Space E-war Discussion

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Space E-war Discussion

Postby Doc 42 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:06 am

After a debate with TT about magic a while back, and seeing some odd things in the E-war, I thought it best to create a topic so we can discuss and finalise elements of SEW so that everyone is on the same level. Remember, if you don't put foreword your opinion on the subject here, it won't be taken into account, so make yourself heard.

First up, I'd like to talk about Hyperspace

For starters, I don't think there is any point in getting scientific about this, it would be counter productive. To me, hyperspace is just a term for Faster than light travel, and I think it should stay that way. Its a lot safer than mucking about with alternate dimensions and such.

Hyperspace should simply be an energy field, either projected around a ship or stuck directly too it, that enables its particles to achieve infinite acceleration. That way a ship's speed through space still depends on its engines, but it can basically rocket forward accelerating well beyond the speed of light. The moment the hyperdrive is turned off, the ship loses this momentum and slows to normal speeds.

Hyperspace fields would give off very visible radiation traces to sensors and such, making stealth through hyperspace very difficult, also, it would effectively blind the ship traveling through hyperspace as anything being inputed/outputted to the sensors would be distorted majorly by the hyperspace field.

Another thing to note is that hyper space does NOT make you invincible. A ship won't fly through an asteroid like a ghost, it will slam against it, and the massive speeds will cause MUCH more damage than a normal collision. In order to safely hyperspace somewhere, you would need to scan it before hand to make sure there is no space debris there or inbound. Or, you would need someone to warn you if you were on a collosion course with anything (communication would work just fine through the hyperspace field. Maybe you would need a special antenna or something, I dunno, I didn't think about that)

Anyway, that about sums up my thoughts on the subject

so what do you think of Hyperspace? Should it involve worm holes and the like? Should it make the transported ship non-corporeal? Like a ghost?
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:18 am

My belief is exactly that: Hyperspace does not make you invincible, nor does it make you unable to be detected. It makes things more balanced. If it made them "like a ghost" then it would be a very overpowered way to attack someone. Hyperspace onto their doorstep, without them knowing or able to do a thing like it.

For example, the Empire in the E-war is quite vast. But if hyperspace is indeed uninterpretable by outside forces, then you could just hyperspace a flying nuke to Coruscant and there ya go...

Also, I believe hyperspace should be extremely fast, considering the alternative, but people have portrayed it going to the edge of the galaxy and back within a post or two, which seems ridiculous. Its fast, but its not THAT fast...

Postby Anaclagon » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:09 am

Sensors are capable of detecting hyperspace so you cant just randomly appear and attack. You are detectable .

Hyperspace is simpy the term used that were going really fast to get to places.

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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:27 pm

I think that works pretty well. Thanks for posting your opinions. Anything else you want to say about hyperspace or should I update the E-war and move onto the next thing I want to discuss?
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:39 am

I'd like to contribute.

Hyperspace, we all know is detectable and even tracable post-use. this has been shown in numerous occasions, the most memorable of which, to me, is the Mass Effect plot, where Sovereign was repeatedly traced through Hyperspace even after he and his fleet had arrived at the numerous locations they went to. however, i think that, in order to be able to attack such fast moving targets, you'll of course need to have weapons designed to not only match, but MASSIVELY SURPASS the speed ships move at using Hyperspace. it wouldn't be logical to just shoot a hyperspace-travelling ship with a typical projectile. you'd need something capable of topping the speed several times over. this would seem to be something overwhelmingly obvious, but i notice that it has been potentially overlooked in the past. aside from that, i think everyone's on the same page where Hyperspace is conscerned...
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:40 am

About that..

to me, going through hyperspace means going like super Times past the speed of light and trying to hit that?


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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:58 am

as Doc said, you're neither invisible nor inVINCIBLE in Hyperspace. it's just a matter of choosing a weapon capable of moving at Hyperspace speeds...
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Postby C S » Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:07 am

I suggest a gaint turret,able to create hyper space fields around the bullets/ orbs of plasma (what ever you damned kids are doing nowadays <.<) so that said ammunition would go hyper fast and get faster as it enters the enemy ship's hyper space field and then impact. It would be giant so that the Hyper Space generators would be protected, but they would be blaring targets unless they were fitted with long range sensors to pick up oncomming jumpers and then fire..

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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:09 pm


what's the next problem thing...topic

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:13 pm

NPCs. People need to stop making sh*t loads of them in my opinion. Its getting really annoying.

And the way they handle the NPCs too. They basically force it down other people's throats how awesome the NPCs are. They don't understand that to the entire E-war, they are just randomers who came in, like a new actual race. No matter how much a person goes "THEY WERE SUCH A GREAT THREAT", we will not see them differently until they PROVE they are a threat.

So I basically I propose this: NPC limitations (As in ENTIRE RACES), profile limitations (Because some people have about 374 races), and no more of players having their races talk about NPC races being awesome. Its annoying. They should just shut up and prove it.

Postby Doc 42 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:28 pm

Compy Scavenger wrote:I suggest a gaint turret,able to create hyper space fields around the bullets/ orbs of plasma (what ever you damned kids are doing nowadays <.<) so that said ammunition would go hyper fast and get faster as it enters the enemy ship's hyper space field and then impact. It would be giant so that the Hyper Space generators would be protected, but they would be blaring targets unless they were fitted with long range sensors to pick up oncomming jumpers and then fire..


Last note on the hyperspace: targeting depends on Aspect. Shooting at them from behind wouldn't impact until they stopped, firing from the front would interecept.

Also, CS: You'd basically be firing hyperdrives at them. Mega costly.

Now. Onto NPCs.
I don't agree with not allowing you to talk about your own NPC's, or making limitations on NPC races. If you have a personal plot against an alien race, then with those limitations you would have to make a profile, then after the plot the profile would be useless.
However, I do agree with limitations on the AMOUNT of races/characters.

Though I do agree with you in general. people often abuse the ability to just create a random npc/character to further their own ends. EG: HF having compies tackle Darky to make him apologise to Steeltalon in ISS. I just don't like the idea of nailing it down too much.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:30 pm


anything else?

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:46 pm

I said it was simply a LIMIT, not total banning of NPC races. I believe that only like 2-3 NPC races should be active at once, and that's being generous. People should stop trying to create a new race/new NPC race every time they see a new movie or something.

Its one thing to use NPC races to introduce a new race or something, but its something totally different to have them talk all high and mighty about the NPC or actual race. Its like in ISS, to bring in a villain, and suddenly an NPC raptor appears and goes "OH THIS GUY HAS KILLED COUNTLESS DINOS AND ATE THEIR BABIES AFTER". Its not making said NPC/race look any better, its making the owner of both seem desperate. If you want to add reputation to your race, have it interact with other races NOT controlled by you (You being a general term for anyone involved).

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:04 am

Well assuming we got the NPC thing down..

anything else?

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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:22 pm

I'm still not entirely sure about the NPCs. We need to do something, what would the actual rule be?

(and just so you know, next topic will be Magic)
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Postby C S » Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:25 pm

I'd recomend the following

No glorifying
No shelling out npc's and making 99999999999 of them every time you feel like it/ see a movie
No over powering said NPC/NPC race
No teleporting NPC/ NPC race around
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:14 pm

CS pretty much gots it covered

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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:12 am

Well I guess that's all that covered...

To me, in SEW, magic is simply energy, or a force that doesn't have an explanation. Where it comes from, I'd imagine that its all around us, and that certain beings (force sensitive jedi for example) can summon and control it, though the act of summoning it tires them. Depending on the creature, that power can be manifested in different ways.
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Postby C S » Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:27 am

Such as the Ascatis/ Xordians and how over time, the way the manifest their energies (such as the Ascatis being able to manifest control over liquids and the Xordians able to conjeur fire) was altered as their species changed?
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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:06 pm

Or rather they each evolved a unique way of manipulating the energy. Xoridians can convert it into heat energy and control that energy, jedi can convert it into kinetic energy and control that energy.
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