Zombie Outbreak RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:44 pm

"Oh F*CK" Alec said as he forced himself to run faster. His sneakers made a loud "fwap!" everytime his rubber soles hit the road...
Last edited by C S on Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby boswell25 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:48 pm

OOC:Sorry :oops:

After wearing himself out,the slasher slowly began falling to the ground,bleeding from every possible area.Deciding that it was pointless to simply shove them away or kill them,He threw as many as possible off of him before running in a random direction.He focused his strength his legs,and ran faster than any normal zombie could.The speed coupled with the strength in his legs,he would probably drag along anyone that grabbed him.
Last edited by boswell25 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Iceking » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:52 pm

The beast simply began to move faster when it saw the human start running faster. It would continue to chase the human until it grew tired or the human managed to outsmart it...
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Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:54 pm

Now that the old threat was fleeing, a new one came charging. Again, the nocturnals ignored the human, not even taking notice of his gun, going towards the massive gorilla. The spikey zombies ran up Alec's flank and then pounced onto the gorilla, it being swarmed almost instantly. Alec managed to smirk, now that his plan worked, rounding off again, giving the nocturnals a wide girth as they attacked
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:56 pm

Charles peeked over the windowsill, seeing that he was once again alone. Not about to leave Alec behind, he ventured further into the pharmacy, hoping to find at least one useful item within the complex...

Postby Iceking » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:59 pm

The beast roared angrily from the attacks, but it suddenly rolled onto it's back, the zombies on it's back taking full force of it's weight and forced to let go. Using it's right arm, it pulled off a zombie that had been attacking it's left arm amd flung it away before it quickly got back up and followed the scent of the human and resumed charging after him before the other zombies had a chance to try and swarm it again...
Last edited by Iceking on Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby boswell25 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:02 pm

After being sure that the nocturnals were no longer following,he retreated into a nearby ransacked building,and rushed up the stairs.After getting up the stairs,he retreated into a nearby closet and rested his head on 1 of the walls.He would regenerate for the rest of the night and then go out hunting during the day.Deciding to make this his new "daily plan",he laid back and quickly fell asleep.

EDIT:OOC: CP are you somehow in the house my guy is in?
Last edited by boswell25 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:07 pm

The zombie found it's flanks and back being covered once more as the hive of zombies attacked once more. The injured spectated the battle as their wounds healed, the moderatly wounded joining the fight in mere seconds...

Alec bounded through the broke window with a leap. He slid across the tiled floor, curling up, trembling from fear and the addrenilene in his veins. He breathed hard from the run..
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Postby Iceking » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:10 pm

The Gorilla zombie simply rolled onto it's back once more and for a second time, the zombies on it's back and flank were forced to let go again while the larger creature rolled back to it's feet and ran off at it's full speed in a different direction from the human scent, too fast for any of the other zombies to catch up with it for now...
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Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:16 pm

The nocturnals let out a growls, hisses and snarls as the zombies ran off, testiment as to why the area was deserted most of the time. The scents of Alec and Charles were blown away in the chilling night breeze that blew across the area and the nocturnals moved to their larger nest..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:19 pm

OOC: CP? If you mean CS and me, then no, they are in a pharmacy, not where your zombie is.

Charles swung around, relaxing slightly when he saw Alec. "Don't worry, I have a plan...ironic, isn't it?" he said quietly, grabbing a canister on his belt. Charles wrapped a rubber band he found within the store around the canister, which was now spraying very potent air freshener into the air. Hurling the canister out of the window, Charles crouched down once more, their scents now completely hidden by the overpowering smell of the air freshener...

Postby Iceking » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:20 pm

The large zombie was now heading back to where it had first seen the two humans, intending to hunt the second one if it couldn't reach the one it had been chasing without going through this area the nocturnals seemed to call their territory. Walking at a fast pace, it was walking back the way it had come, having remembered seeing the human with the mop near several buildings that were clearly abanodoned...
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Postby boswell25 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:26 pm

OOC:I'm assuming the day has pasted?If not I'll edit or remove this comment.

After waking up after a few minutes of regeneration,The Slasher decided to sate the hunger that he was unable to earlier.That was,until he heard the pounding footsteps of a very large creature nearby.Deciding not to risk it,he went back into the closet and laid down.

EDIT:Guess not.
Last edited by boswell25 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:27 pm

"Nice!" Alec whispered, rolling onto his feet but kept crouched. "Lets get out from the back, less chance of them chasing us.."

Suddenly, numerous pattering foot steps were heard as the nocturnals rushed towards the aerosal canister, attracted to the smell and noise. Alec quickly darted to and hopped over the counter the cashier would be behind, crouching to hide behind a wooden section of it, the rest of it being a glass show case with pills on a long pane of glass lining the counter it's self
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:08 pm

OOC: Ya...days don't pass in like a few pages dude. Everyone has to "agree" or at least acknowledge the ending of a day, which only you seem to want at the moment. I appreciate the edit though.

"Right..." Charles said, crawling his way back toward the other side of the store. He had another can of air freshener on his belt, having found it within the store as well, hence the suggestion to use the first. The only other useful object he could find was a small container of rubbing alcohol, which would be useful in such dangerous situations. Charles remained silent as he headed toward the back door...

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:17 pm

Alec also began crawling, moving from behind the counter and into an aisle, behind Charles. Things were getting even more intense now, but atleast the nocturnals would be distracted for a few minutes..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:51 pm

Charles slowly neared the back door, eventually rising into a crouch as he turned the knob as quietly as he could. The door swinging open slowly, Charles crawled through, heading into an alley behind the strip of stores...

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:00 pm

Alec got to his feet, somewhat slumped over as he passed a hand over the door, walking out into the alley. The whole time he had been holding his breath, the tension of the situation still tight
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Postby boswell25 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:15 pm

EDIT:editing because of mistakes.

Once again waking slightly too early,The Slasher heard the roar of a beast,and simply crawled backwards as far as possible into the closet,and waited to see if he could make it through the night alive.

OOC:This edit is crappy i know,but i couldn't really think of anything else.
Last edited by boswell25 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:23 pm

the beast twitched as it heaved itself up onto all fours, the thick, flexible, blade tipped tail swinging around wildly behind it as it lifted itself up onto it's back legs, it's hunched over stance giving it a strange appearance. the feelings of hunger and thirst tore through it's half dead body painfully, it's throat feeling like it were filled with sand from dryness. a low snarl escaped it as it loosened up, several cracks being heard as stiff joints and muscles were movd back into place and loosened up. it's hands had grown to startling proportions, each finger now ended with a large, blade-like claw, and, though the creature didn't know it, it's jaw was lined with large, jagged teeth, it's head gaining an almost amphibian-like appearance, the hair on it's head falling in tufts as black scales took their place, while further down, around it's neck, the scales began to become jagged, reaching it's back and shoulders where they were literally turning into jagged spikes, before easing up as it went along its back. the creature let off a shrieking roar, and leapt, landing on the roof of a building as it began to rush towards the most powerful scent in the area, knowing that it would have attracted other prey to the area as well...

the eerie sounds of the night were getting to Vergil. deciding to try and find a way to distract his mind from the sounds outside, he sat up from his sleeping bag and pull out a diary from his backpack. he opened the worn, black leather-bound book and began looking back at previous entries, reminding himself of days much more peaceful...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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