JAWS: The Untold

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JAWS: The Untold

Postby C S » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:10 am

30 years after the great white shark now known as "JAWS" terrorized the tourist attraction of Amity Island, every one has forgoten about him. But one person will share the tales. And the Shark will be swimming back.....

"It was my grand father who was brave enough to take on the shark. He raced after it in his noble vessel, the Orca. The monsterous creature did battle with him for almost 2 days. Blood and sweat was the deal. My grand dad shot it, he hooked barrels on it but it still wasn't enough! It was if god created the devil, and gave him jaws, teeth and hatred! The shark swam up to his boat and jumped on it. Water flowed over. It's eyes were black and blank, yet filled with hatred... It started chewing the ship. Suddenly, grand dad's ship mate, Martain Brody slid down the ship and into it's mou-" The speaker was interupted. " What are you on 'cause I want some!" "Who are you", the speaker snapped. "My name, Nick Brody. I really don't appreciate you twisting the details about what my grand father went through those 2 days. This is how it happend. I'll start at the beginning......"

Chapter 2..........

It started with a girl, can't recall the name but it was the first victim of the shark. I can't give you too much details since the case had been much controversy and the files ad documentation had been destroyed or kept seccret. My grand father was called onto the scene though and he told me that she was found torn in two, right arm severed and she washed up covered in sea weed. I didn't know how grand dad could have stood seeing those images and be able to sleep with out any nightmares. Grand dad tried to close the beaches but it was July And the town needed tourism, thus they needed the beach. The mayer said this clever pycology. If you yell barracuda, people say Huh, What....You yell shark.....you got panic on your hands on the 4th of July..... The panic really started when a boy named Alex Kitner was killed by the shark. His mother sent out a bounty and every fisherman on the island sprung into action.........

While nick spun his story; Out side of Amity's harbors was a tence silence. It was disturbed when a wave crashed against the dock.... and a fin rose out of the water..........

Chapter 3.....

an hour has past as Nick told his story about hisgarnd father's encounter with a man-eating shark. He had gotten t the point where the previous speaker...."Mixed" the details. "So you see, it was Quint, the "Brave" shark hunter who slid down the ship into the shark's mouth. Just as soon as Quint was dragged under the water, the shark attacked again, trying to kill my grand father! But grand dad was smart, as soon as the shark opened his giant mouth, he put a scuba tank in it. The shark then went back into the water where it lived it's last minutes. Grand dad grabbed a gun and a spear and climbed up to the crows nest. The ship was now sinking faster then ever and the shark was speeding towards it. Grand dad stabbed the shark with the spear but the shark bit it and pulled it from him and went uunder the water, it swam back to build up momentum for another attack. Grand dad grabbed the gun and shot at it. He told me he muttered "Come on, Come on". A couple of shots later and a bullet hit the scuba tank and it, and the shark's head, Exploded!" Thats how it happend. At the beaches, a swimmer frolics, oblivious to the danger below...until it's too late. A wave crashed. Then with a burst of speed, the swimmer is dragged under water. Whater is splashed in all directions. The swimmer fights her up to the surface. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" but it is too late. The swimmer gets dragged under one last time and the water turns red. The water settles. No waves form. The surface is still and nothing in sight. then something breaks the tanquility. The fin moves at a slow speed away from shore....a trail of blood in it's wake.

Chapter 4.

"What!?" Nick shouted as he heard the news. We found a swimmer. She was killed yesterday, possibly a victim of a shark attack. Nick, like his grand father was on the police patrol. I'll be back, need to get to the crime scene Nick said as he ran out the door and into his jeep. His assistant Larry Gressue, who was supposed to moniter the police activities, was asleep. It was when Nick's jeep drove off he woke up. Nick didn't come in again? Dude will get fired some day. Larry slept every day at work and he never did what he was supposed to. It explained why he thought Nick never came to work. Larry, the police executive said. You're fired. Sure, sure Larry said drowsily. He went back to sleep. What?! He blurted out. So she was pulled under the water? Nick asked. yea. It happend so fast, after it happend it looked as if it would be any other day... until we saw that fin. Fi- fin? Nick asked. Yea, shark fin, I loved sharks until yesterday. Ok, i have enough information. What is your name? Jerry, Jerry Zinger.
mean while on the open ocean, 2 people venture on a fishing trip. Got a bite yet? 1 person asked. Nah, not yet the other responded. The line tugged. The 1st person said. I got a bite! I got a bite I got a bite! I got a- The boat was pulled under.

Chapter 5 Through The Eyes Of The Beast...

In recent news, a shark has attacked a swimmer now identified as Ashly Gressue. Police are now holding a search and kill mission to rid Amity island of this threat.... And there it is! A chopper hovers over the water. It's rotors are a pest. It makes a noise that aggravates you. Your fin slices through the waters surface. Thay scream. They yell. Further irritating you. They come closer. This is a great shot ain't it? That's right folks, This is live. Remember, you saw this on channel 5, not 6 7 or 8. So suscribe to our paper! One person yells at carmera man to over come the noise of the chopper. You easily swim up to the choppers tail and bites into it. You pull the chopper down and rips the tail off. The rotors are still moving, so you bite into the motor. Part of the choppers tail sinks and falls into the path of the rotors. it gets stuck and the rotors struggle to move. Satisfied, you swim away. The chopper's engine over heats and the chopper explodes. People watching the news are shocked and in awe as the camera transmits it's last footage of you, the shark, JAWS.

Chapter 6.

Yesterday, a News 5 chopper was pulled under water by the shark. The species is a great white. there is now $10,000 bounty on the shark placed by officials. Fortunately, no one was hurt during the attack. Can you beleive this? Nick asked. Sharks pulling choppers out of the air? It's crazy! Are you going to order something? asked a skinny bartender with a yellow striped shirt with an apron in front of it. Not yet, i'm still thinking. Nick replied. [i]That's what you said 10 minutes ago! [/i]The bartender whined. Hey, don't you have other people to, you know....bartend? Nick's phone rung and he answered. Hello? Nick, we need you to go on the amity patrol boat number 45. We'er searchin' for the shark. I'll be right there Nick said as he ran out the door and into his jeep. Nick got to the police dock and jumped into the boat. He was greeted by Sampson, A fellow officer and the person who called him. They sailed out searching for the shark. Sampson was calling every one on the radio. Hearing that the shark brought down a chopper, he didn't want to take the chance. Hello? Number 34? You there? Good! I'll call back in 2 minutes. Number 35? Hello? Nick ran into the room. Sampson! The shark is heading right towards us! Sampson grabbed his rifle and ran out to the front of the ship. He shot at the shark until it went under. Nick grabbed his rifle and ran out to the back of the ship. He saw the shark he shot at it. The shark swam up to the back boat and bit into it ripping a medium sized hole letting in enough water to see it was sink. Sampson, call the nearest patrol boat! we'er going down fast! Nick shot the shark one last time and headed for the crows nest, the the tallest part of the ship. Sampson shouted. I called number 23! They'll be here in a couple of minutes!. The back of the ship was now submerged under water and the shark jumped onto the boat, knocking sampson off balance. Sampson was sliding down the deck until Nick threw some rope that he found on the crows nest. Grab on! I'll pull you back! Sampson grabbed the rope and Nick pulled him up and on the crows nest. The ship started to tilt left. Nick started to shoot the shark trying to get it off the boat. It was using it's weight to sink the boat faster. The shark got off the ship and swam up to the crows nest which was now very close to being in the water. Nick shot at a faster rate, aiming for it's eyes but the shark kept on moving it's head. Patrol boat number 23 arrived. It was a speed boat. Jump on! Some one yelled. Nick and Sampson jumped on to the boat almost hitting the water. At that moment the Shark took a bite at the crows nest and snapped it off the boat which now completely sank. If they hadn't jumped, they would have been killed for sure. The shark was now following The speed boat. It's gonna get us! Sampson yelled. Some one then got a grenade and threw it into the shark's mouth. It exploded. Yea! That's what we'er talking about! Sampson cheered. The person who threw the grenade said It's not dead. We needed to slow it down. If that thing can sink your boat, it can definitly sink ours.....

Chapter 7

The council members poured into the debate room. This shark is a menace! One of the members shouted. Larry came into the room. He was sloutched down. He was sobbing as he sat down. Larry, what's wrong? What's wrong?, Whats WRONG?! Larry shouted. My sister is dead and you ask me WHAT'S WRONG! Take it easy Larry, we all know that and we will take action to get rid of the shark. TAKE IT EASY?! I'LL TAKE IT EASY WHEN YOU CLOSE THE BEACHES! Isn't that an action to make it safe? Yes the coucil memeber said. The mayor jumped in. After the 4th of July. With out the tourism money, our economy will surely suffer! MONEY?! MY SISTER DIED BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE MONEY?! WE LOST ONE LIFE- Larry was interupted. We found 2 fisher men.....both killed.....by a shark.....possibly the shark that killed your sister, Larry a police man said. That's 3 people who are dead. Do you want to up that to 10, 20, or possibly 70?! Larry asked. You're crazy! the mayor said. I'm crazy?! What about Nick and Sampson. If it weren't for those on patrol boat 23 they would've been killed too!

Mean while....

This house is perfect for those who love the ocean! It is a pleasant place on a dock, held up by very sturdy and brand of timber. I don't think we should do this...with that shark..... a woman said. A couple was buying a blue house that was supported by a dock. It was litterally a house on water. Don't worry, the amity police department will take care of the shark with no problem! Maybe you're right.... Just then, A sapping sound was heard. The couple and the business person ran of the dock. More snapping sounds were heard until the house collapsed upon it self. The fin peirced the ssurface swimming away from the site. Sturdy timber huh? the woman asked sarcastically.

Chapter 8: The trap....

nick was at home when his phone rang. Hello? Nick asked. Nick, it's me, Sampson. Sampson, did you get the name of the guy that rescued us yesterday? No, in fact, I haven't seen him since we got back. Any ways, the coast gaurd is setting up a trap. They're dropping shark chum into the bay and see if the shark will come. If he does, we will lock him up in a net barricade and kill him. Let me guess Nick said. They need us down there? You are one fast learner Sampson said. Nick got into his jeep and drove to the bay. Upon arrival, Nick saw a hustle and bustle of cunfusion. People running back and forth and yelling. Nick! the police executive said. We need you on a boat. Grab some extra guns and ammunition, in case the shark tries anything.

Nick got a rifle, some hand guns and extra ammunition cartiradges. 10 barrels were thrown into the bay. They were shot at. Those must be the chum buckets... Nick thought. Blood floated out of the barrels. It wasn't long until the shark sawm into the trap. The coast guard boats sailed around the area, spreading a fishing net around the shark. The shark bit into the barell and started eating the chum. The officers opened fire on the shark. Blood squirted out of the shark until it finally died. It's body floated up and bobbed at the surface. A marine expert went out to the shark in a small speed boat. He stopped the boat and examined the shark. We didn't get it! It's a tiger shark! It's the wrong shark! Suddenly a boat that had a rope in the water was being pulled away from the trap and the back of the ship pulled under. A person came out of the boat and said The shark got my boat! The shark got my boat! At that moment, the shark bit into the back of it and started chewing it. The boat sank immediately. An officer said SWIM!!!! SWIM FOR GOD'S SAKE! The person started swiming but was pulled under the water. He swam up and started swiming faster than ever. The shark's fin soon followed. Every officer on the boats and at the dock opened fire on the shark, but it seemed like it had no effect. The shark then opened his mouth Exposing it's head. Officers quickly aimed and shot at the shark's head but it snapped it's jaws onto the person and started bitting on him. The person was grabbed in the shark's mouth by his waiste and he was fighting the shark to let go but the shark embeded his massive teeth into the person's spine, immediately killing him. The shark then rammed the net, dragging the boats until the net ripped and it swam through.

Chapter 9 The Hunt, The beginning of the end.

That shark couldn't get far! An officer said. What are you waiting for! Another said as he boarded a boat along with other officers. Among these, Nick was in it. The quickly sailed of. An officer in the crows nest started shooting. Shark! Dead ahead! A couple of officers ran out to the front of the boat . One grabbed the spear gun and shot the shark. The spear flew out of the gun. The spear, connected to a rope pulled a barrell and stuck it self onto the shark. That Should slow it down! An officer shouted. The shark pulled the barrell under the water and the pressure of the barell want to float up to the surface ripped itself off the shark. The shark then swam up to the boat and rammed it. The boat had a seiries of cracks and water was seeping in. Guys, an officer who was below deck began. You should see this. Nick ran below deck and said Holy.... the hell happened!!! The shark must've rammed the boat. Water is coming in fast. The officer said. We need to plug this up, an fast. Nick said. He looked around and found a canvas. He put it over the cracks and then put a scuba tank rack to keep i from moving. that should do it.Nick said. At the same time, the shark rammed the boat again. This time making a hole that was big enough for the shark to put his head in. The shark snapped it's jaws trying to grab Nick but grabbed the other officer. ARGHHH!! He yelled. Nick grabbed his hand guns and shot the shark. The shark shook his head making the hole bigger so he can get out. The shark slid out and water flushed through the boat. The boat tilted to the right. The other officers went blelow to see what was going on and saw Nick moving back trying to get on part of the boat that was dry. What happend here? An officer asked. We lost him....We lost him...... Nick said.[/i]

Chapter 10 The End Of The Beast.

What, We lost what? An officer said confused. That shark killed one more person. Nick said. Suddenly The shark attacked again. An officer shot the Shark with a shot gun. The shark embedded it self even more into the boat and the boat seemed to drop under water instantly. The shark shook to make the hole even bigger. Every body get back up there! Nick said. Every one ran as water bursted into the boat. The ship stopped tilting. The back of the boat balanced the weight out, but now the back was copmpletely under water. The shark bursted towards the boat. Nick fell off balnce and started sliding down the deck. Someone then threw a rope to Nick and said Grab on! Nick grabbed on the rope and was pulled back up just as the shark jumped back onto the boat and opened it's mouth. Thanks Nick said as he looked at rhe person who threw the rope. It was Sampson. Now, I got to return the favor don't I? The shark was snapping it's jaws at the officer's and shaking it's head trying to knock someone off balance. The someone threw a grenade into the sharks mouth. Suprisingly, the shark spit it back out, with even more force than the throw! The grenade narrowly missed the boat and exploded. Nick glanced down and noticed something. It was a box that had the words "High Voltage 3 end jumper cables and generator" Nick had an idea... Some one, lend me some thing that the shark would want to chew on! An officer looked and found some fish in a barrel. Here! he yelled as he threw the fish. Nick caught it and connected the 3rd end to the fish. The 3rd end was very long. He then threw the 1st and 2nd To another officer. He also Threw the generator. when I count to 3, conect the connect those ends and let go! Nick yelled. 1, Nick said as he aimed the fish. 2, He said as he threw it. 3! Nick yelled. The officer connected the cables to the generator and let go. The fish fell into the shark's mouth and the shark swallowed it. The generater soon followed. Then, an electrical buzz was heard and the shark started jittering. Smoke came out his nose, gills and mouth. The shark fell still and his mouth fell shut. Blood then flowed out of the shark and it slid back into the water. Sampson, Please call the haror and tell them, we killed the shark Nick said.

The End

The Hidden Chapter......

A boat sails northfrom the shore. A tour guide speaks. it was here where the great white shark that menaced us last year was killed When Nick Brody killed it With an over charged tazer gu- He was interupted. It wasn't a tazer gun. It was a 3 end jumper cable that when connected to a fish, caused the shark to swallow it when a generater was connected and the shark was electrucuted. It was a little kid named Jack, JackBrody.

A few yards behind the boat, a fin peirced the surace heading towards the shore......
Last edited by C S on Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:39 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: JAWS: The Untold

Postby Iceking » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:33 am

i like it. it seems jaws cannot truly be killed off. now, the shark is making his presence much more obvious to the people.
Last edited by Iceking on Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:15 am

Not bad! not bad at all! keep writing this one. it'd be nice to have some real fan-fics among the pile of rubble that is accumilating in the Fan-Fic forum [not that there aren't one or 2 other good ones]
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby C S » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:21 pm

thank you kp.
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Postby Iceking » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:55 pm

hey compy, don't double post.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:19 pm

It might have been something wrong with his computer. It does that to me too
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Postby Iceking » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:30 pm

its happened to me as well.
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:48 pm

easily fixed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Iceking » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:52 pm

all one has to do to fix a double post is delete the second post. or the webmaster can do it, although it would be better for the poster to do it. btw, that was very interesting when the shark destroyed that wooden home. reminds me of something you can do for jaws unleashed. this shark is clearly getting smarter and is learning how to get out of traps. i liked the ending as well. the shark certainly got a shock.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:04 pm

Not bad! Not bad at all! good job
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Postby Iceking » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:43 am

i like the secret chapter. even though the shark was killed, another shark took its place.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:03 am

Very good. Bravo! finally a good Fan-Fic. you should RP the way you write. it's the same thing, except that you only control one character. do that, and you're on your way to becoming a very good RPer. i enjoyed it.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:15 am

Im half way through and enjoying it! please write more stuff!
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