightning visible on the dark sky. All around where Prisoners, wearing orange jumpsuits unlike me. They seemed to be all facing the same direction, the center of the room.

There were several guards, wearing black outfits like Rook. In the middle of them was a Sergeant, complete with sunglasses and a stereotypical brown cropped haircut and mustache.
In the Sergeant's hand was a baton. He was standing next to a large weight machine, talking out to the crowd. Rook pushed me closer.
The Sergeant spoke. "Allright, scumbags! I am Sergeant Cutter. It seems to me that several of you have forgot your place in this little home of ours. You've forgotten who feeds, clothes, and takes care of you. You've forgotten who's the Dog and who's the Master around here."
The Prisoners started to murmur to each other, wondering who had said what to anger the Sergeant. I admit, at the time I was a bit curious myself.

Once again he spoke. "So, it would seem it is time to make a little example out of you, hmm?" He grinned out, stroking his mustache. "So who would like to donate? Who would like to set the example?"
Nobody neither moved nor spoke, knowing full well what 'an example' meant down here. It meant you lost something. Something physical.
I glanced over at Rook, trying to scratch my arm through my jacket. He was looking at the Sergeant with the kind of look in his eyes a kid gets when watching a cartoon of his favorite super hero. I looked back at the Sergeant, who was scanning the crowd.

"Mmm... Who to pick, who to pick, who to pick... So many lucky candidates... I wonder if, maybe...." His grin broke out into a full smile. He stopped stroking his mustache and readjusted his sunglasses. "Yes! You! Big boy... Step up here would ya?"

One of his arms shot out, pointing at the crowd. Prisoners over there immediately shrunk down, trying to get away from the dreadful point. It was obvious who he was pointing to though. A very large muscular and bald African America. The man knew he was being pointed at, and took a step backwards. Guards from all corners of the room - ones I had not seen before - swarmed to him and grabbed ahold of him. They started to pull him forwards, towards the Sergeant. When they threw him down at his feet, the big man started to actually plead him. "Please sir, Please. Not me. I didn't do no wrong. I swear sir. Not me sir, not me."

Cutter laughed, nodding "Yes, you boy." He looked up. "Consider yourself lucky boys! Your about to see what happens to bad behaved children." He bent down, looking at the man's face. "I'm in a nice mood though, so I'll give you the choice... Your tongue, or your balls?"
The man looked up at him, stammering and sweating with fear. "Wha-what?"
"Am I not making myself clear boy? Your tongue, or your balls?"
The man swallowed, knowing what he was asking. "... My tongue Sir."

Cutter nodded and glanced at the guards. They walked up to him, grabbing him by the shirt. He did not resist as the pulled him over to the weights, grabbing his head and shoving it down. Cutter pulled down on the bar of the machine, lifting the counter weights up. The man closed his eyes for a moment, tears rolling down them. He leaned forward, and stuck his tongue out.

Cutter dropped the bar, the counter weights falling down. Everywhere groans were heard as the room witnessed the horrid display of the man's tongue being completely smashed. Blood spewed across the weights, and the man started to pull and jerk everywhere, yelling out in pain as blood came out of his mouth. The guards tried to hold him down, and the Sergeant looked back at the room, obtaining a very straight face. "So, you see... Do not bite the hand that feeds you. That is all. You may return to what you were doing before."

Everyone slowly started to walk away, looking at the man who was still screaming, feeling pity for him. The man was dragged away as the guards and the sergeant left the room. I glanced over at Rook. "That seemed... Unnecessary. They guy did not even do anything. Does your sergeant have mental problems?"
Rook nodded for a bit, glancing at the floor. He then turned, staring me straight in the eyes. He grabbed his baton, holding it over his head.
I barley had time to mutter the word **** before it came crashing down on me and for the third time I fell down, only this one everything turned black as I quickly blanked out.

Chapter 2

I awoke once more to a familiar feeling, brought upon the fact that I was not sure where I was. I could hear people talking, but my vision was so blurred I could not see in front of me. I tried to open my eyes, but my wet hair was in the way. I could feel dried blood running down my forehead. "Ugh..."

"You took a pretty hard blow there son. You'd best on lay down now."
I moved my hair out of my face, still moving. The fact that I could move told me something. I was not in my straight jacket anymore. This pleased me, very much. I tried to sit up, but my head spun. I spoke out.
"Where am I?"
I heard the laugh of a deep, old voice. "Your in a cell. You got transferred from that pit they had you down in. Something about one of the new Guards didn't feel like putting up with you. Didn't have the balls to kill you so he threw you in here with us."

I started to laugh at this, through my coughing. Once more I tried to sit up, but fell back. The reaction Rook had was not one I expected, but I was not going to complain. I even had a normal, orange, prison jumpsuit. Same as everyone else.
"So... They put me with the regulars?"
"Yep. What's your name son?"

I sat up, succeeding this time. Still groaning, I observed my surroundings before I looked at the other man. The room was considerably bigger than my old cell, but it looked relatively the same. Two beds, an iron door, no dark stone walls. The only real difference, and one that I actually cared about, was the square, windowless window in the wall, letting us see the constant storm outside. Some water was falling in, and I realized that the old man was having to talk over it. I looked over at him. "My name?"
"Yep. You do have a name, don't ya son?"
"Not really, no." I replied with a completely blank expression.

The old man was about medium in height and size. He had his sleeves rolled back, showing his hairy arms. He was white but slightly tanned, with long, silver, shoulder length hair. His face was wrinkled a little bit and he had a silver beard to match his head. His eyes were a dark brown, and had a surprisingly large amount of kindness in them. He always had looked like a Cowboy to me.
He smiled, stroking his beard. "... Your from the crazy part of the Pit aren't you?"
I rubbed my head. "Crazy part? There's only about four cells down there, so I guess so yeah."
He laughed, "So I guess that makes you crazy, don't it son?"

Those words. I stopped rubbing my head, looking up at him from where he leaned against the wall. I forced myself up, stumbling a little bit as I did. He looked surprised that I was able to do so. I spoke very slowly and clearly. "Don't call me that. I'm not crazy... I'm not."
He raised an eyebrow. "Well being down there kinda means you are Son. But fine, fine. What's your name?"
"I told you I don't have one."

The old man sighed, leaning back. "Allright... Well I'm Jack."
I ignored him, walking over to the window. I looked up at the sky, feeling the wind and rain blow me in the face as it came through. I started to smile. Oh, how good that felt after two years of nothing but darkness. It felt so, so good. I started to laugh again as my long hair was swept back from the wind.

Jack looked over at me. "Not any wind down there or something?"
"It's underground. So no, not really."
He nodded, starting to say something but stopped with the door snapped open. He turned, and I did as well if nothing more but curiosity. A Guard at the door simply spoke the words. "Lunch and free time. Two hours then back in."

Jack nodded at me and started to walk outside, I did the same. We exited into the same room the man had his tongue taken off in. I looked around, noticing cafeteria tables on the outside, the work out area on the inside. I had not noticed this before. I took two steps, then stopped. I started to watch all the faces. All the prisoners, going back and forth, back and forth. All the strong, able body men. All the tortured Souls in this prison, emotions bottled up inside. Jack tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey son, you coming?"

Ignoring his comment, I stood there. My smile grew, breaking out so large so that my teeth were showing. The muscles at my cheeks pulled as I smiled as big as I could. One word ran through my mind. potential.
Last edited by Tediz on Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby HorseGal » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:49 am

Wow, I really like the prologue to your story. I sense a creepy feel to it, especially at the end of it. Keep up the good work and get another chapter up! :)
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Postby Buwx » Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:54 am

I think I know where this is going... and I like it.
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Postby Doc 42 » Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:42 pm

*cue thunder*
creepy feel to it.
Can't wait to find out what this name of his is.
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Postby Tediz » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:26 am

Chapter one posted.
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Postby HorseGal » Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:05 am

Oh my god...that was both sad and horrific. The part where the counter weights fell on the man's tongue made me squirm! I have that image in my head now lol thanks. :P
Next chapter please! ^_^
"You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night."-Phantom POTO
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Postby Evil Eye » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:56 pm

This gives me good thrills and chills, especially when he pointed at the man, and I wont even say anything about the tongue thing... Looking forward to chapter two
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:41 pm

Ouch, tongue crushing bit made me cringe.
Cool chapter, can't wait to see more of it.
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:29 pm

:shock: Well this is going to turn into a bloodbathe real fast
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Postby Buwx » Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:35 am

Me likes. Me likes a lot. :D
"Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things." - The Joker
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Postby Tediz » Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:00 pm

It's really short, but Chapter 2 posted.
Last edited by Tediz on Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby HorseGal » Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:06 pm

It was a good chapter, a little freaky at the end with the smiling lol.
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Postby dinoman666 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:41 am

This a pretty cool story. Me likey! :D
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