Transformers E-war: Army of Metal

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:46 pm

"Right, I have access to a map from the human world wide web, I should be able to find it myself, good to have met you Burnout" before slowing down slightly and moving out to the police car's side and then speeding past it..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:49 pm

"Just be sure to slow down, newbie. You are supposed to blend in, and you can't do that with human law enforcement tailing you constantly." Burnout said, slowing down as he watched the newcomer pass, blaring the siren once in farewell...

Postby C S » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:54 pm

"Uh...right, bye, best of luck to you!" Sidewinder replied, slowing down to the right speed level when he passed a speed limit sign, cruising behind a red minivan..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:43 am

Jetlag whirled away from the city, deciding to lay low for a while. He had been scolded fiercely by his superiors...they claimed he could've blown his cover. The nerve. Luckily, he was alone out there, meaning no physical punishment would be dealt...for now, he was to report any more AutoBot sightings...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:12 am

Sidewinder had gotten himself on the highway now, glad he could drive faster than usual on route 81. Using directions he got off the internet. He was surrounded by trees, the occasional buildings near the side of the road and such. As the silver Autbot went, he could see the skies becoming darker as he headed farther East, Washington DC his destination...
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Postby Iceking » Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:40 am

Transformer description: Resembles a robotic Jaguar. On the side of his head are two metal blades that stick out sideways. His mouth is filled with grey colored teeth that vary in length, Has a single eye that is the typical red deception color, His neck has spikes that end in small tips while the rest of the spikes bodies go down the sides of his neck. Running from the top of his neck to where his shoulder ends a more spikes, with two on his shoulder plates. Where the spikes running to the end of his shoulders stop, his spine is visible and the metal that forms it also is shaped similair to bones, Over his hip, he has a gun turret. The tail has small spikes on it's sides that curve downward, with the tail ending in a cylindrical tip with three blades on each side of it that form a "T-axe" of sorts if they are brought up into that position. Has two raptor claw shaped blades on the back of of his lower leg joints, below two blades that are in a small bolt shape. On his head are two ears that look similair in shape to shark fins, although they are reversed. The claws on his feet are similair to a jaguars in shape and his armor is grey in color.
Transformer height: 8 feet
Vehicle description:None, but he can transform into a cybertronian missle.
Weapons:Claws, tail, teeth, spikes on tail, neck, back and shoulder plates to a certain extent, blades on back of hind legs and head, T-axe tail tip, able to deploy tiny robots called marble bots from his mouth, which assist him in spying by going into areas that he can't or in which he would be easy to spot by enemies and gun turret over hip that can fire energy blasts, which can do serious damage to a human or anything of similair size, although it takes several shots to do serious damage to a large transformer.
Personality:Aggressive, but is calm and patient as well, due to his main role as being a spy
Last edited by Iceking on Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby C S » Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:19 am

Sidewinder kept onto the road he was on, other cars passing him or coming from where he was headed. Passing some flat grassy land with some buildings in the background, Sidewinder deduced he'd cover some distance in a some what short time. A black jeep filled with laughing teenagers had a sign hanging off of it's side; "Honk if your going to DC!!" Sidewinder honked his horn two times, the teenagers cheering. They were all wearing black and had white makeup on their faces though, because they weren't going to Washington DC, but a concert called "Death Club" a few miles down..
Last edited by C S on Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:07 am

Jetlag whirled away from the city, heading closer to the AutoBot central, where he was original ordered to observe, now that the AutoBot escaped. It was insane to attempt to infiltrate where Decepticon intell placed Prime and his subordinates, but with every AutoBot reinforcement heading toward the area, it would be of great use for the Decepticons to have eyes nearby. Flying over the bright highway below, Jetlag moved on without incident...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:46 pm

The skies were dark now as Sidewinder passed through Virginia, heading Northbound near Charlottesville. There was a green sign suspended over the high way, reading "Cross over to Route 64", another near it reading "Turn Off To Route 66 80 Miles down" Sidewinder sped up in his travel, his destination was mere hours away..
Last edited by C S on Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:07 pm

Name: Arachno
Transformer Description: Humanoid in shape, relatively skinny, with black-and-yellow armor and red eyes. His most notable aspect in robot mode is the eight pointed legs protruding from his back. His symbol is on each of his thin shoulder plates. One of his hands are clawed, and the other is a wide, flat blade.
Transformer Height/Length: 25 feet tall
Vehicle Description: Ctaerpillar D10N Bulldozer (Arachno's legs form the ripper at the back, and the blade at the front is his blade arm)
Weapons: Blade capable of cutting through smaller Transformers with ease, "legs" useful stabbing weapons, and can also be electrified, pulse cannon in his right palm that explodes violently, the front side of the blade is lined with retractable autocannons, blade can retract to expose a second hand, and the retracted blade can be used as an arm shield.
Personality: Though just as vicious and evil as any Decepticon, Arachno is also less prone to betrayal, and simply obeys any orders he is given, as long as they provide him with plenty of chances to destroy.
Faction: Decepticon

Name: Blitz
Transformer Description: Identical to Frenzy, but with red sesnors and a matte black finish.
Transformer Height/Length: 3 feet
Vehicle Description: Stereo when attached to Arachno, thoguh he can take multiple small forms when moving freely.
Weapons: Small machine guns in hands, bladed discs launched from chest, sharp claws.
Personality: A "brother" to the late Frenzy, Blitz is Arachno's ally, used as an intelligence officer, especially when Arachno has pushed debris out of the way. Every bit as insane and maniacal as Frenzy, Blitz is not to be trifled with, despite his small size.
Faction: Decepticon

Below Jetlag, Arachno trundled along the side of the highway in vehicle mode, sending a message to his Decepticon ally: "I have been sent to assist in any recon you require against the Autobots." Blitz, hidden inside Arachno's armored hull, waited impatiently for a chance to use one of the many horrid plans he had dreamed up while he and Arachno had been in hiding...
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Postby Iceking » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:46 pm

At the border between Oregon and Washington, Ravage was currently in a forest, seemingly doing nothing but sitting around. However, he had dispatched several of his marble bots into the nearby Autobot central and was waiting for them to transmit any useful information to him. Although he wanted to go in himself to spy, he knew that he wouldn't be able to hide easily from both the humans and autobots...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:47 pm

Now they think to send another to assist me? ME? Jetlag thought angrily, though his movements betrayed his anger. "So be it. An AutoBot has landed only a short time ago. It should be is not exactly hard to guess where it is heading." Jetlag replied, deciding to scout ahead in an attempt to locate the fleeing AutoBot...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:18 pm

As he went on his way, Sidewinder was sampling the human signals, most prominantly radio waves. He was using the radio that came with his form to listen to a song called "Born to be wild" and he was humming along with it, giving off an electronic buzz as he rocked along to the beat, which confused the cars passing him seeing as the road was smooth and there wasn't any reason for the vehicle to be rocking at all..
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Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:38 pm

"Very well. I will catch up when I can," replied Arachno, continuing along his current route...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:44 pm

Soaring over a plethora of cars, Jetlag's sights were set on the familiar silver truck, which was seemingly trying to blend into its environment. The helicopter arching down, Jetlag swooped overhead with a loud whirl of his rotots, causing many drivers to look up at the low-flying helicopter, now flying in front of his target, facing away from the disguised AutoBot...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:02 pm

"Back again for another can of whoop a*s?!" Sideswipe said to the Decepticon in Cybertronian. "Too bad a friend told me to stay incognito.." He then sped up with a screech and puffs of smokes surrounding his tires as he rocketed past the decepticon..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:46 pm

The Helicopter, not limited by the traffic of the highway, kept up with its target, though did not make a move to attack...yet.

Postby C S » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:53 pm

Sidewinder zipped back and forth as he moved in between lanes to pass the traffic. He was waiting for the Decepticon to make a move, it seemed to be simply tailing him, which confused him, seeing as he could have guessed he knew his destination, and if anything, should be trying to stop him from getting there..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:12 am

Whirling ahead, a panel at the side of the helicopter slid down, the soft thunk of a grenade flying out as it flew, landing on the ground in front of the AutoBot, but did not explode immediately. Waiting a few seconds as many different drivers drove over and around the explosive, it detonated, causing a few other vehicles to detonate as well, while hurling others in the way of the AutoBot like a wave of debris...

Postby C S » Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:16 am

Sidewinder swerved out of the way as a car flew at him, slamming into the ground and rolling past him. Straightening out in his drive, the pannels behind his head lights flipped down, laser cannons sliding foward and out and then letting loose at the Decepticon, hitting the tail rotor and sent the evil warrior into a spazztic spiral..
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